Caliber Detective Agency Box Set 3

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Caliber Detective Agency Box Set 3 Page 8

by Remington Kane

  “Remember, Pruitt, be on your best behavior. This really is just a visit to say hello.”

  “I’ll behave if Jake Caliber behaves. I mean the young one. I’ve never met the fossil.”

  Rayne pointed a finger at Pruitt.

  “Calling Mr. Caliber a fossil is not my idea of you being on your best behavior.”

  Pruitt smiled at her. “You are so hot when you’re mad, did you know that?”

  Rayne resumed walking, but at a quicker pace.

  “Sammy, if Pruitt embarrasses us, shoot him.”

  “Whatever you say, Rayne,” Sammy said, and in his slow, deep voice, the words promised menace. Also, his long hair and full beard made him look like a biker, which he was. Sloan had arrived in New York City on the back of a Harley.

  “Hey! I’m your boss too, Sloan.”

  Sloan stopped walking and moved closer to Pruitt.

  “You think you’re the boss of me?”

  Pruitt swallowed hard. He was taller than Sammy Sloan, who wasn’t a huge man, but there was a toughness in Sloan’s gaze that intimidated Pruitt.

  “Yeah, technically, I guess I am your boss.”

  Sammy slapped Pruitt playfully on the cheek.

  “Then give me a raise, boss man.”

  “Oh brother,” Rayne said, as her two companions followed her across the street.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Lauren’s mouth parted in surprise as she watched Rayne walk off the elevator.

  When she spotted Trace Pruitt and Sammy Sloan, Lauren smiled at them.

  “I see you like to keep company with heroic men, Rayne, and Mr. Sloan, Mr. Pruitt, it’s a pleasure to meet you two. My name is Lauren Wright.”

  Rayne expected Pruitt to salivate over the gorgeous Lauren, but he simply sent her a polite hello, as did Sammy Sloan.

  The behavior was so un-Pruitt-like that it caused Rayne to look at him with concern in her eyes.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “You’re sure you’re not in any pain from your chest wound?”

  “That ended about a week ago, but it still hurts some when I raise my right arm a certain way.”

  “Don’t raise your arm that way and it won’t hurt,” Sammy Sloan said.

  “Ha-ha,” Pruitt told him.

  “How may I help you, Miss Carver?” Lauren asked.

  Rayne smiled brightly.

  “This is just a friendly visit from one detective agency to another. I want Mr. Caliber and Gail to know that I hold no ill feelings toward them.”

  “I see,” Lauren said. “And I’ll let Mrs. Caliber know you’re here.”

  “Thank you.”

  The office door opened and the younger of the two Jake Calibers stepped out into the reception area. When he saw the trio standing near Lauren’s desk, he smiled.

  “To what do we owe this honor, Rayne?”

  Rayne walked over to Jake and kissed him on the cheek.

  “It’s good to see you looking so well, Jake, and congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I was surprised that Kelli sent me an invitation.”

  “You’re still our friend, Rayne. What happened between you and Chris didn’t change that. And it’s good to see you’ve moved on.”

  Jake walked past Pruitt to Sammy Sloan, and offered his hand.

  “I’m Jake Caliber, Sloan, and that was some nice work you did on those bank robbers in Vegas.”

  Sammy Sloan shook Jake’s hand while grinning.

  “I seem to recall you having a bit of fun out in Texas recently. That made what I did look like playtime.”

  Jake studied Sloan, as his brow wrinkled in puzzlement.

  “Have we met before?”

  “I don’t think so, why?”

  “I’ve seen your picture on TV, of course, but now that I’m seeing you in person, there’s something familiar about you.”

  “You get out to Las Vegas much? We may have met there.”

  “No, that’s not it, but it will come to me. And it must have been under good circumstances. I get a pleasant vibe off you.”

  “Well, we’re two of a kind, I guess,” Sammy Sloan said. “We both grew up in the shadow of famous men.”

  “I wouldn’t have had it any other way,” Jake said.

