Stolen Warriors

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Stolen Warriors Page 11

by S. Dalambakis

“I am. The first part of the poem led me to it. It was right where it was supposed to be. Everything mentioned in that poem has come true. Verkor said he has seen something that looks just like this piece of the map in the faerie realm, and Obsidian just told me it was scattered across the realms. Plus, I don’t think Izzy would have gotten a vision of the second part of the poem if this wasn’t the first part of the map.”

  “You said you saw markings, what kind?” Stolas asks.

  “I think I saw clouds, a partial gate, maybe some trees,” she starts to bite her bottom lip. “It happened so fast. I almost thought I imagined it.” Finley moves back to the bed, sitting next to Obsidian. “I don’t think you’re right about the magical abilities, Verkor. I don’t have any.”

  “Not unless I’m right about you being a descendant,” Stolas says, with a small smile on his lips.

  “The only problem is, I have no proof of that. I don’t know who my parents are or were. I don’t know where I came from. This could be some freak thing. I mean, I’m human. There’s nothing special about me.” She uses her hand, gesturing down her body.

  “That is where you’re wrong, love,” Stolas states. He walks over, taking a seat on her side of the bed, holding her hand. “Do you know how special you have to be, to be the mate of three very strong supernatural beings. Beings that are each from a different realm. I don’t think you’re fully human. Your scent gives that way. I don’t know what you are, but it’s definitely not completely human.”

  “But if I’m a descendant from the original ruler’s line, wouldn’t that make me what the supreme ruler is?” she asks.

  “They lived a long time ago. Who knows what happened to your bloodline. You could be mixed with anything,” I respond.

  “Well, I guess there’s only one way to find out. We find the pieces of the map and follow it,” she says.

  Chapter 10


  I wake up to a warm body, lying on top of mine, my hands are gripping a nice, firm ass. I peek open my eyes to see Finley. The warm body is hers and so is the ass I’m cupping. Her legs cradle my hips between them. My hard on is placed perfectly at her core. I give her ass a gentle squeeze. She sighs, nuzzling her face against my chest. I smile. I can’t wait to wake up like this every day. She’s just perfect.

  “Holy shit, Obsidian does know how to smile. Quick Verkor, take a picture,” Stolas whispers.

  “He’s done that quite a bit since Finley came into our lives. She’s going to be good for us, for all of us,” Verkor states.

  “Oh my God, you’re all morning people. Even you mister grumpy,” she pokes me in my side. “You do make an excellent pillow. Now, can I get five more minutes of sleep?”

  I move my hands and rub them up and down her back, causing her to moan.

  Stolas moves closer to the bed, smacking Finley’s ass. “No can do princess.” The smack bounces her slightly on my cock. I suck in a breath. I would love to see her bouncing like that, but with me inside her. Finley sits up, keeping her core right over my dick. My hands slide along her sides, landing on her hips. She moves her hips, sliding along my length. My amber eyes meeting her gray ones. I see the mischief sparkling in them. She knows exactly what she’s doing.

  “Finley,” I growl.

  She gives me this impish smile, as she slides along me again. My hands tighten their grip on her. It’s taking everything I have not to rip her clothes off and bury myself in her warm, silken heat. I use my strength and agility to flip our positions. The springs in the bed squeak. I grab her wrists, holding them above her head. Her legs wrap around my waist. I watch as her eyes darken with lust and desire. I shift my hips, grinding my dick into her. Her mouth parts, and I take advantage. I crush my lips to hers, diving my tongue right in. She tastes like everything I didn’t know I wanted. She tastes like home. A throat clears, but I don’t pay any attention to it. My focus is solely on the woman beneath me.

  “Man this is hot to watch. Do you think he would mind if I join in?” Stolas questions.

  “Obsidian, Finley. We need to get going,” Verkor says.

  I know they’re right, but I don’t care. I don’t want to stop. I want to keep going until I know everything that she likes. I want to hear and see what gives her pleasure, to taste every square inch of her delectable body. I want to mark and claim every part of her.

