Sunny's Song (Friends Lovers or Nothing Book 2)

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Sunny's Song (Friends Lovers or Nothing Book 2) Page 5

by Chanel, Jackie

  “Thank you, baby, but I’m fine.”

  He smiled. “Yes, you are. And you’re mine forever.”

  “And you’re mine forever.”


  “Aiden! Sunny’s here!”

  I shook my head at Delilah sitting on the couch reading InStyle and yelling for her brother.

  “I’m in my room. Tell her to bring her sexy ass back here!”

  Delilah looked at me and laughed. “Xavier’s here too!”

  “So! Tell him he can’t come in my room.”

  I rolled my eyes and jogged down the hallway. Standing in Aiden’s doorway, I watched my best friend flip through the television channels with such lackluster effort that I knew he wasn’t watching TV.

  “Can you please get up?” I asked.

  “Why’d you bring him to my place?”

  “Because,” I lowered my voice. “He needs to see us together, Aiden. I’m about to marry this man. He needs to see that there is nothing going on between us. He doesn’t need to hear you talking about my ass.”

  “Fine. Can you at least come in here and hand me my cane.”

  I glanced down the hall. Xavier was watching me like a hawk. I shrugged and stepped into Aiden’s den of iniquity.

  “You are a mess,” I joked. “You know he doesn’t want me in your room.”

  “Who cares? Does he know you slept in here every night while you were here?”

  “Of course he doesn’t.”

  I helped Aiden out of the bed. I couldn’t help but notice him wince in pain with almost every step he took down the hall.

  “How bad is it, Aiden? Do not lie to me.”

  “It only hurts when I walk.”

  “That’s not funny.”

  “I know.”

  Surprisingly, Aiden was on his best behavior with Xavier in the house. He didn’t spend the night making sexual innuendos like he usually does whenever Xavier is around. I wanted to hug him when he assured my fiancé that, despite what his soon-to-be ex-wife keeps writing on her blog, there is nothing going on between us and that he and his lawyers are on top of the situation. He told us about his recent trip to LA to consult with his divorce attorneys. He’s not supposed to be traveling and I reminded him of that.

  “You’re not his doctor, Sunny,” Xavier said. “If the man thinks he’s able to travel, then why do you have an opinion on it?”

  I was completely taken aback by Xavier’s question. We were all having a nice time, a nice civil time and actually getting along. Now he wants to start a fight. Why the hell wouldn’t I have an opinion on my friend’s health?

  The questions didn’t stop there. By the time we boarded our ten o’clock flight back to NYC, I was heated and had enough of Xavier.

  “What is with you tonight?” I hissed after the in-flight lights had dimmed and we were about to take off. “You have been on my ass for hours.”

  “Because, I finally realized the issue. It’s not Aiden. It’s you.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Exactly what I said. You insert yourself into every aspect of that man’s life, including his marriage. The relationship you have with him is dysfunctional but the dysfunction is only on your part. You have to do something about it. You need to take a break from him or what we have isn’t going to work. Who is more important to you, Sunny, the man you’re about to spend your life with or Aiden?”

  My heart fell. Even though Xavier was being very careful with his words, it wasn’t hard for me to read between the lines. His ultimatum was clear as a bell.

  It feels like I just got my friend back. I’m not ready to lose him again.


  “So,” Daniela said as she popped the cork on another bottle of her signature champagne.

  We were in her penthouse because we were supposed to be planning her and Garrett’s wedding anniversary party but it turned into a meeting of the basketball wives. Jenna, Mariah, and Arial from our circle were here along with Leilani from Philly and Asia from New York. We’ve gone through three bottles of champagne and haven’t planned a single thing.

  It seems like this is the season of issues amongst the wives. Every single one of us, with the exception of Daniela, has been having issues with our men. Xavier’s jealousy, Damon’s baby mama, Asia’s husband has a stalker, and Jenna’s and Maria’s men just won’t set an official wedding date. Sometimes, I enjoy these little chats because these women know exactly what I go through since we’re all married to or going to marry basketball players. It’s one of the few things that I have in common with them.

