Mated to the Pack

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Mated to the Pack Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “Dinner’s ready,” he said.

  “Ah, I thought I smelled something good,” Noah said. “Come on, Lucia.”

  Noah was already walking past him. Lucia followed behind him and he caught her arm, not allowing her to go.

  She didn’t flinch from his touch but tilted her head back to look right at him.

  Take her.

  Mate her.

  He didn’t do either of those things.

  “I will protect you and so will my pack,” he said.

  She nodded. “Thank you.”

  “I’m sorry you lost so many of your loved ones a few days ago. I know what it’s like to lose people you care about.”

  “Your parents?”

  “Noah’s been talking.”

  “I’ve been asking questions.”

  “You’re curious about me?” he asked.

  “I would be a fool not to be. I know you don’t accept guests in this place, but I don’t want to die.”

  “I have no intention of killing you.”

  Far from it. He wanted to take her, to fuck her, to make her moan as he slid his cock into her pussy.

  Was she a virgin? The scent surrounding her was so sweet, but he didn’t know if that was any sign of her innocence.

  Her stomach growled, and he offered his arm. She took it, and he felt on top of the fucking world.

  Chapter Four

  The food was incredible, and much to Lucia’s embarrassment, once she started eating, she couldn’t seem to bring herself to stop. The potatoes were so smooth and buttery, the steak delicious and exactly how she liked it, the vegetables spicy, and it was all so beautiful.

  When Ryan pulled out the large chocolate cake with whipped cream, she was in heaven. No doubt about it.

  They were all served a large slice, as was she, but the cake didn’t leave the table. It was all so good, and as she licked the spoon, she closed her eyes, letting out a moan. When she opened them, they were all looking at her. Heat flooded her cheeks at how enraptured they seemed as they looked at her.

  “I’m sorry. It’s a really good cake,” she said.

  “Don’t ever apologize for enjoying your food and making those noises around a spoon. Totally fine and I enjoyed it,” Ryan said.

  “You’re a really great cook.” She looked toward Luther.

  She tried not to look at him too much, as his stare always did things to her body that she didn’t quite understand. His gaze was so hard, so fierce, but she got aroused.

  She’d never been with a man before in her life, so this was all new to her. These feelings kept on flooding her body, making her ache. Her tits felt heavy, and as she pressed her thighs together, she felt the flush of arousal. She wanted to touch herself, but more importantly, she wanted Luther to touch her. To strip her naked, spread her legs, and lick every part of her body.

  “Noah made the cake,” Luther said.

  She looked toward Noah and offered him a smile. “It’s so good.”

  “He’s the best cook around,” Luke said. “You’re in for a treat when the bug gets him. He’s always in the kitchen.” Noah slapped Luke on the shoulder.

  “I know.” Noah rubbed his stomach. “I love baking.”

  She touched Noah’s arm and glanced over at Luther when he didn’t make a sound to stop her.

  “How about I take you for a walk around the gardens in the yard? Not too far out while the others do the dishes,” Luther said.

  Her brain was telling her to decline, but her body jumped for joy. She didn’t argue. Wiping her mouth on the napkin, she stood up.

  Luther offered her his arm, and she didn’t fight him. Putting her hand through, she smiled up at him, and they walked out to the garden together.

  It was such a beautiful night. Stars were in the sky, but the moon wasn’t full.

  She’d never get to run in the full moon with her pack. There was so much she’d miss.

  “Do you and your pack take a midnight run when the moon is full?” she asked.

  “We do. But until we can guarantee the humans are not a threat, we won’t be taking that risk.”

  “I understand. I can leave.”

  “Lucia, you and I both know that you’re not going anywhere.” They came to a tree, and he pressed her up against it, stopping her from escaping.

  Her heart pounded within her chest, and she didn’t move as he pressed his body close to her.

  Her wolf was screaming for more, that she wanted to touch him, but she kept her hands firmly lodged against the tree, refusing to back up.

  She couldn’t touch him.

  If she did, they’d both burn.

  “I can leave.”

  She released a gasp when Luther took the choice right out of her hands. He cupped her cheek, his thumb running back and forth over her bottom lip.

  Taste him.

  You know you want to.

  He looks so damn good.

  Just one little taste.

  We’ve been good girls for so long.

  She slid her tongue out, and the amber of his eyes seemed to flash right back at her.

  “You feel this,” he said, his voice more of a growl as he spoke.

  The sound went down her spine, but it didn’t scare her. Her nipples were rock-hard pebbles and her pussy so wet the boxer briefs she wore were slick.

  His hand moved to her neck, his fingers resting against her pulse before he moved down. She didn’t even want him to stop.

  Her eyes fluttered closed as he cupped her tit.

  There was no mistaking what they had. What they were to each other. She let out a cry as his palm moved in a circle before going back and forth across the hard bud.

  “Look at me, Lucia.”

  She opened her eyes, and he stared at her.

  “You know what this means, don’t you?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Don’t lie, Lucia. You and I both know what it means. Why you’re not afraid of us and why you’ve spent the last few hours being so fucking wet.”

  “I don’t know you.”