  “Obsidian.” A hand touches my shoulder, shaking me. I stop kissing my mate, turning to face who dares touch and interrupt me. I growl, a low warning sound, baring my teeth.

  “Mine,” I growl.

  “Not just yours. She’s all of ours,” Verkor says firmly.

  “Obsidian,” Finley says. I look back down to her and see her smiling face. “Verkor’s right. I’m all of yours, and we need to get going. We came here for a reason and we need to see it through. There will be plenty of time for this later, I promise.”

  Her voice soothes the beast in me, letting me think clearly. I take a few deep breaths before nodding my head. I release her arms, as she unwraps her legs from my waist. I push myself up and off the bed, running my fingers through my hair. I look at Verkor and Stolas.

  “I’m sorry. I got carried away and lost where I was. All I could focus on was Finley. I shouldn’t have said what I did. I know that she’s all of ours, but in that moment, my beast thought of her as only mine.”

  “No worries. We’ll be here to get your head out of your ass any time you need it,” Stolas walks over and claps me on the back. He turns toward Finley, who is still lying on the bed, and holds out his hand to her. “Come on, princess.”

  “Don’t call me that,” she says as she places her hand in his. He tugs her up and into his arms.

  “Why not? That’s what you are.”

  “No, I’m not, and it makes me feel like a child. I prefer the other name that you call me.”

  “Is that right, love?”

  “Yeah.” Stolas smiles at her before leaning down and giving her a quick kiss. He smacks her ass.

  “Get changed so we can get some breakfast.” She nods. I watch her hips sway as she walks to her bag.

  “How much further do we have to go?” I ask.

  “We have about a day and a half ride left,” Verkor responds.

  “So we’ll be spending one more night outside?” Finley asks. She dresses in black pants, a long sleeve, navy blue, shirt, black boots, and her pink hair is pulled back into a ponytail.

  “Damn, you changed fast,” Stolas states. Finley shrugs her shoulders.

  “You mentioned food, and I’m sure the faster we get on the road, the closer and further we get to the castle. Plus, I don’t want a repeat of what happened the other night.”

  “There won’t be. We could reach the castle late tonight, but I’m taking us on a different path. One that isn’t well traveled. It’s adding a half a day’s journey, but I’m not taking any chances. I’d rather be safe than sorry,” Verkor responds.

  “Sounds good to me. Let’s just make sure we bring some food with us, because I don’t want any of us wandering out there alone,” I state. “Stolas, take Finley to eat and grab food for the journey. Verkor and I will go through our bags and supplies and replenish what we need. We’ll meet in front of the barn in an hour.”

  “Sir, yes Sir.” Finley salutes me then winks. “Come on Stolas. I’m hungry.” She grabs her cloak then his hand and pulls him out of the room. I shake my head but smile.

  “She’s something else,” Verkor says. I grunt my agreement. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah.” I walk over to Finley’s bag, searching through it, making a mental note of everything that she needs. I grab my bag doing the same. When I’m done, I see Verkor standing by the door, eyeing me. I raise my eyebrow. “What?”

  “Are you really? Because in all the years that I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you lose control like that. Let alone, you were ready to claim Finley right here in front of us. That’s not like you.”

  I sigh because he’s right. Finley ma
kes me lose control, and it’s the one thing that I pride myself on. I lose myself in her. She blocks everything and everyone out. The only thing I can focus on is her.

  “I lose sight of everything when she’s near. She’s my mate...our mate. You can’t tell me that the urge to claim her isn’t strong. It’s all my beast wants, and it’s riding me hard.”

  “It is. It’s just nice to see you lose composure for once. She’s going to be good for you, for all of us.”

  I nod, she will be. She’s ours. She’s made for us and will fit us perfectly as we will her. Verkor’s next question pulls me from my thoughts.

  “Do you think she’s the heir to the treasure?”

  “I don’t know. I think she’s determined enough to see this through.”

  “What about the first part of the poem? It all came true.”

