The Enemy Trap

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The Enemy Trap Page 7

by Maren Moore

  "Shut the fuck up, Kyle. If you ever disrespect her that way again, I'll fire your ass, and my life will no longer be any of your concern. Understand?" I grit out, my teeth aching from grinding them together.

  "I'm sorry man, but this is not good. Okay? We've had a shit storm this past year, and I've had to pull every string possible to keep you on this team and with a hockey career, so forgive me for losing my shit for a second."

  I let out a ragged breath, tugging at the ends of my too-long hair.

  "It's unexpected, but it's life. We both made a mistake, and now we're handling it. She wants to keep the baby, and I'm going to support her in any way that I can."

  Kyle lets out a groan before another curse, "We're going to have to spin this, Hayes. I'll be there in twenty. And I'm bringing an NDA, whether you like it or not. It's my job to cover your ass, so let me do my fucking job."

  Then he's gone.

  I wander back into the kitchen and see Sophia outside on the phone still, and I’m thankful that she missed my conversation with Kyle. I slowly slide the door open and walk outside, tossing her a small smile when her eyes meet mine.

  "Alright, Hol, I have to go. I'll talk to you later. Love you." She ends the call and turns to face me.

  "My agent is on his way over. I think he almost had a heart attack, but it'll be fine. I just want to prepare you before he gets here. He's a bit...over the top."

  "What are we going to do, Hayes?" She sighs and sags against the seat, still shivering from the cold.

  "Well, I'm shit at anything involving babies, and I really don't know how to change a diaper, much less burp a baby or feed it, but I'm willing to learn how to do all those things. You don't have to do it alone, Sophia."

  She's quiet for a moment, and I use the brief silence to drink in her appearance. She looks stressed. Her normally bright eyes are dull and deep, dark bags sit under them.

  "Have you been eating? Are you sick at all?" I'm genuinely concerned, even if she doesn't believe it.

  "I've had a pretty bad case of morning sickness. That's how…that's how I knew I was pregnant. I couldn't keep anything down. Any kind of food smell in the morning makes me sick."

  "Okay, glad we cleared that up so I didn't make you a five-course breakfast in the morning?" I tease.

  She turns a tad green just at the mention of breakfast food.

  "Wait, you can cook?"

  I laugh. "Uh no, not at all…but I’m great at ordering Ubereats all by myself and grabbing a box of donuts.”

  Her eyes light up, "Donuts?"

  "Are you craving donuts?"


  The back door swings open, and Kyle steps out, complete with his three-piece suit and the AirPods that never seem to leave his ears. One thing about Kyle is that he always looks prepared. For what? Who knows? But if it happens, he's ready. It's one reason I chose him to be my agent. I felt like he could handle any situation at any given time.

  "Kyle, this is Sophia St. James. Sophia, this is Kyle, my agent," I introduce them.

  Kyle looks back and forth between the two of us but doesn't bother to say hello.



  He pulls out his phone, typing something hastily before he addresses us again, "We have to spin this, Sophia. Hayes is in a bad way, and I'm sure you've seen the tabloids, so I don't need to explain. A baby? With someone he has no intention of being with? The result of a one-night stand?"

  She winces. Her mask slips momentarily before she sets her lips in a thin line and crosses her arms over her chest. Kyle is approaching this in the wrong fucking way, and now her hackles are raised—her mama bear ones—and fuck if that doesn't make me hard.

  "If the pap gets ahold of this? His career is ruined. Is it money that you want? We can cut you a settlement and this will all go away."

  Sophia stands abruptly, and the chair scrapes loudly against the wood as she goes to leave. I reach out and grab her arm gently, trying to stop her.

  "Soph, wait. Give me a moment alone with Kyle, please."

  I clench my jaw so hard it hurts. He's taken the shit too far and is being completely rude and fucking disrespectful. Regardless of who she is or what the situation is, this is my home.

  Her eyes search mine, but after a moment she nods and pulls her arm from my grip, stalking inside.

