ICE on FIRE: Knights of Silence MC

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ICE on FIRE: Knights of Silence MC Page 3

by Amy Cecil

  I approached the clerk and asked, “Do you have a phone I could use?”

  The clerk looked at me curiously. I must have looked awful; I was sure that my face was bruised and swollen from the blows Mark had given me. She did not ask any questions but just handed over her personal cell phone.

  Holding her phone in my hands, I realized I had no idea who to call. I just stood there for several seconds in a daze. Then I turned back to her and asked, “Do you have a phone number for a cab company?” She went in the back and came out with a phone book and handed it to me. “Thank you.”

  I found a cab company and called. When they answered, I asked if I could get a cab and their response was, “Where are we picking you up, ma’am?”

  I had no idea where I was. I looked back up to the clerk and asked, “Excuse me, but can you tell me where I am?”

  Finally, the clerk spoke. She said, “You’re in Wattsburg.” She grabbed a piece of paper on the side of the register and began writing. She handed it to me and I repeated the address that she had written down to the man on the phone. He told me he would be there in twenty minutes. I thanked him and handed the clerk her phone back, thanking her as well.

  I paced around the store while waiting for my ride. I was starving and thirsty, but I had no money. After a few minutes I began getting antsy. The clerk watched me curiously. After about ten minutes, she asked, “Hun, are you ok?”

  I looked over at her and began to cry. She came out from behind the counter and gave me a hug. She didn’t know me from Adam, but her concern was genuine. “I’m ok. I just need to get home.”

  “Do you want me to call the police?”

  My response was too immediate, but I could not help it. “No!” I could not get the police involved until I knew what had happened to Cade and the Knights. I had to put the pieces of the puzzle together before I brought in an outside party that I was not sure that I could trust. Fortunately, my cab soon pulled up. As I hurried out of the store, I realized I had no money to pay for the cab. Just then, the clerk came running out of the store. As I was about to explain to the driver about my money situation, she came up to me and handed me a $50 bill. I looked at her, shocked by her generosity.

  “Hopefully, this will get you home,” she said. When I protested, she insisted. “You look like you could use some kindness. Just promise me something: get some help.” She smiled at me as her eyes began to tear up. It occurred to me just then that she thought I had been raped. Luckily for me, that was not the case. I thanked her and promised that I would find her to pay her back. I turned to get in the cab.

  I had the driver take me to the Knights’ clubhouse, only to find the place burnt to the ground. Oh my God. What has happened? I thought to myself. Is everyone dead?

  Shocked and discouraged by what I’d just seen and knowing of no other places where I could find Caden, I asked the driver to take me back to my apartment. When I got there I noticed a box sitting outside my apartment door. Suddenly I realized that I didn’t have a key to get into my apartment. Will Brianne be home? I thought. Brianne! What has happened to her? I had totally forgotten about her and her part in all of this. Is she ok? Is Caden? Where is everyone?

  I tried the door, hoping that she was home safe. It was locked. I knocked, but there was no answer. I went back to the lobby where the management office was located, hoping they would be able to let me into my apartment. Luckily the girl working that day knew me and unlocked my apartment. I carried the box in and reluctantly opened it. Inside were the personal items that I’d had with me at the safe house, along with my purse and keys. Did they return my car? I hadn’t noticed it in the parking lot, but after looking out the window, I saw it parked just outside my window.

  There wasn’t a note, but I assumed that Caden or someone from the Knights had brought the package over. After going through the box, I walked straight to my bedroom, sat on the bed, and cried. I was free, but I had never been more frightened than I was at that moment. The memories of the last twenty-four hours flooded back into my mind. I kept asking myself, where is Cade? Where is Brianne? Why hasn’t Caden come for me? What happened to the Knights? Then the most horrifying thought entered my mind: Could they all be dead?

