Kingdom of Salt and Sirens

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Kingdom of Salt and Sirens Page 60

by J. A. Armitage







  Dark Reign by Nikki Landis

  Dark Reign

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  Copyright © 2019 Nikki Landis

  All Rights Reserved.

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  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  Edited by Kathy Denver, iPublishGlobal

  Cover by Gray Global Creations

  Created with Vellum


  My father is a daemon.

  My mother is a cambion.

  Humans are the enemy.

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  All my life I’ve been locked away in a foreign world of darkness, hidden among the shadows, yearning for a reality I can never embrace. I’m a prisoner among my own kind.

  Every night at sunset, I sneak away as the last rays of the sun disappears over the horizon. A desperate attempt to find normalcy and acceptance in a forbidden world.

  Everything changes when I save the life of a handsome stranger. I’m not supposed to care. I’m not allowed to intervene.

  Human touch is forbidden.

  Rebelling against the rules, I take him home and care for his numerous wounds. Our meeting awakens intense and frightening feelings. A passion neither of us expects as it exposes my world to the human realm.

  Now the entire existence of my kind is threatened.

  I’ve opened Pandora’s box and the Dresh are coming . . .



  Beneath the whispering waves of light that rolled in delicate hues of amber and gold, through the soft mist that echoed in vibrant colors, I ran from the stifling confines of my personal prison. The chilly evening air billowed across my skin and promised a glimpse of freedom. Shadows and fading beams of bright sunlight chased my fleeting figure as I materialized and disappeared again, laughing at my clever trick while I ditched the guards in determined pursuit.

  Always confined to the darkness and forever seeking glimpses of the human world, I caught the teasing warmth of the sun’s final rays as the welcome heat bathed my face. My heart pounded in my chest and thundered in my ears as my gaze swept the bustling city. I was eager to follow the humans into their domain and find a lost piece of my soul that never felt complete.

  I was a daemon, born into a world of darkness that rarely observed the light. The only girl among ten princes, my life was under constant scrutiny. I was never left alone and obligated to follow a stern set of harsh and unrelenting rules. Breaking them resulted in swift and severe punishment. My father was a strict taskmaster and all his children obeyed . . . except for the rebellious daughter who wanted to bathe in sunlight and walk among humans.

  As the surface world was enveloped in an ebony cloak of night, I snuck into an abandoned building in a desperate attempt to flee my jailers. My brothers wouldn’t appreciate that term, but it was true. As much as I loved them, the ten were ruthless and without mercy. This game of cat and mouse was one we played often. Over the years I’d become adept at hiding in the human realm and eluding capture. Only when I returned home and their defeat was obvious, did they ever concede my victory.

  Soon after my father would call me before his massive throne of ebony rock, and I would be sentenced for punishment.

  My freedom was worth the cost.

  He never understood why I would risk everything for a race of beings that were frail and mortal. I was never able to explain my feelings adequately. We were left at an impasse.

  The cool concrete of the chipped wall met my back as I sank to my knees and hid in the shadows. A simple wave of my hand and I was invisible to humans. The cloaking ability worked twofold – to protect me from prying human eyes and to shield my presence from my own kind.

  One of the perks of a daemon and belonged to only a select few.

  I was the only one in my family who could shield this way.

  It wasn’t long before I was no longer alone.

  Loud voices and shouts drew my attention as I stayed pressed to the wall, sliding across the floor in an effort to avoid the scattered brittle leaves and broken pieces of glass until I came to the wide cavernous area that contained most of the usable space in this building.

  “Come closer at your own risk.”

  The male voice was one I hadn’t heard before, but the tone was deep and alluring, almost magical in quality. I was instantly drawn to his confident presence that swirled with a darkness I found irresistible.

  Staying in the shadows, I watched his next moves with interest.

  A group of dirty men approached from the far side of the room and entered through a large gaping hole in the exterior wall. The wind blew debris around the floor as they took a stand. The young man I had been watching faced them with a mocking smile.

  “Give us your money and we’ll be on our way,” one of the men announced, the timbre holding a cruel edge to his voice that contradicted his carefully constructed words.

  I moved closer, struck with a foreign feeling of tenderness the second I saw the face of the man I followed. My first glimpse nearly knocked me off my feet. He was rugged and lean with a toned physique and cool blue eyes that assessed the scene with a calm indifference. His arms bulged with muscle as he rolled up the sleeves and took a fighting stance. Jeans and a flannel, heavy work boots, and a solid colored t-shirt were the perfect backdrop to the tool belt that was slung low on his hips. His dark hair was short along the sides but longer on top, falling in a soft wave over his forehead. Long enough to run my fingers through the strands as I suddenly ached to do. High cheekbones were prominent above a strong jawline that pulsed once as he gritted his teeth.

  He must work construction or a similar vocation.

