Stolen Warriors

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Stolen Warriors Page 5

by S. Dalambakis

  “We didn’t bring them,” Stolas responds.

  “Why not?”

  “We came by to see if you still had your mind set on going. Plus, we’re not staying that far from here, and the gateway is closer there. It’ll be a quick trip.”

  “Do you all stay together?” I ask.

  “Depends on if we have a job lined up. Each of us has our own place. I have mine in Winter Court, but I haven’t been there in a while. I’ll usually stay with one of them. Stolas has a place in the hell realm, and Obsidian has one in here in the magic realm.”

  “We keep clothes and supplies at each other’s places because we never know when a job might pop up,” Stolas says with a shrug.

  “So,” I make my way over to Obsidian, stopping right in front of him. “I get to see my big, bad hamrammr’s place,” I say with an evil smile. “Oh, this is perfect.” I fully intend to pay him back for yesterday.

  “I don’t like that look,” Stolas says. “I’d hate to be you, Obsidian.”

  Obsidian growls. Oh, yeah this is going to be fun. I wink at him before making my way back over to my bag.

  “What happened yesterday that I missed?” Izzy asks from her spot in the chair, drinking her tea.

  “Obsidian felt the need to sniff out my room to see if I had any men in there recently.”

  “Oo, dumb move.”

  “Right. But, it looks like I get my pay back today.” An impish smile graces my lips as I look at Izzy. She smiles back. I turn and face the guys. “Well Verkor, can you help me pick what I need? I’ll deal with the mess after I get back. I’m already taking too long, and we need to get going.”

  “Just pack five warm outfits and any feminine items you think you’ll need. There’s a market a few miles into Winter Court after you cross the gateway. We can get whatever else we need there. It’ll be a four day travel from the market.”

  “Awesome. I have some stuff I can pack and sell to help pay for my items.”

  “You don’t need to do that. We’ll cover your cost,” Verkor says.

  “Yeah, not going to happen. I’ll pay my own way. Thanks for the offer. Question…” I glance over to Verkor, taking him in from head to toe. His blonde hair is perfectly styled and matches well with his red dress shirt and black jeans. The sleeves on his shirt are rolled up, showcasing his toned forearms. Why do guys instantly get hotter with their sleeves rolled up? I drag my eyes away from his arms and settle on his boots. I need to know what material they are. “What are your boots made of?”

  “Ostrich. Why?”

  “Oh, no reason. I was just curious.”

  “I think you need to hide your boots from her,” Stolas says with a laugh. “Otherwise, you might wake up one morning and find them missing.”

  A slow smile crept across my lips as I shove the last of the clothes into my bag. Looks like Stolas is on his way to figuring me out. Well, we can’t have that.

  “You know, your stuff would fit better in there if you took the few seconds it takes to fold them,” Verkor states.

  “Who has time for that?”

  I leave them in the living room, making my way to my bedroom. In my closet is a hidden compartment that I keep all my valued items in. The stuff that I take just for myself. When I’m getting low on funds, I’ll pull a piece out and sell it on the market. Rummaging through the chest, I pull out a few smaller pieces. I don’t want to be carrying a crap ton of heavy items on my back for the four days it’s going to take to get to the Winter Court. Not my idea of a good time. I grab a couple of necklaces, bracelets, rings, and a fabric pouch to put them all in. I stop in the doorway that enters the living room, floored by what I see. I look over to Izzy just to make sure I’m not seeing things. She shrugs her shoulders and takes a sip of her tea.

  Obsidian in on his knees in front of my bag folding my clothes, nicely packing them away. I watch his muscles flex under his blue t-shirt. Obsidian leans forward to grab another shirt, and my gaze goes directly to his ass which fills out his blue jeans nicely. Verkor is going through the piles on the floor tossing items to Obsidian who puts them in my pack. Stolas it going pile to pile folding clothes and stacking them neatly. Oh. My. God. I’ll never have to fold clothes again. Hell yeah. I lean against the doorway, crossing my arms under my chest, sticking a hip out to the side.

