ICE on FIRE: Knights of Silence MC

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ICE on FIRE: Knights of Silence MC Page 13

by Amy Cecil

  They both looked at each other and Hawk spoke first, “Territory?”

  “Wrong,” I said. “If my thinking is right, they gave up on trying to obtain our territory years ago. It’s too broad, and we are too big for them to overcome.”

  Rebel said, “Then what do they fucking want?”

  “Money,” I replied.

  “So they want a piece of the guns and drugs?” Hawk asked.

  “You got it. It’s gonna be your job to sell this to the rest of the club. Convince them that we don’t need all the income from these alliances. How good it would be to get out of the dirty shit. We have plenty of legitimate establishments to finance this club, and we can always grow more. We have the people and the resources.” I let what I was saying sink in and then continued, “I want us out of guns. I’ve wanted it for a long time. I want our brothers and their families to stop worrying about the safety of their families. I want to keep us whole and out of jail.”

  They were both quiet for a couple of minutes and I just let the silence sit between us.

  “The club is not going to be happy about the loss of income,” Rebel said, shaking his head. “Hell, I don’t know if I can handle the cut myself.”

  “I know. That is why I am planning on making us a silent partner. Let the Satans run the guns and drugs. Let them do the dirty work. We’ll get a piece of the action for giving them the business. It keeps the ATF off our backs and keeps our hands a little cleaner. It’s a win-win for all of us.”

  “You think they will go for it?” Rebel asked.

  “I do. I think the cut in pay will be hard to swallow at first, but the benefits in the long run will win out. I’m counting on you both to sell it to them. Then once they all agree, we are free to set up the meeting with the Satans,” I replied. “You guys good with this?” I asked.

  They both looked at each other. Rebel agreed with a nod. “I’m good too,” said Hawk. “It will be good to explore more legitimate opportunities. Speaking of which, I’ve got an idea to run by you when you get back.”

  “What? Who knows when this shit will end? If it is something that gets us on the right track, tell me now. At this point, nothing can hurt.”

  “What about porn or escorts? I mean, it’s not clean, but it is legal. And the money can be really good,” Hawk said.

  “You might have something there. I’m game. Run it by the club. If they are on board, start the legwork on it,” I said. Hawk nodded. It was a good idea; I was surprised I hadn’t thought of it myself. “Are we done here?” I asked.

  “Unless you have something else you need, I think we are good,” Hawk said. “Rebel?”

  “Yep, I’m good,” he replied.

  “Ok boys, I’m counting on you both. This is a big step for the club. Let’s make it happen.”

  They both nodded in agreement and got up to leave. “Call me if you need anything,” Rebel added.

  “You know I will. Thanks!”

  After they left, I had nothing left to do but to sit and wait—one thing that I was definitely not good at. But sometimes it was all I could do. I was worried about how the club would react to my proposal, but I trusted Hawk and Rebel to help them understand that this was the best move for the club. I hoped they would see it too.

  Chapter 19


  On the way back to Edinboro, Hawk called the boys and told them that we were having church at Kandi’s in two hours. He wasn’t wasting any time getting things done. I was convinced he didn’t like being President and was anxious for Ice to come back. I felt the same way. Ice provided the club with good, solid leadership … and although Hawk was a good guy, Ice just had a way about him that got shit done.

  We got to Kandi’s about forty-five minutes after we left Ice. We both grabbed some food and drinks, and then waited for the rest of the club to arrive. Some of the boys were already there, enjoying the afternoon show. Some of those guys never did anything but watch naked women dance on a stage. Not that that was a bad thing … but I had a life, and sex didn’t consume me. Not to mention the fact that I had my own beautiful babe. I didn’t need any substitutes when I had the best damn girl on the planet.

  When all the boys arrived, we all went back to the back meeting room. I was really curious about how this was going to go. These guys relied on the income that we received from the illegal shit, so I would be surprised if they were willing to take a pay cut. However, I hadn’t wanted to tell Ice that. Nobody likes negativity, but especially Ice. He was counting on Hawk and me to do this, and I didn’t want to let him down.