  The second the door slams shut, I walk over to Kyle until we're face to face, "Enough. Too fucking far. I get you’re pissed. I get that I blindsided you, and you're trying to save face. But she is someone who is going to be a part of my life forever going forward, and you will respect her, or I swear to God you're out, Kyle. I don't give a fuck if hockey goes with it. You will respect her."

  His eyes widen, his pudgy jaw opening then shutting while he tries to find the words.

  "So, you like her then, huh?"

  "Doesn't matter how I feel about her. She's going to be the mother of my child, and she doesn't fucking want money. She is not getting an abortion. I am having a child with this woman, Kyle. Take it or leave it. Spin it how you feel you need to, but it'll be done with her in a good light. Period. It isn't up for discussion."

  This isn’t just about Sophia; this is about my child. The game has changed—now my own flesh and blood is involved.

  I'm fuming. My hands are clenched tightly at my sides, and I have to take a step back and suck in a deep, calming breath before I lose my shit on him. He's my agent; he's supposed to help me through shit, not add more stress to my plate.

  Fuck, that's not fair. Kyle's gotten my ass out of shit that I should've never been in, and for that I thank him, but this isn’t negotiable. Sophia is part of my life for the foreseeable future, and no matter where we stand, that isn’t changing.



  Every second I'm here, I'm starting to think this was a mistake. Maybe I shouldn't have come.

  Not that Hayes reacted at all like I expected him to. I don’t know…I guess maybe I thought he’d throw a fit like a three-year-old? But his agent is a complete asshole, and if I'm going to be around him, in whatever aspect, I refuse to be disrespected.

  It's not who I am, and I'm not changing who I am for Hayes Davis.

  The second I found out there was a tiny life growing inside of me, my world changed. Right in front of my eyes there was a shift. It was no longer about me, but about the baby. Our baby.

  Mine and Hayes’ baby.

  A baby.

  The words still feel foreign on my tongue. I'm in disbelief that I'm going to be a mother, and with...Hayes. Together we’re going to be parents.

  My distaste for him hasn't lessened, It’s only been pushed aside slightly—for her. I knew what it was like to grow up without a father, and regardless of how I feel about Hayes, he has the right to know. He has the right to show up and be a father if he so chooses, too.

  And he had promptly pushed my fears down and said that he was going to be present whether I liked it or not. I respected him a little bit more in that moment.

  "St. James?" Hayes calls from the back door, where he and Kyle have just walked back through. Kyle is looking slightly less perturbed, and Hayes seems a little more apprehensive that I’m going to pounce on him at any given moment.

  "I'm sorry, Sophia. This situation is very stressful, and I'm sorry if I was rude. I'd like to sit and talk through this, if you'll stay?" Kyle says, nervously, I might add. I wonder what Hayes said to him.


  He gestures towards the massive dining room table, and it's only now that I really take in Hayes' house. It's massive from the outside—absolutely what you'd expect from a pro hockey player—but inside is tastefully decorated. Something I know he didn't have a hand in. Most guys think black goes with blue, not what shade of curtains match the rug.

  Hayes pulls out my chair and takes a seat next to me while Kyle sits across the table.

  "So, I think I have an idea how we can turn this into something good. Hear me out."

sp; I look at Hayes, who looks back at me, then we both look at Kyle.

  "You two are going to get married."

  "What?" Hayes cries.

  "Absolutely not," I screech, in complete shock.

  We both speak at the same time, our responses mingling together in a jumble.

  Kyle holds his hand up, "Just hear me out, okay?"

  This guy is certifiably nuts.

  "Fake married. We'll spin it like this: Hayes goes home to his hometown, meets his elementary school sweetheart—that’s you, Sophia—and you rekindle your love. We make it about the yacht, the godchildren you share, the whole nine yards. Make it the love story of a lifetime. Then, Hayes realizes what a catch he has and refuses to let you go again, so, spur of the moment—which we'll get on camera, of course—he asks you to marry him, and the rest is history. A few months down the road, we'll leak the pregnancy with some cute photos, and the rest is history. We'll keep you both completely out of the spotlight until the baby is born, and then after a while, if you choose, we can leak the split up. Amicable, for the sake of your child. Happily friends, but choosing to live apart for the well-being of everyone involved."

