Hell's Fire MC: The Full Series

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Hell's Fire MC: The Full Series Page 1

by Erin Trejo

  Hells Fire MC

  By Erin Trejo

  Copyright ©2017 Erin Trejo

  Edited by: Diane Norwood

  Cover Design: Erin Trejo

  Cover model: iStock


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  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, incidents, and places are products of the author’s imagination, and are not to be construed as real except where noted and authorized. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events are entirely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, names featured are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used.



  Of all the things in one’s past that you want to forget–there are just some things–you can’t. My mother died when I was born. My father didn’t want me. I was tossed to the side, for most of my life. That all changed when I was fifteen years old, though. I started running with the wrong crowd; living in the streets. It was a game. A game of life and death, and I loved every second of it. Broke, and without any food, I decided to try my hand at robbery. I’d never done it, seen it happen a few times, but that was it. I was sixteen at the time. I borrowed a gun from another kid and went into the liquor store. I had my game face on. I was ready to take what I wanted. I got the money. That part was easy. I smiled like the Goddamn fool that I was as I walked out of that store with exactly, thirty-six dollars. I was on the high of my life, when I slammed into someone else.

  “Please tell me you didn’t just rob that fucker, and not get any drinks?” The kid staring me down was a little taller than I was. Built like a brick tower.

  “I got cash.” He smiled at me and I was damn proud of myself.

  “You didn’t do it right. Watch.” The kid pulled a ski mask over his face before pulling the gun from the back of his jeans. He walked in that store with his head held high. He took what he wanted before waving me back inside. Once again–being the fool I was–I walked in there. The kid laughed as he looked over at me.

  “No mask?” Shaking my head I watched as he walked up to the store clerk. He aimed the gun at his head holding a power within in him that I wanted.

  “Can’t have you tellin’ on my new boy.” Pulling the trigger, the man’s body fell to the floor. I stood there in shock of what I’d just saw. That was the first time I witnessed a murder. The kid laughed as he grabbed some more drinks and headed out the door with me following close behind him.

  “I’m, Ghost.” Tossing the liquor into a car that sat out front of the store, he grinned.

  “I’m, Rocland.” He looked at me funny when I said my name, but didn’t press me further.

  “Roc. I like it. Hey, come help me out, Roc.” He gave me a grin before nodding to the gun still in my hand. I followed Ghost across the street and into an alley.

  “Well, look at this shit. Dragon know you’re out here?” The men looked up at Ghost and laughed. Before I knew what was happening, Ghost yelled.

  “Kill that one!” He took off after one of the guy’s as he ran.

  I looked at the other, gun in my hand. It all happened in slow motion. He reached around and pulled his own gun. Before he could point it at me, I pulled the trigger.

  And that was the very first murder that I committed.

  Chapter 1

  “Hey, Roc. Get your fuckin’ head outta your ass.” Ghost says slapping a hand on my shoulder. He gets nothing but my finger in return.

  “I have absolutely shit to do today, motherfucker. Get off my ass.” Bringing the bottle of beer to my lips, I take a long pull.

  “Nothin’ my ass. Dragon wants to ride out early. You know he ain’t missin’ the good pussy.” Chuckling, I glance over at Devil as he laughs.

  “Ain’t no good pussy at this event. It’s all used up.” Devil smarts off. Nodding my agreement, I go back to my beer. The event that we are supposed to be riding out to is one they hold every year. To me, it’s bullshit. A bunch of clubs come out to a big ass party to show their support of each other. I couldn't give a shit about supporting the other clubs. I worry about ours, not theirs.

  “Is this bullshit optional?” I ask. Devil laughs when Dragon stomps toward us.

  “Only if you want your ass kicked.” Looking back over at me, Dragon asks, “Since when do you turn down free food and pussy, Roc?” Grunting, I don’t look up at him. Hell, in my mind the ass beating has to be better than this shit.

