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Sunny's Song (Friends Lovers or Nothing Book 2)

Page 12

by Chanel, Jackie

  Let my father tell it, he could sense when something was wrong with me since the day he and my mother brought me home from the hospital. Lord knows something really was bothering me and had been for the last two years since I found out that I was carrying my best friend’s child.

  “You’ve got some friends downstairs,” my daddy told me. I hadn’t even heard the doorbell ring but only one person wouldn’t let me be home for more than five minutes before showing up at my doorstep.

  “Erica?” I asked.

  He nodded. “And Roxy.”

  I sighed and sat down on the edge of Summer’s toddler bed. I wasn’t ready to be bothered by Erica and her equally obnoxious aunt.

  “Daddy, I need some advice.”

  “Sunny,” my father’s deep baritone voice filled the silence in Summer’s princess paradise. “We’ve been through this. These disagreements between you and Aiden affect more than just the two of you. Erica and Roxy are not happy with you right now so deal with it.”

  “I know, but they were my friends before they started working with Aiden! They should be on my side.”

  “Your friends love you and will always have your back, baby-girl. But you aren’t signing their checks. Aiden is. Their livelihood depends on him. Whatever is going on with you and him is starting to affect their bank accounts. Of course they are going to take his side. You have to fix this, Sunny.”

  “Daddy, they aren’t going to understand.”

  “Then deal with their anger, Sunny. This isn’t the first time that Erica has been mad at you. But…” My father put two fingers under my chin and lifted my head so I could see the seriousness in his eyes.

  “Sunny Rain, you are wrong this time. You didn’t just leave Mt. Vernon. You snuck out of his house while everyone was asleep and came home. You did that, and everyone has a right to be angry about it. On top of that, you have to figure out a way to tell them the truth about Summer.”

  “Erica already knows.”

  “Does Roxy?”

  “I can’t tell her before I tell him!” I protested weakly.

  “And you’ve been putting off telling him the truth for two years. Man up, Sunny. You should have told him and his family before you left Mt. Vernon, especially if you were going to leave your best friend there alone after he lost a parent just because you were scared and being a coward.”

  I know my dad wasn’t trying to make me feel worse. He just doesn’t sugarcoat the truth. Still, I felt like the biggest piece of shit when he put the truth so blatantly in my face.

  “I know,” I replied sheepishly. “That was wrong. I was being a coward. I’m sorry, Daddy.”

  “But you can fix it by telling Aiden and your friends the truth. Life is much easier when you are honest, Sunny.”

  I shrugged, knowing deep down in my heart that he was right. My father is always right.

  “I know, Daddy. I’m really sorry that I left him like that and keeping this secret isn’t right.”

  “Don’t tell me, tell them,” Daddy said. “Tell them now.”

  I nodded and stiffened my shoulders. My father may not sugarcoat things but at least he doesn’t yell and curse. Erica and Roxy do. I left the room prepared for a catfight.

  “And Sunny,” my father called. I stopped walking.


  “They’re not mad. They’re upset. Something is wrong so brush that chip off your shoulder and retract your claws. They don’t want to fight with you. Be nice to your friends.”

  Instant worry creased my brow. If Erica and Roxy were both upset over the same thing, which could only be one thing…Aiden.

  I took the stairs two at a time in a hurry to get down them. Something had to have happened to Aiden.

  “What’s going on?” I asked when I walked into my living room. My mother rose from the couch and left me alone with my girls. I know she didn’t go far. Peaches is way too Southern and way too nosy not to hide in the kitchen and listen to our conversation.

  Erica actually smiled when she looked at me. My shoulders actually lost some of their rigidness.

  “I knew you’d come out of hiding if your mother made a Sock-It-To-Me cake.”

  “I wasn’t in hiding,” I replied and sat down next to her. “I was working in St. Croix. Then I was in Miami. I just got back a few minutes ago.”

  “Glad to see you’re making some time for us common folk, jetsetter,” Roxy commented sarcastically.

  I glared at Erica’s aunt, the aunt who helped us through all of our teenage shenanigans. The aunt who claimed us both as her little sisters because she looked too young to have daughters our age. The Jada Pinkett look alike who propelled Aiden to super stardom, taking her niece right along with him.

