2017 Christmas Coda: The Greek Tycoons

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2017 Christmas Coda: The Greek Tycoons Page 8

by Lucy Monroe

  "Yes. I think Phillipa should be there as well. He'll need the support." Rachel crossed the room toward him, her hips rolling seductively.

  Sebastian did his best to tamp down the lust surging at the sight of his beautiful, scantily clad wife. "Did Bethany agree to come to the island for Christmas?"

  Rachel nodded. "I arranged with our helicopter pilot to bring her over the day after tomorrow. I wanted to give Vincent some time to adjust to the news and she wanted a chance to do some last-minute shopping in Athens."

  Rachel's sister had taken careful notes on the names, ages and interests of all her newly discovered nieces and nephews. She'd informed Aristide and Eden, she considered their children her niece and nephew by default as well.

  Sebastian had been touched by the woman's attitude and could tell his brother and sister-in-law felt the same way. He was convinced Bethany had a great deal in common with his generous hearted and loving wife.

  Rachel stopped in front of him, stopping his hands from finishing the buttons on his shirt. "I don't want to talk about anyone else right now."

  "You don't?" he asked, his tone going husky without his volition.

  "Oh no. I want to focus entirely on you and me right now."

  "You do?" He couldn't quite mask his shock.

  "You shouldn't be surprised. I have always found the most amazing comfort in our intimacy."

  "But I didn't want to be the tactless, over-sexed male in the face of your emotional distress."

  His wife's laughter ended against his lips as she kissed him with unfettered passion. Sebastian gave himself permission to give into his own desire and swept her up onto the top of the dressing table, scattering jars and feminine detritus with a sweep of his hand.

  She moaned, shoving his dress shirt down his arms, making him glad he hadn't gotten to his cufflinks yet because the offending fabric dropped right off his body without hindrance.

  Rachel's hands were everywhere, sending fire along his nerve endings and ratcheting up his arousal.

  Sebastian undid her bra with a flick of his wrist and then peeled the garment from her body, sucking in a heated breath at the sight of her plump breasts tipped by turgid nipples. The scent of her musk reached him and he groaned.

  His sexy wife was as into this as Sebastian.

  She lifted her hips for him as he pushed her underwear down, helping him to get rid of the panties completely in a couple of wriggles that about sent him into the sexual stratosphere.

  "You are so darn sexy, Sebastian Kouros!"

  "Pot? Meet kettle, Mrs. Kouros."

  She grinned, her expression filled with passionate delight. "Oh, I do love you, Sebastian."


  Her answer to that was another mind melting kiss. Then she demanded, "Take off your trousers, Sebastian. I want you naked and inside me."

  How could he do anything but what she asked, shucking his slacks and underwear in a couple of jerky movements. He reached down to touch her silky, wet flesh, loving the heat he found waiting for him.

  She moved against his hand, abandoned to pleasure. He didn't believe any other woman could be as generous in her passion or open to his touch. And she was his.

  All his, for the rest of their lives.

  He lifted her thighs, spreading them wide and tilting her back so he could press the head of his sex against the core of her body.

  "Yes, oh yes, Sebastian. Please, I need you inside me, connected to me, keeping me connected to our life, our love, the present, not the past."

  Damn. He understood exactly what she needed and was touched beyond measure she trusted him enough to tell him.

  He thrust forward, seating himself inside her tight, slick, heat. She cried out and dug her nails into his shoulders.

  Their lovemaking was wild and abandoned, shaking the heavy dressing table with their movements.

  She came faster than he expected but with all the signs of satisfied passion and brought him inexorably over the edge with her, his shout echoing around them in the room.

  "I think Eden and Aristide will have to be content on their own for dinner tonight," he said with deep satisfaction as he lifted her into his arms and carried her to their bed, with every intention of repeating what they had just done as soon as possible.

  Her soft laughter washed over him as she snuggled into his arms. "From the look in Eden's eyes when we landed, I doubt they made it to dinner either."

  Nothing would make Sebastian happier. His little brother and wife deserved to be as happy as Sebastian and Rachel were.


  Rachel watched her children open gifts from their newly discovered aunt, her heart so full, she could barely keep it in. Bethany had come to villa couple of days ago and she fit in with the family like she'd always been there. Nothing like their mother, she was clearly awed by the Kouros wealth, but not greedy for it. She gave love and affection to her father, healing something inside him that Rachel hadn't even realized was still wounded.

  Bethany was a natural caretaker, wanting to help with the Christmas preparations, and delighted to add her modest gifts to the others under the giant tree in the main living room. She'd bought each of the children books and it was obvious she'd put a lot of thought into what every child would be interested in and like best. No generic classics or hottest book for this age group in the bunch, but each one clearly a personal gift from a woman who admitted to finding solace and joy in her own reading over the difficult years of caring for elderly parents and having very little social life outside those responsibilities.

  Vincent had been heart broken when Rachel first told him about Bethany, but learning she'd been raised by loving, affectionate parents who had always treated her like a miraculous gift had helped him to come to terms with Andrea's actions.

