Secrets of the Mazza: A Paranormal Romance (Mazza Series Book 3)

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Secrets of the Mazza: A Paranormal Romance (Mazza Series Book 3) Page 5

by Blake Blessing

  “Shame.” Nato echoed.

  Now they were being weird. I pushed lightly on Jari’s chest, but he didn’t budge.

  “What do you want most right now, Sweets?” Jari set his hands on my waist and slid them up until they hovered just under my breasts.

  That didn’t even need an answer, but I gave him a droll look anyway.

  “Come on now. We need an answer, or we’re going to tuck you into bed.” He gripped me tight right under where Jari was holding me. “Although, that’s not such a bad idea. It’s been a tough day.” Nato mused.

  “Fuck you guys.”

  “Not nice,” Jari leaned down and licked the seam of my lips before sucking my bottom lip into his mouth. I leaned forward to deepen the kiss, but he pulled away.

  My blood pressure was about to hit the roof. I was alternating between lusty hot flashes and hot flashes of rage. If they didn’t make me come soon, I’d kick them out and take care of it myself.

  “Come on, Iss. You can tell us what you want, can’t you?” Nato murmured against my ear, and the vibration caused a full on body shiver. He moved in closer until his warm body touched mine, but just barely. The faint caress was enough to drive me insane.

  “Fine, I want you. Both of you. And, I want to come.” I whispered and let my eyes close. I sucked in a deep breath through my nose. “I need you both.”

  Their hands reflexively tightened their grip.

  An obnoxiously loud smile spread across Jari’s face. “That wasn’t so hard, was it, Sweets?” He crushed his mouth against mine. Before it went any further, Nato hauled me backward.

  I squealed as he tossed me onto the massive bed. I bounced twice, shoved the hair out of my face as I fought a smile, and yelled. “What the hell?”

  But I wasn’t too worked up. I was about to get what I wanted.

  Nato pulled me to the edge of the bed by an ankle and yanked my legs apart. Jari climbed on the bed and continued the kiss, thrusting his tongue in my mouth, stroking mine over and over again. The fire that had been building in my belly ignited into a blazing inferno that engulfed my body from the tips of my toes, to the ends of my hair.

  I momentarily forgot about Nato until he said, “I need to taste you.”

  His large hands gripped my inner thighs to hold them open, and then his face was buried in my pussy. No easing into this with Nato. He nipped and sucked at my clit, ravaging me with his mouth. My toes curled, my heels pressing into his back.

  “Oh, God.” I moaned and tried to edge away from him. The pleasure was too intense, and I hadn’t even come yet.

  “Oh no, you’re not going anywhere.” Jari stretched out beside me and slid his arm under my head and wrapping around my shoulders, effectively blocking any attempts to wiggle up the bed. With his free hand, he circled my nipple with his thumb. Another quick hard kiss, then he bent to suck my nipple into his mouth.

  “Where are those nipple clamps?” Jari muttered, and bit the side of my breast.

  I yipped and threaded one hand through his hair, and the other through Nato’s. “Not here.” I panted. No way were we going to actually use the weapon I was training with, sex toy or no.

  Suddenly, Nato dropped lower and speared his tongue into my channel, tongue fucking me while rubbing small circles over my clit with his nose. Sharp, white-hot fire centered in my core, and kept building and building, until it had nowhere to go but out.

  “I’m… I’m.” I moaned long and low, I didn’t even recognize my own voice. “Coming.” That sharp point of heat spread out through the rest of my body in waves.

  Nato slowed until I stopped twitching and pressed a kiss to my mound before climbing up my body. “Tell me you want more.” He pleaded and nibbled at the corners of my mouth.

  My entire body was a limp, soggy noodle. I was so satisfied, I couldn’t feel my fingers or my toes, but I wanted more. It wouldn’t be enough until they were drained of all energy like I was.

  I nodded, and Nato sighed. This time, he pulled my hair to tilt my head back and plundered my mouth. I guess that was his version of thank God.

  He tipped his head sideways and loosened his grip. “How are we going to do this?”

  The bed moved as Jari shrugged. “I don’t care. Your guess is as good as mine.”