  Sammy Sloan winked. “Me neither, partner. My old man was the best.”

  “I saved the mayor’s life, Caliber. How come you didn’t shake my hand?” Pruitt asked.

  “Because I didn’t want to get dirty,” Jake said.

  “You’re just jealous because now I’m as famous as you are.”

  Jake sent a playful punch at Pruitt’s chin.

  “I was kidding, Pruitt. Like I said in Texas, you’re not as much of a dirtbag as I thought you were.”

  Pruitt grinned. “Thanks.”

  Christopher walked out of the office with his friend Garth following behind. After introductions were made, Garth sat on a corner of her desk and talked to Lauren.

  “We’re still on for that date tonight, right?”

  Lauren grinned at him. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Christopher blinked in surprise.

  “You two are going out on a date?”

  “Yeah,” Garth said. “What’s it to you?”

  Chris forced a smile as he shrugged.

  “Nothing, I guess, but treat her right, Garth, or you’ll have me to deal with.”

  “She’ll be in good hands, Chris,” Garth said with a sly grin.

  Rayne took in the exchange, and while Chris kept a smile on his face, Rayne glimpsed a hint of envy in his eyes.

  Velma appeared in the doorway. When she saw Rayne, she smirked.

  “Have you come to ask for your job back?”

  “Hardly, and you may have noticed that I’ve started my own agency.”

  Velma was about to respond when Sammy Sloan stepped out from behind Pruitt and went to her.

  “Hello, Velma. Damn, honey, it’s good to see you again.”

  Velma looked Sloan over as if she wasn’t sure if what she was seeing was real or a mirage.


  When she reached out and touched his bearded face, a small sound escaped her that might have been an expression of joy, or even a sigh of sorrow.

  After assuring herself he was real, Velma began to cry, as tears slid down her cheeks.

  The elevator opened, and Gail stepped out of it with Maggie Keegan.

  Velma said, “Excuse me,” and ran for the elevator, she then jabbed frantically at the button that shut the doors. The sound of her sobbing could be heard descending as she rode down toward the ground floor.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “You want to take a step back there, partner,” Sammy Sloan told Chris, as Christopher was in his face demanding answers.

  Christopher poked a finger into Sammy’s chest.

  “Why did Velma react that way to you? What did you do to her in the past?”

  Sammy’s eyes found Jake’s. “I don’t want trouble. Control your brother or I will.”

  Jake walked over and pressed a hand against Chris’s shoulder, he managed to create a space between the two men.

  “Calm down, Chris, and let the man speak,” Jake said.

  “I’ve nothing to say except for this, I have never harmed Velma in any way and I never would,” Sammy said.

  Rayne had been taking it all in with wide-eyed wonder. She decided to comment, in an effort to calm things down.

  “Chris, why don’t you find Velma and make sure she’s all right, hmm?”

  “That’s a good idea,” Jake said, while taking Chris’s arm and steering him away from Sammy Sloan. “I’ll help you look for her.”

  “What’s going on?” Gail asked, as her sons walked past her and Maggie.

  “I’ll fill you in later,” Jake said, as he pushed the button to call for the elevator.

  Chris pointed back at Sloan.

  “If I find out you’ve hurt Velma, you’ll be se
eing me again.”

  Sloan chuckled. “I’m quaking in my boots.”

  Chris started toward Sloan, but Jake held him back. When the elevator arrived, Jake guided Chris onto it and jammed a finger at the CLOSE DOOR button the same way that Velma had.

  Chris’s friend, Garth, tapped Gail Caliber on the shoulder.

  “Is it always this much fun here?”

  Gail turned, then smiled when she saw Garth.

  “Garth? Oh, it’s good to see you. Christopher didn’t tell me you were coming for a visit.”

  “I surprised Chris, and it’s good to see you again, Mrs. Caliber.”

  “The same here, and we’ll catch up while you’re in town, but right now, I must see to our other visitors.”

  Rayne introduced Pruitt and Sloan to Gail and Maggie and was relieved when Pruitt behaved himself. Upon meeting Sammy Sloan, Gail had a reaction somewhere between those displayed by Jake and Velma.