  After everyone was seated, Hawk opened up the meeting. “The memorial service was a tough day for all of us, saying goodbye to Ice and the last few weeks without him, but business doesn’t stop for us to mourn. I’ve got something I want to run by you all, and I want you all to keep an open mind until I’m done. Ok?” They all nodded in agreement and Hawk continued. “Rebel and I have been talking, and we think that this club needs to move into more legitimate businesses.” They all looked around at each other, trying to figure out where Hawk was going with that. I waited. “With that being said, we need to diffuse this animosity with the Satans. It’s gone on long enough and we have spent years watching our backs because of them. I am sick and tired of it, and I know you all are, too.” He paused for a brief moment, then continued, “They want a piece of the action, so why don’t we give it to them? I’m prepared to give them the gun and drug business. We’d keep a small percentage of their profits, but they would get the majority of it. It’s what they have always wanted, and I think this will broker a peace between the two clubs.” He waited again for what he was saying to sink in, then continued, “Ok, let’s open this up for discussion.”

  That was my cue to get the discussion rolling. “As Hawk said, he and I have discussed this. And I will be honest with you all—I was skeptical at first. I mean, we would be taking a pay cut. But after I thought about it, I like it. Think about not having to worry about the ATF or the Satans. Think about making money from other, honest and legitimate possibilities.” I waited for a second and then added, “Think about a porn studio or an escort service. I’m sure you all are down with that. Right?” I let that sit and waited.

  “So what kinda cut we talking about?” Doc asked.

  “Right now, you all split twenty percent of the gun and drug money. I have not ironed out all the details yet, but if this deal happens, I’m guessing your cut will drop down to five percent. I know that sounds like a lot, but if we add money from porn and escorts, then your income will double and your families will be safe. That’s a promise.”

  “Fifteen percent, that is a lot,” Ryder added. He thought for a moment. “But if we get the other businesses up and running quickly, I guess it won’t be quite as noticeable. How long before we get the other options in full swing?” he asked.

  Hawk replied, “Well, I’m looking at about six months. I’ve been looking into these options for a long time now and have already made some contacts. We’d need to find locations for the escorts—something nice, not a dump or a studio. I don’t think we will have any problems finding talent. I mean, we’ve got a gold mine right here at Kandi’s.”

  “So, when do you plan to make the tradeoff with the Satans?” Ryder asked.

  “Well, if you all agree, Rebel and I will set up a meet. Ryder, we’d like you there as well. Obviously, there would have to be a transitional period, but they will probably start getting their full cut in three months. So you all are only looking at losing your fifteen percent over a three-month period.”

  “Man Hawk, I know that three months doesn’t seem like a long time, but shit, I’ve got an ex-wife and two kids that expect their money every month. What am I supposed to do during those three months? Spike asked.

  “Yeah, I’ve got bills to pay too. Where am I supposed to get the income the guns gave me during those three months?” Doc added.

  “I know you all have legitimate concerns. And, I know you all have bills
to pay. But think about how much better off we will be in the long run. Yes, you will lose money. No, it won’t be forever. And when all is said and done, you will end up making a hell of a lot more once our legitimate businesses are up and running. Everyone loves porn and pussy, guys. We can’t lose going down that road,” Hawk replied.

  “I don’t know, man. Something about this is just not sitting right with me. Let’s put the money issue aside for a minute and think about what we are doing. I mean seriously, you are asking us to go to bed with the Satans. When have we ever been able to have peace with those fuckers, let alone go into business with them?” Spike said.

  Hawk was silent for a moment, and then said. “I want you boys to think about why you joined the MC. Some of you came to us for the money, some for the brotherhood, and others because you were just plain Harley enthusiasts. But, did you join to do illegal shit? Did you join to constantly worry about getting caught by the authorities? Did you join to have your families in constant jeopardy? Some of you crazy fuckers will say yes to all those questions, but I know for a fact that the majority of you will say no. It’s not the life that you signed up for, but it’s the life you have been dealt. What we are offering you is a chance to change it. A chance to keep your families safe and your ass out of jail.”

