ICE on FIRE: Knights of Silence MC

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ICE on FIRE: Knights of Silence MC Page 1

by Amy Cecil

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  ICE ON FIRE Playlist


  About the Author

  Don’t forget…





  Knights of Silence MC

  Book II

  Amy Cecil

  ICE on FIRE - Knights of Silence MC Book II

  Copyright © 2017

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or any portion thereof, in any form whatsoever, unless in a review. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Book cover design and layout by,

  Ellie Bockert Augsburger of Creative Digital Studios.

  Cover design features:

  Fire flames: © Sergey Nivens / Adobe Stock

  Muscular Young Man: © thodonal / Adobe Stock

  Editing Services provided by,

  Carl Augsburger of Creative Digital Studios.

  ISBN-13: 978-1546967774

  ISBN-10: 154696777X


  This book is dedicated to all the amazing individuals who are members of my street team, Amy’s Amazing Street Girls. I never knew what a street team was until a few short months ago and now, I can’t believe that I had gone without you all for as long as I did. Alicia Freeman and Michelle Cates, you ladies do a fantastic job managing the team. You are my superstars! I wish I could list each and every member of the team here, but that’s over 400 names. Thank you for all that you do for me. You all are truly amazing!


  1995 – Edinboro, Pennsylvania


  “Katie, I have had about enough of Caden and his carefree attitude toward his future. If he were my …” Tyler stopped himself. He knew better. He had obviously been about to say ‘if he were my son’, but he realized that those words would not fly with me. Caden isn’t his son. Tyler knew that when he chose to marry me. He didn’t have the right to throw it in my face after all these years.

  “Ty, why can’t you just accept Caden for the boy that he is? Why does he always have to measure up to some arbitrary image that you have of him? He’s sixteen, Tyler. Let him be a boy before he becomes a man,” I said.

  “I can’t do that, and you know why,” he replied.

  “After all these years, Ty, I am not sure that I do. Why don’t you spell it out for me? ‘Cause frankly, I’m sick and tired of having the same conversation with you over and over again,” I replied smartly. He was irritating me as he always did whenever Caden was concerned.

  “When I agreed to marry you, I made a pact with myself to ensure that Caden would not turn out like his father. Ace Corrigan is a hoodlum and an outlaw with no use for rules. I’ll be damned if I allow my son to turn out like that.”

  “You know what, Ty? I guess you are off the hook. Because in case you forgot, Caden is not your son! He’s mine!” I yelled angrily. He made assumptions about Ace, but he’d never really known Ace. Not like I did. My words rendered him speechless and he stormed out of the room.

  After Tyler left, I sat on the bed. I thought about all the mistakes I had made with my life. Sure, I had a ton of regrets. But having Caden was not one of them. My mind drifted to a happier time …

  Sixteen years earlier …

  Ace Corrigan was hot! Not just the nice to look at hot, either—no, he was the kind of hot that made your legs go weak. He was tall with a strong build. When Ace walked into a room, his presence took up the whole room. He had thick dark hair that lay just below his neck and he had the most piercing blue eyes I had ever seen. His features were chiseled with strong cheekbones. His torso was ripped and muscular and it seemed like every time I looked at him, my panties got wet.

  I’d been in love with that boy since I was sixteen, or maybe even earlier than that. I’d always thought that he felt the same. He was always hanging around—not to mention the fact that he always flirted with me. But he never took it any further than just friendship, always keeping his distance from me.

  It was summer break and I was home from college. I’d just finished my third year at Gettysburg College and I was so excited that I only had one more to go. Throughout the last three years away from home, Ace had always come to visit me on my breaks, usually making his first visit the day after I got home. But this time, he was late! I’d been home for several days and still hadn’t seen Ace.

  I’d known Ace ever since he came to Edinboro in the seventh grade. We quickly became friends, and up until recently, we’d remained that way. During our last year in high school, Ace spoke about the Knights of Silence MC often. I never knew much about the MC, but it made him happy so it never bothered me. Right before we graduated high school, Ace came to school wearing a leather vest from the Knights. The back read Prospect. When I asked him about it, he said that prospecting was like an initiation process for the club. It sounded like a sorority to me, but I kept that thought to myself.

  By the time I finished my first year in college, Ace told me he was a full-patch member of the club. I didn’t understand the difference, but was too embarrassed to ask. I guess if I really thought about it, I figured being a prospect was a temporary thing to see if you could cut it. Maybe it was also to see if they liked you and you liked them kinda thing? Becoming a full-patch member must have meant they liked you and you were in the club for life. Or something like that. Anyway, Ace had been in the club for a few years now and I had seen him change from a boy into a man much quicker than I would have wanted. I thought about our high school days and he just seemed to grow up a lot faster than I did. I didn’t mind the changes one bit—however, I’d noticed that each time I saw him he seemed to drift further away from me. Maybe that is why he hasn’t come to visit this time. Perhaps he doesn’t have time for me anymore, I thought sadly.