  I knew the memories of the last twenty-four hours would haunt me for the rest of my life. Being kidnapped by Mark was the worst experience of my life. But I’d survived. I hoped that one day I would understand why Mark did what he did, what his connection to Cade was, and why he suddenly let me go.

  Nobody had come for me and I had no idea where any of the club members were. After I had charged my cell phone’s battery on the burner, I tried calling Cade, but my calls always went to voicemail. My texts were left unanswered. I felt as if I had I left the world I had known and been transported to a world of total uncertainty, all in a matter of 24 hours. I was utterly alone and very tired. Perhaps if I just lie down for a bit, things will look brighter when I wake up, I thought to myself.

  When I woke the next morning, for a brief moment, I had forgotten all that had transpired over the last couple of days. And then, like a flood, every horrible memory came back. As I began to cry for everything that was uncertain and most likely lost to me, I started to get angry. I was not a victim. I would not allow Mark to win and take the people that I loved most in this world away from me.

  I got myself out of bed and began to start my day. I needed a plan. First, I was going to go back to the clubhouse and see if I could find anyone that might know something. After that, I had no idea … but it was a start. I was a fighter, and I would not let the events of my past dictate my future.

  Chapter 2


  “Caden! Caden, he’s letting me go!” I heard Emma screaming from upstairs. Was he really going to honor his agreement and let her go? After watching him with her last night, I had my doubts. He could be staging this for my benefit. The son of a bitch was so twisted, I didn’t know what to think. The only thing I knew was that I had to act and act fast.

  Last night he had my girl naked and tied to a bed with a camera on her. He touched her in places he had no business touching her. He almost raped her, and he made me watch all of it. That fucker! Whether he has let her go or not, I need to get myself free and give him what I promised—exactly what he deserves.

  When Mark tied my restraints last night, I knew exactly what I was doing. I sat there obediently, allowing him to think that I had given in to him wholeheartedly. I really don’t think he believed I would fight back. Not while he held Emma captive. But my brother didn’t know me as well as he thought. I sat there and let him tie my restraints, but I kept my elbows locked into my sides. By doing this I’d given Mark a false sense of space between my wrists. So he was not aware that I had slack in my wrists and could basically free myself anytime.

  Last night, while watching him with Emma, I was ready to. But I couldn’t go up there half-cocked, not knowing exactly what I was walking into. I had no idea if he was alone, or if there were ten Satans protecting him. But if he had raped her, I don’t think I would have had any common sense in my brain and I am sure I would have reacted immediately. Thank fuck he didn’t!

  Now, if what I was perceiving was true, Emma was out of this house. But whether that was true or not, it was the perfect opportunity to act. I knew it would be the only opportunity I’d have to save us both. I freed my hands and walked over to a table covered with several knives and other metal objects—objects I had never seen before and was damn sure I was not going to find out what they were used for. I grabbed a claw hammer and a carving knife from the table. They would work perfectly for what I had in mind for this fucker.

  I walked over to the bottom of the steps, pushed myself into the dark corner against the wall, and waited. I knew that Mark would definitely come down, especially if Emma were truly gone from this place. I must have waited for roughly fifteen minutes when I heard the door upstairs open. Mark came rushing down the steps, talking. I was expecting to see someone come behind
him, but nobody followed.

  “I should not have let her go,” he said.

  “But it was the right thing to do.”

  “Fuck you! You wouldn’t know the right thing to do if it hit you smack in the face!”

  I thought, Holy shit! He has lost his mind even more than I thought.

  When he got to the bottom of the steps he said, “Fuck!” as I bludgeoned him on the side of the head with the side of the claw hammer. He stumbled and fell to the floor.

  Fucker! That will teach you to mess with my girl!

  Surprisingly, he tried to get up, but he couldn’t. It didn’t help matters much that in addition to the terrible pain he must have been feeling from the blow to the head, I was holding him down with my foot pressed firmly to his throat. “You messed with the wrong guy, brother!” I said. I grabbed him and dragged him over to the table. I needed to secure him. I looked over on the table and found rope and duct tape. That would do. This fucker was not going anywhere.