  A look of astonished recognition flashed across her face, as tears threatened to form in her eyes. Her breathing had also grown more rapid, and she placed a hand on a wall to keep her balance.

  Maggie noticed Gail’s distress and took her friend’s arm to steady her.

  “Are you all right, Gail?”

  Gail took in a deep breath, released it slowly, then tried to smile.

  “I’m fine, but maybe I’m coming down with something.”

  The old man’s voice came through the intercom on Lauren’s desk.

  “What’s going on out there, Lauren? Has the client arrived early?”

  “No, sir, but Rayne Carver is here with her associates.”

  “Send them in.”

  “I know the way,” Rayne said, and into the office she went.

  “I don’t know what came over me, Chris,” Velma said. “I guess it was just the shock of seeing him again.”

  Chris and Jake had found Velma in the lobby, where she had been standing by the front doors and looking out at the passing traffic.

  After Jake excused himself to make a call to his bride-to-be, Kelli, Chris walked over and asked Velma what was wrong.

  She suggested they take a walk outside. Once they had reached the corner, she was ready to speak about what had happened.

  “Did he do something to you, you know, back when you worked at the Sloan Agency?”

  A small smile appeared on Velma’s face.

  “Sammy would never hurt me, Chris. He’s in love with me.”

  “What? Are you saying that you had an affair with the guy?”

  Velma shook her head.

  “No, I wouldn’t allow it. I was married to Michael at the time, happily married, but, Michael was deployed overseas, and I was alone a great deal of the time.”

  “And this Sammy Sloan took advantage of that and tried to bed you?”

  Velma reached out and took Chris’s hand.

  “Sammy is a gruff sort, and he looks rough, but no, Chris, he’s not a bad guy. It’s just that we worked together often and… we fell in love.”

  Chris jerked his hand away.

  “You’re in love with him?”

  “I thought I was, years ago. Seeing him again, it reminded me how close I came to breaking my vows and throwing away my marriage. And remember, this occurred at a time when Michael was fighting overseas. Being unfaithful would be one thing, but I never would have forgiven myself if I had cheated on Michael while he was off serving his country.”

  “But why did you cry when you saw him?”

  Velma shrugged with one shoulder.

  “I guess he reminded me of how close I came to doing something I’d regret forever.”

  “And do you still have feelings for him?”

  “Chris, I’m with you now, and I haven’t seen Sammy for years. I know I reacted oddly, but can we just drop it?”

  “All right,” Chris said, but there was a worried look in his eyes.

  “My father and brother spoke of you often, Mr. Caliber,” Sammy Sloan said.

  Sammy, Rayne, and Pruitt, were seated together on the right side of the office, perched atop a leather sofa. Gail and Maggie were seated in client chairs before the old man’s desk.

  “Your father and I were good friends, Sammy, and he saved my life once.”

  “And how friendly were you and my mother?”

  Jake paused before answering.

  “I only met her once, when I flew out to Las Vegas for their wedding. Why do you ask?”

  Sammy smiled. “Just curious. She was much younger than my father when they married, but maybe she had a thing for older men.”

  Maggie asked Sammy a question.

  “Have we ever met before, Mr. Sloan?”

  “No, Mrs. Keegan, I don’t think so.”

  Maggie stared at Sloan. “There’s something so familiar about you, but perhaps it’s just that I recognize you from the story about you on the news.”

  “That must be it,” Sammy said.

  Pruitt pointed at the old man, then at himself.

  “We have something in common, right? We both took a bullet to save someone else’s ass.”

  “Yeah, it’s like looking in a mirror,” the old man said.

  Pruitt walked over and sat on a corner of the desk.

  “You know, I was with your grandson out in Texas. If he hadn’t whacked those bikers I would have done it.”

  “Jakey told me about that. He said you risked your life to save a police officer.”

  Pruitt nodded. “I couldn’t just leave her there, and she was a hot little thing too.”

  Rayne practically leapt off the sofa.

