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Kingdom of Salt and Sirens

Page 61

by J. A. Armitage

  “You were quite brave,” she admitted, “and foolish.”

  Her dark eyes swept over my face before they settled on her hands. I wondered if she was shy, but if that was true why did she rescue me?

  “Ari, I wasn’t going down without a fight.”

  “I saw that,” she huffed, clearly not pleased. “You could have been killed.”

  Honestly, I wondered why she cared. Before today, we’d never met. Why would she rescue a guy she didn’t know or have any connection with?

  I wasn’t a suspicious person by nature, but this girl showed up out of nowhere, rescued me from certain death, and now she was upset that I risked my life in a deadly fight. The struggle and confusion must have been apparent on my face. As the fog in my head lifted, I became frustrated with her lack of response. Ari owed me nothing, but she did bring me home and take care of my injuries. That deserved some kind of explanation.

  She backed away from the bed, her teeth biting into her bottom lip again in what I assumed was an anxious habit. “Evan, I can’t . . .”

  My confusion grew when Ari darted forward and pressed her hand against my cheek. Heat radiated from her palm as my eyes drifted closed, despite my effort to fight against the sudden wave of fatigue.

  “Ari,” I whispered, fading into the darkness and oblivion of sleep.



  “Ari, stay with me.” The pleading weight of Evan’s stare combining with those deep blue eyes were my undoing. I couldn’t resist him. Maybe I wanted to be sure that he made a full recovery. I can’t say with certainty, but I was as reluctant to leave him as he seemed to be to release me.

  The pressure of his hand on my wrist released as he apologized. If he thought I was offended by the contact, I wasn’t bothered. “An hour. No more.”

  Picking up the washcloth, I dabbed at his forehead and cheeks, removing the light sheen of sweat.

  “How did you find me?” He finally asked, his curiosity obvious.

  I was surprised he waited as long as he did to pose the question. “I heard a commotion and followed the noises.”

  His cheeks flushed. Was he embarrassed? Annoyed?

  “They jumped me pretty fast.” His long lean fingers rubbed the back of his neck before sitting up. The movement was awkward, so I helped and fluffed the pillow behind his back.

  “You were quite brave,” I admitted, “and foolish.”

  My gaze swept over him before lowering to my hands as they rested in my lap. I wasn’t sure what he thought. Was he curious about me or just the fact that I rescued him?

  “Ari, I wasn’t going down without a fight.”

  “I saw that,” I huffed, agitated that he would be so confrontational to men who would murder without hesitation. “You could have been killed.”

  Honestly, I wasn't sure why I cared. Before today, we’d never met. Why did I feel such a connection to this human? He wasn’t exceptionally different or unique. The only thing that made sense was that his courage and defiance intrigued me and combined with a haunting darkness that drew me in like an irresistible lure.

  Evan’s expression proved he was both curious and confused. A brief flash of frustration crossed his handsome face. He wanted an explanation and I wasn’t sure what to say. The truth was out of the question. I didn’t prefer to lie. Perhaps I could answer without giving too much detail.

  Prepared to offer a small explanation, I felt the familiar thrum of dark energy as it approached. My brothers had figured out where I went. They didn’t know which house I entered but it wouldn’t take long.

  Evan was in danger.

  The remnants of my healing ability would linger in his room for hours, possibly days. Any daemon who entered would detect my reckless choice to use my power on a human.

  I backed away from the bed, my teeth biting into my bottom lip again. “Evan, I can’t . . .”

  There wasn’t time to do anything but put him to sleep. Maybe he would believe it was all a dream.

  I darted forward and pressed my hand against his cheek. Heat radiated from my palm as his eyes drifted closed, despite his effort to fight against the sudden wave of fatigue.

  “Ari,” he whispered, before sinking back against the sheets.

  I placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and sighed softly. “Bye, Evan.”

  I stepped into my shield and disappeared, leaving my handsome stranger behind forever.

  If light and the surface world were my joy, then darkness and home were my curse.