  I bite my lip while his words sink in. This is the worst idea in the history of the world. I don't even like Hayes, let alone fake love him! It's already bad enough that I'm tied to him for the next eighteen years, and now I'll have to fake love him and fake marry him? Hell no.

  "Kyle...I don't know about this," Hayes says hesitantly. I feel his eyes on me, but I refuse to meet his gaze. I can't. Not right now. This is too much. My stomach rolls, and if I don't take some calming breaths, I might puke all over this expensive ass designer table.

  First impression to last a lifetime.

  "Look, I know it isn't ideal. I get it. But this is my job. This is what you’ve hired me to do. Let me do my job. I’m here to make sure things run smoothly and your image isn't tarnished. This is the best way to do that. In my professional opinion, if you want to continue a hockey career, this is your only option, Hayes."

  So, basically, not only am I pregnant with Hayes Davis's unborn child, but his entire future also rests in my hands? No pressure.

  "This is too big of a decision to make in haste. Can I think about this? I need time." I stand from my chair and pace the floor for a minute, trying to get my thoughts in order as they race in my head.

  "Sure, take time to think about it. But, please don't let this get out. I've brought over an NDA for you to sign. I know that's something you may want to have your lawyer look over, but this is for Hayes’ safety and privacy."

  "I'll sign it. I have no plans to sell him out to TMZ," I say with more bite than intended.

  "Sophia..." Hayes starts, and I put my hand up to stop him.

  "I'm not here to make a payday off you Hayes, and I know we don't particularly like each other, less the night that this happened," I gesture to my stomach, "but you are the father of my unborn child, and I'd never do anything that would hurt her...or him, in any way, and that includes hurting you. I'll sign whatever you need me to sign, but please stop thinking so lowly of me; it's hurtful."

  Kyle slides the NDA across the table with a pen, and I snatch it up and sign my name before pushing it back.

  "I want a week to think this over. This is a lot to rest on my shoulders, and I won't make a decision because I feel pressured."

  Kyle nods, and Hayes reaches out for me.

  "Sophia, I am not pressuring you in any way to do this. This is my fault; I was careless, and any consequences that come from it will remain on my shoulders, not yours. Don't make a decision based on my future."

  I nod, biting the side of my lip until the skin feels raw and exposed. My nerves are shot.

  "Can you show me to my room? I'm not feeling well."

  "Sure. Kyle, you know the way out."

  Kyle nods and rises from his chair before walking towards the door. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Sophia. I'm sorry I reacted the way that I did, and I hope you can forgive me for it. Please know that I only ever have Hayes' best interest at heart. It's my job to protect him, his privacy, and his legacy."

  His eyes drop to my stomach before he tips his head in a goodbye and opens the door, disappearing through it.

  Hayes doesn't speak as he leads me down a long, empty hallway. The one thing I notice about his house, as beautifully minimally decorated as it is, is that there's nothing personal. It looks like a page directly from the Pottery Barn catalogue. It’s pulled together with finesse, but it’s lacking comfort. There aren't pictures of his family, drawings from Gracie, nothing that truly makes his house a home.

  Then, I can't help but think that if our baby comes here, it will knock over the expensive vases and decorations. Is he going to baby proof?

  "You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost," he says. We come to a halt in front of the last door in the hallway, which seems to be directly across the hall from the master suite. Convenient to hear the baby cry.

  "I'm…obsessively thinking of baby proofing and room placement. I'm sorry, I’m just so overwhelmed. I feel like my whole life has changed in the blink of an eye, and it's a lot to process."

  He nods, understanding. I guess he's just as overwhelmed and taken by surprise by this, since I just showed up on his doorstep unannounced. I groan inwardly, regretting my decision.

  "I'm sorry to just show up here. I just wanted to talk to you in person."