  “I’ll take the food, but that pussy isn’t on my to do list. I’m pretty sure I’ve done over ninety percent of it anyway.” Dragon chuckles before walking up behind me.

  “Ass whoopin’ it is.” He says, yanking me up by the back of the neck. I lose my balance and stumble backward. I start to spin when Dragon’s fist connects with my face. Spots flash behind my eyes as I regain my balance, but I’m ready for this fucker I clench my fists and slam it into his stomach, knocking the air from his lungs. Dragon stumbles only slightly before he recovers, coming in for me. We throw a few more good punches before Devil calls it off.

  “Let’s roll, ladies. The pussy is only gonna get warmer the more we wait.” Dragon pulls me in for a hug. We both laugh at the bullshit marks we’ve left on each other’s faces. It’s what we do. It’s a way to unwind. These events can be fun as hell, or they can turn into a complete nightmare. A few years back, we had just that. A complete nightmare. A new club from South Texas came up. We didn’t know them for shit, and neither did half of the other clubs. Shit popped off, people got killed. It’s just the way it is. You can’t roll up and expect us to welcome you with open arms; when we don’t know who the hell you are.

  “Let’s ride!” Dragon yells over all the hootings and hollering going on in here. I’ll be glad to get this event over with and get the fuck back home.

  Chapter 2

  Our clubhouse is awesome. It’s an old ass hotel, from back in the day. Dragon acquired it when he first started up this club, since then, Hell’s Fire MC, called this place home. It works for us. It’s out in the middle of nowhere, and it has enough room to house us–plus our guests. No one comes out here to fuck with us. At least no one has in a while. Locking my door, I head down the hallway of peeling paint and stale beer. Its home. It’s the only one I’ve ever had.

  “Hey, Roc!” Angel sways her ass as she walks toward me. Club whores are the best. I lean down to kiss her cheek. “Hey, sweetheart.” She slides her arm around my waist. I look down at her and ask, “You ridin’"? She bats her eyelashes at me. Nice try, but no one gets on the back of my bike.

  “I want to go.” Bumping her hip into me, I stop. Not happening.

  “Ask Dragon. He ain’t takin’ anyone.” I tell her. She licks her lips before scooting even closer to me.

  “I was hoping I could ride with you.” Shaking my head, I kiss her cheek once more.

  “Not in this lifetime.” I walk away listening to her cuss and bitch.

  As I step out the front door, I take in a deep breath, hoping this trip is better than the last one.


  As my bike rumbles beneath me, I glance around the wide-open road littered with bikes. This is what I love. Th
is, is my family. Family means something different to everyone. To me, it’s the people that hold you down in life. It’s the ones that keep you in your place. The ones that make you better.

  Hell’s Fire MC has been that for me since the day Ghost dragged my ass to the clubhouse. I can never thank him enough for that either. The past holds secrets. Secrets that not even my family knows. As much as I love these guys, I won’t let them fall victim to the circumstances in my past. I grin as we pull up to the hotel that the events being held at. Maybe this will be better than last time. I follow Dragon into the line of parked bikes and cut the engine. Throwing my leg over the side, I climb off, hanging my helmet on the handlebar.

  “Now the party has arrived. Let’s do this!” Dragon roars as he slaps a hand on my shoulder. The place is insane with people. Everywhere you turn, there are half naked bitches hanging off someone’s dick.

  “Shit, brother.” Devil slaps a hand on my shoulder before making obscene gestures.

  “Suck me off, Roc.” Devil says in his most girly tone−he has us all laughing.

  I shove Devil off before saying, “Just go grab one, brother.” I follow behind Dragon. I know the drill. Presidents and VP’s meet up first. Ghost may be the VP, but he’s so damn unreliable that I often stand in for him. Clearly, today is going to be one of those days. Dragon glances over his shoulder at me.

  “How’s your unofficial shit comin’?” He’s the only one that knows there’s something up outside the club. He never presses me for info, but he keeps checking in.