  “I think we’ve taken enough of Mr. Caliber’s time, Pruitt.”

  “Oh, okay, and it was nice to meet you, Mr. Caliber. You’re not nearly as decrepit as I thought you’d be.”

  “I still got a little juice left in me, kid,” Jake said.

  After Rayne left with Pruitt and Sloan, Maggie walked around the desk and kissed Jake on the cheek.

  “I need to get back to work, Jake, but I’ll see you later.”

  “All right, doll, and I’ll take you out to dinner tonight too.”

  Maggie’s departure left Gail alone with Jake. She rose from her chair and walked around the desk to stand beside him.

  “I know, Jake.”

  “Know what?”

  “Don’t even try to deny it. You’re the sharpest man I’ve ever met; there’s no way you would have missed it.”

  “Yeah, but I’m surprised you caught it.”

  Gail leaned over and stared into the old man’s eyes, as her own began to tear.

  “You lied to me all those years ago. You both did.”

  Jake stood and opened his arms for a hug. Gail hesitated, but then she fell into his embrace and hugged him back.

  Rayne stopped by Lauren’s desk on her way to the elevator.

  “Can I help you, Miss Carver?” Lauren asked.

  “Call me Rayne, Lauren, and I wondered if you would stop by and see me later when you get off work. I’m right across the street you know.”

  “Yes, I do know that, but why should I come and see you?”

  “We’ll discuss that when you show up, and I’ll look forward to seeing you.”

  Lauren gave Rayne a curious look.

  “What if I don’t show up?”

  “Then we’ll both have lost an opportunity, but please, come see me later. I’ll only take a few minutes of your time.”

  Lauren looked thoughtful, then nodded.

  “I’ll stop by once I get off work.”

  “Thank you,” Rayne said. When she joined Pruitt and Sloan on the elevator, Pruitt grinned at her.

  “I behaved, right?”


  “How about giving me a kiss as a reward?”

  “My lips will never touch yours. We are business partners, period.”

  “I can be patient,” Pruitt said, “and you’re worth waiting for.”

  Rayne sent him a harsh look, even as she suppress
ed a smile

  “I’m as shocked as you are, Gail, and what I told you all those years ago was the truth as I knew it to be,” Jake said.

  “You really didn’t know?”

  “No, Daughter, and after all this time, I wonder if it even matters.”

  “Now that Sammy Sloan is here, it’s just a question of when, and not if, the truth will come out.”

  “Maybe not,” Jake said.

  “No, it will come out, even Maggie sensed it, and once the truth comes out, then things will never be the same.”

  The old man let out an uncharacteristic sigh of surrender. He knew that the past would not stay buried, and with Sammy Sloan’s appearance in New York City, a truth long hidden would soon come out into the open.

  “What do we do, Jake? And how will this affect my boys, especially Christopher?”

  “I don’t know, Gail, and you’re right, things will never be the same.”

  Gail released a sob. all the old man could do to comfort her was to hold her until the tears subsided.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jake Caliber the fifth walked into Joe’s Deli, then looked around for the friends he was meeting. He didn’t have to search for long because one of his friends was huge and stood out.

  Homicide Detective Shea O’Reilly called out to Jake from where she sat with her boyfriend, Hector Coffey, who was a gentle giant.

  “Caliber, get over here and help me talk some sense into Hector.”

  Jake held up a finger, telling Shea to wait a moment, as he went to the counter to place his order. Afterward, he pulled out a seat, sat, then reached across the table to shake Hector’s hand.

  “It’s good to see you two. Did you get the wedding invitation?”

  Shea smiled. “I did, and I was surprised. I didn’t think Kelli liked me.”

  “She likes you fine now that she knows nothing ever happened between us.”

  “That was on you, Caliber. I was always willing to jump your bones.”

  Hector scowled at her.

  “Hey, I’m sitting right here.”

  Shea waved at him. “Relax, Hector, that’s all in the past. You know I’m your girl.”

  Hector grinned. “I like hearing you say it.”


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