  I wasn’t sure if the handsome stranger knew the men that corralled him and began to close in with a calculating efficiency. They were like a pack of wolves. Ravenous, desperate, hungry for the suffering of another – all things I’d been brought up to embrace in fallible humanity.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he replied, “but I will if you come any closer.”

  “Just give us your wallet, you idiot. It’s not worth dying for.”

  The stranger shook his head. “I won’t go down without a fight. You’re not stealing from me.”

  I admired his pride but couldn’t help but feel that he was outnumbered.

  The group converged as one, several grabbing his arms and restraining him as he kicked out and caught another in the groin. The man landed with a thud and howled as he grabbed at his crotch. Mr. Handsome – as I was quick to call him in my head – fought hard enough that he was released and swung a meaty fist into another. The man staggered as Mr. Handsome caught the next man in the gut. A few punches and he was on the ground.

  Two more approached and one held a shiny metal object in his hand. The switchblade was sharp with a jagged edge. I sucked in a breath, concerned for Mr. Handsome. I’m sure he could handle himself in normal circumstances but in an unfair fight? I wasn’t convinced.

  “Hand over your wallet. I won’t ask again.”

  The leader held the blade and pointed it toward Mr. Handsome. He sighed and shook his head.

  “No, you’ll have to kill me for it. I won’t be bullied.”

  A strange sense of pride washed over me when he crouched, prepared to go another round.

  He didn’t see the man creep up behind him and I was tempted to scream for Mr. Handsome to turn around, but I was too late. The first man he had kicked in the groin was clearly pissed. He punched the handsome stranger in the back at the same moment a sickening squelch could be heard.

  It took me a moment to realize that he’d been stabbed, then punched in the kidney. The young man fell with a groan, a look of surprise on his face. Laughing, the leader reached into his pockets and found his wallet, rummaging through the contents. He found the cash he was looking for and tossed the wallet at Mr. Handsome’s chest.

  “Looks like you get your wish. What a waste. All you had to do was give us the money. Let that be your lesson the next time you want to be a hero.”

  The group laughed and ran out the same hole they entered, giddy with power and their treasure. I’d never been as disgusted with humanity as I was in that moment.

  Once I knew they were far enough away, I materialized and approached the young man with caution. “Hey, you alright?”

  What a stupid question.

  He groaned, trying to roll on his side as the blood soaked through his flannel and began to puddle on the dirty concrete floor. He’d never make it. It would only take minutes for him to bleed out.

  “What’s your name?” I asked with a breathless whisper, afraid he would pass out before I could take him somewhere to tend to his injuries.

  I wasn’t sure that was my decision until I touched him. The second our skin made contact I knew I would help him in any way that I could. A small buzz of energy hummed through my skin and seemed to bounce back and forth between us. Intrigued, I ran a finger along his temple, marveling at the heat that radiated from his skin and mixed with a musky scent almost animal in quality.

  “Your name?” I repeated, concerned when his eyes glazed over, and he moaned lightly. The coolest blue of the ocean’s depths were locked on my lips until they rose slowly, curiosity mixing with pain.

  “Evan,” he managed to choke, his eyes fluttering while his dark lashes covered his assessing gaze. “I can't breathe right.”

  Evan . . . a name I would never forget.

  A small gurgling sound could be heard as he sucked in a ragged breath. Helping him to his feet I realized that Evan’s lung must have been nicked too. Maybe he was stabbed more than I noticed. It happened so fast I could have missed something.

  He fell limp in my arms, and I knew his injuries were serious. Evan needed medical care immediately. Torn between taking him to a hospital or using my own abilities, I opted for the latter.

  A choice that would change both of our futures forever.

  Scanning the floor, I found his discarded wallet and glanced at the driver’s license. He lived only a few blocks away. I could be there in seconds . . .

  Rustling leaves alerted me to the presence of my brothers. Without a second thought I held Evan closer and disappeared into my shield, reappearing only moments later on a balcony that overlooked the scenic ocean. I didn’t hesitate to send a jolt of power to the sliding glass door handle and slip inside as the alarm that monitored the house was disabled.

  The room was an instant reflection of the young man I heaved inside. Rugged décor, solid colors mixed with plaid flannel sheets, dark woods, and that same musk that clung to his skin. The mint of his aftershave wafted into the air as I lay him back against the sheets. Inhaling, I closed my eyes and memorized the way his scent wrapped eagerly around my body.

  After today, I could never see him again. It was too risky.

  A low moan forced my eyes to snap back open and I leaned forward, placing my hands on his chest. “It will be alright, Evan. I promise,” I whispered.

  He groaned as my palms began to heat, a reddish light radiating throughout the room as my power infused his body. The wounds began to close, the flesh repairing and reconnecting as his breathing became more regulated. He was stabilizing. It wasn’t long before I knew he would recover.