  He'd taken Rachel's hands and looked at her with utter sincerity, then said, "Honestly? My dear daughter, if I could have prevented you being raised by that woman, I would have done it, even if it meant giving you to someone else to raise. I cannot grieve the fact your sister had a chance at a happy childhood."

  Though he could grieve the fact he had his children stolen from him, Rachel loved her father even more for thinking of them before his own emotional pain.

  "You’re the best dad, you know that?"

  Vincent's eyes turned suspiciously glossy and he hugged her tight. "Thank you, sweetheart, hearing that heals my heart."

  So, now her dad was just clearly delighted to have both his daughters and the rest of the family around him, and Rachel felt just absolutely happy to be exactly where she was.

  "Your smile is such a pleasure to see," Sebastian said from beside her.

  "I'm happy."


  "Are you?"

  "If you have to ask, I'm doing something wrong."

  "No, I just, I guess I want to hear it."

  "Then let me say it. I am deliriously happy with to be here with our families, to have our wonderful children showing such warm appreciation for their gifts, no matter how big or small."

  "Big gifts like a house, or an island with a house?" she teased.

  "We already owned all of them. It was natural to provide for our children as they prepare to leave the nest."

  "We're years away from even Chara moving out. You just wanted to make me the de facto owner of the island and villa after me refusing it all these years."

  "You know me well, but the point is, our children showed the same level of excitement for their gifts from their cousins as they did for the biggest ones from us."

  "They are good kids, aren't they?" Rachel sighed happily.

  "The best."

  "As much as I love my nieces and nephew," Aristide said with a smile, "My son and daughter definitely compete for that moniker."

  "What a moniker, papa?" Angel asked her father.

  "It means a name, what you call someone. I was saying that to me, and your mama, you and your brother Theodore are the best children in the world."

; Little Angel jumped up from her pile of presents and ran to her father, giving him a giant hug, the expression on Aristide's face so touching Rachel felt tears at the back of her eyes.


  Eden sighed happily as her daughter embraced her husband with such enthusiasm. He was such a good, loving father. And an amazing husband. She hoped he understood that intent behind her gift to him and the children, hoped it settled once and for all his worries about their relationship.

  She'd meant it when she said she was done putting her commitments to Kouros Children's Fund ahead of her family.

  "Theo, love, will you come here. Your papa has a gift to open that is also for you and your sister."

  Aristide gave her a questioning glance, but Eden just smiled. "You'll see."

  He opened his arms and their usually too old to cuddle son, joined him and Angel beside Eden on the sofa. Eden handed Angel the box, but she showed her loving nature offering it to Theo to open.

  Eden's son grinned at his little sister. "Let's open it together."

  So they both ripped the Christmas themed paper from their end of the box, tearing it away and then handing the box to their dad to finish opening.

  What a family she had!

  Aristide lifted the lid and looked inside, his expression warming with unmistakable delight at what he found inside. "We are going on a family vacation?"

  "Two weeks in Southern California."

  "We're going to Disneyland!" Angel screamed.

  "And Universal Studios, Lego Land, the San Diego Zoo, all of it." She'd bought tickets to all the major family centric attractions. "I spoke to your executive assistant and we've cleared your calendar. Whatever she couldn't move, my father has agreed to cover for you."

  "I would offer to cover for you," Sebastian piped up. "But my wife has been in collusion with yours and our family will be joining you for the trip."

  All of the children went nuts at that point, while their grandparents looked on with indulgent love and Rachel's newly discovered sister, Bethany showed no embarrassment at the happy tears tracking down her face.

  "Bethany agreed to come with us too," Rachel offered.

  "Even though I grew up in California, I've never actually been to most of the theme parks. My parents weren't keen on crowds."

  "We'll have time just for us, too," Eden said to her beaming husband. "Vincent and Phillipa have agreed to come and watch them so we can have adult time."

  The children all squealed in joy at the idea of their grandparents going.

  "Your father does not mind not coming?" Aristide asked in a low tone.

  "He would find the walking onerous and you know how he feels about being pushed in a chair or using a scooter." Her father's left leg had never fully recovered from his stroke and he could only walk with the steadying use of a cane.

  No way would he enjoy day after day at theme parks and zoos that required miles of walking to see and experience.

  "I am genuinely happy to do this for you and Sebastian, Aristide," her father said, proving he was far more aware than he used to be. "My daughter deserves some time with just her family after the long hours she's put into establishing the foundation. Rachel too."

  "Well, I appreciate you making this trip possible," Aristide said with respect and warmth for her former workaholic father.

  Then he turned to Eden. "And I will show you just how happy I am with this gift later when we are alone, agape mou."

  "I can't wait."

  "Mom," Theo said, drawing the word out to three syllables.


  "Your mother and I adore each other, this is not new." Aristide's arrogance was back in full force.

  And Eden was thrilled.

  "Not new at all," she said with a wink.

  Angel giggled. "Mama loves papa," she sang in her sweet little girl voice.

  Theo rolled his eyes, but the smile curling the edges of his mouth said he was pleased at his parents' affection.