  “I wanted to do something different for Garrett’s gift,” Daniela continued. “But I’ve done the sexy photo shoot. He’s got enough cars, jewelry, and gadgets. I’m at a loss, girls.”

  “I’m so glad that an anniversary gift is the only problem you’re having in your marriage,” Asia said and the rest of us muttered our agreement.

  “Well, you all know that Garrett and I have our fair share of issues. We’re just good right now,” Daniela replied.

  “You should get a tattoo,” Leilani suggested. “Damon loves my tattoo. Just don’t get his name or something corny like that. Get something that only he would understand the meaning of and will appreciate seeing every day.”

  “Or,” Asia drawled out. “You can give the man what he really wants and have his kid.”

  “I can’t have kids,” Daniela stated. “I am thinking about hiring a surrogate though. Do you think that’s something I should do on my own? I can bring her out at the party like Ta-da! This woman is going to carry our child!”

  I shook my head. “Do not do that. Get the tattoo, Daniela. Find the surrogate with your husband. Besides, you’re not going to find a surrogate in three days.”

  “I kinda want another tat,” Jenna spoke up. “We should all go.”

  “Or we can have a tattoo party,” was Mariah’s suggestion. “My brother has a shop in Little Italy but it’s closed today. He’s fantastic and so are his artists. I’m sure he can get some of his artists to come here and hook us up.”

  “Let’s do that!” Daniela got really excited about the prospect really quick. I’m glad because she is the type to get fixated on one thing and surrogacy isn’t one of the things she needs to be focused on right this second.

  “Call him. See if they can come today before I change my mind. I’ll pay them whatever they want.”

  Mariah did just that. I wasn’t surprised when her brother and his friends eagerly agreed to come to the penthouse and tattoo five gorgeous and half-drunk rich women. Who would turn down a job like that?

  While Daniela and the girls were looking through the guys’ portfolios, I checked my phone for any missed messages. This is the one day off that I have before the wedding so I didn’t expect Jade to be bothering me. However, Xavier was in Dallas for a game and Aiden was in LA dealing with Ramey’s bullshit. I was hoping for a text from both of them but I only had one from Aiden.

  Aiden: Meeting went well. You don’t have to worry too much about Ramey anymore. My lawyers were throwing around words like slander and libel. I don’t think she’s going to be writing anything else about you.

  Me: You’re such a good friend. Call me later. I want to talk to you about something important.

  Aiden: If it’s that shit X said, don’t give that BS a second thought. We’re not dysfunctional and you never have to choose between him and me. Don’t ever think that you have to make that decision, Sunny. Married, single, or whatever, you and I are always going to be a part of each other’s lives. Got it?

  I smiled as I typed back,

  Got it. You know I love you, right?

  Aiden: Then hook me up with that Mariah girl. She’s smokin’ hot.

  Me: She’s engaged.

  Aiden: But she’s not married.

  Me: You’re a mess and there are too many single women chasing after you for you to be scoping out the taken ones.

  Aiden: Love you too.

p; At that moment, I knew exactly what I wanted to get tattooed. I rushed downstairs to my apartment and found Aiden’s first CD. I took the album liner notes out and went back upstairs to Daniel’s. I showed Mariah’s brother a picture in the insert. Three guitars were propped against a large speaker box, his autographed strat, his sunburst acoustic, and his ‘59 Les Paul Standard.

  “You want Aiden Tyler’s guitars tatted on your hip?” Mariah’s brother asked with raised eyebrows. “Are you drunk? Because I can’t do this if you are.”

  “No, I’m not. I wanted something that conveys my love for music,” I explained. “This picture does. But make it pretty and girly. Maybe instead of the speaker, add some swirls and butterflies. You know, something that’s going to make it pretty.”

  “Alright.” He shrugged and started drawing.

  Leilani’s words rang true. My new tattoo is something that only Aiden would understand the meaning of and would appreciate.

  Xavier might suspect something but I don’t care. Screw his ultimatum. Maybe now he’ll realize that my relationship with Aiden is none of his business. As long as we’re strictly platonic, my fiancé has nothing to worry about and will just have to deal with Aiden being in our lives. Besides, this tattoo isn’t going anywhere.

