Hell's Fire MC: The Full Series

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Hell's Fire MC: The Full Series Page 12

by Erin Trejo

  “Devil! Wait a second.” I don’t turn to look at her. However, I stop walking. Angel comes to stand in front of me, a smile plastered to her face.

  “I need a favor.” She smiles. A favor? I would do anything for that girl.

  “What’s goin’ on?” I ask. Angel chews her lip for a second before I reach up, pulling it free with my thumb. Her breath catches in her throat.

  “I… uh…” She stutters. The small smile that pulls across my face must shock her. Shit, I didn’t know she would react to me like that.

  “What’s wrong, Angel? Real men, scare you?” I ask her. Her eyes twinkle in the light as she watches me. I love it–I love that look on her.

  “What did you need?” I ask again with a hint of amusement in my voice. She’s visibly shaken by my close proximity and I am loving every second of it.

  “Oh, I… um… I need a ride. No one else wants to take me.” The words finally come out of her sweet lips. She needs a ride?

  “I can do that. Come get me when you’re ready.” I tell her releasing her face and walking past her. My heart slams in my chest.

  “Jesus, Christ.” I mumble under my breath.


  The air is only slightly cooler for this time of year. Angel wanted to go shopping for a few birthday gifts for Aria, Roc’s old lady.

  I don’t know why none of the other guys would take her. Any other time, they’re up her ass. Dragon’s words linger in the back of my mind nonetheless. No one has bothered with her, since they all think I want her. I do want her. I can’t deny that. She’s beautiful. She always captures my attention, but I don’t think going after someone that has been a club whore for so long, is such a good idea. Other thoughts linger in my head right now anyway. I look out of place. Hell, I am out of place. Walking around a mall? Not my idea of a good time, but Angel is grinning from ear-to-ear. She’s beaming with happiness.

  “What else should I get her?” She asks, glancing over at me.

  “Fuck if I know. I thought you two didn’t get along?” I ask her. Angel shrugs before she speaks.

  “We’ve kind of gotten over the past shit. She’s not as bad as I thought she was.” She says. Angel smiles, and my heart flops around in my chest. I don’t know why this girl makes me feel like this.

  “It’s not weird bein’ friends with the old ladies?” I have to ask the obvious. Angel looks over, her smile falling. I hate that I just said that, but I am who I am.

  “Not really. I mean, if they want to make it weird they will, but I mostly stay to myself. I don’t try to get in the middle of them,” She states. Which makes me wonder why?

  I’ve seen club whores come and go. They move in as fast as they move out, but Angel has always been different. She won’t go after any of the guys knowing they already have someone. Most girls don’t give a shit.

  “It’s admirable.” I say. Her eyes jerk to mine in surprise. Surprised that I can actually say something nice?

  “Thanks, Devil. I may be a lot of things–but I’m not into ruining relationships.” Angel looks away before picking up something sexy as hell in her hands.

  “This is cute.” She’s talking mostly to herself, but damn! I can picture her wearing that little bra and panty set. Looking too hard, I have to adjust my dick in my jeans. That shit’s getting painful.

  “I think that’d look better on you,” I whisper. I made sure to step closer to her. Breathing, just a slight breadth away from her ear. Her body ignites in bumps that only serve to make me harder by the second.

  “What’s the deal with you and Aria anyway?” I ask again. I’m genuinely curious about those two. Angel walks next to me as I carry her bags.

  “We talked. She knows what I’m there for. I just explained to her that I didn’t want Roc. It was a mutual understanding I guess. Aria gets me. She’s nice to me, even after knowing that Roc and I had slept together. It’s weird, though.” Fuck, I hate hearing those words leave her mouth. I don’t want anyone else fucking her. I want to be the one fucking her.

  “What’s weird?” I ask. Her smile is brighter than normal. I can’t help but stare at her.

  “Aria seems to understand me. She doesn’t look at me like a club whore. She’s actually being nice to me. We’ve talked, a lot. She doesn’t judge me like most people do. It’s nice having someone like that. Having a friend,” She says in honesty. Shit, that slams into me like a train. She doesn’t have friends. I know for a fact that she doesn’t, because even Amber doesn’t like her much and she’s the biggest club whore around.