  Glancing around the room, I wondered if he had a linen closet but wasn’t comfortable venturing into other parts of the house. I found a basket of clean folded laundry in the far corner and grabbed a washcloth, heading into his bathroom to run it under warm water. As I returned, he groaned lightly, coming slowly back to awareness.

  Evan sucked in a breath as his eyes snapped open. Our gaze locked and time seemed to stand still.

  “You, how,” he paused with great difficulty and I sensed he was still in a considerable amount of pain. “What’s your name?”

  Fate pushed me to reply and for the first time in my existence, I wanted to connect to another living soul without a thought for the consequences.


  His lips lifted in a boyish grin that brightened the entire room.

  When he reached for my hand, I knew everything was about to change forever.



  “What’s your name?”

  Fighting against the pain, I willed myself to stay conscious. I was afraid if I passed out again, I’d never have the same opportunity to speak to the girl at my side again. Some instinctual knowledge from deep within warned me she would flee at the first chance she had. She reminded me a of a gazelle, graceful but poised to run. Easily spooked.

  “Ari,” she whispered in a voice so lilting and magical, so sweet and charming, that I immediately wanted to hear her speak again.

  “How did you know where I live?”

  “Your license,” she answered with a blush, tucking a stray strand of honey blonde hair back behind her ear.

  The light pink in her cheeks made her dark eyes sparkle against the pale alabaster color of her skin. My fingers itched to stroke across her face and find out if she was as soft and delicate as she appeared. I wouldn’t say she was a great beauty, but she was pretty with a cute little button nose and rose-colored lips. I knew I’d been staring at her too long without speaking when she cleared her throat and lowered her thick black lashes.

  I was surprised she checked my wallet, but I guess there wasn’t much choice. She rescued me and from what I could tell, she helped to bandage my wounds. With a groan, I sat up and winced as pain radiated throughout my torso. Were ribs broken? Or were my lungs what felt pinched and tiny?

  Inhaling and exhaling slowly, I realized my lungs were fine. At least one of them had been punctured as I remembered the gurgling sound I made after the fight. I’d been positive my death awaited but now it only seemed like a distant dream.

  “Ari.” Saying her name aloud was deliberate and I loved the way it rolled off my tongue. “Thank you for helping me.”

  When her gaze finally lifted, I saw a glimpse of genuine concern. Her eyes reminded me of dark chocolate, the kind my mother loved. I could get lost in eyes like that. They were more real, more vivid, more intelligent than any girl I’d ever met.

  Something about Ari was special.

  “You’re welcome.” She bit her lip, tugging on the fuller bottom one as she nibbled lightly with her teeth. “Are you alright? You look like you’re in pain.”

  I was and trying hard to focus on something else. She was an excellent distraction. “I’ll be fine.” The words no sooner than left my throat when a wave of pain washed over my body and I grew dizzy. Lightheaded, I broke out into an instant sweat as she leaned forward in sudden dismay.

  “Do you need a hospital? Maybe I should have taken you there instead.”

  I smirked as the wave dissipated and sank back down against the cool sheets of my bed. Moonlight trickled through the slits in my dark blue blinds and surrounded her in a gentle halo of hazy white. She was like an angel, so perfect in that moment that I began to think I was hallucinating. Was this all a dream?

  “Why didn’t you take me to a hospital?”

  My curiosity won over and I decided to pursue speaking to this delicate creature even if it was only in my head.

  “I don’t know.”

  I think she did know and her reason she wanted to keep a secret. “You’re lyin
g, but I think you must have a good reason. Everyone has secrets.”

  A ghost of a smile lingered over her lips before she leaned forward and placed a warm wet washcloth over my forehead.

  “You should rest.”

  I panicked when she tried to scoot away, and my fingers enclosed her wrist. The movement was quick, but I wasn’t rough. She startled at the pleading look in my eyes and issued a soft sigh.


  My name on her lips was pure heaven.

  I never wanted my angel to leave.

  “Ari, stay with me.” She shook her head. “Please, just for a little longer.” The need to keep her presence close was unnerving. I wasn’t a guy that depended on anyone, especially a cute chick, but this girl made me want to jump through hoops just to see her smile.

  Her gaze darted around the room, almost as if she was afraid. “An hour. No more.”

  I relaxed and released her wrist, mumbling an apology in case I made her uncomfortable.

  She dabbed at my forehead with the cloth and I wondered where she found it. Was I unconscious that long?

  “How did you find me?” I finally asked, too curious to delay asking any longer.

  “I heard a commotion and followed the noises.”

  So, she saw me get my ass kicked. Wonderful.

  “They jumped me pretty fast.” I rubbed the back of my neck in a nervous gesture before sitting up. The movement was awkward, but she helped me by fluffing the pillow behind my back.


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