  “It did, but she got the first piece by herself. According to the poem, she was supposed to find that piece with the help of us. She’s lucky she got out of there alive. We almost lost her before we even had her. We’re lucky someone sent her our way.”

  “Yes, but why and who?”

  “What do you mean?” Obsidian’s eyes tighten as he glares at me. He crosses his arms over his chest.

  “Why us? There are plenty of other fae they could have sent her to, but why us?”

  Verkor has point. He’s not the only fae that no longer chooses to live in faerie. There are other winter fae scattered across the realms. So, why us?

  “You think there is more to this?” I question. He nods.

  “I do, and we need to find out what?”

  Chapter 11


  I’m glad to say that the rest of the trip to Winter Court was uneventful. I hate to whine, but my ass is hurting from sitting on this damn horse. We pushed as far as we could before we had to stop. Then we were up with the sun and back on the trail.

  “How much longer Verkor? My ass is killing me,” I whine.

  “You should be seeing the castle just over this hill.”

  “I volunteer to rub you down later,” Stolas says.

  “Thank God, Verkor, and Stolas, I’ll take you up on that. I’m completely sore and over horseback riding.” They all chuckle.

  It’s another twenty minutes before the castle comes into view and it’s spectacular. It’s a medieval castle built into a rock ledge. The path before us narrows, but walls have been built along the side. Towering above everything are four cylindrical towers, topped with spires. It’s massive.

  “Holy shit.” My eyes widen, mouth agape. “This is the Winter Court castle?” I ask, looking on in awe.

  “Yes, I guess to one who is not of this realm, it is a sight to behold,” Verkor clips out. “It’s beautiful on the outside, horrible on the inside, just like it’s king from what I hear,” Verkor spits. I look over at him and see the distain on his face. His mouth is sneered, eyes narrowed, his knuckles are white from the tight grip he has on the reins.

  “You really don’t want to be here, do you?” I question. He looks over at me, his face softening. I really want to know what puts that haunted look in his eyes. What happened to make him hate coming here so much?

  “No, but for you I would do anything.” He looks back at the castle. “Even coming home.”

  Well, now I feel like shit. “You don’t have to do this. We can find another way.”

  “I’ll be fine. It’s only for a few days. This is the easiest way to get what we came for.” I nod my head, even though he’s not looking at me. This does nothing to make me feel better. I feel like I’m forcing him to be here when he clearly doesn’t want to be. I know he’s only doing this for me. I’ll have to make this up to him somehow, find some way to thank him.

  As we near the castle, the road splits into two. There is a gray brick wall surrounding the outside of the castle. There are guards standing near the portcullis and more along the top of the wall. We stop a few feet from the entrance. The guards by the door move closer together, blocking us from entering. Their armor is made of steel. From the helm on their heads to the chausses. There is a pair of wings embossed on the front of the cuirass. There are also wings on the gauntlets and greaves of the armor. There is a sword on the guard’s hips, not in a scabbard. The tip of the sword is triangular and slightly curves in, forming the long part of the blade. The hilt is thin but ornamental. In all honesty, the hilt kind of looks like a butt plug.

  “Who are you? State your business here.”

  Verkor hops off of his horse, standing before the guards. He removes his cloak, releasing his wings from his back. The gorgeous black wings look almost ethereal here. Their sharp contrast to the pure white snow and the light gray of the castle is startling. The teal sheen to them practically glows. I’m so distracted by the sight that I almost miss what Verkor says.

  “I am Verkor Eirwen, cousin to King Kellan Eirwen.”

  “M-my apologies sir.” He bows. “It’s been many years since you’ve been home. I didn’t recognize you.”

  “No you wouldn’t. If you want, you can get the king to confirm my identity.”

  “That won’t be necessary sir. Your wings are proof enough.”

  Verkor nods. His wings retreat, and he replaces his cloak. He walks back to his horse, climbing back on.

  “Open the gates,” the guard yells. The clanking of metal sounds and the iron gates open. Verkor takes point with the rest of us falling in behind him.