  Chapter 5: The Hurt

  Exhausted, I climbed out of the Lincoln Towncar that picked me up from JFK and trudged my way to the elevators of my apartment building. Thoughts of a long hot bath, a little Marsha Ambrosius, and curling up in my man’s arms filled every inch of space in my head. After spending an exhaustive seven weeks taking care of Aiden, Jade booked me for everything she could when I decided to jump right back in to work full time. She even has me working on Thanksgiving. Mama is sure pissed about that, especially with the wedding coming up so fast. Christmas will be here before we know it.

  Now I’m home, back from a weeklong trip that started in San Francisco and ended in Philly. Xavier is departing on a three game road trip in two days and I fully plan on turning off both of our cell phones and not leaving our apartment for the next forty-eight hours.

  The elevator was taking forever. My cell phone started dinging with back-to-back messages. I knew before looking that they could only be from my mother or Erica. One of them hasn’t quite mastered texting and the other would rather send five or six short messages than one long text.

  Erica: Hey girl. We need to chat. Got time in ur schedule for you BFF?

  Erica: I miss u. U miss me 2, right? You better lol.

  Erica: I’m playing at The Blue Note on Friday. Can I stay w/ u?

  Erica: I know X is gonna be on the road. Let’s have girls night.

  Erica: W/O DANIELA

  Erica: Say yes. Say yes. Say yes.

  Laughing, I typed Ok, hit send, and slipped the phone back into the side pocket of my purse just as the elevator doors opened. I rode up to the twenty-first floor with my head against the wall and my eyes closed. The soft melodic jazz touched my tired nerves like a gentle masseuse. I almost didn’t want to step off when the doors opened and drag my suitcase down the hall to our apartment. I did it though, walking slowly as if my shoes were made of cement.

  Pizza. Garlic buttery crust. Gooey cheese. Rich spicy sauce.

  That was the only thing I was thinking about when I stuck my key in the lock and opened the door. After our bath, ordering a pizza is going to be the first that that Xavier and I do.

  “Screw the calories,” I chuckled out loud. “We’re getting two pizzas.”

  Maxwell’s “Fist Full of Tears” was blaring from the speakers in the den. Yes, Maxwell will do just as well as Marcia. I headed in that direction fully expecting to find Xavier playing his Xbox or reading one of his classic French novels. Leaving my suitcase leaning against the sofa, I dropped my purse on a chair and walked into the den. Just as I expected, Xavier was in there.

  I’m not sure if den is the correct word to describe this room. I prefer it to man-cave and it’s certainly not a study. This room is exclusively Xavier’s though. The smooth custom-made mahogany bar is always fully stocked for him and his friends. He can even brew his own beer there. The entertainment system that houses his music and video games is so elaborate that I don’t even touch it.

  My favorite thing in this room is the pool table. It was my second anniversary gift to him. I found it at an estate sale upstate. I had it refinished to match the bar and replaced the green felt with black felt and had it screen-printed with his father’s 1988 Olympic jersey. Xavier and his dad are incredibly close and Mr. Duchamp is his idol. They both cried when I presented Xavier with his anniversary gift.

  I stood in the doorway of the den and stared at Xavier. He was naked, basketball practice shorts around his ankles, and slamming his dick into my friend Trina, the captain of the Knicks dance team. Her milky white legs wrapped around him contrasted against his terra cotta colored skin. Their moans and rough sex sounds were competing with the volume of the music. My eyes weren’t deceiving me yet any rational thought or action alluded me.

  My feet were stuck to the floor. My face froze in a strange grin as the greeting I was about to give Xavier slipped away. My mind flooded with questions that my eyes weren’t giving me the answers to. As the song came to an end, I looked down at my hands. They were shaking, the only part of my body that was actually moving. I willed my feet to move. Instead of moving forward, I backed away from the doorway slowly, all the way back into the living room. I stood by the chair, knowing that retracing my steps wouldn’t change the outcome of the situation.

  I dug into the side pocket of my purse for my phone. Somehow, holding the phone and using my left hand to reply to Daniela’s last text made my heart race. Maybe it was the sight of a ring that now means absolutely nothing that helped me spring into action.