  “Can I just say how fucking sexy y’all look right now. Never thought seeing a man folding laundry would do it for me, but it does.” I lick my lips to emphasize my point. They all stop what they’re doing to look at me. “Don’t let me interrupt.” Stolas winks at me then continues what he was doing. Verkor smiles and shakes his head. Obsidian stares at me like he wants to devour me. I can’t say that I would stop him if he tried.

  “You’ll fit more in your pack. Better to fix this now instead of on the trail, in the cold.”

  I straighten from the doorway and shrug my shoulders. “I’m not going to argue that. You still look hot doing it though.” I walk over, standing behind him, placing my hands on his shoulders. I lean down, so my lips are right next to his ear, and whisper, “You have no idea what seeing you folding my clothes is doing to me.” I nip his earlobe then place a kiss to the soft spot right behind his ear. He growls, and his hands tighten on the shirt he’s holding.

  “Keep that up and we won’t be making it to that gateway anytime soon.”

  “Hm, decisions, decisions.” I should embrace this, and I know I told myself last night I would, but a part of me things I’ll fail at this. I’m going to have to trust them, because we're going somewhere I’ve never been. That’s hard for me. For all the tough front I put on, it’s just an act. An act to keep myself safe. I straighten and take a few steps back. Not ready to show them my hand yet.

  “As much as I would love to take you up on that offer, I really do want the second piece of that map. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave, and you can fulfill that promise. Speaking of the map.” I walk over to the kitchen table and grab the plastic baggie that I placed the first piece of the map in, before walking back to Obsidian and handing it to him. “Since we’re going to the Winter Court, and as you said it’s cold and snowy there. So, I put the map in this plastic ziploc bag to keep it safe and dry. I don’t want anything to happen to it.” I also hand over the velvet bag that I placed my jewels in.

  “What’s this?” Obsidian asks, as he tests the weight of the bag.

  “Oh, just some things that I plan on selling when we reach the Winter Court markets,” I say with a wave of my hand. I watch as he opens the bag, dumping the contents into his hand. A low whistle sounds from my side. I turn and see Stolas standing next to me. When did he move?

  “Do I want to know how you came across these?” Obsidian questions, looking at the jewels in his hand. I shrug my shoulders, smiling.

  “Just what I always do. A little violin playing, a little sweet talking, and they give me what I want.”

  “Do you dance like that every time?” Verkor ask.

  “Yeah. It captures their attention, making sure that the spell works.” I look at each of them seeing scowls on their faces. “Why?”

  “I don’t like it,” Obsidian growls.

  “I don’t either,” Verkor agrees.

  “Same,” Stolas states, crossing his arms.

  “What? It’s not like I sleep with them. I go in, get what I need, and leave. I’m not stupid enough to stick around after getting what I acquire.” They all growl.

  “Are you going to stop now that you have three mates to help take care of you?” Stolas inquires. Izzy snorts, reminding us that she’s still in the room, watching all of this go down.

  “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “On if we can find all the pieces of that map. The treasure I’m told that it leads to is vast. I would never have to work again. But if we don’t, I’m not going to stop. A woman needs to support herself somehow.”

  “We’ll support you,” Obsidian states.

  “That’s nice
, but I’ve learned to never trust words at face value. People lie to get what they want. I’m really no different. I steal to keep this crappy roof over my head and food on the table.” I look away from them not wanting to see the look in their eyes. I don’t want to see pity, and I don’t want them to treat me like a charity case. I’m not worth saving. Not after everything I’ve done. “Look, I’ve learned a long time ago not to trust anyone, and definitely don’t depend on anyone but yourself. Not even my own birth parents wanted me.You’ll have to earn my trust. You’ll have to prove yourself to me.” My voice gets small and soft as I say the last part.

  I have no problem sharing my body, even though that’s the ultimate act of trust between two people. But it’s my choice. I’ve never had other people, besides Izzy, that I knew would be there for me. Not even my mother, who tossed me away like yesterday’s trash. Literally. I was left here in the magic realm in some back alley next to a dumpster. If it wasn’t for some witch stumbling across me, I probably would have died. I have no idea who my birth parents are or why they didn’t want me.

