Zodiac Academy: The Awakening: An Academy Bullymance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts Book 1)

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Zodiac Academy: The Awakening: An Academy Bullymance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts Book 1) Page 15

by Caroline Peckham

  So he is the Libra my horoscope mentioned this morning. And apparently being fair didn’t extend to being nice.

  He glanced at a large brass clock on the wall. “We're almost out of time and I have somewhere to be.” He rose from his seat. “I'll send reading materials on Coercion to your Atlas. You will have a lesson with me every Monday evening. I expect you to have a basic grasp on shields by our next one. There will be a test.” He smirked and I suspected he was the kind of teacher who loved springing pop quizzes on his students.

  I got up, lifting my chin as I internally accepted the challenge with all my heart. “I plan on getting an A.”

  I headed to the door and he whipped across the space in double the speed. My heart rushed at the sudden display of his powers.

  He wrenched the door open. “I don't do grades. With me, it's always pass or fail.” He snatched my Atlas from my hand, tapping something on it and signing off my lesson with the digital pen. He passed it back then held the door wider and I moved to step through it, surprised by the gentlemanly act.

  In a surge of movement he passed me by and the door swung closed in my face.


  AN IRRITATING KIND of jingling noise called me from my sleep and I pushed myself upright with a jerk of surprise as I frowned around at the unfamiliar surroundings. I’d been awake late again talking to Darcy about the screwed up family history lecture she’d been given by Orion and trying to figure out how the hell I should feel about all of it.

  I kicked off my red duvet, scrubbing the sleep from my eyes as I glanced at my dorm. It was going to take a while to start thinking of this place as home. Even longer to stop expecting Darcy’s smiley face first thing each day.

  At least I don’t have to endure the cheeriness of a morning person while I drag myself out of my sleep-induced coma.

  Though as that thought passed through my mind, I realised I actually missed her incessant morning chatter and whistling. Well, maybe not the whistling. But I definitely missed the mug of coffee she always offered to tempt me from my pit.

  The jingling started up again and I located my Atlas, flicking the screen to shut the alarm off. No way that was staying. I needed something with a much lower pitch to rouse me, especially if I was supposed to be waking up at - I checked the time - six thirty??

  “What, the actual, fuck?” I cursed. I only ever saw that time of day if I still happened to be awake from the night before. I never made it out of bed before eight and even that was being generous. Nine was more my style. Ten my preference. Eleven a luxury I afforded for myself most weekends... well shit.

  Yesterday I’d been too tired to check the time when the alarm had woken me and now I knew why.

  I stepped out of my single bed, which I’d quickly come to realise was the most comfortable bed I’d ever slept in, and ran my fingers through my long hair to tease out the worst of the tangles.

  My bare feet met with gloriously warm tiles which were heated from beneath. Everything in Ignis house was kept warm by the fire that gave it its name and I sure as hell had no complaints about that. The apartment we’d left behind in one of the shittiest parts of Chicago had no heating and a window which let in way more than a little draft. I hadn’t been looking forward to surviving winter in that place and even if the only good thing about this whole magical academy business turned out to be this bedroom it still made it worth staying put.

  The plaid pyjamas I wore were not to my taste in any way and I plucked at the flannelette material, adding a mental note to my slowly increasing shopping list. Bikini, pyjamas, boots, underwear that was anything other than the Bridget Jones specials they’d given me alongside the matching breast-flattening crop tops which apparently served as bras. And as if the design of the underwear wasn’t disgusting enough they’d decided to go for nude as the colour of choice. I mean, was there a woman alive whose skin was actually that god-awful shade of anaemic peach? Because it sure as hell didn’t come close to matching my bronze skin tone and the effect of it against my flesh was really quite gross looking.

  I needed to have a word with someone about that promised stipend and a trip to the local mall ASAP. Not that I had any immediate plans to be flaunting my underwear at anyone but you never knew when a hot guy might present himself. And so long as he wasn’t of the over-privileged, self-indulging, sadistic, devastatingly attractive Heir variety, I could be tempted.

  Luckily, whoever had gathered toiletries for me hadn’t had such horrifying taste as the underwear selector, who I could only imagine was a seventy year old virgin nun. I’d even been provided with a makeup bag stuffed full of more cosmetics than I ever could have afforded before I came here. Not to say that my own collection hadn’t been as impressive - makeup was one of the simplest things to claim a five finger discount on at the local store. But it was a novelty to be given a collection that had actually been paid for.

  I made quick work of applying my war paint, ready to face whatever today had in store for me from behind the safety of a generous supply of eyeliner and a sweep of plumb lipstick.

  A single chime sounded on the Atlas and I glanced at it as a message flashed up.

