Claimed: A Paranormal Shifter Romance Novel (Crescent City Wolves Series Book 1)

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Claimed: A Paranormal Shifter Romance Novel (Crescent City Wolves Series Book 1) Page 15

by Bella Night

  Cali’s guest bathroom was tiny and Wes wasn’t. He sighed, stood up and handed Etti a wet washcloth. “Clean yourself up. I’ll order you some pizza from Your Pie. You need to keep something in your stomach.”

  He shut the door softly and left Etti in peace. God, Wes would be such a good father. He was already looking out for the baby. Why didn’t things ever happen the easy way? If Etti had been brave enough to go for it with Wes when she had the chance this could be his baby.

  They loved each other enough to make this work—it wasn’t romantic love, but Wes wanted this baby. Wasn’t that the most important part? This child wasn’t even his and he wanted it. He was already protecting it. But Wes wasn’t Etti’s. Not like Grey was. She still loved Grey. She more than loved him—he was her mate. But Grey clearly did not want a baby, and that was a fundamental problem at the moment. The injustice of it all made her sick again.

  When Etti was sure her stomach was finished revolting, she washed her face, smoothed her long black hair and tried to turn off the confusing thoughts stampeding through her head. Wishing for things that would never be didn’t change the situation. She squared her shoulders and took a deep breath, before heading back out to face the rapidly approaching reality of motherhood—with or without her mate.



  Grey was met by Wes’s menacing stance when he knocked on Cali’s door.

  “She doesn’t want to talk to you, dick,” Wes snarled.

  Wes’s mood told Grey everything he needed to know. Wes knew Etti was pregnant, and if her best friend’s current display was any indicator, she was still pissed at Grey. Wes wasn’t too happy either. He looked ready to rip Grey’s head off.

  Grey knew there was no way he was getting past Wes without seriously harming him, which would only make things worse with Etti. Sighing in frustration, Grey took a step back. He resented the fact that he had to deal with Wes on top of everything else at the moment. But he was in this for the long haul, and patience was a virtue he might as well start practicing.

  “So, she told you?” Grey asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Of course,” Wes snapped. “Etti tells me everything, because she knows I won’t abandon her.”

  Grey’s temper flared. “I didn’t abandon her.”

  “Really? Cause it sure looks like it to me.”

  “Look, Wes, I’m not gonna lie. I freaked out. But I’m here now.”

  “Yeah? For how long?”

  “As long as it takes,” Grey replied.

  “That’s eighteen years, bro. You sure you got that kinda time? ‘Cause kids need stability. You can’t be walking in and outta their lives. Etti deserves better and so does her baby.”

  “I know that. I screwed up. That’s why I’m here.” Grey clenched his jaw, trying to rein in his temper. He didn’t need to be explaining this to Wes. “Look, I really need to talk to Etti.”

  Wes looked over his shoulder. Etti must be listening behind the door. Grey tried to see around Wes’s towering frame but it was useless. When Wes turned back to face Grey, he was smiling smugly. “Sorry, dick. She doesn’t want to talk to you. Too little, too late, amigo,” Wes quipped, arrogantly slamming the door in Grey’s face.

  Grey grumbled under his breath. He hated having Wes run interference, but he’d expected as much. He was actually surprised Wes hadn’t taken a swing at him. It showed how much control Etti had over her protective best friend. But, truthfully, Grey was glad Etti had Wes in her life. If it weren’t for Wes, Etti might not have survived the hunt or her murderous parents. And if today was any indication, Etti was going to need a friend to get through this pregnancy—if that was even what she wanted.

  Preparing for an uncomfortable night, Grey slumped down on Cali’s small front porch, praying Etti would give him a second chance. He felt like shit for the way he’d reacted to her news—their news.

  As he sat there reliving his foolish response, Grey found himself wishing Wes had just punched him after all. Grey deserved it. At this point, he would have welcomed it. He’d welcome anything that would silence the anguish he felt over disappointing his mate.