  “I’ve been taking care of myself for as long as I can remember. The person who raised me, if you can call it that, only did enough to keep me alive. I had to learn everything on my own and the hard way. I won’t stop living my life my way just because you three walked into it.” I’m still not strong enough to look at them, and I don’t move but I don’t have to. I’m wrapped in a pair of muscular arms, his face buried in my neck, the smell of fire and brimstone surrounding me.

  Stolas, my hellhound.


  Hearing her sound so defeated, so broken, yet so strong, pulls at my heart. I couldn’t hold back. I needed to go to her, to show her some support. I walk and wrap my arms around her, placing my nose to her neck, inhaling deeply. Gods, she smells so good.





  My hellhound has been repeating those four words over and over again, since he first smelled Finley.

  Soon, buddy. I promise. We’ll make her ours.

  “We’ll do whatever it takes to earn your trust. We’ll never hurt you.” I pull her tighter to my body, loving the way she fits me perfectly. “I promise.”

  “You can’t promise me that,” Finley whispers.

  I turn her around in my arms, looking her right in her thunderstorm gray eyes. “Yes, I can.” Her eyes bounce back and forth between mine. It’s then that I notice she has flecks of white in the gray. Her eyes truly resemble a cloudy, stormy day right before it rains. “I’ll prove it to you every damn day if I have to.”

  Not giving it a second thought, I crash my mouth to hers. I wrap one arm around her waist, pulling her flush against my body. My other hand fists her hair at the nape of her neck. Her hands move from her sides to my waist, gripping me tightly. I lick the seam of her mouth, eliciting a moan from her, giving me the opening that I need, that I wanted. I change the angle of our kiss as I place my tongue in her mouth. They dance together. I can feel her nails digging into my sides, causing me to growl. I pull back and nip at her bottom lip. I inhale deeply, smelling her arousal. There is no way she’s missing mine. My hard cock is pressed up against her. A puff of smoke leaves my nose. My hellhound urging me to mate with her. I want to, so much, but now isn’t the time. I move my hands, cupping her perfectly round ass, squeezing. I place another chaste kiss to her lips before releasing her. She stares at me for moment, blinks, then seems to come to her senses. I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face. Finley takes a couple of steps back, clearing her throat in the process.

  I don’t know the hell she’s been through. And I know my life in comparison has been better than hers. My parents and siblings love me. All I want to do right now is to shield her from any more hurt. I know that I’m going to earn her trust. I’m going to prove that she’ll never have to burden anything alone again.

  “Well, we should get going.” She walks over to Obsidian, his hands clenching his thighs, chest heaving. I can see the restraint he’s using. It must be killing him, not to reach out to her, to touch her, to pull her into his arms. “Everything packed?” she asks, placing a hand on his shoulder. Obsidian nods stiffly. “Thank you.” She leans down, placing a quick kiss to his cheek. I think she could tell he was struggling. Finley reaches for her bag, but Obsidian grabs her wrist, stopping her.

  “I’ll get it,” his voice rough.

  “It’s okay. I can carry my own bag.”

  “I know, but let me do it...please,” Obsidian almost begs.

  “Someone mark this day as a historic occasion. Obsidian actually said the word please,” I laugh. He growls in response.

  “If you really want to, Siddy,” Finley says.

  “I do,” he answers.

  “Well, thank you.”

  Obsidian nods. He stands, taking her bag with him, flinging it in his back. Finley walks over to Izzy, who places her cup on the table in front of her. She stands enveloping Finley in a tight hug. They exchange a few hushed words, but with my shifter hearing, I heard every word.

  “Live a little. Be safe,” Izzy whispers.

  “Are you going to be okay here without me?”

  “You know I’ll be fine. I’ll put up protection spells. Remember, test drive the merchandise.” They grip each other a little tighter before letting go.

  “Love you girl,” Izzy whispers.

  “Love you too.” They smile at each other, their eyes a little watery.