  “Wait, wait.” My gaze bounced between both of them. “You’ve never shared before?”

  I knew they were waiting for the Mazza. Their lifelong dream was to share a woman together as they saved their realm. But, I always assumed they’d practiced.

  Their expressions completely blanked, and my stomach plummeted. It hadn’t mattered when the thought hadn’t occurred to me. But now, knowing a woman had known both of my Lusty Legion in a way that I didn’t, the pain was a sharp knife in my chest. I didn’t let it show.

  Closing my eyes, I emptied my mind of the painful thoughts. So what if they’d tested out their skills? I would benefit from it now.

  “Isolde,” oh no, my full name was not good in this situation. “We never knew if we would find you, or when. Clearly, none of us were virgins,” Nato smoothed my hair away from my face as he and Jari came closer. “But we had all agreed early on, we would only experience some things with our Mazza, if we ever found her. You. We wanted the deep connection to be shared between us only.”

  The breath left my body, and I shoved the heels of my hands into my eyes. Relief was a cool friend, smoothing away the burn of jealousy. Now that I knew the truth, I was totally glad no other woman had gotten this from them.

  Mine. Mine, mine, mine.

  It was irrational, but I didn’t care.

  Opening my eyes, I put every bit of love I had for them into my gaze. “I can’t tell you how happy that makes me. Apparently, I have a jealous alter ego hiding inside me that rails at the thought of any other woman getting their slutty hands on you. See? I can’t even think nicely about these hypothetical women.”

  Jari shot me a crooked grin, and Nato smiled softly.

  “Is it wrong that I find a jealous Mazza a turn on?” Jari chuckled.

  “No, not at all. I one hundred percent agree.” Nato climbed onto the other side of the bed and I laid there, letting my gaze travel freely between these two luscious pieces of man meat.

  “We can do almost anything, except DP. Both versions. We have to work up to that.” I grinned and sat up. “Actually. I know how I want this to play out. Just go with it.”

  I scrambled around and pinched my chin as I studied both Nato and Jari. Did it matter who I placed where? They’d both get their happy ending, so no. I shoved Nato down on his back and straddled his body. His hard cock bounced as I dropped my head and nuzzled his lower stomach. Jari lazily stroked himself as he watched.

  I was hot before, but being the center of their collective attention did something to me. They had this way about them that made me feel like the most desirable woman to ever have walked the Earth. Or realms.

  Running my hands up Nato’s stomach and chest, I met his eyes. Lust burned in his eyes. His cock bobbed again, and I stroked it once before sucking the tip into my mouth.

  Swirling my tongue around the tip, I prepared him just enough for what I had in mind. He moaned and reached for my hair, but I was already pulling away.

  “Iss, where are you going?” He groaned.

  “Shhh.” I climbed over him until he was positioned in that perfect spot. He grabbed my hips as I sunk down until he was fully seated inside me. Damn, I was so wet from my orgasm, there was hardly any resistance.

  A soft breeze danced through the room, but my skin was too overheated to care. I reached for Jari as I started to move. Up and down, I rode Nato excruciatingly slow.

  “I want to suck on you, Jari,” I whispered.

  Without any more prompting, he climbed to the head of the bed and leaned back on his knees, waiting for his turn. If I wasn’t lost in such a haze, I would have laughed. Instead, I whimpered at the tortuous tempo I’d set. I bent forward and braced my hands on Jari’s thighs. No
hands were needed as I kissed the end of his cock before giving him the best blowjob I’d ever given. The music of our pleasure rang around the room.

  Jari’s fingers threaded through my hair as he began to fuck my mouth. Nato held a tight grip on my waist to keep me in place as he thrust up into me. Jari tapped my cheek twice, but I squeezed his thighs harder and finished him off. Violent shudders shook his body as streams of his come burst into my mouth. When the last shudder ended, I pulled back and lifted up enough to get a quick, hard kiss. Then he retreated and left me with Nato.