  “What did he mean by ‘your wings are proof enough’?” I ask Verkor.

  “Members of the royal family always have black wings.”

  “I thought all winter fae had black wings since you do.”

  “No. Non-royal fae have varying shades of blues, whites, and grays. It helps blend them in better with the surroundings in case of an attack. Our black wings set us apart. They thought that made us special and appointed the Eirwen family rulers of the Winter Court. It’s been that way since the beginning.”

  Interesting. “I have so many questions I want to ask you.”

  “I’ll do my best to answer all of them. I have nothing to hide or keep from you. I do warn you, sometimes you might not like the answer.”

  I don’t get to voice a response because the gates open to a beautiful courtyard that frames the edifice. There are holly bushes lining the walkway to the ornate blue door. Verkor dismounts from his horse, the rest of us quickly following him. Four hands appear out of nowhere, taking the horses reins and leading them down a path I didn’t see when we first came in.

  “Where are they taking our horses? I need to grab my bag.”

  “It will be delivered to our rooms,” Verkor responds.

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because I have a room here, and Kellan will put my guests near me. I will be responsible for all of you while we are here because you are not fae.”

  I don’t get to ask my next question as the castle door opens and out walks one of the most beautiful fae I’ve seen. He’s tall and thin with long, shoulder length, blonde hair and these piercing blue eyes. Eyes that almost seem to look right through you, to your very core, which is the way he’s staring at us, like he’s trying to get a read on us. He’s wearing a green jacket with bell sleeves. It has a high back neck collar. The back of the jacket is longer than the front, to the point the back brushes the back of his knees. There are silver wing clasp holding the jacket closed. They stop at the top of his black belt. Black pants incase his long legs, and there are black boots on his feet. His gaze sweeps over all us, before quickly coming back to me. He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. There’s a predatory look about it. I take a step closer to Obsidian. That only seems to make the king happy. His smile widens, no less scary than before. In fact, it makes it worse. I shiver from the sight. I look away not able to keep eye contact any longer.

  “Well, well, well. It’s been a while since you’ve been home cousin. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”

  My gaze snaps up. This
is the Winter Court King? He sounds and looks like an angel, but you can see and almost feel the evil lurking around him.

  “The Winter Ball of course. Or am I no longer allowed to attend?” Verkor responds.

  “Of course you are. I’m just wondering why now? Why this one?”

  “Ah. Well, cousin, I would like to introduce you to my mate.” Verkor holds his hand out to me. I look into his blue eyes that hold so much promise, pain, and pleading. I hesitantly place my hand in his, taking the few steps to put me by his side. “Finley, let me properly introduce you to my cousin, King Kellan Eirwen of the Winter Court.”

  Not knowing if I should bow, I do so anyway. I don’t want to cause waves. Well, not yet at least. We’re not here under good circumstances to begin with. We don’t need to let him know that we’re here for any other reason than the ball.

  “It’s a pleasure King Kellan.” I hear footsteps on the cobblestone. A pair of black, shiny boots appear in my downward gaze. Fingers are placed under my chin, lifting my head. I look up, finding myself staring into those penetrating blue eyes.

  “Mm. She is quite lovely cousin.”

  My eyes bounce back and forth between his, trying to read anything on his face, but he gives nothing away. I try to do the same. His thumb rubs close to my bottom lip. I suck in a breath, not knowing how I should proceed with this. A part of me wants to fight, to show him exactly who he’s messing with, but I know nothing good will come of that. This is the king. I flit my eyes to the side, catching Verkor’s gaze. I see the subtle shake of his head. My gaze returns to the king. His hand lowers, taking a step to the side to stand before Verkor. He pulls him into a hug, slapping his back a few times before letting him go. Total bro hug.

  “Come cousin, we have a lot of time to catch up on.” He turns, walking up the steps, and through the door.

  I turn my gaze on Verkor, who sighs. I visibly see his shoulders drop. He was just as nervous about this encounter as I was. Maybe, just as uncomfortable.


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