  I’d been home for a full week now and still hadn’t heard a word from Ace. I’d tried to call and text, but he didn’t respond. Feeling sorry for myself and not being able to hear another question from Mom or Dad about why I was so down, I decided to just hang out on the front porch. After sitting there for almost an hour, I heard it. It was the sound I had longed to hear: the roar of a motorcycle. This wasn’t just any motorcycle, either—no, this iron horse was a Harley. Ace had taught me the difference between the sound of a Harley and other motorcycles. Harleys have a distinct sound and I could pick one out anywhere, anytime. I may not have known a lot about motorcycle clubs and their protocols, but I sure as hell knew about motorcycles, thanks to Ace. I loved them, and always loved it when Ace would take me for a ride on his bike.

  The sound of the bike got closer and I sat on the swing, anxiously hoping it was Ace. The motorcycle turned the corner and I immediately recognized
his broad build coming toward me. His MC cut identified him as a member of the club, but the helmet he wore was his and his alone. It was a black full helmet with the most menacing green dragon coiled around it. It was gorgeous and I could not have been happier. Ace had finally come to see me.

  He pulled up in front of the house, turned the motor off, and then took off his helmet. Still sitting on his bike, looking like a Harley Davidson God, he turned to me and smiled. His piercing blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight and his jet-black hair blew in the wind. And that was it. That was all it took for every bone in my body to turn to mush. I could feel my legs become weightless and was thankful that I was still sitting down. This man was gorgeous and I fell in love with him all over again—not that I’d ever stopped, but he definitely had a way about him that would make any woman fall hard for him. He slowly dismounted his bike and his full 6’5” frame came into view. His chest was broad, but his body narrowed at the waist, and all I could think about as I watched him saunter up my walk was what it would feel like to have him in my bed. Not that I’d had any man in my bed … but truth be told, I never thought about it with other guys, just Ace. I knew he was the only man I would ever want.

  When he got to the porch he finally spoke. “Hey, Katie Bug!”

  Oh God, I thought to myself, I can feel the moisture pooling between my legs. How can three words from him do this to me? Nonchalantly as I could, I replied, “Hey there! It’s about time you came by.”

  “I’m late, I know. Been out of town on a run, just got back this morning. Couldn’t be helped, babe.”

  “No worries,” I replied. “It’s good to see you.”

  He got up to the porch, approached me, and then just stood there. His body towered over mine. He smelled so darn good. I didn’t want to be too obvious by sniffing at him, so I held back the urge to do so.

  “Don’t you got a hug for me?” he asked, holding out his arms and inviting me in.

  He didn’t need to coax me; my body naturally fell into his arms. His hugs were strong, protective, and warm. Nothing made me feel better or safer than being in his arms. “It’s good to see you too, Katie Bug! I’ve missed your face,” he said.

  I loved it when he called me Katie Bug. I loved it when he said he missed my face. I loved everything about this man and one day, I was going to tell him.

  After the hug, we sat down on the porch and talked about all that had happened over the last couple of months. Time always flew by when Ace and I were together, and after glancing down at my watch I soon realized that he’d been at the house for a couple of hours and we had spent the entire time sitting on the front porch, talking and laughing. Why doesn’t he see the connection we have? I know it’s not my imagination. There is chemistry between the two of us that I just can’t explain. But other than a welcome hug and an occasional light kiss on the cheek, he keeps his distance. Why?

  Just then, Tyler Jackson pulled up in his BMW i8. He thought he was hot shit in that car, but very few knew it was his daddy’s car. I knew it, but he still had to put on airs around others, especially those he felt were inferior to him. Our parents had always anticipated that Tyler and I would get married when we both graduated from college. We’d been friends for a long time and he’d been trying to get in my pants since I was seventeen, but I wasn’t going to have it. I never liked Tyler that way. Besides, I was saving myself for the man that I was actually going to marry. That man would not be Tyler. I was certain that I would marry Ace. My family may not have liked my choice, but it was just that. My choice.

  When Ace saw Tyler pull up, he looked over at me and got up from the chair he was sitting in. He said sadly, “I better go, Katie Bug. Talk to you later?”

  “You know, you don’t have to leave, Ace. This is my house, and you are welcome here anytime. I love your company and the time that we spend together. It’s the one thing I look forward to about coming home. It makes me sad that we never see each other anymore. I would like you to stay.”

  “I know, sweetie, but it is better that I go and keep the peace. Talk to you later, doll face.” He looked at me sadly, kissed me on the cheek, and then turned to leave. He didn’t comment on us spending time together, nor did he acknowledge anything about liking our time together too. He never said anything about seeing me again this summer. Everything was left up in the air, as always.