  “It’s late,” I sighed. “Obviously you are here for a reason. What happened to Aiden?”

  Roxy shook her head. “You still haven’t talked to him?”

  “No. What happened?”

  “This is dumb,” Erica huffed. She sat her plate on the floor and looked me in my eyes.

  “We think that now is the perfect time for you to tell Aiden that he’s Summer’s father.”

  Erica’s words sucked all of the oxygen out of the room. Even my mother, hiding in the kitchen, gasped for air.

  Why would she say that in front of Roxy, especially when I swore her to secrecy?

  “Don’t look at me like that, Sunny,” Erica shook her head. “She knew that baby wasn’t Xavier’s the minute you popped her out.”

  Roxy nodded. “We all know, Sunny.”

  “Everyone?” I choked out. Hot tears of anger clouded my vision. I wasn’t mad at them; I was mad at myself. I should have known that the two people closest to me would have seen right through my lie. I’d been banking that both of them were too busy to notice.

  “What about Aiden? Did you tell him?” I closed my eyes, waiting for confirmation.

  “Aiden is clueless,” was Roxy’s answer. “He trusts that you would never lie to him. You said Xavier was Summer’s father so that’s what he believes.”

  “Like Xavier could ever make such a cute kid,” Erica snorted.

  “I never told Aiden that Xavier was Summer’s father. He assumed he was because I didn’t tell him I got pregnant in New Orleans. Are you here because you want me to tell him?”

  “Yes,” Erica replied. “Because we’re in crisis mode. While you were working, your baby daddy pulled a disappearing act.”

  My eyes widened. Surely, Erica was mistaken. There is no way in hell that Aiden could disappear and nobody knew where he was. The paparazzi would know, even if Roxy didn’t.

  “Not necessarily a disappearing act,” Roxy clarified. “But he’s been gone for awhile and he won’t talk to anyone. He won’t come back to LA either.

  “Where is Aiden?” I asked. A moment passed in utter silence.

  “Guana Island,” Roxy finally told me. “He’s staying in a cottage house on the beach.”

  Guana Island! I’ve been there for a photo shoot. It’s a gorgeous place. So beautiful, so secluded… and off the radar…not the kind of place that a person like Aiden would go unless he had not so good intentions. It’s the perfect place to go and hide from the world, to disappear if you have the money. Aiden has the money. Aiden has plenty of money, but Aiden alone for an extended period of time is the worst possible thing. He gets into his own head and becomes his own worst enemy.

  “Why?” I wanted to know. “Why would he go there alone?”

  “He’s a head case, Sunny,” Erica answered. “Since he got back from Illinois, he’s been holed up in his house, drinking from sun up to sun down. It was Roxy’s bright idea for him to go.”

  “Don’t blame me. I told him to take a vacation!” Roxy protested. “Vacations are a week or two. I didn’t tell him to hide out on a deserted island for a month!”

  “You gave him the brochure! I have an album in the works and my producer is on some island in the middle of the Atlantic and not answering my calls! Of course I blam
e you!”

  “All you care about is your album-”

  “You should too,” Erica interrupted. “You’re my manager and Lord knows, Aiden isn’t putting out anything new any time soon.”

  “Ladies!” I yelled before their argument woke up my child. “What is it that you want me to do? If Aiden won’t talk to you two, he sure as hell isn’t going to listen to a word that I have to say.”

  Erica shrugged. “He might. You might be able to talk him off the ledge. Plus, you have a bargaining chip that none of us have. His daughter.”

  My best friend grinned at me slyly. Sometimes, I really can’t stand her.

  “Uh-oh,” Roxy said. “I know that look. You’re not going to go get him, are you?”

  I shook my head. “I can’t. I can’t just show up there, while he’s mourning, and spring this kind of news on him. He’ll kill me.”

  “He’s not going to kill you,” Erica huffed. “Please Sunny! Do it for me. I need to get my album finished. Do you know how hard it’s been to keep Summer a secret for two years and I haven’t said a word to anyone! You owe me for that.”