  "Don't apologize. I'm glad you did."

  He leads me into the room and turns on a tall lamp that sits on the table next to the bed. The yellow glow cascades around the room, bringing it into view. Tastefully decorated, it's inviting and comforting. And, after today's events, my body is screaming for rest.

  I can't wait to take a shower and crawl between the sheets, even if it's in Hayes' house for the night.

  "Shower's through there. There are towels and everything else you might need in the cabinets. I keep it stocked for when my parents come to visit, and if you need anything, I'm just across the hall." He gestures to the room adjacent to mine.

  "I need to grab my bag," I tell him as I walk past him. His warm hand finds my arm, stopping me.

  "I've got it. It gets icy at night; I don't want you to slip."

  I'm taken back momentarily by the thoughtfulness and sincerity in his voice. This isn’t what I was expecting from Hayes. Our lifelong rivalry was founded on Hayes' uncanny ability to make the people around him feel small, even if not purposefully. He's arrogant, egotistical, and a man-whore of epic proportions. But, maybe he's also thoughtful, kind, and compassionate.

  He’s taken me by complete surprise since I arrived, and I don’t know yet what to make of it. Defending me to his agent, making sure I’m comfortable, and running surprisingly low on the egotistical, arrogant remark count.

  I’m too stubborn to think of Hayes as anything other than the asshole who broke my heart in high school and thrived on embarrassing me, though.

  I’m holding a grudge, so what.

  "Thank you." I tell him, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  A few moments later he returns, holding my overnight bag and wearing a small grin.

  "Are you moving in...already?"

  My eyes widen. "Already?"

  "I just assumed you'd move here, so I can help with the baby. You know, I can't leave... because of the team." The playful grin is gone, replaced with a look of concern.

  Did he really think I'd just uproot my life to move here and live in his house?

  This is going to be much more difficult than I initially thought.

  "Hayes..." I trail off, trying to find the right words to avoid hurting his feelings or causing issues this early on. Seeing the way his face falls, I decide to hold off on this conversation, "We have plenty of time to talk about this, okay? I'm not feeling well, and I need rest," I add softly.

  He nods and sets the bag on the bed next to me before walking back to the door, but he turns at the last second. "I know this isn't what ei
ther of us expected, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be a good father. I won't let you down Sophia, I promise."

  I give him a small smile before I nod.

  I want to believe Hayes, and part of me does think he would be a great father, but the jaded, bruised part of me refuses to believe that he'll stick around for anything other than the bachelor lifestyle he's used to living.

  Unfortunately, only time will tell just how serious Hayes is about being a father. I just hoped, for our baby's sake, that he is.

  The irony of the situation isn’t lost on me. I mean…just a few months ago, I was really engaged to a tiny dick who cheated on me, and now somehow, I’m about to be fake engaged to my number one enemy—and very really pregnant with a faux wedding to plan.

  This would only happen in my life.

  At least Hayes is a ten on a bad day. If I have to be fake engaged to someone, I’d rather him not have a small dick and be a three on a good day.

  I sigh and flop back onto the plush bed.

  Man, what have I gotten myself into now?



  The next morning, Sophia is gone. The guest bed where she slept is neatly made up and looks undisturbed, like she had never slept in it. All that was left behind was a note that said thank you, and that she'd be in touch after she had a chance to make her decision.

  A week ago, today.

  I don’t want to admit that I’m wound up tight as a fucking top imagining her choosing not to be a part of my life. Yeah, a baby is the last thing I ever imagined I'd get from Sophia St. James, and honestly the thought of raising a child fucking terrifies me.

  I'm man enough to admit I'm scared out of my mind. But I'm not a coward. I'll be there every step of the way if she'll have me.

  “If” being the operative word.

  The thought that I wouldn’t even get the chance to show her that I can be a great father is even more scary than being faced with a newborn and having no idea how to handle it. Sophia didn’t say she’s not going to allow me to be in the baby’s life, but as much as she hates me, anything is possible.


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