  “Come on.” Obsidian holds his hand out to her. With no hesitation, she walks over to him, and puts her hand in his. Obsidian laces their fingers together, tugging her out the front door. Myself and Verkor following right behind them.

  “Wait, my violin.”

  “I grabbed it on our way out.”

  “Thank you, Stolas.”

  “No problem, gorgeous.”

  “We still have to stop at my place, get to one of the fae realm gateways, secure transportation, and find a place to stay for the night,” Obsidian states. I move to stand on the other side of Finley, Verkor following right behind her, as we walk down the street heading in the direction of the bar. Obsidian’s place is a few blocks in the other direction. “Once we get there, we’ll have to plan.”

  “Is it really that dangerous?” Finley questions.

  “You’re planning on stealing from the Winter Court King, of course it’s dangerous. More so since it seems he’s gone mad,” Verkor answers.

  “Don’t worry, gorgeous. We’ll be with you every step of the way. No one’s getting hurt, especially not you,” I say, grabbing her free hand, intertwining our fingers. I’m going to keep her safe, if it’s the last thing I do. Nothing will harm my mate ever again.


  We make it back to my place in no time. I don’t live in the nicest part of the realm, but it’s definitely better than where Finley lives. I don’t have boards on my windows or rotten floor boards. It’s a decent area. The house has gray sliding and white trim around the windows. It looks like every other house on this street. Nothing special, but it’s home. If I have my way, it’ll be Finley’s home as well. I unlock the white door, stepping aside to let Finley walk in first.

  I watch her taking in the room. There’s a couch, loveseat, and chair, all black in the center of the room. A black table is placed in front of them. There’s a fireplace off to the right side with a half empty bookcase, built into the wall next to it. No pictures adorn the walls, because there is no one in my life. I’ve isolated myself to keep safe. Hamrammrs are hunted because we’re rare and powerful. It’s either kill, be killed, or enslavement, and I refuse to bow to anyone. The guys are the closest thing to a family I have. They watch my back. I don’t know if my real family is still alive. I left the shifter realm when I was young and have never gone or looked back.

  Finley moves by me, walking to the doorway that leads to the kitchen. The wooden table is in the center. Black cupboards line the top of t
he wall on the left. Below the cupboards is a stainless steel refrigerator, counter space, a matching steel stove, more counter space, and a steel dishwasher. The right side has a closet, pantry, and laundry room. Finley doesn’t linger and moves quickly to the hallway that leads to our bedrooms and bathroom.

  “Stolas, can you come here for a minute?” Finley calls out. Stolas walks past me and straight to Finley. “Can you tell me if this is Obsidian’s room?” I’m now getting my payback. I cross my arms over my chest, I know she won’t find anything. I don’t bring women back here.

  “It is.”

  “Have there been other females in here recently? Don’t lie to me just to protect your friend either. There will be consequences if I find out you have.” Stolas inhales deeply. I’m not worried. He’s not going to find anything.

  “No other female scents.”

  “Thank you.”

  I scowl at Stolas as he walks by me. He just shrugs his shoulders. I look back to Finley, seeing her smirk at me.

  “It’s not fun is it, having your privacy invaded.”

  I sigh. “No, but I deserved it.”

  “Damn right you did. Now, are you going to be doing it again?”

  “Only if it involves your safety, otherwise no.” Finley nods as she walks over, stopping in front me. She places her hands on my chest, fisting my shirt.

  “I can deal with that. Now, how about you give me…”

  I don’t give her a chance to finish her sentence before my mouth is on hers. My hands go to her waist, lifting her. She wraps her legs around me, and her arms go around my neck. My hands move, cupping her ass, pulling her close to my body, not an inch of space between us. Her arms and her legs tighten around me. I pour every ounce of myself into this kiss. I love the feel of her body against mine, her tongue dancing with mine. I can’t get enough. Finley moans, and it’s the sweetest sound. I pull back, taking a deep breath. I smell her arousal, and it takes everything I have not to claim her, to mate with her, right now. Finley moves one of her hands, cupping my face. She runs her thumb across my cheek, right above my beard.


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