  They were powerful words and I could tell that they were actually contemplating what Hawk just said. He waited again, and then added, “Look, I know you all need to think about this. If you don’t have any more questions, let’s take a break for now and meet back here at 6 pm to vote. Sound good?”

  They all nodded in agreement and the meeting broke up. I waited until the guys left the meeting room, then asked Hawk, “So what do you think?”

  “I understand their concerns, but I think they will see it our way. I guess we will know at 6 pm. Come on. I don’t know about you, but I need a drink.”

  “Hell yeah, I’m down for that.” I followed him to the bar.

  After we got our drinks, I decided to check in with the girls. I had left Tiny with them and I was sure he would have called if something was wrong, but you can never be too careful.

  Ari answered the phone on the second ring. “Hey, Fire!” Part of me wished she wouldn’t call me that, but the other part of me kind of liked it that she had a pet name for me. I just wished she would’ve come up with a better one.

  “Hey, doll. You girls doing ok? Tiny treating you right?” I asked.

  “We sure are. But he’s not as fun to have around as you are,” she said teasingly.

  “Well, I sure as hell hope not, for his sake. And for yours too. You’re mine!”

  “Geez, you don’t have to be so possessive. I know who I belong to. I’ve always belonged to you. Speaking of which—when you gonna make this official? I’m sick of waiting.” My dick suddenly got hard. Fuck her, she knows why I’m waiting.

  “Oh, just you wait, sweetheart. I’m gonna have you begging for it, and once you get a taste, you will want it all the time.” She didn’t respond. I waited patiently for her to say something, but all I heard was silence. I started getting pissed and began yelling into the phone.

  “Rebel, stop yelling. Ari is fine,” I heard on the phone. It was Emma’s voice.

  “What’s going on?” I asked frantically. All I could think of was that something had happened to Ari.

  “Everything is fine,” Emma said into the phone. “Ari just had a panic attack or something. I’m not sure, but she was having trouble breathing. Everything is fine now. Here, let me put her back on the phone,” Emma replied.

  “Hey, Rebel,” Ari said sweetly into the phone.

  “Baby, are you ok?” I asked, relieved to hear her voice.

  “Yes, baby, I’m fine,” she replied.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “I … I don’t know, Fire. I just thought about what you said and it just worried me a little.”

  “Worried you? Why?” I asked curiously.

  “Because I … well, I never … I mean, well, you know …” she said shyly.

  Oh, shit. I never thought about that. “Baby, I’m sorry if I scared you. I didn’t mean to scare you. I want to be with you more than anything, but I’ll do whatever you need, babe. If you need to take things slow, we can do that. If you need gentle, I can be gentle. Whatever it takes, however long it takes. You are my girl, baby, and I won’t do anything to hurt you. If I seemed like I was rushing things, I’m sorry. I’ve been in love with you for a long time, darl’n, and I can’t help but look forward to the time when we can finally be together.” I felt so bad that I had scared her. I hoped she understood what I was saying. I waited patiently for her to respond.

  “I know, Fire, I know. I want to be with you, I really do. Please don’t think that I don’t, or even that I am afraid of you. I just don’t want to rush things. Is that ok?”

  “That, my dear, is more than ok.” I paused for a moment then added, “I gotta run, babe. I should be back at the house in a couple of hours. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Fire,” she said and hung up the phone.

  Fuck, I wasn’t expecting to have that conversation with her already, but I guess it had been bothering her. Hopefully I have put her mind at ease.

  An hour or so later, the boys started filtering back to the meeting room. I was really curious how this vote was going to go. Frankly, I was not sure it was going to go the way Ice wanted it to. Hawk and I were the last two to enter the meeting room. Hawk sat at the head of the table and said, “Well, we all know why we are here. I’m not going to discuss the tradeoff anymore, unless you all have any lingering questions.” He looked around the room to see if anyone had anything to say, but it appeared that all were ready to vote. Hawk continued, “All those in favor of trading the gun and drug business off to the Satans, say aye.” He then added, “Aye,” and then looked at me.

