by Sarwah Creed
Like, I’ll remember all the things that Mommy and Daddy told me that I would understand as I got older.
James told me that the argument made Daddy leave, he was fed up with Mommy shouting at him. Sometimes, I didn’t understand what was going on in the house. We spent more time with Marta, our nanny, than we did with our parents even before the argument. Marta never explained anything to us, she would tell me, not to worry about grownup problems.
James told me that she told us that not to upset us. But he knew the truth. Either way, it made no difference to me. I just wanted Daddy back home with Mommy and for them to be happy, like they used to be. We used to have fun together, and then things changed, now he was home but ready to upset Mommy again.
What was wrong with him?
I didn’t know what to do, and I started to panic. I could tell James what was going on and he would know what to do for sure, or I could tell Daddy to stop.
The decision was made for me as I saw Daddy with a flame and then he tossed it onto the floor. I ran to James’ room - right on the other side of the stairs, and I shouted at him.
“James. The house is on fire!”
Luckily his room was next door to Mommy’s, so while James was still trying to get up, I ran to hers too, and I said the same thing, “Mommy, the house is on fire.”
She wasn’t sleeping; she was sitting on her bed, looking out of the window. She took my hand and then she took my brother’s hand too as he ran into the room.
The air was getting thick with smoke because Daddy started the fire near the stairs. I was lucky that I made it to James and Mommy’s room.
The next thing she did was open her balcony door, she didn’t need to tell us to leave or walk out on to the balcony, we knew what to do next. I didn’t know, why but I started to cry, because Mommy didn’t come out with us and I was worried that she was caught in the fire.
“James, where’s Mommy?”
I cried, and as soon as I said the words, she shut the door as we sat on the edge of her balcony. We wanted to run out and try to climb down, but Mommy shook her head, and then again, she was looking at something. I didn’t know what, and I didn’t care.
The smoke rolled out of her room and we began to cough. I thought that we were going to die at the edge of her balcony, but Mommy nodded, and that was when I saw that in her hands, she had sheets rolled up. I knew this was why it took her so long to come out of her room. She was building a rope for us to go down the balcony.
She spoke without opening her mouth but with her hands, she pointed to the bedsheets that she had in her hand, all tied up and ready for us to climb down. She had knotted the sheets together and tried to make a strong knot around a column at the end of the balcony. One-by-one as the smoke became thicker and the fire felt like a big beast, we all managed to get down. The problem was that there was a big jump at the end. I gathered up all my courage as I stared down at the vast abyss between where I clung to the sheet and the ground below. James was always jumping off something, so he’d taken the leap as if he was a tiger. It meant nothing to him, but I couldn’t do the same because I was afraid. I let go of the rope as Mommy began to climb down. I hurt my ankle but didn’t care, I watched with a twisted knot of fear in my stomach.
Mommy was weak, and we could see that as she came down. We watched through the smoke as she nearly fell from the top right down to the bottom. We ran and tried to hold onto her, but the sheet was out of reach. James screamed at me that we needed to move her away from the fire, that we had to protect her. I found a rake one of the gardeners must have left out and caught the end of the sheet with the prongs. None of us spoke, but as I tried to move Mommy the pain in my ankle made it hard to stand up. The only sounds made was us coughing and the fire which roared like some kind of animal that was trying to eat our house up.
I started to wake-up from one of the many horrors of my past. As the years went by, I’d gone from waking up in the middle of the night screaming, to crying, and now to only having an occasional tear in my eye. They say that time heals all wounds, but the hurt and pain of that night was still fresh in my mind. I stood up and walked over to James’ room. I wanted to talk to him about the nightmare. To know if he still had the same nightmares that I did about that night or if he’d forgotten about them.
There was no fucking way, that he could forget about them. I wanted to talk to him, not just about that night, but the years that rolled by after that, they weren’t any better just different at times. Mom was in hospital for a long time after that night. She was sick from the fire and the amount of alcohol that she had in her system at the time. She had more liquor in her system than a liquor store. That was what the doctor had said to Magdalena, Marta’s sister. Marta had died in the fire, and Magdalena said that she would look after us until Mommy came out of the hospital or another family member came forward to be our guardian.
The only guardian left was our Dad and he’d tried to kill us all. Dad had his parents, and Mom had a distant aunt and cousin, two people Mom never got along with. Then again Mom didn’t get along with a lot of people. Mainly because she was always drunk.
I didn’t know as we climbed down the rope that Dad had done it to get the insurance money and our trust fund left to us by our grandparents. The house that we used to live in was given to Mom by her parents, who died in a car crash. The plan was for it to be left to us once Mommy passed away.
Dad had other plans.
My life changed the moment James, Mommy, and I climbed down that rope. The only thing that hadn’t changed since that day was the bond that James and I shared until now. We were brothers who were nearly killed by their Dad for the insurance money and trust fund to pay off his gambling debt.