  After I got him bound, I looked around the basement. Over on the far side I saw a hook screwed into one of the rafters. It was perfect! I dragged his ass over to the hook, grabbed the back of his shirt, and attached him to the hook so that his feet barely touched the floor. He was upright and completely at my mercy. I was surprised that he was still alive after that blow to the head. Was he coherent? No. But the fucker was still breathing. That wouldn’t last long.

  I stare at him for the longest time while he hung in his own basement. There was no way in hell this man could be my brother. But then I realized that there was a part of me that could be just as psychotic as he was. Just look at what I’d done to Ace’s killers. Hell, look at what I was doing to Mark. I knew I could be cold-blooded and ruthless, but was I like him?

  No! No fucking way! I remembered everything that he had put us through over the last couple of weeks. I remembered how my club had almost went up in smoke from his explosion. I remembered his threats, and I knew I would never forget what he’d done to Emma. I remembered his hands on her and her tears. I’d made a promise to myself that I would never go there again, but a man can only take so much. I was done being Mr. Nice Guy. I had had enough!

  I took the carving knife and cut off his shirt. I was glad he was still breathing. I was hoping that he would feel what I was about to do to him. Ever so slowly I began to work. He screamed when I first started, but I think I lost him not long after the work began.

  I was an artist with the knife and created a masterpiece on his body. I cut the flesh away from his chest, creating flames where the flesh was removed. They were large and there was blood everywhere, but I didn’t care. The cut pieces of flesh were laid out on the table in the same design that was now on Mark’s chest. Happy with my latest work of art, I stepped back to admire my handiwork. It was my signature, and was exactly what I’d done to the fucker who killed Ace. I was pleased. Mark Grayson was dead.

  His battered body hung from the basement ceiling, lifeless. It was time for me to leave. I needed to make sure that Emma got out safe. I needed to get back to my club.

  No, wait. I had to take a minute and think this one through. Fuck, I can’t do that. Mark had strong ties to the Satans. They could be here now, outside, or perhaps watching the house. When they find out what I have done, they will retaliate … and they will know it was me who did it. Especially after the last time I tangled with the Satans. But they won’t come after me, no, they’ll come after what I loved most—Emma, Ari, and my club. I can’t let that happen.

  I took a couple of deep breaths and got my thoughts together. The last thing I needed to do was to move forward unprepared. I have to be sensible and I have to be sure that there’ll be no retaliation. Hell, if I can actually get myself in a situation where I can sit down and talk with the Satans, perhaps we can establish a peace between the two clubs. This bloody rivalry has gone on long enough. But before I can do that, the Satans need to think that I am dead. Members of the Knights have to believe it, too. This will buy me time to get things in order. It will ensure that for the time being, everyone remains whole. For now, it is the only way.

  I knew that once Hawk found Grayson he’d know without any doubt that I was still alive. He’d also know me well enough to know that I had a reason for staying away. I should call Hawk and tell him what’s going on. Wait, no, that won’t work. Hawk would be the logical one to call, but not this time. His first reaction had to be a reaction to my death, and I really didn’t believe he was a good actor. As VP, he would take my place as President. The Satans would be watching him. I couldn’t have him giving anything away. Instead, I decided to call Rebel. Rebel was the cool and calm brother. He never cracks and shows very little emotion. He’d be able to cover better than any other club member until the time is right. When the time comes, he could inform Hawk of my plans. Once I’d gotten that all figured out, my biggest worry was what the club would do with Grayson’s body. They needed to give me time before the Satans found out he was dead.