  “We’re not human, Lucia. We don’t work like them. We have our own timetable. It doesn’t take us months or even years to work out that we are mates.” He pressed a little closer. “I can sense her. She likes me.”

  That “she” was her pesky little wolf that wanted to be mated and fucked.

  The truth was, so did she. She wanted to be fucked, to feel his cock sliding so deep inside her.

  “I’m a virgin,” she said.

  This made Luther moan. “Damn, I knew you were special the moment I caught your scent. I’ll make it good for you, I promise.”

  As his lips touched hers, Lucia melted. There was nothing more to be done as his tongue traced across her mouth. She opened up to him, and he took the plunge, sliding his tongue in and making her want him even more.

  She released her hold on the tree and gripped his arms. He surrounded her, holding her close, and it felt so good. She knew in that instant why people mated. Why they came together. If it felt as good as this kiss, she was already addicted.


  Luther’s cock was so fucking hard he thought it was going to tear through the denim of his jeans. She tasted like warm honey and vanilla, such an addictive flavor, and to know she was pure, that no other wolf had ever tasted her, well, that was just the cherry on top. He wanted those juicy curves wrapped around his body, riding his cock. He’d give anything to see her tits as he plowed inside her. Knowing no other man had touched her, it drove him crazy to claim her untouched pussy.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he gripped the back of her head and kissed her harder. Their teeth clashed together, and he didn’t stop.

  They met each other halfway, his tongue stroking hers, tasting her.

  Pressing her against the tree, he lifted one of her thighs and placed it over his hip, needing to be inside her, willing to do whatever it took to feel her tight heat pressed against his cock.

  It wasn�
�t enough, but for now, it would do.

  “You’ve started without us,” Luke said, hunger in his voice. His gaze was focused on Lucia. Luther knew without a doubt how much his brother wanted her. Luke hadn’t hidden his desire for her.

  Luther didn’t stop kissing her. He took his time, aware of the pack surrounding them, watching them.

  Slowly, he broke from the kiss.

  Her lips were swollen and her eyes glazed over.

  She licked her lips, and her gaze fell from his to look over his shoulder, staring at his men.

  “All five of you?” she asked.

  “You know it. You can feel it.”

  “That’s not possible. Only two people can mate.”

  “Can they?” He moved behind her and held her close to his body. Pressing his cock against her ass, he placed his chin on her shoulder. Sliding a hand up her body, he cupped her tit, and with the other, he did the same to her pussy.

  He heard her cry out, but she didn’t pull away.

  The scent of her arousal was heady in the air, and his cock was leaking copious amounts of pre-cum.

  “Look at them, Lucia. Each of them would die for you. They all want to touch you. The moment we saw you passed out, we all knew that you were meant to be ours. The scent of you calls to us. We want you. Tell her,” he said, looking at his pack.

  “It’s true,” Luke said.

  “Hell, yes,” Billy said.

  “I’ve never known a more tempting female.” Ryan gave her a wink after he answered.

  Luther turned his attention to Noah. The youngest of them all and the nicest had blushed.

  “Don’t lie,” he said, warning him.

  “I want you, Lucia. It was hard to just hold your hand today. I do want you.”

  “They all do,” Luther said. “Their cocks are pressed against their pants. I see the look in their eyes, and they each want to know if you’re as wet as they imagine. They can smell your arousal.”

  He rubbed between her thighs, creating just enough friction to have her whimpering for more.

  It wasn’t enough though.

  He eased up, going to the waistband of the sweatpants he’d given her. When she didn’t protest, he slid his hand inside and cupped her.

  The fine hairs that covered her pussy were slick from her cream. She was fucking heaven in his hands, and he didn’t want to stop touching her.

  He ran a finger through her slit, stroking over her clit, feeling how wet she was.

  “Take your shirt off, Lucia. Let us see all of you.”

  She whimpered, but he saw her hands, shaking that they were, ease her shirt off. She wasn’t wearing a bra, so her heavy tits were there for them to see.

  “Noah, come and pull the pants down for us,” he said.

  Out of all of the men, Noah was the only one he trusted to not interfere, to not try to touch her.

  They all knew tonight would belong to him.

  Noah stepped forward, and he saw the desire in his gaze.

  Noah wanted her.

  They all did.

  Luther’s cock was so hard; he’d never felt this much arousal before. It was all new territory to him as well.

  The sweatpants were pulled down her thighs, and she stepped out of them.

  Now, in their yard, they all looked at her. She was completely naked, and he worked her clit.

  “Spread your legs. Let them see you.”

  She opened her thighs, and he worked his finger through her slit. He didn’t touch her virgin hole. That would only be taken by his cock.

  He’d never been with a virgin before.

  “How does she look?” he asked.

  “Beautiful,” Noah said. He’d already taken a step back.

  Luther watched as his pack started to strip. They were all more than comfortable with their nakedness.

  With their cocks on display, Lucia would see just how much they wanted her.

  “You’re our mate, Lucia. You know that. You can feel it. Every time you look at one of us, you want us. Your attraction is there. Your wolf begs for us.”

  “Please, Luther,” she said.