  “No. I’m not going. His father just died. Let him grieve the way he needs to. He’ll come back and he’ll be okay. If Aiden needs me, he’ll call.”

  I so badly wanted the conversation to be over. I thought we were done when Erica angrily sashayed into the kitchen and helped herself to another piece of my mother’s Sock-It-To-Me cake. But Roxy stayed seated and kept glaring at me.

  “He needs you, Sunny,” she finally spoke up. “I hate saying this but it’s true. You guys have your little arguments and stop speaking but at the end of the day, he always needs you. Honestly, if you don’t get your ass out to that island, I’m afraid that he’s going to do something stupid.”

  “Roxy-” I started to say before Roxy’s raised hand cut me off.

  “Don’t say you know he’s not. His heart is broken, Sunny. You read the letter his dad wrote him. You know how much of an ass Aiden was to his father. How do you really think he’s dealing with all this? Just talk to him, Sunny. He’ll listen to you,”

  “No, he won’t.” I kept my voice low and even to match Roxy’s. “Why do you think he’ll listen to me and not you? You have a lot more time and money invested in Aiden than I do.”

  “He loves you,” she stated simply. “He respects you more than anyone.” Roxy stood up and picked up her Louie bag. “Call me when you decide to go so I can get your tickets.”

  After she, Erica, and my parents left, I stared aimlessly at the muted television. Back to back reruns of Married with Children were on Nick at Nite. Staring at the TV made me think back to when Aiden and I shared my small apartment in Decatur. We were cramped but we had fun. We were working towards a common goal; to get him a record deal. We worked hard and played harder, but best of all, we did it together.

  Back then, we rarely argued. Back then we hadn’t had sex and let our emotions control our relationship. Back then, life wasn’t as complicated.

  But that was then and our relationship has had its ups and downs. The truth is, no matter why we stopped speaking, I miss my best friend and I need him just as much as he needs me. Next to our daughter, Aiden Tyler is the most important person in my life.

  Keeping secrets from him hurts. Not hearing his laugh or seeing his smile every day is the worst. Knowing that he is in pain and I’m not there to comfort him breaks my heart. The minute Roxy said why he left the country, I knew I was going to go see him.

  Erica and Roxy don’t need to know, but I’m going to get him to come home. If not for him, then for me.

  Chapter 14: Here I Am

  Guana Island, nestled snuggly in the middle of the British Virgin Islands may be the most beautiful island in the world but Lord knows, it’s not easy to get to. A three and a half hour flight from Atlanta to San Juan, then another hour and a half plane ride to Tortola. By the time we boarded the private boat to the island, I had a migraine, a backache, and an overzealous two-year-old to deal with. A nervous breakdown was imminent.

  “Mommy, I want to swim!” Summer cried again. From the day she was born, my child has had this love of water. Maybe it’s because she’s a water sign. Being around all this water was not helping my migraine.

  “I want to swim with Aiden!”

  I cringed at the octave Summer hit as she wailed Aiden’s name. I know she’s sleepy and anxious to see him, but damn. I feel the same way but I’m not impersonating Mariah Carey when I talk.

  “You’ll see him soon,” I promised. “Sit down and chill out.”

  Aside from the boatmen, she and I are the only ones coming to the island today. Summer’s delighted giggle when one of the boatmen pointed out the iguana shaped rock that the island was named after made everyone smile.

  Thankfully, the boat ride wasn’t long and we were met by an older gentleman named Thomas who escorted us directly to Aiden’s cottage. There is a clubhouse where people can check in, eat, or have drinks. I knew Aiden wouldn’t be there so there was no point of going there first. Aiden would rather drink himself into a coma in the privacy of his own cottage.

  “Mommy, I have to pee!” Summer cried.

  “You have to hold it,” I told her. “We’re almost there.”

  I could have kicked myself for not being fully prepared. Potty training has been going well, but what kind of mother runs out of Pull-ups during what has become a twelve-hour trip?

  “Mommy!” she whined.

  “Summer, stop it,” I scolded her. “Do not pee on yourself. Don’t you want Aiden to think that you’re a big girl?”

