The Tomb Builders

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The Tomb Builders Page 22

by Kevin Ashman

  ‘Here lies Adio. High priest of the people under the mountain, father of many, husband to one. Sagira, queen of the Anasazi.’


  ****The End****

  Author’s Notes

  The Grand Canyon Tomb

  On April the 5th, 1909, the Arizona Gazette printed a front page story about the discovery of an ancient tomb in the Grand Canyon. In it, a certain Mr GE Kincaid, an explorer sponsored by the Smithsonian Institute, reported back that he had found a vast complex of underground caverns and tunnels over a mile below the surface of the Canyon.

  He went on to say, the tunnels were full of ancient artefacts including Egyptian carvings, copper headed weapons, and statuettes along with perfectly preserved mummies. He also recorded the presence of Oriental artefacts and in particular, a large statue of Buddha. The Smithsonian institute apparently commissioned a full scale investigation, after which, it all went quiet and today they deny all knowledge of the find. It is also interesting to know that the area is now all governmental land and completely out of bounds to all visitors. Some of the reasons given are safety and the presence of a rare species of bat. Some reports that do emerge from people who seem to have risked arrest, tell of tunnels in the rock face that have been artificially sealed off to prevent entry.

  The Pyramids

  The pyramids are one of, if not the most recognisable landmarks in the modern world. They are constantly being studied by scholars from all across the globe yet despite this, they are an enigma and even the experts are unsure about their real purpose. The obvious answer is that they were for the tombs of kings but this theory is increasingly being challenged. In Egyptian culture, it was essential that the remains of the body were kept secure as the dead kings Ba, (winged spirit) returned each evening to rest in the body. Subsequently, many kings were paranoid about tomb robbers and went to great lengths to keep their tombs secure. With this in mind, it begs the question, why build such a visible tomb for all the world to see? Especially as grave robbers were a major problem even before the pyramids were built.

  Historical Reference

  There are many historical texts that the pyramids were not used as tombs. Diodorus Siculus was a famous Greek historian who lived in the first century AD, and wrote a famous history of the world at that time called the Bibliotheca Historica. This work consisted of three parts, a total of forty volumes in total. Part one was almost completely about Egypt and whilst he obviously lived a long time after the old kingdom, he is reported to have used many old documents and references from across Egypt and the known world at the time. In his book, he is reported to have written:

  “The kings designed these pyramids for their sepulchres, yet it happened that their remains were not here deposited.”

  Traps and Barriers

  Various traps or barriers were used in many tombs to prevent robbers from accessing the inner chambers. In the great pyramid, huge Granite plugs are wedged into place in sloping passages and there are indeed three granite portcullises in place having descended from the roof to block access to the king’s chamber. Similar barriers can be found in other tombs across Egypt.

  The Passages beneath the Sphinx

  There are certainly passages beneath the Sphinx and depending which source is researched they range from just a couple of metres long to a vast network encompassing chambers, passages and temples. On the left hand side there is a removable stone that gives access to a small shaft descending beneath the statue and there are at least two other entrances that have been confirmed. One on the rump and one just behind the head. Surveys have been carried out that suggest there are significant spaces under the ground to the front of the paws.

  In 1996, Dr Zahi Hawass, the famous Egyptologist was filmed walking inside a tunnel beneath the Sphinx, saying, that, ‘nobody really knows what are in these tunnels so we are now going to explore them for the first time’ Interestingly enough, three years later he went live on Fox TV and declared there were no tunnels under the Sphinx.

  Source - The Egyptologist, the Sphinx and the cover-up

  Water beneath the Sphinx

  The historian Herodotus claimed that Khufu’s final resting place would be found on an island at the centre of an underground lake. He is said to have recorded:

  ‘Of this oppression there passed ten years while the causeway was made by which they drew the stones, which causeway they built, and it is a work not much less, as it appears to me, than the pyramid; for the length of it is five furlongs and the breadth ten fathoms and the height, where it is highest, eight fathoms, and it is made of stone smoothed and with figures carved upon it. For this they said, the ten years were spent, and for the underground he caused to be made as sepulchral chambers for himself in an island, having conducted thither a channel from the Nile.’

  To date these chambers have not been found but interestingly, a few years ago the Egyptian authorities commissioned drilling near the Sphinx and came across a great body of water beneath the surface. Pumps were brought in and it is reported that approximately 6,240,000 litres of water are pumped out every day, roughly the equivalent of three Olympic sized swimming pools. It begs the question as to why they would try to empty an underground lake unless they were looking for something in particular.

  The Rosicrucian order

  In approximately 1407, the Rosicrucian order was created by Christian Rosenkreuz, a doctor who studied under several holy men in the Middle East. The purpose of the group was varied and widespread and far too detailed to go into here but suffice to say they studied and challenged the normal way of thinking, especially when considering history as taught by the authorities. In 1936, a man called H. Spencer Lewis published a book called The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great pyramid (Rosicrucian Press, 1936), which included drawings allegedly made from secret manuscripts possessed by archivists of the mystery schools of Egypt and the Orient. Obviously many such books are often released claiming all sorts of things but in this one, Lewis referred to an article that quoted a respected Egyptologist’s report after spending ten seasons excavating and researching in and around the Giza Plateau. Dr Hassam’s report is quoted as saying:

  "We have discovered a subway, used by the ancient Egyptians of 5,000 years ago. It passes beneath the causeway leading between the second pyramid and the Sphinx. The subway is some 72 feet wide and more than 1,400 feet long. In addition to the subway, there are a number of subterranean chambers and temples, including a "Chapel of Offerings" that has three pillars in the centre. On the west side of this chapel is a "room of initiation and reception" in which was found a "large white sarcophagus of white Turah limestone and excellent examples of alabaster vessels.’