  A hollow feeling of loneliness surrounded me the moment I entered the hidden chamber where I was confined like a prisoner, a captive within the Underworld. I was the disappointing daughter of the ruler of the fifth circle of Hell. When the summons was dispatched only five minutes later, I knew my father had sensed my return and wished to handle my disobedience at once.

  “Ari, you’ve been summoned to the High Court.”

  Vraul the Wicked knocked on my door and pushed it open, not awaiting my reply. He rarely did. We had done this same song and dance numerous times in the past.

  “Aren’t you feeling especially impatient today,” I greeted him, my sarcasm as obvious as the dark stains of blood clinging to his clothes.

  “I’m in the middle of a rehabilitation. Your summons yanks me from my other duties.” The hard, gruff edge to his voice was contradictory to the smile he held back as it quivered his lips.

  “Ah, I see. What of your pleasures? Have I interrupted those too?”

  Vraul had a reputation for mixing pain and pleasure, torture and sex. Neither of us were fooled by the idea that he was only disturbed because he wasn’t going to finish his kill. He wanted the sexual release that came with it too. Naughty daemon.

  “I enjoy my time with my sinners,” he answered carefully, avoiding my direct gaze, “They fill my energy reserves. It’s not like I have much choice.”

  Indeed. No one in this room was less than a prisoner to their fate.

  The Daemon of Masochism was one of my best friends, and ironically enough, an Incubus.

  Wasn’t it pathetic he was stuck with me? Or at the very least, disturbing?

  “You can return to your fun once my father has tortured me with another lecture. Perhaps I will end up in one of your rehab cells.”

  Vraul growled low, one of his beefy hands circling my arm in a combination of anger and frustration. “Must you always be so difficult? I would never wish that punishment for you. This isn’t funny.”

  He was right. I sighed softly. “Take me to my father. You know how angry he becomes if he’s forced to wait long.”

  Vraul released my arm and followed behind me as we entered the long dark passageways of the Underworld’s cavernous depths. No natural light existed below ground, so the only illumination came from sporadic candles and Hell’s own voluminous fires that stoked Everlong Flames. These unique fires burned consistently and never blew out. No ash, no soot, only a steady amber and reddish flame that flickered at various intervals through the open pits along the edges of the corridors. Each circle was connected in only one place. The main pit where blood, lava, and Hellfire converged.

  A river so vile and deadly it was given its own name.

  The Lake of Eternal Fire.

  Falling into any of these pits would result in immediate death and destruction. There was no rescue from the lake or hope of survival. Daemon, human, angel – none were powerful enough to escape its voracious appetite. As such, the open pits and corridors of Hell were treacherous. A natural defense against those who would seek to venture into Hell without escort or invitation.

  Tripping on a dark volcanic piece of rock, my hand slammed into the side of the wall and I nearly slipped into one of the various pits.

  “Careful Ari,” Vraul whispered as he yanked me back toward the center of the corridor. “Focus.”

  “I know.” A part of me wanted to be annoyed but Vraul was appointed my personal overseer and any trouble I caused was unfairly blamed on him. “I’m s
orry in advance.”

  He knew what I meant. “If I thought this would be the last time, I would forgive you.”

  “You know you secretly enjoy all the torturous punishments he gives you at my expense.”

  A noncommittal grunt followed.

  Like the Daemon of Masochism didn’t enjoy a little pain inflicted on himself once in a while.

  Entering the high domed ceiling of the courtroom, I bowed low to the assembly and took my place at the podium of the accused. This was a familiar proceeding. Trouble and I went hand in hand. Considering I was a daemon, you’d think my father would be prouder of my endeavors.

  The lack of smile on his face proved otherwise as our gaze met.

  The High Daemon Court was comprised of nine rulers for each of the nine circles – every one more deplorable, vile, and sickening than the last. My ruthless father – Balfor – was highly respected by the lot and considered as important as our kindred the Dresh. The Dresh ruled with power that came from their Osinian bloodline. Osiris was the Lord of the Underworld. Passing his bloodline on to the Dresh, he combined the daemon race with the abilities of the gods.