  “I will never understand why you associate yourself with those people,” Tyler said as he walked up the sidewalk to my house, just as Ace was getting on his bike to leave. Ace looked over to me reluctantly. I was so embarrassed, as I was sure he’d heard Tyler. Ace fired up his bike and nodded to me as he drove off. I made it a point to intentionally wait for the roar of Ace’s bike to fade in the distance before I responded to Tyler’s comment. He just stood there looking annoyed with me as he waited for a response.

  Irritated, I turned toward Tyler and said, “I talk to those people because I like them, and they are very nice—especially Ace. I’ve known Ace since the seventh grade, Tyler, and you know he’s always been a dear friend to me. Maybe if you removed that stick from your butt and got to know him you might be surprised.”

  He just shook his head.

  Giggling, I added, “What are you afraid of, Tyler? Are you worried that you might actually like him?”

  Angrily, he responded, “Katie, I will never like them or that Ace character. They are a bunch of hoodlums, and I don’t like you associating with them.”

  Oh no, he doesn’t get to do that. If he wants to be my friend, he doesn’t get any say on who is or who isn’t my friend. I thought to myself. Out loud, I said “Look, Ty, it doesn’t work that way. If you want us to continue being friends, then you need to remember that I will be friends with whomever I want.”

  “But Katie, they …”

  I immediately interrupted him. “Stop! This is not up for discussion. Understood?”

  Angrily, he responded, “Fine! If you want to associate with Ace and his merry band of bikers, you go ahead and do that. I’m going places, and I will not allow your shady acquaintances to hinder me.”

  “Hinder you? Are you for real? We’re just friends, Tyler. How could I hinder you?” I asked, totally floored by his comment.

  “Well … well … I just might want us to be more than friends. What do you think about that?” he said nervously.

  I was speechless. That was the last thing I’d expected him to say. I liked Tyler. Well, sometimes. Right then, I didn’t like him at all. But even when I did like him, I never thought of him that way. I knew our parents thought differently, but … no. Absolutely not. I wanted passion and adventure in my life, and Tyler wasn’t the guy to give it to me. The only man that would give me what I wanted was Ace. He may have been rough and tough on the outside, but to me, he had always been sweet, charming, and so damn sexy. I knew that one day soon he was going to realize that we were meant to be together.

  I knew I had to give Tyler a response. What do I say to him? It’s probably not the best idea to tell him that I think he is boring. And it would be even worse to mention Ace in this conversation. That would be funny, though—I bet I could actually make steam come from his ears. But it wouldn’t be nice and wouldn’t make me any better than he is being right now. Trying to be as tactful as I could, I said, “Tyler, that is very sweet, but right now I think it best that you and I just remain friends.” There, that wasn’t so bad. Was it?

  Tyler didn’t look too happy with my response … perhaps even a little embarrassed. He was quiet for a moment and I could see him getting back his composure. He then nodded and said, “Your mind will change, I’m sure of it. I’m not giving up hope, Katie. Someday, you and I will be married. We both come from good, upstanding families; it’s the only thing that makes sense to me.” He paused for a moment and then added, “Well, I better go. I guess I will see you tomorrow.”

  I didn’t know what else to say, so I just responded with, “Ok Ty, see you later.”

  One month later …

bsp; I had a couple of weeks left before I had to go back to school and I’d only seen Ace twice. I tried calling him a couple of times but he never answered. When I would send texts, his response was always the same:

  I had really thought that this was the summer that I would finally get my man. But to my complete disappointment, another summer break had come and gone and Ace and I had gotten nowhere.

  I decided to send him one last text:

  I pushed send and waited. And waited. And waited. A week went by and I had pretty much given up on Ace. I spent the last few days staring out the front window of the house, hoping that he would come by. I was depressed and moping. I knew it was driving Mom and Dad crazy, but I couldn’t talk to them about it. They would just tell me to spend more time with Tyler, and that was the last thing I felt like doing.

  After a couple of weeks of moping around the house, I finally decided that it was time to forget about Ace and move on. I was not going to get to see him before I left for school and I feared that I would never see him again.

  A few hours later, Mom and I were busy in the kitchen when I heard the most wonderful sound: the rumble of Ace’s Harley as it pulled into our driveway. As he sat on his bike taking off his helmet, I watched him closely through the kitchen window. Damn, he’s hot. He was wearing his cut, sporting the Knights of Silence MC colors. He was not what you would expect to see in my neighborhood, but his leather, tattoos, and scruffier look definitely made him sexier than any of the boys that lived around me. Especially Tyler. He hung his helmet on his handlebars and grinned up at the window. He knew I was watching him because he knew exactly where I was.

  I said, “Mom, Ace is here. I’ll be right back.”

  “Katie, you need to tell that boy that you are not interested in him,” she said.

  “No Mom, I don’t. That would be lying,” I replied.

  “Katie, since when have you been interested in Ace?” Mom asked.

  I shook my head in disbelief. Was she really that thick? “How about for as long as I have known him?” I responded.


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