  Apparently the article goes on to describe the walls as being:

  “Beautifully painted and sculptured with scenes and inscriptions with many magnificently carved figures in these various underground rooms and chapels, temples, and hallways, also many beautifully colored friezes."

  Spence assures the readers that all of these details, complete with photographs, are included in Hassan's report.

  Over the years, this theory has been continually debunked by the authorities but interestingly enough, in 1999, the minister for antiquities at the time, Dr Zahi Hawass declared he had found a symbolic tomb of Osiris beneath the great pyramid at Giza. It appears to be in the same location written about by Lewis in 1936. It could be argued that though the detail of Lewis’s claim seems to be fanciful, the content may be based on factual evidence collected by Dr Hassam in 1930.

  The Mahabharata

  The Mahabharata is one of the most holy books in India and though some experts reckon it was written between 2000 – 3000 BC, others believe it is far, far older. In it, the text refers to flying machines called Vimana and details a war with a neighbouring people where explosive weapons were used to devastating effec
t. Below is a passage from the book.

  "The Earth shook, scorched by the terrible heat of this weapon. Elephants burst into flames and ran to and fro in a frenzy, seeking a protection from terror. Over a vast area other animals crumpled to the ground and died. The waters boiled, and the creatures residing therein also died. From all points of the compass the arrows of the flame rained continuously! "

  Or this one:

  ‘A single projectile, charged with all the power of the Universe.

  An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as the thousand suns Rose in all its splendour, a perpendicular explosion with its billowing smoke cloud. The cloud of smoke rising after its first explosion formed into expanding round circle like the opening of giant parasol.

  It was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.

  The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognisable. The hair and nails fell out, pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white. After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected.

  To escape from this fire, the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment.’

  Interestingly, whether the above is factual or not, there are documented areas in India that are uninhabitable due to extremely high levels of radiation and whole swathes of ground that seem to have been melted into glass by some external extreme heat source. In addition, in Pakistan there is an archaeological dig site in a place called Mohenjo-Daro.

  When the dig reached street level, they found dozens of bodies throughout the site, many lying face down with some even holding hands. The excavators believed that they had all died at the same time after some catastrophic event that killed them instantly. Something perhaps, similar to an explosion?’

  The Construction Date of the Pyramids

  Though this book is based around the pyramid being built by Khufu approximately 2600 BC, there is a growing argument from all quarters that they were built far, far earlier, in fact more than eight thousand years earlier. This would make them twice as old as previously thought and built by an unknown people.

  The evidence to support this mainly lies with the fact that the pyramids of Giza are built to align perfectly with the three main stars in Orion’s belt, a constellation seen in the night sky. However, the last time they aligned exactly was ten thousand years ago, coincidentally the same period that the Sphinx was last perfectly aligned with Leo.

  The Underwater Pyramid

  Recent claims of an underwater pyramid are currently being investigated in the Azores. Initial sonar images seem to indicate a large man-made structure similar to a pyramid with its four corners aligned perfectly with the cardinal points of the compass.

  The idea of there being pyramids under the sea is at first hard to imagine but sea levels fluctuate wildly, especially during ice ages where much of the planet’s water is held as ice at the polar caps. In contrast, on many mountains across the world you can easily find the fossils of sea creatures where the sea levels were once much higher.

  Interestingly, half way up the Cheops pyramid in Egypt there seems to be a watermark of encrusted sea salt that shows that, for at least a period of time, it was once under the sea. This puts its date of construction way back before 10,000 BC, a total of over twelve thousand years before the present day, when all that area was under the Mediterranean. So, who built them? What was their purpose and what are the authorities hiding?

  Intercontinental Travel before Columbus

  The probability of Inter-continental exploration and trade between the continents is now so widely accepted that it almost seems like old news. Roman artefacts have been found on the east coast of America, pyramids in South America match many in Europe and china, while enormous quantities of copper seem to have been mined in the Mississippi delta thousands of years ago, yet there is little trace of any being used in the Americas, though Egypt shows a vast increase in use of the pure copper at the same time. However, it is interesting to note that many now believe that the Egyptians themselves have oriental ancestry and also, there is evidence that the Chinese, or at least someone of an oriental background also reached America in antiquity.

  However much of this is proven to be fact, it is disgraceful that modern day authorities continue to spew out the view that our ancestors were incapable of large sea voyages until after Columbus.

  So, the question is, ‘is modern day man really only a few thousand years old?’

  No one can really say for sure, at least not yet. There are however people who seem to know the truth….but for reasons best known to themselves, they’re not saying!

  …The mystery goes on…


  In this age of internet searches and the constant updating of sources, it is impossible to link directly to the particular resource used as it may have changed, moved or even deleted but with everything above, a simple internet search will unveil a rich and varied list of resources that outline the evidence used in the production of this book. Take a look but be prepared to have your views challenged.

  Best regards



  More Books by K. M. Ashman

  The India Sommers Mysteries

  The Dead Virgins

  The Treasures of Suleiman

  The Mummies of the Reich

  The Tomb Builders

  The Roman Trilogy

  Roman I – The Fall of Britannia

  Roman II – The Rise of Caratacus

  Roman III – The Wrath of Boudicca

  Roman IV – Boudicca’s Daughters – Coming Soon

  The Medieval Trilogy

  Medieval I – Blood of the Cross

  Medieval II – In Shadows of king s

  Medieval III – Sword of Liberty

  Medieval IV – Ring of Steel – Coming Soon


  Savage Eden

  The Last Citadel


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