  I pulled his hands off my waist to grip them in front of me. He figured out what I was trying to do without words, and let me brace myself as I lifted and slammed down, lifted and slammed down. Over and over, and over again. Perspiration dotted his brow and his abs contracted. To see him experiencing such excruciating pleasure was beautiful. The sight brought me closer to the edge of pleasure until I couldn’t fight it any longer.

  And that was it. I threw my head back and gasped as the second wave of pleasure washed over me in heavy ripples. Nato thrust two more times and then let me collapse. Eventually, I rolled off of Nato to lay between my two guys.

  It didn’t matter what was going on in the world. Right now, I was content.

  It was one of those weird times where I woke up for no apparent reason. One minute I was dead to the world, and the next, I was slowly sliding back into the land of the living. Nato’s leg was sprawled over the back of mine, and Jari was cuddled up to my side, snoring lightly in my ear.

  Outside of our breathing, the room was completely quiet. Dim light filtered in from the moon outside, casting a lavender shadow across the floor. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I lifted my head and glanced outside, nothing. The grass swayed with an invisible breeze, but that was it. Another idea surfed through my thoughts as I peeled myself from Nato and Jari’s clutches. Thankfully, my trunk was open, allowing me to grab a light pair of shorts and matching shirt.

  Tiptoeing into the living area of the suite, I centered myself in the open space and held my breath. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I had a strange tingle crawling up my spine. Call me crazy, but I doubted it was a good tingle.


  I didn’t like this at all. Nato and Jari wouldn’t be able to help me. And, did I really want to wake them up right now for nothing?

  No. But there was someone I could go to.


  He was the next best thing to all knowing, and even if his power was on the fritz right now, he still held more knowledge in his pinky toe as the rest of the Fennin population as far as I was concerned.

  Using every ounce of stealth I possessed, I grabbed my fluffy robe from the bathroom and slipped it on. Opening the door was harder than I thought it would be. Every time I tried to inch it open, it groaned in protest. After a good seven minutes, I had it far enough open to slide myself through. I made it to Yunez’s door… and I chickened out.

  I couldn’t bring myself to knock.

  Was something really off? It could all be in my head. Yesterday had been an emotional day, so it was possible. But, what if my instincts were right, would Yunez be able to do anything about it? If he knew something was going on, he would have come to wake us up, right?

  I hoped I was right. If not, the guys would find another reason to be so disappointed. It would be just one more nail in the coffin of things Yunez was keeping from us.

  A crack sounded behind me, and I spun around.

  My heart was pounding so hard, it felt like it would escape through my mouth at any moment.

  A small furry creature sat on the ledge, nibbling on some kind of nut. Maybe a squirrel? It was a little rounder, and was definitely missing the long fluffy tail I was so used to seeing on the critters by my old place. Some animals were the same, and some seemed to be weird imitations. I couldn’t put any logic behind it.

  A breeze hit my back, and with a hand on my shoulder, I was pulled backward.

  Into Yunez’s personal space.

  I squeaked and twisted around, worried a random scary ass clown was out to get my ass. I know. Totally irrational, but there it was.

  Yunez smirked down at me with an, I totally knew you were hovering on my doorstep look.

  I returned a glare that said, yeah? So what? I was out for a stroll.

  All of this was completely in my head, but I felt like we had that kind of connection.

  “My love,” he purred. “I thought you would have been too exhausted to be roaming the property. Do not tell me the boys did not wear you out properly.” His lean was one of the best I’d ever seen, holding the doorframe up and staring at me like I was the most coveted dessert.

  I scoffed and backed up, even though I really only wanted to rub my face on his chest. Did I say he was bare-chested?

  Dear God. The pecks on this man. And, the abs.

  I swiped at my mouth to make sure there was no runaway spit anywhere.

  “Please tell me you didn’t see any of that? I’m not going to lie, it kind of weirds me out.” I grimaced. More like I was extremely embarrassed to be seen in such an intimate moment with my Lusty Legion by someone clearly not in the moment with me. But I’d known Yunez was a voyeur since almost the beginning. How could I forget his parting comment when we first arrived at his first safe house?

  I always knew Egan loved doggy style. Goes with the house.

  He chuckled under his breath, and I swore I felt it rolling over my skin like warm melted honey.