  If you and Garret are home, get down here now. I’m about to go to jail.

  I let the phone fall onto the carpet. At that moment, I didn’t have any control over my body. My feet rushed towards the den on their own.

  Xavier and Trina had switched positions. He was lying on his back on the pool table gripping her ass with both hands as she bounced up and down. Both of their eyes were closed as they were caught up in the throes of their passionate deception.

  I grabbed Trina by as many strands of that cheap blonde weave that I could fit in my fist. She screamed as I dragged her off of Xavier and onto the floor. She kicked and screamed as I pulled her naked ass through the living room like a rag doll. I felt her sew-in coming loose between my fingers so I tightened my grip and dragged her ass to the door.

  “Sunny!” Trina screamed and cried. “I’m sorry!”

  “Shut up!”

  I opened the door to see Daniela and Garret standing there, startled to see me holding a naked white woman by her hair.

  “Do something with this bitch!” I screamed at Daniel then pushed the Knicks dancer out of my apartment.

  I didn’t hear anything Daniela said to the girl or if she said anything at all. I sprinted into the den. Xavier was scrambling to put his clothes back on.

  “Sunny, I-”

  Whatever lie or explanation he was attempting to say was cut off by the satisfying powerful blow to the jaw he took. My knuckles screamed painfully when my fist connected with his chin but at least I felt a little better.

  “Damn!” Garrett whistled. “She clocked you! You okay, dog?”

  “Fuck him!” Daniela yelled from behind me. “Sunny, are you okay?”

  Slowly, I shook my head no while still staring at Xavier. The anger I felt was beginning to subside as the realization of what I just witnessed took hold. My chest began to ache as my heart disintegrated. The last thing Xavier had said to me when we talked last night kept spinning around my head like a track on repeat.

  “I love you so much, Sunny. You are my light. I can’t wait to marry you.”

  We’re a month away from becoming husband and wife, a month away from having the life that we’ve talked about, the kind of marriage
that both of our parents have. A month away.

  “Was it worth it?” my voice came out in a hoarse whisper. “Is she worth losing me?”

  “Nothing is worth losing you.” Xavier’s gray eyes left mine. He looked at Daniela who had her arm protectively around my waist. “Can y’all leave?”

  “We sure can.” Daniela picked up my phone from off the floor and my purse off the chair. “Let’s go, Sunny.”

  But I couldn’t leave. This apartment is my home. Even though Xavier had just violated our sacred space, this is where I live. This is the home I’ve made with him. I can’t…I can’t just walk out and leave my home.

  I told Daniela to do something with Trina. I could still hear her crying outside the apartment door. As much as I would have loved to make that deceitful cunt stand outside butt naked trying to hail a cab or go from apartment to apartment begging for clothes, I couldn’t do that to another woman. I stepped around Xavier and went into the den to gather Trina’s clothes and purse that were sitting in plain sight then handed them to my friend.

  “Tell her that if I ever see her around this building, I will throw her off the roof,” I told Daniela.

  “Oh, I’mma tell her a lot more than that,” Daniela promised. She leaned over and whispered in my ear. “Don’t kill him. Whatever you do, don’t kill him.”

  Garrett just shook his head at his teammate. Xavier isn’t the first professional athlete to get caught cheating and he definitely won’t be the last. However, he is the first and last professional athlete to get caught cheating on me.

  “Sunny, you need to say something,” Xavier said once our friends had vacated the apartment.

  “I did say something. Did you not hear me ask you if fucking a cheerleader was worth losing me?”

  “If you were going to leave me, you would have left with them.”

  “I can’t believe you did this.”

  As the words left my mouth, the tears that I didn’t want to shed in front of him filled my eyes. What Xavier had just done was a deliberate and calculated attempt to hurt me. I don’t know why or what I did for him to want to do that to me. All I know is that he knew I was coming home today. He knew when I was coming home today. He wanted me to see this and I’m not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing how devastated and hurt I am. I looked down at the carpet and squeezed my eyes shut until the tears went away.


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