I was the key witness and my testimony sent Dad to jail for a long time. I was happy to testify that he was spilling Mommy’s favorite drink all over the floor then put a match on the floor. I hated him for what he did back then. I hated him even more than Hawk at times. But the thing was that Dad was behind bars where he belonged, and Hawk was here.
Maybe not right now, but I knew that soon he would be back, and I’d get to hate him, all over again.
Chapter Seven
I closed my eyes and then tried to stay up and wait for James to come home. This time not on the sofa, but in my bed. I didn’t feel like sleeping in my uniform. Usually, I stripped it off as soon as I walked in, but tonight part of me was hoping that James would come home, and we could talk; but I knew that the moment I stripped off my uniform the sleep would come.
I had to stay up. I’d sent him a bunch of messages saying that I was waiting for him. He would come back. He wouldn’t let me down. I felt like a guy being stood up on a blind date as I laid in bed staring at the ceiling and before I knew it, I fell asleep in my fucking uniform.
The next morning, my alarm went off, and as usual, I slapped it off, and it tumbled to the floor. The same thing I used to do with my phone. I would throw it across the room, like a crazed wolf. I wasn’t so aggressive now, but I hated the idea of not waking up naturally, not feeling the sunlight hitting my face and waking up.
Now I needed an alarm to tell me to get up every day. Between studying and the stress of everything that was going on around me at the moment, I wasn’t in a good place mentally, I was in a dark one. One that was clouding my judgment about everything in my life and nothing made sense anymore.
I struggled to open my eyes, but saw that there was a sticky note on my mirror. That was weird, I didn’t hear a sound when I fell asleep and I didn’t even turn my lights off. Shit, James must have come in, because the lights were off. Fuck, he knew how much I wanted to talk but he’d left again. Why didn’t he just wake me up?
It drew me closer, and my eyes, which were once struggling to open, were now wide open.
Out of here for a few days. Catch you later.
I felt like everything was out of control. James and I were always together, and now for so
me fucking crazy reason, he’d left again, and he didn’t call or even text me. He just left a note, as if it was some fucked up romantic gesture.
“What the fuck?” I called out as I felt as if I was losing my mind. I grabbed the note and threw it in the trash.
Everything was falling apart. I thought that we could get Hawk out of Mom’s life for real, and James was too busy thinking about his cock. I had to wonder if we were related, let alone twins.
“What the fuckerty fuck!”
I haven’t been separated from James since he was five years old and had a suspected case of malaria when we took a trip to South Africa. Being away from him now made me feel like that same five-year-old back then—lost and confused—wondering why he had contracted it, and I hadn’t. Back then, not fully understanding the situation, I’d wondered if James died, what would happen to me? Would I die too? Kind of how I was feeling right now, but this was completely different. He’d chosen to be apart from me, and I wondered if this was a new beginning for us.
I gently laid back on the bed, too scared to get up and face the world without James, what would I do? Go to a different university, it’d never entered my mind, but it felt as if it was something that I had to come to terms with, even if I didn’t to. It was all out of my hands.
I must have woken up in the middle of the night or something, because I was in my birthday suit and I only realized that as James’s note was ringing around in my head. There was a knock at the door, and it scared the living daylights out of me.
I imagined that Sarah or even worse, Claire, was on the other side of the door. Before, I would have been happy, thinking about one of them satisfying me, but now I couldn’t stand the sight of them.
I hesitated as I walked to the door. I was butt naked and should have cared about covering up some part of me, but I couldn’t be bothered. I felt as if some part of me was missing, and it was all because James had left me a fucking note. We’d gone from arguing a few days ago, him ignoring my messages to turning up in our suite in the early hours of the morning or even last night to leaving a note. I hated to think what was next. Fuck, I didn’t want to.
As I opened the door, she smiled, “Hey. I see that you’re up.”
I laughed as I looked down and saw that Vicki was right. I had a hard-on; maybe my cock sensed that it was her on the other side.
She didn’t shy away, if anything, she seemed to grow very bold. Her hand cupped mine and she walked in before she firmly shut the door behind her. With a tilted left eyebrow and a smile that would make all my screws come lose on a normal day, I was powerless to look away from Vicki.
“I was going to class, peeped in and, saw that neither you nor James were there, so I came here.”
I leaned into her, pressed her body into the door with mine, and heat exploded in my brain and surged through my veins.
“Just like that? You skipped class? Fuck, is it really that late?” I grunted as my face was less than an inch from hers now, and my cock was making its way to her pussy like a magnet. I thought that I woke up in time to get ready and get to class, but one knock on the door was telling me that I was late and with the small moans that were coming out of her mouth, I didn’t think I was going to make it to any classes today.
“Yes,” she whispered as if she could hardly speak.
My body pressed against hers, and a quick brush of my hands against her thighs told me she was already wet. The skirt of her uniform hugged perfectly against her waist. I wanted her as much as she wanted me.