  Your daily horoscope is waiting for you, Tory!

  Just what I’ve been waiting for - a vague set of sentences which might just relate to my day if I skew the meaning to fit whatever random things actually occur.

  Good morning Gemini!

  The stars have spoken about your day.

  Today, you may find yourself on a collision course with a Sagittarius. Though this altercation may bring you peace of mind for a while, try not to forget the true obstacles in your way.

  Today could well send you spiralling down various paths so be sure that each decision you make is one you want to stick with. Whatever stance you choose to take today will set the dice rolling and take the control out of your hands.

  I rolled my eyes as I tossed my Atlas aside dismissively but it instantly started up its merry tune again. I grabbed it, jabbing it vaguely in an effort to shut it up permanently. That’s a strong hell no to your jingly morning bullshit. My efforts were rewarded as it fell quiet but I also somehow managed to open the FaeBook app.

  I hadn’t really given it a look yet aside from a quick glance when Diego had told us about it. Social media participation insinuated the user had a social life and as of yet I could claim no such thing here at Zodiac Academy. Aside from Darcy I’d only really had semi-decent interactions with a few students and we certainly hadn’t made it to the pouting for the camera, taking a selfie stage of our relationship yet. Not that I’d ever really been the type for that anyway.

  I gave the newsfeed a quick scroll and my heart leapt as I spotted a picture of my bare ass as I stood in the middle of the common room after Darius’s initiation prank. I guessed it would have been too much to hope that no one had thought to snap a pic while I was exposed like that but I’d spent every second since my exposure trying to pretend it had never happened and being confronted by it again made my pulse quicken.

  There were three hundred and fourteen reactions and ninety-five comments and the post had only gone live an hour ago. I glanced at the name of the student who’d posted it. Milton Hubert. The name meant nothing to me. My finger hovered over the comments tab. I knew I shouldn’t tap it. It was better off not to know. Just close the page and forget it even exists. I tapped it. Idiot.

  Milton Hubert: Things got hotttttt during the Ignis hazing! #wouldntsayno


  Marguerite Helebor: Looks like the unwanted Heirs are already learning their place at the bottom of the pecking order. #whoresgohairless

  Damian Evergile: Are you saying you’re a hairless whore or are you hiding a full bush beneath that pleated skirt, Margeurite?

  Marguerite Helebor: As if you’d ever get beneath my skirt to find out, Damian Douchebag.

  Damian Evergile: Not a whore then. Just sporting a vagina sweater. #muffscruff

  Marguerite Helebor: Shut your face Damian!

  Terrance Bonnerville: If both Vega girls look that good naked then I’ve just found my latest fantasy threesome. #idtaketwofortheteam

  Barry Gurra: Nice on Damian!

  Tyler Corbin: Next time he’ll get her on her knees too. #gaggingonit

  My lips parted in a mixture of disgust and outrage as I read through more of the comments discussing me like I was a piece of meat. There were plenty of scathing and mocking responses from girls as well as the many, many lewd comments from the male students. There was more than one mention of a threesome including me and Darcy which made my lip curl back. Why did guys think that would be hot? If I told them to start making out with their sibling they’d be disgusted but because we were twins that somehow made that twisted idea of a fantasy okay?

  I was a little surprised to see that none of the Heirs had commented, though I noticed Darius had given a laughing reaction to the comment about getting me on my knees. I guessed they thought they were above adding comments to other people’s posts.

  My fingers poised above the comment bar as I tried to figure out whether or not I should respond. I knew deep down that anything I said would only stoke the flames but sitting back and taking this crap was just so not me...

  Before I could make the decision, the post and all of the comments that went along with it suddenly disappeared. A message flashed up in its place and relief spilled through me.

  FaeBook Admin: Students are reminded that this social media site is not intended for sharing pornography.

  Milton Hubert you have been docked ten house points for Ignis. In future, please share naked photographs privately and not on the public page.

  I blinked at the message. Ten house points? That was all the teachers were going to take from the boy who had posted a naked photograph of me for the whole school to see? And there was no mention of punishing Darius for the hazing. That was it. In fact, as I read it again, I realised they weren’t even telling him not to share that photograph - just to do it via personal message.

  Screw that.

  I grabbed my uniform out of the closet, pulling it on as fast as I could before jamming my books into my satchel. I picked up the Atlas again and tapped on Milton Hubert’s profile picture so that I could get a look at him. He was a jock type, well built with a prominent brow and thick eyebrows that almost ran into each other.

  I shoved the Atlas into my bag and headed out of my room before marching straight downstairs towards the common area.