  “It’s hard to find people that get you. When you do, you need to hold onto that.” I speak the truth. Angel turns to me with a smile that melts my insides. Damn, I wish shit was different for us.

  “I plan on it. Aria is great.” Nodding, I think I have to agree on that one. As much time as I spent with her when Roc left, I know what kind of heart she has.

  “So, you have this party all planned out?” I change the subject. The way she lights up, it’s fucking beautiful.

  “I hope so! Dragon has mostly done everything. I was just in charge of the gifts and decorations. I don’t know if Aria likes a lot of stuff or not. I’m just going with it.” We walk a little more while Angel looks at every store.

  “I think she’ll be happy with whatever you do. It’s really great of you to do that for her.” I say. Angel stops and turns to me.

  “Like I said, she’s a great person. She’s one of few that don’t treat me like shit so I wanted to do something nice for her, too.” Her eyes burn straight into my soul. I don’t know how the fuck to control myself. My hand comes up, cupping her face. This is a bad idea. I keep repeating that in my head but when Angel licks her lips, I almost cum in my fucking jeans.

  “Of everyone I know you have to be the best person. I’ve always known that, Angel.” Her gasp surprises me.

  I let my hand fall before turning to walk again.

  Chapter 3

  I’ve followed this girl to every store in the mall. I don’t really care either. I love watching her. I don’t need to speak, or touch her, just watch. The way she thinks she doesn’t draw attention to herself. The way she doesn’t even realize how beautiful she really is. Angel has a perception of herself, and that’s not the real her.

  “Do you think we should have streamers?” She asks me questioningly. I just shrug when she looks at me.

  “I wouldn’t know what a birthday party has.” Angel looks at me strange. “I never had a party growin’ up. My parents weren’t those kinds of parents,” I say matter of factly. Her mouth falls open. I don’t want that from her. I’m used to it.

  “That’s shitty. When is your birthday?” She asks with happiness in her eyes.

  “Last month. Sorry, sweetheart. You missed it,” I say with a grin, knowing that she was thinking of a party for me. That’s not going to happen. Never had one, don’t need one now. Angel sticks her tongue out at me, making me laugh before she turns back. When we finally leave the last store, we have seven bags and a handful of balloons. Thank God, we brought the truck.

  “You sure you got enough?” I jokingly ask. I’m only fucking with her but I can see the serious look in her eyes.

  “You think we need more?” The fear that she isn’t doing all she can, shines through. I wonder what the hell is making her this way?

  “I was jokin’, darlin’. You have plenty.” Angel visibly relaxes as I load all her stuff into the truck. I walk back around to open her door for her, but she doesn’t move.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask. Her eyes fill with tears. It rips away at my insides that she’s crying.

  “Do you mind if we make one more stop?” Shaking my head, I reach up and wipe her cheeks.

  “I’ll take you anywhere you want.” She gives me a sad smile before climbing in. Closing the door, I walk around to my side, wondering what the hell it is I’m doing with this girl. There is no way in hell that this would ever work out. So why the do I feel like I’m breaking down with


  “Turn left, and then stop at the end of the fence.” She directs me. I follow her directions, but my stomach flops inside of me. This isn’t an area that I’m used to. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. This is for the high-class, rich people.

  “Right here?” I ask glancing over at her. Angel nods her head. I pull the truck to a stop at the end of the fence, just like she told me to. There’s a huge house that sits right off the road. It’s amazing. It has a long driveway that wraps around in front of the house. Angel sits quietly looking up at it. I don’t say anything, just wait for her, but when she sobs, I lose it. I slide across the front of the seat and pull her into my arms.

  “It’s ok. Don’t cry, Angel.” I tell her trying to be helpful. Her sobs kick me in the stomach, though. “Whose house is that?” I ask. Angel pulls back and looks up at me.

  “Mine. Well, my parent’s actually,” She says as my eyes jerk from her, to the house, and back.