  “Silent for a while. Hope to fuck it stays that way.” He grunts his agreement but he has no clue what that bastard Martin Tomlin has me doing. It isn’t fair to the club to drag them into it. It was my fuck up that landed me in the situation to begin with.

  “Heard that, brother. You know we got you if shit goes down.” I nod my head, I know he would stand behind me, but that’s just not my style.

  “Let’s get this meet and greet over with. I’m hungry as hell.” Dragon is a big-ass guy. Ever since I’ve known him, he’s been hungry.

  Chapter 3

  A lot of clubs are up here this time. No Mercy, Fallen Angels. Hell, even Black Diamonds are rolling around. There are a few new ones also. Their presidents seem pretty straight, but we’ll keep our eyes open with them. You never can tell. I kick back near the pool with a beer in my hand, as I watch the other guy’s. Girls run wild half naked like usual. There’s a lot of good looking ass around here but most of its used up.

  Club whores are always around for these events. The ones with name patches are someone’s old lady. The one that catches my eye; I’ve never seen her before. She’s a petite little thing. Can’t be more than 5’3”. The way she looks, she could pass for a fucking high school cheerleader. She’s wearing a bikini top, and a pair of cut off shorts, with some biker boots. Sexy as fuck, too. She isn’t wearing a cut and I don’t see any visible tats. She’s fair game as far as I’m concerned. Shoving off the chair I’m sitting in, I head toward her. Her eyes find mine through the crowd of friends she’s standing with. She licks her lips as I grin at her.

  “Hello, ladies.” I say putting out my most polite tone. They smile back at me.

  “Hey.” The brunette girl says as she watches me. She seems to be the most talkative of them all.

  “How are you ladies doin’?” I ask. I want that little blonde’s attention, but that’s not what I get.

  “We’re good. We were hanging out on vacation, but apparently, there was a mix up on the schedule.” Raising an eyebrow, I look at her. A mix up, huh?

  “You’re not here with a club?” I ask. They all giggle but it’s the look on the other blonde’s face that pulls me in. Fuck, I want that one.

  “No way. We were coming on vacation for a few days, but they didn’t tell us it was going to be this packed.” The brunette twirls her curls around her finger as she chews on her lip. She isn’t bad looking but she isn’t exactly what I want, either.

  “Well, that’s a damn shame.” Her eyes light up before she speaks again.

  “Are you with one of the clubs?” I almost laugh when she asks. If her face wasn’t so damn serious I might have. I tug at my cut before I ask, “Isn’t that obvious?” She giggles softly.

  “We’re havin’ a little bonfire and cookout later. You ladies should come hang out if you think you can handle it.” I love egging them on. It makes my dick twitch in my jeans to watch the look in their eyes.

  The blonde decides to chime in now.

  “I’m pretty sure we can handle it.” Cocky little bitch, that one is.

  “We’ll see about that. When you come down, ask for Roc.” Giggling like they won a prize, they start to walk away. I’ve been eyeing the little blonde the whole time, but she has been too busy on her phone to notice. She’s also too busy to notice her friends walking away.

  Well, that’s my cue to move in. Stepping closer to her, I reach out and place my hand on her hip. She jumps, nearly falling to the ground. I squeeze her hip tighter, holding her steady.

  “Phones are a bad distraction, you know. Someone could see that as an advantage.” Her eyes snap to mine, holding there.

  “And you would be that someone?” She’s quick too, I like it.

  “Not me. I prefer my women willin’ to give me what I want. What’s your name?” Her eyes dance with mischief. She is for sure my kind of girl.

  “Aria.” Her voice catches in her throat when my thumb rubs small circles around her hip bone.

  “I hope to see you later tonight then, Aria.”


  Walking back toward the rooms, I adjust my dick. Aria has me worked up, and she didn’t even do anything. It was just the feel of her sweet porcelain skin. My mind wanders to all the dirty things I want to do to her.