  “Aye,” I replied. I then looked at Doc, who was sitting next to me.

  “Aye,” he said, looking at Ryder. We went around the room, all brothers agreeing to the tradeoff until we got to Spike. He was a nay. We continued around the room and by the time we were back around the table to Hawk, we had ten in favor of the tradeoff. The vote was not unanimous, but majority ruled and we were going to move forward with the plan. Ice had been right. But hell, wasn’t he always?

  Hawk slammed down the gavel. “It’s done. We’ll get to work on the next steps. Meeting adjourned,” he said as he started to get up.

  “Hawk, before we adjourn, I wanted to ask—what about appointing a new VP?” Ryder asked.

  Oh shit, I hadn’t thought about that. I watched Hawk eagerly to see how he was going to handle that one.

  “You are right, Ryder, we need a new VP. But I’ve had so much going on right now, I haven’t really thought that much about it. Why don’t you all get your recommendations together for our next church, and we can go from there? Sound good?” Everyone nodded in agreement. “Are we done?” All were in agreement and they started to get up and leave the meeting room.

  As the boys left the room I looked over at Hawk curiously. After they were all gone, I said, “Well, what next?”

  “Call Ice, let him know that the club voted and he is free to negotiate with the Satans. I’ll call Gypsy and set up that meeting. Once I get the meeting set, I’ll let you know so you can tell Ice. Oh, and you might want to fill Ryder in before that meet to let him know that Ice is alive as well.”

  “Got it. Do you need me for anything else?” I asked.

  “Nope, go home to the girls. Tell Honey I’m coming for dinner.” He smiled.

  “I sure will, Hawk. See ya later.”

  Club business was done for the day. It was time to head to Ice’s house and spend some time with my girl. I headed out and when I got to my bike, I decided to send Ice a text.

  He replied,

  I got on my bike and headed back to the house. When I got back, I walked into the house to find Tiny and the girls all sitting at the table, playing cards. Th
ey were all laughing and having a good time, and I found myself a little jealous. I wanted to be the one to make Ari laugh. But shit had to get done for my club, and for now, the club had to come first. Ari was used to the life and I knew she would understand.

  “Hey, Rebel! Come join us. We are just getting ready to deal a new hand,” Ari said.

  I was dog-tired and really didn’t feel like playing cards. I said, “I’m really beat, sweetie. Can I take a rain check?” I asked. Without waiting for a response, I turned to Honey and asked, “Anything left for dinner?” I was starving and needed food.

  “Sure, Rebel. Everything is in the oven so it will stay warm. I think Hawk is on his way over, too.”

  I thought, Of course he is. He never misses an opportunity for a free meal, especially if Honey is cooking.

  “Thanks, darl’n.” I walked into the kitchen, got a plate, and started going through the food. The oven contained pot roast, mixed veggies, and mashed potatoes; this was one of my favorite meals.

  Just as I was sitting down to eat, Hawk walked in. Before he could say anything I said, “Food is in the oven. It’s still warm.”

  “Fuck yeah,” he said. He said hello to the girls and told Tiny that the truck was outside for him to take back when he was ready. After he got his plate, he sat down next to me.

  “Meeting is set for Monday at 10 am with the Satans,” Hawk said quietly, so that only I could hear. “Make sure you let Ice know.”

  “Got it.” I pulled out my phone and texted Ice. His reply was exactly what I’d expected.

  Hawk and I finished dinner, then hung around and chatted with the girls for a bit. Then I remembered that I needed to talk to Ryder about Ice. I stepped outside and called him. He answered on the second ring.

  “Hey, Reb, what’s up?”

  “Hey man, I need to talk to you. Can you meet me at Betty’s in about a half hour?” I asked.

  “Sure thing. Is something wrong?” he asked.


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