  I cautiously went upstairs. I couldn’t risk running into anyone who might be there as an accomplice or protection for Mark. The house was empty. I walked around and found the room where that asshole held Emma. I stared at the bed where she had been bound, naked and scared. The bile began to rise from my stomach and settle into my throat. I couldn’t look any more and had to get the fuck out of that house. That fucker is so lucky he’s dead! Wasting no more time thinking about things I couldn’t change, I checked outside. It looked like everything was clear. I went out the back door and headed for the garage where Grayson had me park my bike when I arrived yesterday. Thank fuck the keys were still in the ignition. I did another look around and from what I could tell I was alone. I started up my bike and took off.

  When I got away from the house from hell, I immediately found a place in Wattsburg to store my bike. I didn’t need to be seen riding around on my Fat Boy. Next to the storage place was a used car lot. I found a car and paid cash for it. I really hated driving in a cage, but what choice did I have? I stored my cut and any identification to the Knights with my bike. I found a cheap hotel on the outskirts of town and paid cash for a three-month stay. If the situation took longer to resolve than that, I’d just extend my stay. The place was a dump and I didn’t expect people to be knocking down their door for rooms anytime soon. For the time being, I was just a guy with no connections to anyone or anything. It was crucial that, for now, I remain under the radar.

  I’d spent the last few hours watching the club muddle through what was left of our clubhouse. I was off to the side of where the bikes were parked, not far from Hawk and Ryder. I had overheard Hawk tell Ryder that he had already made arrangements for a new clubhouse. He told him that he had found an abandoned warehouse out on highway 99, just a few miles outside of town. I knew the place and it was a good choice. It would be better than what we’d had—after a few modifications, of course. We wouldn’t have to do too much, but we would have to up fit the space to account for the separate rooms and the bar, and of course we would have to get all-new furnishings, but it could work. He also told Ryder that they would be using the upstairs of Betty’s Dinor as a temporary gathering place for the club.

  When I saw Emma arrive at the explosion sight, my heart ached and I wanted to run to her. I wanted to make sure that she was ok. I hated being away from her, and I could only hope that when this was all over, she would understand and forgive me for the things that I’d done. It took all the restraint I had not to show myself right then and there and let her know that I was still alive. I wanted to hold her and kiss her and tell her that I loved her. But I couldn’t. I had to remain hidden. At least she had Hawk and Honey. It was comforting to know that she had people to lean on. More importantly, they were people I could trust. They were there for her and I knew they would take good care of her. I knew I shouldn’t have left those flowers for her, but I just needed her to know that everything would be ok. I wonder if she got them yet? It was the only option I had right now. I nee
ded to leave her alone until I got all this shit straightened out. Fuck! This is going to be so much harder than I originally thought when I came up with this godforsaken plan. But, if it all works out, we will all be better off.

  Chapter 3


  A few hours later I pulled up to what was left of the Knights’ clubhouse. I saw several people digging through the rubble, most of whom were members of the club. Thank God, I thought to myself, they aren’t all dead. I imagined they were looking for anything that they could salvage, but from what I could see from my car, they weren’t going to have much luck. Part of the building still stood: the half where Caden’s room had been. The other half of the building was completely demolished—it was nothing but stone, broken-up wood, and glass shards.

  I canvassed the people, looking for anyone that I knew or recognized, hoping to spot Caden—but he wasn’t there, and nobody looked familiar to me. Then I spotted Rebel. I got out of my car and walked toward him. When I got closer, I said, “Oh my gosh, Rebel, what’s happened? Did anyone get hurt? Are you ok? Where’s Caden?”

  I spouted off the questions so fast; I didn’t give him a chance to answer. But when I stopped he still didn’t speak. He didn’t answer for a long time, looking at me as if he was looking at a ghost. He hesitantly said, “How are you here? We thought you were dead.” He paused briefly and then added, “Never mind me, are you ok?” Before I could say a word to him, he gave me a hug and added, “Emma, I’m so sorry. I was supposed to protect you.” He looked devastated. I felt bad for him. None of this was his fault, yet he was carrying the burden on his shoulders.


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