  “I want to see Aiden!”

  Lord Jesus, help me! I shut my eyes as my heart pounded. I’m already nervous as hell. She’s not making this any easier.

  “Mr. Aiden is lucky to have such beautiful guests,” Thomas commented. “He didn’t mention having any visitors when I spoke with him the other day.”

  “He doesn’t know we’re coming,” I answered. “It’s a surprise.”

  “Well, I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you,” Thomas replied but I could hear the doubt in his voice.

  We drove up a winding road through lush foliage and spectacular greenery until we came to a quaint white cottage about a hundred yards from the beach. The cottage house fit right in with the peaceful surroundings. I can’t wait to sit out on the porch with a bottle of wine and listen to the quiet ocean. Now I understand why Aiden chose this place. It’s serene.

  Summer scrambled out of the car as soon as Thomas opened the door. I swooped her into my arms before she could make a mad dash to the beach. I knocked on the door and prayed while Thomas unloaded our bags.

  Please Lord, don’t let him flip out when he sees me.

  The door swung open and Aiden stared at me like he’d seen a ghost.

  At first glance, Aiden looked fine. He’s been spending a lot of time in the sun because his skin was tanned to perfection. He looked absolutely delicious with his sun kissed blonde hair cascading past his shoulders, his muscles straining under his white tank top.


  “Thank God you’re here,” I said and stepped past him before he could stop me. The last thing either of us needed was to start arguing in front of Thomas. When the shit does hit the fan, which is inevitable, no one needs to be around.

  “Sunny,” Aiden stammered. “What are you doing here?”

  “Where’s the bathroom? We’re doing the potty training thing and this child has to go…now.”

  “It’s down the hall to your right, ma’am,” Thomas answered. Summer and I escaped to the bathroom.

  While she did her business, I splashed water on my face and took deep breaths. Roxy and Erica are worried over nothing! Aiden looks fine! I’ve known him for years and have never seen him look so good.

  He didn’t look upset either, just surprised to see us standing outside his door. I’m still afraid though. It could be a front. We’re talking about months of pent up anger. He’s going to explode a
t me eventually. I’m sure of it.

  “I’m done, Mommy!” Summer announced.

  I kissed her forehead and wiped her bottom. “You’re such a big girl!”

  As soon as I opened the bathroom door, Summer bolted out of the room and ran down the hall. For once, I didn’t have to chase after her. Aiden’s here. He won’t let her hurt herself. When I walked into the living room, he had her in his arms and was planting giant smooches on her chubby baby cheeks. Both of them were smiling.

  “For the last six hours all she did was talk about you,” I told him as I rounded the corner. “She couldn’t wait to get here.”

  “I wanna swim!” Summer squealed.

  Aiden smiled harder. His smile wasn’t forced. He was genuinely happy to see her.

  “I’ll take you swimming,” he agreed.

  The smile disappeared when he looked at me. His piercing green eyes asked a question that I wasn’t ready to answer. Of course he wants to know why I’m here.

  “Can we talk about that later? I really want a hot shower and a nap. Can you do me a solid and take her swimming for a couple of hours?”

  Aiden sat Summer in a chair and walked over to me. He slipped his arms around my waist and hugged me. At six-three, Aiden towers over me. I leaned against his tight chest and closed my eyes.

  “Which bag is hers?” Aiden’s deep voice said softly into my hair.

  “The smallest one.”

  “Go take a nap,” he said and rubbed my back. “I got this.”

  I smiled up at him. “Thanks.”

  “My bedroom is on the left. We’ll talk later.”


  I don’t know how long I slept but when my eyes fluttered open, it was silent and dark in the large bedroom. I haven’t slept that good in months. The gigantic California king was the most comfortable bed I’ve ever been in. I fell into the feather pillows right after my shower and couldn’t move a muscle.

  Now the bed feels a little smaller than before and it took a minute for me to remember where I was. The waves lapping along the beach and the sun-kissed saltwater scent of the man lying next to me brought it all back to me. I turned over on my stomach and slipped my hands under the pillows. I could tell by Aiden’s breathing that he was wide-awake.


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