  “You will see one day, that images and clips of the past and future will bombard you. Some will downright disgust you. Some will worry you, and some, well… It was a new experience for me some years ago. But some will…” He bent forward and his luminescent eyes sparkled. “Turn you on.”

  My eyes fluttered shut and I raised a hand, grazing his stomach. His abs contracted beneath my fingertips, then I realized what I was doing and snatched my hand back. I didn’t even think he was using his mojo on me. The draw was just that strong.

  He turned away from me and walked deeper into his suite. An elaborate golden lamp shone from the living room, and even though his rooms were laid out identically to ours, his seemed…more. More extravagant, more homey, more sensual. I had no idea how he managed to pull all that off with his decorating skills, or maybe it was the deliciously male scent permeating the room.

  This was the first time I’d been in any space of Yunez’s that actually could shed some light into who he was as a person. I soaked everything in, memorizing it, and cataloging it for later. I had no expectations before coming in, but what I did see, fit Yunez.

  The fixtures were ornate and complex. The paintings, as far as I could tell in the dim light, were abstract but seductive. Everything that defined Yunez.

  “What do you know about what my powers will be?” I followed him, and when he sat in a dark ombre leather chair, I took up the full love seat. The leather crinkled underneath me as I stretched out and got comfortable. Usually I wasn’t a huge fan of leather, because it was hot and sweaty, sticking to your bare skin when you got up. This leather could be compared to melted butter, only a less gross kind.

  I knew the likelihood that he would actually give me a straight answer was about as good as Rand and Sage getting it on, but I tried anyway.

  One of his legs stretched out toward me, and one bent in close to him. Silk pants. I hadn’t noticed until now, but he was wearing silk, dark violet pajama pants. He braced his head on two fingers at his temple. Too bad Hennessy wasn’t here to snap a picture. He was way better than any advertisement they had.

  “I know quite a bit. It is not set in stone—especially with the current holes in my sight—” His mouth turned into a deep frown. “But I know the most likely outcomes as well as I know my own name.” The corners of his mouth lifted in a barely there smile.

  “And, what is your role in my life? In the Lusty Legion’s life?” I gulped and clasped my hands together in my lap so tight, the tips of m
y pinkies were going numb. Did I want to ask this question? I couldn’t take it back now. It was the burning question in the back of all of our thoughts.

  Back in that room at Cabbie’s, both Rand and Yunez had given me such intense, raw looks when they shared about the potential to add Mannos to the bonds. Encouraged it. I already had all my house bonds, so no crazy men lusting after me anymore, but if what Yunez had said was true, we would be exponentially powerful with each Manno bond. Their looks made me believe they wanted to be my Manno bonds. The new meat in my Lusty sandwich.

  Wait. Would they be the bread, and I was the meat? No, men were always the meat. Whatever; moving on.

  He lifted his outstretched leg to run his foot up my calf, reminding me of the night he played footsie with me at dinner, then tucked it under my thigh as if to keep it warm. Yunez was always so tactile, and I secretly loved it. In fact, anytime my guys touched me, it settled me a little deeper. Grounded me a little more.

  “What do you want the answer to that question to be, love? Hmm?” He purred.

  Chills broke out over my body as I scrambled for a response. What should I say? Hell, I didn’t even know the answer, let alone confident enough to tell him.

  Nope. I’d lie to him because I was a chicken shit.

  “I—You, um.” Words were failing me hard, and I could do nothing to make this chronic disease disappear. If Jari had been here, he would have laughed uncontrollably at my expense. He loved pranks and making people uncomfortable. Good thing we were alone.

  He laughed outright. “Okay, Isolde. You do not have to answer this second. We will come back to it at a later time. Now, tell me. Why are you stalking my door in the middle of the night? I love the idea of a late night visit, but I somehow doubt Nato and Jari would be fine with this.”

  The spidey feeling that got me out of bed had momentarily ceased, but now that he reminded me, it came rushing back in massive quantities.

  “Fuck. You know how I cramp so bad I almost black out when something dangerous is going to happen?” I sat up, leaning forward to make sure he saw how fucking serious this felt.


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