  The trip to Southern California was incredible. Aristide was surprised and very happy when his wife hired not only a new Director for Kouros Children's Fund but also a full-time personal assistant to help her free up time to spend with her family.

  But this?

  Was beyond anything he had expected. Eden had arranged for them to renew their vows in Cinderella's Castle, about sending his daughter and nieces into ecstatic rapture. The boys pretended to be less impressed, but their eyes were wide as saucers when they'd all first arrived to discover her plans.

  He had been given a tuxedo in a style that made him look like a living Prince Charming, his son decked out in something similar as his best man and their daughter was wearing a Cinderella style ball gown when she walked down the white runner that two ushers had unrolled just before the Wedding March started. Then Eden was there, her dress decadent and beautiful, reminding him that she loved fairytales as much their children.

  Aristide went halfway down the aisle to meet her, irresistibly drawn to the beautiful woman he had married.

  He heard his brother's laughter, his sister-in-law's joining him and did not care. He had to have his hand on her. Now.

  He reached out with his hand and she took it, her grey eyes filled with love and joy.

  They spoke their renewal vows before their family, her father having flown over for the ceremony. They promised to always put the other first, speaking words of love and commitment that they'd spoken before with a few new promises thrown in.

  It was a beautiful ceremony and the dinner after in one of the character restaurants had an air of celebration.

  Not caring if other diners understood his need to do so, Aristide pulled his wife into his lap, the voluminous skirts of her gown cascading over his thighs. "Thank you, my very precious, delectable wife, for loving me, for showing how important that love is and for being the mother of my wonderful children."

  She was too choked with happy tears to reply with anything but a long, loving kiss.

  Sandor & Eleanor (Ellie) Christofides

  from Bought: The Greek's Bride (2007)

  20+ years after Sandor & Ellie married.

  Ellie's heart beat a rapid tattoo in her chest as she looked around the new Agape Resource Center in San Diego. The culmination of a decade long dream, ARC was now in twenty major US cities, Barcelona, Athens and two of the smaller Greek Islands. The idea for the resource center had been her daughter's.

  Ellie had been complaining yet again to Sandor how the State, which was supposed to help the unemployed get back on their feet and build better lives was too often hampered by red tape, or the client's desire to get a handout, not a hand up. She wanted to help her clients get necessary education, contacts, even proper interview attire, but her caseload was ridiculous and not conductive to focus on the individual. Then there were the clients that habituated a pattern of working just long enough to be eligible for benefits before managing to get back into the system again.

  She wanted to be able to offer counseling to workers who seemed intent on self-sabotage, but also to those who suffered from a loss of self-esteem after losing a job they may have worked at for years due to downsizing, or just a shift in their employer's economic focus.

  Cynthia, ten years old at the time, had asked why Ellie didn't start her own employment office and make her own rules. Sandor had looked at Ellie in that way he had, the one that said he believed she was capable of anything and said, "Why don't you?"

  Ellie had spluttered, talked it over with her sister and ultimately, with financial help from their dad, Sandor, and Amber's husband, Miguel Menendez, they had launched the first Agape Resource Center a year later in her hometown of Boston. Resource Counselors were trained to utilize all resources available, how to assess a client's genuine need and guide their clients toward the most useful and productive resources for that particular client.

  The Boston facility was soon at maximum capacity, going to two shifts to double the use of their space, offering programs
and counseling to their beneficiaries from 8 a.m. to midnight. Ellie, who had never desired to be a business manager or director of any kind, had been at a loss as to what to do. But her sister had stepped in, offering to take on the directorship so they could open a second facility.

  Amber and Ellie shared responsibility for fundraising, applying for grants and the like, while it was primarily Ellie's vision that guided what the ARCs would offer in terms of services and training.

  "Did you think we'd see this day?" Sandor asked from beside her.

  She smiled up at her husband of more than twenty years. "I never even knew I wanted to, but I can't imagine anything more satisfying."

  "You have always had a heartening ability to focus in on the individual."

  "While people like you and my father tend to see things globally." She leaned into Sandor and his strong arm automatically came around her. "Amber does that too. It was her idea to expand into cities in other states and countries."

  "But without your vision of what these centers could do, the people they could help and the ways they could help them, Agape Resource Center would never have been born."

  "You're always so supportive." She reached up and kissed the underside of her tall husband's chin, inhaling his scent mixed with the yummy aftershave she'd bought him for his last birthday.

  He turned, pulled her close and dipped his head for a proper kiss as she knew he would. More than two decades of marriage gave a woman a certain amount of knowledge about her spouse. Ellie responded to Sandor's kiss without an ounce of embarrassment, despite the audience they had of the center's clients and even their oldest daughter smiling at them indulgently.

  "Don't you two realize you're supposed to have grown out of that kind of thing by now?" Cynthia teased.

  Named for the grandmother she'd never met, the woman who had died after giving birth to Ellie and Amber, Ellie's daughter was as strong willed as both her parents combined and smart enough to graduate magna cum laude from university with a degree in business. Unlike her cousin who had married young, Cynthia showed no interest in romantic relationships, preferring to direct her energies toward learning the ropes of her father and grandfather's companies.


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