  “You’re kiddin’ me?” Shaking her head, she wipes at her eyes.

  “Nope. That’s where I used to live.” I want to ask her more. I want to ask her what the hell happened, but I know by the look on her face that I shouldn’t push it.

  “Things change, Devil. Nothing stays the same forever,” She says in a low voice. My eyes find hers. I want to hold her.

  I wrap my hand around the back of her neck, pulling her mouth to mine. My lips touch hers just briefly, the slightest of touches. She’s so soft–so perfect. My tongue comes out, tracing a line over her bottom lip. Savoring the taste of her, I close my mouth over hers. Angel is surprised, hell, so am I. Our tongues begin to dance with each other and Angel begins to pant. When I pull away, my hands refuse to move. They stay there, tangled around her neck, holding her.

  “I’m not a good man, Angel.” Whispering against her lips, I don’t know what else to say. She doesn’t respond. We don’t speak for a few long minutes, until I see someone open the door to the house.

  “Someone’s there,” I say, nodding toward the house, she pulls away. Angel spins around to look before her hands come up to cover her mouth. She watches for a few seconds until she yells, “Drive, Devil. Please!”

  Chapter 4

  Angel took off when we got back to the clubhouse. I probably scared the shit out of her. Either that, or the sight of her parent’s standing in the doorway did it. I don’t know why the hell that would bother her, though. It makes me wonder what kind of life she had growing up. Clearly, they weren’t hurting for money. The main thing that eats at me is why she’s here, if they lived like that? Roc must notice the look on my face.

  “What’s goin’ on?” He asks looking full of concern.

  “Nothin’. Just thinkin’ about shit.” I respond. He knows how I get.

  “Wanna talk about it?” He asks. I sigh before looking over at him.

  “I just don’t understand some shit. Things just don’t make sense.” Roc chuckles.

  “That’s very vague. Sometimes things don’t always work out the way we plan. It’s life.” He responds. I know he’s right. I don’t like to think of it that way for Angel, though.

  She has a lot more to offer than what she is right now. I can see there’s more inside of her.

  “I don’t know man. I just have a lot on my mind right now.” I tell him. Roc slaps a hand on my shoulder.

  “I know. I can see it, but we are havin’ a party tonight. Get drunk, fuck everything else for now.” He laughs. He shoves off the couch and heads toward the back of the clubhouse. Nothing makes sense to me. I want nothing more than to get drunk, and forget everything that’s going on. There’s now more than one thing that haunts me at night. The whole fact that some club would leave their president to die for no foreseeable reason is first and foremost, but whatever the hell is going on with Angel, is pushing me to a new limit. I know I need to perk up and act accordingly for this party, but there are just too many things roaming around in my head. I shove off the couch and head to the kitchen, looking for something of the liquid variety. Roc’s right, I need to get drunk off my ass and roll with it.I walk past Angel and a few other girls that are talking in the corner. I head in the opposite direction.

  “One of those days, Devil?” Amber asks as she giggles. She watches me intently while I take a long pull from the bottle.

  “Somethin’ like that,” I grunt. Angel turns, her eyes locking with mine briefly. She quickly looks away before I take another drink. Fuck, a cup.


  I lie on my back, the world spinning around me. I think I’ve drank enough for six grown ass men. I don’t care though; I don’t feel shit. The party is crazy-insane. There are people everywhere. Even a few of the other local clubs came in to party with us tonight. I close my eyes before I feel a body lowering down on top of me. Popping one eye open, I look up. “What the fuck do you think you’re doin’?” Damn Brittany. Brittany’s a club whore from another local club. We all hang out sometimes, but it’s been a long time since I’ve fucked this girl.

  “Having a good time. What does it look like, Devil?” She says, lowering her body to mine and slowly grinding against me. I can’t say that my dick doesn’t respond, because that would be a big ass lie.

  “This isn’t a good time for me,” I say. Her eyes sparkle in the light from the fire.

  “It feels like the perfect time.” Visions of Angel float through my drunken mind. Her long hair flowing around her.