I was breathing raggedly but didn’t care. I wanted to taste her. I knelt down, pushed her skirt up so that I could run a finger up her soaking slit. I expected to find panties but found her completely bare for me. With my eyes on hers I licked her flavor from my finger. I thought she’d collapse, and I couldn’t help but smile as she groaned loudly and clutched at the doorknob. I moved closer and sent my tongue into overdrive while I grinded against her. She didn’t say anything or even protest against my attentions, not at all.
All I could hear was hear my moans, and I knew that she was enjoying everything that I was giving her. I should feel guilty doing this with her alone. James and I shouldn't be enjoying her alone, that’s not how we normally operated, but he’d been fucking Claire on the weekend and he didn’t seem to care that he was doing it alone. The guilt began to ebb away and instead, I felt something else. Eagerness to have sweet Vicki without him interrupting me.
My hands slipped up to set her skirt free. I still couldn’t believe she had no panties on, and it fucking drove me insane.
“You came prepared…are you sure that you went to class first, or did you come straight here?” I snarled as I broke away from her for a split second wondering if I should look up and check the time? It was pointless, because I had no intention of going to class, not now.
She replied, breathless as if she was struggling to catch her breath as I changed my position and had her back against the door and her legs wrapped against my waist.
“We shouldn’t be doing this…”
I choked, “Is that why you came to my room with no panties?”
She was kidding herself, and we both knew it if she was trying to say that she didn’t want this as much as I did.
I grabbed her hand greedily and moved it down to my aching cock.
“You don’t want this in your wet pussy, Vicki? Filling you up so good, baby?”
I moved my hand down to her pussy and let it glide between her folds. Shit, she wasn’t just a little wet, but dripping wet.
She moved her hand to feel my cock.
“It’s so big and long and so fucking hard.”
“It wasn’t that hard when until you got here,” I pushed a finger even deeper into her cunt. “But as soon as you came and started dripping on my door it got even harder.”
Flattering her seemed to make her want me even more as she started to grind against my fingers, and now she wasn’t moaning. Instead, she was shouting at the top of her lungs. The whole fucking dorm could have heard her, but I didn’t care as long as she came harder than she did last week.
That gave me an idea, as I covered her mouth with mine to swipe my tongue against hers until she was moaning into my mouth and her thighs clamped around my hand.
Her body started to tremble as if she was coming already, but I wasn’t ready for her to come yet. So, I slowed down the pace, moving my finger in and out slowly. We had to move position, so I kept on fucking her mouth with my tongue and started to move to my bed.
My fingers felt so rough against the softness of her folds and I didn’t want to move, but I wanted her in my bed. I wanted to come back later and smell her scent on my sheets and pillow. I slowly laid her on the bed, and I wondered if she knew that we’d moved, it was as if she was lost in a world all her own. One that was so wonderful that all she did was purr and say my name, “Trent… oh, Trent…”
I grinned because I knew I was taking her to another dimension as I started to tease her with my cock, now pressed at her entrance. Her hips acted possessed as she pushed me to fit deeper inside of her. I took it slowly, not wanting all of me in her at once because I was enjoying every second of her. I rocked back and forth on top of her as I eased myself deeper inside.
“Shit, you wanted me. Your pussy’s so tight, Vicki. But I’m just sliding in and out, because you’re so fucking wet!”
“That’s because you’re so big and strong. I just wanted you so bad. From the moment I went to bed last night until I woke up this morning.”
I pressed deeper, with some power behind my thrust, and her head fell back against the pillow with her arms relaxed over her head as I moved inside of her. She liked that then, I thought with a soft chuckle of pride.
“Yes! Yes!”
She yelled out as I started going for gold. There was no more holding back as I grinned harder with every powerful stroke. Not just fucking up and down, no! At every fucking angle, trying to fill her up with each str
She was getting close and the closer she got, the more she moved her hands came up to my back and I knew what would happen next, but I didn’t mind. She started to dig her nails into my back. It was as if she was speechless and unable to talk, but her body language was doing the fucking talking for her.
She wanted more.
I started to breathe quicker and make fucking animal noises, and I didn’t want it to come to an end. She wasn’t the only one that craved more.
“Fuck me!”
She screamed out, so I picked up the rhythm. Like a lion out of its den having to go on a hunt, I had my prey, and I was going to make her come even if it killed me.
As she came apart, I roared, wanting it to happen all over again. I loved the way that she shivered, and her body became weak at my touch.
A flash of heat took over my body and all the frustration that had been building up inside of me suddenly filled her folds as my cock turned me inside out. I was out of fucking breath as I collapsed on top of her. I couldn’t speak, I’d come so hard that it had taken everything out of me.
“I can’t breathe…” she gasped, and I shook my head as I made my way from being on top of her, to the side of my bed.
I found myself saying the one thing that I’d promised myself not to say.
“Well, have a little break and when you catch your breath, we’ll do it again.”
I was asking her to stay with me. Me. Trent Hawk. I’d never asked a girl to stay with me before.
“But we shouldn’t have…”
I sat up and asked, “Do you want to go again?”
I held my breath as I waited for her answer. I was confused as to why it was so important to me that she say yes, but I couldn’t deny that a yes was exactly what I wanted from her.