  Grey had to find a way to show Etti that he wasn’t going anywhere—that he was going to be there for her and the baby—always. Family had always been the most important thing to Grey. He’d done unspeakable things to protect his mother and younger brother from the hunt. They were the reason he’d stepped up and taken his fallen brother’s place in the rogue pack.

  Grey would do anything to protect the unconditional bond of love that his family brought to him. And Etti and this baby were Grey’s family now. So if sleeping on the front porch of Cali’s house was the first step to proving that to Etti, that’s exactly what Grey was going to do—for as long as it took.


  “He’s still out there,” Cali said, handing Etti another slice of pizza.

  “I know,” Etti replied. She could still smell her mate’s scent wafting under the front door. It made her feel anxious. She could practically feel her wolf pacing under her skin.

  “How long are you going to make him stay out there?” Cali asked.

  “Till he can take a hint!” Wes snapped.

  Cali ignored Wes and looked at Etti. “It’s gonna be a cold one tonight,” was all she said before leaving the living room.

  Etti looked longingly at the door.

  “Don’t get weak on me now, Etti. This kiddo’s gonna need you to be strong,” Wes said, tucking her back under his arm on the small, blue couch.

  “Maybe I should at least give him a blanket?” Etti ventured.

  Wes rolled his eyes. “He’s a wolf for fuck’s sake. He can shift into a fur coat with legs if he gets cold.”

  “Wes . . .” Etti warned.

  “Fine,” he muttered. “But I’ll give it to him. You’ll take one look at his sad, wolfy eyes and drop your panties.”

  “I will not!” Etti huffed defiantly.

  Wes arched a perfect black eyebrow. “Really? Isn’t that how you got knocked up in the first place?” The corners of his mouth were quirked into a teasing grin.

  Wes wasn’t trying to be mean. It was just the way he and Etti joked with each other. Making light of tough situations was the only way they knew how to deal. And Wes was right. Grey’s allure was irresistible to Etti. She knew if she went onto the porch with a blanket for Grey her anger would evaporate the moment she saw him and she’d be back in his arms in an instant. As it was, she already missed him. It didn’t help that his scent was prickling her overly sensitive hormones. The stupid mating bond made it impossible to stay mad at him.

  Etti watched Wes march to the door and toss a blanket out without a second glance. He slammed the door shut, locked it and plopped back down on the couch, kicking his large feet up on Cali’s coffee table.

  “What?” he asked with a smirk.

  “I’m fighting with the father of my child, Wes. Could you try to be a little less smug?”

  Wes shrugged. “Probably, but that’s not as fun.”

  Etti shook her head and exhaled. She was too tired to argue with Wes. She really just wanted to sleep. Wes seemed to sense it and pulled a throw pillow onto his lap, patting it enticingly. Etti couldn’t resist. She laid her head in Wes’s lap and let him stroke her hair. It was something he’d done a hundred times over the years and it always made her feel safe. She closed her eyes and let sleep pull her from her worries.


  When Wes realized Etti was asleep he smiled. She was always so beautiful when she let her guard down like this. He never tired of looking at her, holding her, being there for her . . . and tonight was no different. Well, it was a little different.

  Etti hadn’t come to Wes with any of her usual problems. But this wasn’t really a problem in his eyes. It was actually a blessing. A baby meant more of Etti to love. And God did he love her.

  Wes knew Etti was meant for him. He felt it in his bones the day they met on the playground as children.
He’d tried to tell her then. Of course she didn’t have the same feelings and punched him when he tried to kiss her. But that only made him love her more.

  He’d given her time over the years. He wanted to let her grow to love him—to come to the realization on her own. But giving her time didn’t seem to work. And it wasn’t any wonder once he learned how poorly her parents treated her. She had major trust issues. So, he did what he had to—pushed his feelings aside and was a friend to her when she needed it.

  But Wes’s frustration built over the last few years. They were in their twenties now and he was getting tired of waiting. Not knowing what else to do, Wes tried flirting with Etti, but unlike all other women, she seemed immune to his charms. So he tried making her jealous instead, hitting on everything with tits.