  “Hey, Roc.” Glancing over, I see Creed, the president of the Fallen Angel’s MC. I pull him into a hug. The Fallen Angels are some really good guys.

  “Look at you, motherfucker. Didn’t think you guys were rollin’ out to this one.”

  “Wasn’t plannin’ on it. Heard there might be a need for a few extras, though.” I shake my head, that doesn’t surprise me at all.

  “Sure as hell hope not. I want to have a good time and fuck some women.” Creed chuckles next to me.

  “Always, brother. Catch you later.” He nods once before he walks away. I head down the hallway toward my room, but I come to a dead stop when I see Angel standing in front of my door.

  “How the hell you get out here?” She turns to face me, her eyes sparkling in the light.

  “Mitch brought me.” Uh, huh. I bet he did. Pulling out my keycard I ask, “So, why are you standin’ in front of my door?” I unlock my door and head inside.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” The door closes before I drop onto the bed. Angel stalks toward me, pulling her shirt over her head.

  “That what you want?” She chews her lip, reaching around and undoing her bra. I watch it slide down her arms, revealing two perky breasts. Damn, that girl has a chest on her. Angel stops in front of me as she unbuttons her jeans. I watch as she slowly, but surely, pulls them down her legs. My eyes drop from her breasts to her thong.

  “You know; that’s mine now.” I say, nodding to the strip of lace that sits between her legs, I reach for her and pull her by the waist toward me. I slide her thong down her legs. Shit, this is going to be fun. Angel holds my shoulders while stepping out of the thong. I bring it up to my nose, inhaling deeply.

  “Shit, you always smell like heaven, Angel.” Her smile couldn’t get any wider. I pull my cut off before yanking the t-shirt over my head. Unbuckling my belt, I drag my pants down my legs, then lie back on the bed as naked as the day I was born. Angel smiles before she starts to climb up my hips.

  “Get a condom. You might smell delicious, but I know where you've been.” Angel doesn’t take offense. She knows what she is and what she’s used for. Angel bends down, grabbing a condom and ripping it open. Eager little thing.
I lie there and watch as she rolls it on with ease.

  “You really want this?” Last chance for her to back out on me. Nodding her head, she climbs on the end of the bed. Her fingers trail a line up my thighs as shivers roll over my body. She needs to get on with this. We have a bonfire to get ready for.

  “All aboard. This train’s ready to leave, baby.” I grab my dick, positioning her where I want her, straddling my hips. Angel slides down my shaft as I suck in a breath.

  “Shit, Angel.” I growl between my teeth. She rolls her hips and I let her take control. I let her ride my dick like her life depends on it. My fingers grip her hips as she leans down, trying to get her lips to mine. I turn my head to the side. No way is that happening.

  “Try that again, I will kick your ass out of here.” Instead of my lips, her lips move to my neck, licking and sucking, I let her. Kissing me on the lips is a hell no. That’s way too personal.

  “You might wanna speed this up, got shit to do.” Shoving herself up, she looks down at me. The look on her face is far beyond pissed.

  Chapter 4

  Angel left my room, leaving me with the worst case of blue balls that I’ve ever had. My dick was rock fucking hard inside of her. I suppose my attitude did little to help the situation. That was the first time that I ever had to get myself off. Isn’t that some shit?

  “What’s got you all pissy?” Ghost ask passing me a joint. I bring it to my lips and inhale.

  “That bitch Angel, left me hangin’ balls out.” Ghost laughs before taking his joint back.

  “Ain’t that some shit! I don’t know why Mitch brought her ass, anyway.” I grunt my agreement before I walk past him toward the fire.

  “Lookin’ good, Dragon Man.” I slap my hand on his shoulder. He turns around to face me with a grin.

  “When is it not? Hey, I need to talk to you. Got a minute?” He asks. I note the look in his eyes. I nod once so that he knows I agree. We grab a few beers before walking off to the side. When we’re far enough away from everyone, Dragon turns to face me.


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