  If any race of beings frightened me, it was the Dresh.

  Many years ago, Osiris disappeared. Eons had faded away since his absence occurred. None knew his current status or location. Would he ever return?

  In his place, the Dresh ruled ruthlessly over the daemon race. We appointed leaders in the High Court but the Dresh ruled above us all. They held the power to destroy every being in the universe. Humans would never stand a chance if they decided to go above the surface. Even angels feared the mighty Dresh.

  Luckily for us, the Dresh preferred to live within the Earth’s core, far below the Lake of Eternal Fire.

  “Ari of house Balfor, you stand accused of crimes against this Court. How do you plead?”

  I wasn’t going to admit to anything until I knew what I was being accused of. “What charges are brought against me?”

  “Going above the surface without an escort, consorting with humans, leaving your designated circle without permission –”

  Ridiculous. Was I supposed to remain confined to the fifth circle for the rest of my days? Begging for the chance to return to the surface when my father made himself available for petition?

  Hell no.

  Defiant and angry, I lifted my chin and interrupted my father as he spoke. “That’s completely untrue.”

  Shocked gasps filled the room.

  Vraul grumbled under his breath. “That was foolish. Don’t provoke him.”

  I shot him a glare and turned back to the Court.

  “Silence!” My father’s voice boomed across the expanse as he stood, his hands clenched to his sides in fury. “You make a mockery of this Court and your family. I refuse to indulge you any further, Ari. As of this moment, you are confined to your room for sentencing, no less than one month. Court is adjourned.”

  Balfor slammed his fist into the wall and spun, leaving the room as it exploded in chaos.

  Vraul grabbed my arm and yanked me to his side, his large body curling around mine for protection. We barely made it out of the courtroom. He practically dragged me back to my chamber where he spun and slammed the door shut. His frame vibrated rage as he snarled, towering above me as he yelled his next words. “Do you have a wish to perish? I can help you along if that’s your desire.”

  Unshaken, I placed my hands on my hips. “You don’t scare me, you big angry buffoon.”

  “Buffoon? Did you just call me a simpleton?” His voice lowered to an animalistic growl that rumbled the rock surface beneath my feet.

  “Don’t act all shocked and bothered. You know you piss me off.”

  Startled, his shoulders began to shake with suppressed laughter. “Ari.”

  “What?” I asked, smirking. “You know you love me.”

  The expression on his face changed so fast I wasn’t sure what he was thinking.

  “That was a joke,” I emphasized, when he still hadn’t replied.

  Vraul turned his back as it stiffened, cutting off any chance I had to question him about it. I knew my overseer well enough to understand when he wanted left alone. Something was bothering him, and it was more than my trial and punishment.

  Sighing, I placed a hand on his arm and lifted on my toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “I’m sorry you’re always caught in the middle of my messes. Maybe I should petition my father for a new overseer.”

  Vraul pulled me into his chest so fast I gasped. “Never say those words again.”

  Confused, I blinked. “I just thought –”

  “If I wanted to be someplace else, I would be. Don’t ever forget that, Ari.”

  His dark gaze burned with an amber flicker of Hellfire flames. They transformed the man before me into a brutal beast. Vraul’s power originated within the depths of that horrid lake. Daemons were both linked and damned by its eternal flow.

  If I knew of a way to break us free, I would.

  “Vraul, I feel I’ve done something to wrong you. Well, more than usual,” I managed to say with a tight smile, “how can I fix this?”

  “There is nothing to fix, Ari. We are whole.”

  I frowned at his use of words. “Are you leaving me?”

  He shook his head. “Not until your father releases me. Why don’t you rest? You look fatigued.”

  Yeah, it was possible for a daemon to become tired, much like a human. We were broken creatures. Using excess energy and our powers drained our vitality. The only cure was rest.