  Looking back, Wes realized it was a dumbass move. He was guilty of listening to his dick more than his head. But he was a guy . . . he had needs.

  But no matter how many notches Wes added to his bedpost over the years, he still got nowhere with Etti. It was terrible for his ego. And for a while, Wes started thinking maybe there was a reason. Maybe he wasn’t good enough for Etti. Maybe she was meant for bigger and better things than a small town existence, dating a small town guy. But that all changed the minute Greyson West showed up.

  Wes knew the shifter was going to bring trouble into their lives. And regardless if Etti never had romantic feelings for Wes, he still loved her and would protect her by any means necessary. And now, with a baby involved, he was even more determined to protect Etti from Grey. The arrogant prick had another thing coming if he thought he could waltz in and take Wes’s girl away—mate or not.

  Wes didn’t put much stock into the ridiculous shifter bullshit, anyway. In his opinion, the so-called mating bond seemed like a fucked up way for guys to lock down women they wouldn’t ordinarily have a chance with. Grey may have conned Etti into his bed, but there was no way in hell Wes was going to let him lock Etti and her baby into a bad relationship because of some shifter nonsense. Wes was sure Etti was just under Grey’s spell. Now that they were fighting, all Wes needed to do was find a way to break it. Then he could have the life with Etti he’d always wanted.

  They could be a real family. He’d help her raise her baby and make sure they never wanted for anything. The child would grow up in a loving home, with parents that loved each other and never turned to violence. Wes knew that’s what Etti was afraid of, he just wished there was some way he could put it all into words and ease her mind so that she’d understand choosing him was safe. He could make her happy. He could protect her. He’d been doing it for twenty years—and he wanted a lifetime more.

  He carefully pulled a blanket off the back of the couch and draped it over Etti, smoothing back her silky curtain of black hair. Wes loved touching her hair. It was identical to his, thanks to their Native American heritage. But there was something intoxicating and intimate about touching Etti’s hair. She rarely let him do it—pretty much only when she was upset or asleep. He liked knowing he could soothe her. Having her close soothed him, too.

  Wes let the familiar feel of Etti’s silken strands gliding between his fingers calm him as he settled in for the night. He flicked off the television and kicked off his boots to get comfortable. Etti whimpered in her sleep and he ran a quieting hand up and down her arm. “I’m here . . . you’re okay now,” he murmured, linking his fingers with hers and squeezing.

  Etti readjusted in her sleep, pulling Wes’s hand to her stomach.

  He tensed, noting the foreign swell of her normally flat stomach. She was already changing. And despite his best efforts, so was Wes. The part of his heart that he kept locked up—the part that felt like it was made of glass that only Etti could break—was now exposed.

  He couldn’t keep his feelings for her hidden anymore. This baby was wringing them out of him like a rag. He wanted to scoop Etti up and take her far away, where he could protect her and this baby from all the scary shit in the world. But as much as he wanted to, he couldn’t do that. Wes could never take Etti’s choices away from her, even when he thought she was making the wrong ones. Too much had been taken from her already. Wes wouldn’t be any better than her parents or Grey if he started making demands of Etti.

  So, for now, Wes closed his eyes and held Etti tight, praying for the strength to shove his feelings away and do the right thing for his best friend—the love of his life.

  Also by Bella Night


  Claimed: A Paranormal Shifter Romance Novel

  (Book 1)

  Cursed: A Paranormal Shifter Romance Novel

  (Book 2)

  Chosen: A Paranormal Shifter Romance Novel

  (Book 3)

  Buried: A Paranormal Shifter Romance Novel

  (Book 4)

  Betrayed: A Paranormal Shifter Romance Novel

  (Book 5)

  Bitten: A Paranormal Shifter Romance Novel

  (Book 6)

  About the Author

  Bella Night loves spicy romance, wine & a good supernatural twist. Her new paranormal romance series, Crescent City Wolves releases Fall of 2019. Stay tuned for this 6 book series that will deliver swoon-worthy romance and action, cloaked in the mysterious world of vampires, witches and werewolves.

  Perfect for fans of series like The Vampire Diaries and Twilight.

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