  “What is it, mate?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I need something.”

  He knew exactly what she needed, and he was more than willing to do what was needed. Sliding his fingers against her slit, he scented the air, loving the way she opened herself to him. She didn’t try to stop him. Her hands reached back and wrapped around his neck, offering herself to him, to them.

  Her body knew before she did.

  Billy, Ryan, Noah, and Luke each had their cock in their hands. Luther wanted nothing more than to grab his own cock, to watch Lucia, but he didn’t. He stroked her pussy, feeling her body press against his hand.

  Rubbing his cock against her ass, he watched and waited, seeing each of them come apart.

  Noah came first, his cum spilling onto the ground as his grunt rent the air. Billy and Ryan followed, with Luke coming last.

  With the last drop of Luke’s orgasm on the ground, Luther thrust Lucia into an orgasm all of her own, feeling her come apart. Her cries of pleasure filled the air and drove him crazy.

  This would be the first of many to come.

  Chapter Five

  After reaching orgasm in front of five men, Lucia didn’t know what to expect. This was far more than anything she’d ever experienced. She’d never been touched by a man until Luther. She’d watched four of them come, and it had turned her on to see them, each of them, lose control.

  They were all beautiful men, and even as part of her brain was telling her she shouldn’t be enjoying this, she couldn’t help but love it.

  Their eyes were on her, but as Luther carried her back into the house, she didn’t see them again.

  He only let her go once she was stable on her feet in a bedroom she’d never seen.

  “It’s my room,” Luther said, closing the door.

  “What just happened out there?” Her body was on fire.

  She’d come once, but that didn’t even feel enough. She couldn’t think straight, and as she watched Luther, he started to remove his clothes. Her mouth went dry at the sight of him. He was the biggest of all of them, but then, he was the alpha.

  “They saw you. I shared your pleasure with them.”

  “But not now?”

  “No. It can’t be any other way than this.”

  “I don’t know you.”

  “What do you need to know?” he asked.

  “What is this?”

  “You know what it is.” He advanced toward her, his nose so close against her neck as he inhaled. “I can smell how good you are. How fucking pure. That cherry is all mine. Mine to take, to claim. I’m the alpha of the Knight pack, and you, Lucia, are ours. You belong to us. All you need to know is that we’ll take care of you. We’ll protect you. You wandered onto this land for a reason. Our wolves are a match.”

  She closed her eyes as he ran his hand down her body, cupping her tits before sliding down to grip her hips. “This is too fast.”

  “Humans need slow. Not us. We’ve got all the time in the world to learn the truth.” He slid a hand between her thighs and started stroking her. She lost all sense of time as he stroked her. Each touch sent another wave of pleasure rushing through her entire body.

  She gasped as he moved down as if to penetrate her.

  “I’ll take this sweet little pussy with my dick.” He pulled his fingers from her, and she watched as he licked them.

  They were covered in her cream. Her arousal was so intense it shocked her with the force of it.

  Luther removed his pants, and this time, she was a little concerned.

  Every single part of him was big. His cock stood out long, hard, and proud. She found herself licking her lips as she watched him.

  His fingers that had been inside her wrapped around the length of himself, working up from the base to the root then back again. He did this over and over. The tip already glistened in the light, and
she couldn’t look away, not that she wanted to.

  She was drawn to him, to the pack.

  Had she been lured here?

  Had her wolf taken over, knowing what she’d find?

  Taking a step toward him, she covered his hand with her own. “I’ve never touched a man before,” she said. “Show me how.”

  He let himself go and covered her hand with his own. He tightened her grip and slowly started to stroke himself. “I don’t like too much pain, but you don’t have to treat me like I’m going to break either.” She watched his eyes. They were so expressive with the shots of amber. His wolf part of him. The alpha clung to his skin. With her free hand she couldn’t resist gripping his shoulders, feeling the strength within him. This man was sheer perfection, and he belonged to her.

  Running her hand down his shoulders to his back, she basked in his hands as they touched her.

  “You are so beautiful. I love your tits.” He lifted them up, leaning forward to take one nipple into his mouth. When he latched onto her other, she cried out. He’d used his teeth, which had caused a bite of pain, not too painful but enough to make her want more.

  He flicked his tongue back and forth, driving her crazy with need.

  “I need to taste you.”

  Before she knew what was happening, he had hold of her hips and pressed her to the bed. Legs wide, he moved between them. His head went between her thighs, and as his tongue danced across her slit, she couldn’t believe the pleasure could get any better, and yet it did.

  He sucked on her clit, his tongue sliding across her nub before he used his teeth. He alternated between the bites of pain and soothing out. She didn’t think she could get any wetter. Her cream dribbled down her pussy, going to her ass.

  “Please, Luther,” she said.

  “You want to come?”


  “Don’t worry. I’m going to spend a lot of time eating this pussy.” He sucked on her clit for good measure.

  Her orgasm started to build, and as it struck her, she shook from the force of it, her second orgasm within an hour.

  Luther knew what he was doing. The way he touched her body brought her more pleasure than she ever thought possible.

  When he moved up between her thighs, she saw the flash of concern within his eyes.


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