  “I don’t think so,” I roar. I shove her off quickly. She nearly falls to the ground but I warned her ass.

  “You are such a fucking asshole!” I grin as she stomps away. That’s when I catch Angel looking at me. Her eyes are hooded, her cheeks dancing with pink. We connect eyes only briefly before she is pulled away.

  “Talk to her, Devil.” Aria says as she drops onto the lounger next to me. Lying her head on my chest, I sigh.

  “Not that easy–sweetheart.” I can smell the liquor rolling off this girl’s breath. It makes me laugh. “Are you drunk?” I ask, cocking my head so I can look at her. Aria laughs.

  “Not much. Don’t change the subject, either.” She snaps before I lay my head back down and close my eyes once more.

  “I’m not. She’s too different for me, Aria.” That I do mean. She doesn’t know what I saw, and Angel isn’t willing to give up any information on it either.

  “That’s the beauty of it, isn’t it? Roc and I are different. Stop putting yourself down, Devil.” She says. I life my head and press my lips to the top of her head.

  “I knew it was a bad idea to let myself open up and talk to you.” I joke with her. Aria slaps me in the chest before looking up at me.

  “I’m glad you did. It gives me a lot of insight as to why you’re the way you are. You should let her in, too.” Giving her a small smile, I pull her head back down to my chest.

  “If I can call anyone a friend, it’s you.” I tell her in complete honesty.

  “You stealin’ my girl?” Roc’s voice booms through the air. I’m not sure how long we have been lying here, but when I hear Roc, I know it’s time to let her up.

  “She’s always liked me better,” I say, opening my eyes.

  “Yeah, I bet.” Roc grins, but he’s still a little unsettled with me and Aria being so close. She’s easy to talk to, and when I couldn’t get her to calm down that time Roc left, I opened up to her. I wanted her to feel safe with me.

  “You want her back now?” I ask chuckling before he nods.

  “You two know I’m lying right here.” Aria giggles before she sits up. Leaning back toward me, she presses a kiss to my cheek.

  “Let yourself go for once,” Aria says before Roc pulls her up. Her eyes stay on mine, though.

  “I’ll think about it. Happy Birthday, darlin’.” Giving her a wink, I push myself up and look around. The party is on fire. People are really having a good time. I suppose no one will miss me if I duck out early. There are a few things I want to research before we head out
to that new warehouse I heard about. I grab a few beers before heading toward my room. I pass a few guys on the way that try to stop me, and want to talk. Not being in the talkative mood, I quickly brush them off. I slide my card, heading inside when I stop. What the hell?

  There’s a box sitting on my bed wrapped in balloon wrapping paper. A giant ass bow is taped to the top. I look around, not spotting anyone in the hallway before closing the door. Walking toward the bed, I set my beers on the table. I pick up the card that reads Devil, and rip it open.


  No one should ever NOT celebrate their birthday. You deserve to feel special just like anyone else. Had one of the guys help me out on the gift. Hope you like it.

  Happy Late Birthday, Angel

  My stomach clenches. She did this for me? Why would she? With a smile on my face, I reach down, grabbing the box in my hand. Untying the ribbon, I slide the top off.

  I blow out a breath when I see the lighter. It’s shiny silver, with the club emblem on it.

  The fire of hell, and the skull in the middle. Flipping it over in my hand, there’s an inscription.

  “Always be somebody.”

  Chapter 5

  I don’t think the grin on my face could get any bigger. I can’t believe that she actually did this for me. I sit for what seems to be a long time, with the lighter in my hand. No one has ever given me anything before. Someone knocks on the door. I set the lighter back in the box before heading to the door. I didn’t expect her to show up. I didn’t expect to have to think of something to say on the spot.

  “Angel.” Her name leaves my lips like it’s a natural occurrence.

  “Brought you something,” She says and when I look down, my heart stops. Angel’s holding a small cake in her hands, with one single candle.

  “Why are you doin’ this?” Dragging my eyes back up to meet hers, her smile falls.

  “I was just trying to be nice. I’m sorry.” Angel takes a step back as my eyes fall back to the candle.


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