  Leaving his side, I sank onto my mattress. Within minutes I was asleep.

  Knowing the only place I would seek solace was the human world, I smiled as my dream centered on the sandy shore of a beach, located just beyond the balcony of a certain human boy.



  The coarse sand trickled across my toes as I faced the vast open and endless void of the sea. Waves of salty ocean water swept over my calves and chased invisible ghosts up the long stretches of beach. My feet sank further into the gloppy wet sand. Opening my arms wide, I embraced the peaceful and tranquil feeling that pushed away all thoughts of melancholy.

  I loved the ocean.

  A light breeze blew cooled air over my heated skin as the sun’s rays disappeared over the horizon. Warm but not hot, I reveled in the contentment that was so rare in my young life. Flashes and glimpses of painful memories tried to surface but I was adept at pushing my past behind locked doors. With a deep breath I forced the thoughts away.

  All that mattered was this moment.

  Even in the recesses of deep sleep, I knew I awaited someone important. It wasn’t until I heard the melodious timbre of her voice that I felt my body fully relax.

  “Evan . . .”

  Only one woman’s voice commanded my presence so completely. I turned, an instant smile gracing my lips as she approached. Her honey blonde hair blew lightly in the subtle wind. The tendrils curled around her body as I longed to do, embracing her intimately with a familiarity that made me instantly envious.

  She was dressed all in white, a gossamer quality to the gown that covered her curvaceous frame. The material brushed her feet with every step and dipped in and out between her toned thighs. Clinging to her body and hugging it close enough to reveal every hidden dip and valley, I inhaled sharply. Desire coursed through my veins so thickly that I struggled not to move closer.

  “Ari,” I exhaled.

  The sweet smile on her lips enhanced the fullness and thoughts of crushing her lips to my own overwhelmed me for several earth-shattering seconds. I felt almost dizzy, caught up in a swirling gale of emotions that threatened to yank me from the girl I desperately needed to touch. My palms itched as I closed my fists and focused on my breathing.

  Our eyes met.

  Her dark irises sparkled with a mixture of joy, curiosity, and raw attraction. The sand beneath my feet shifted as the world tilted lightly on its axis. The ground rumbled and shook, and
I fought for balance. A brief flash of fear caused me to bolt forward in case she was harmed.

  Ari laughed lightly, raising a small hand as she pressed a palm to my chest. “Evan.”

  My own pounding heart was the cause, nothing else.

  I felt my cheeks warm with my embarrassment. Ari didn’t seem to notice. She closed the distance between us and lay her cheek over my heart. Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around her, my fingers trailing down the bare spine of her back. The material of the dress dipped to the curve of her waist, completely exposing all of the creamy soft skin to my touch.

  My heart rate increased, thumping wildly as I fought the urge to lower her to the sand and make love to her as the waves crashed over our feet. Moonlight filtered down from above in silvery white wisps that covered us in a light transparent film.

  The knowledge that I didn’t know this girl twenty-four hours ago was unimportant.

  Ari slid her hands up my chest, over my shoulders, and wound her fingers through my hair. My eyes closed as a low moan escaped my throat. The pads of her fingers lowered to caress my neck as her warm breath hovered near my lips. I’d never wanted anyone as much as I wanted her in that moment.

  The entire meeting was surreal.

  I wasn’t a guy who believed in love at first sight. The push and pull between me and Ari, the magnitude of our attraction, and the deep connection I felt were unexplainable. Was I bewitched?

  A quick whoosh of air was shockingly brutal.

  My eyes snapped open.

  Ari was gone . . .

  * * *

  I bolted upright in bed as my heart thudded in my chest, my body covered in a light sweat. Sighing, I sank back down onto the sheets and threw my arm over my eyes. How could a dream feel so vivid and real?

  None of this made sense.

  Ari had waltzed into my world and turned it upside in less than a day.

  Confused, suspicious, and mildly aroused – I swore to find answers and Ari as soon as possible.


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