  No one noticed me as I arrived and my gaze was snagged by a large group in the centre of the room. Darius was leaning back in an armchair beside the fire which apparently never went out. His black hair was dishevelled in an I-just-rolled-out-of-bed way that should have made him look like shit like it did for the rest of the population but instead made him look hot as hell. If he wasn’t such a grade-A asshole I would totally be okay with waking up to his bed hair. But as he was, the sight of it just pissed me off more. An ugly soul deserved to be housed in an ugly vessel.

  A girl with vivid, blood red hair and legs that went on for days dropped into his lap and claimed his attention with a kiss that crossed the line from uncomfortable into inappropriate as she began dry humping him in front of the whole room.


  I quickly scanned the faces of his fan club while they still hadn’t noticed me and a savage smile pulled at my lips as I spotted Milton Hubert to the left of the group.

  I knew I had very little chance of matching anyone in this room in a straight fight but with my anger burning hot and fast in my veins, I could feel my power raising its head like a prowling beast readying to strike. And with the element of surprise coupled with the raw brutality of my power, I was hoping to teach this douchebag a lesson.

  As luck would have it, his Atlas was sitting on the table beside him which meant that photo was within reach too.

  Magic flared inside me as I strode into the room and I felt Darius’s posse turning their attention my way but I didn’t spare them an ounce of attention. My gaze was set on Milton Hubert and his monobrow raised in surprise as he realised it.

  “Oh hey, it's Tory, right?” he asked but he’d forfeited the chance for an introduction when he’d plastered a naked a picture of me all over the internet.

  My magic rose to my fingertips and I grinned as I realised I’d summoned water. Of course I had, what better way to punish a fire-hungry masochist than by giving him an ice cold shower?

  I raised my hand and a torrent of water slammed into him, knocking him flying back off of his chair and crashing to the floor. I increased the pressure of the water bursting from me, rolling him across the wooden floor and pinning him to the wall.

  The rest of Darius’s crew all leapt up in shock and the redhead practically fell out of his lap as Darius stood too. But to my surprise, no one stepped in to intervene on Milton’s behalf. I guessed their screwed up Fae way of doing things meant that these kinds of disagreements were handled personally and I tried not to show my relief at that fact.

  Milton was shouting something between gargling on the water which pummelled his face and I lowered the deluge a fraction so that it slammed into his chest instead, making sure I pinned his arms down so that he couldn’t aim any magic back at me.

  “Delete the picture,” I snarled, grabbing his Atlas and holding it out towards him with the hand that wasn’t directing my magic.

  The power inside me purred with satisfaction and I couldn’t deny the swell of pride that came with holding my own like this.

  “Piss off,” Milton snapped.

  With a flick of my fingers, I switched the water for air and Milton was lifted and slammed against the wall upright by a gust of wind so powerful that even his bushy eyebrows were fluttering in it. I wasn’t subtle, I was just using the full force of my power to immobilise him but that was fine by me. It got the job done.

  I stalked forward and jammed his thumb down on the Atlas to unlock it before quickly opening up his photo album and locating the picture of me. There were actually over twenty of them, though he’d chosen the clearest one to share on FaeBook and luckily for me, his position in the room had only offered him a view of the rear. I deleted all of them, double checking the trash folder before tossing his Atlas at his feet.

  I released my magic and he stumbled forward, raising a hand at me. Before he could recover enough to attack me, I threw my power at him again, this time summoning earth though I hadn’t planned it. Milton was wrapped tightly in vines which sprang to life as my rage channelled itself into the shape that came most naturally. I didn’t know what I was doing but my magic seemed to. The vines pinned his arms to his sides and encircled his mouth to make sure he stayed quiet. Milton fell to the ground with a resounding crash and I finally let my magic fall still. The swell of it within me felt a little less full than it had but I still had plenty to go around.

  “You need to learn to respect women,” I snarled, resisting the urge to kick him while he was down.

  I turned and headed for the exit but Darius’s voice halted me.

  “He sent me copies of those photos, you know,” he said calmly.

  I turned to look at him, my teeth clenching as I forced myself to meet his dark gaze.

  He didn’t make any move against me and I wasn’t foolish enough to attempt anything myself. I may have just taken down Milton but I knew full well that without the element of surprise, I couldn’t have done it. And Darius was an entirely different kind of beast. I knew my chances against him ranked at less than zero even if I snuck up on him while he was blind drunk and fast asleep.

  “Teach her a lesson, baby,” the redhead cooed and I offered her a moment of my attention. Suddenly her face clicked together with a trout-pout picture I’d seen on FaeBook as I trawled through my most vocal haters and tried to put names to faces.

  “You’re Marguerite right?” I asked, my face making it clear that her angular features and pouting lips weren’t going to intimidate me. “Or do you go by m
uff scruff now?”

  More than one of the onlookers laughed in response to that and for half a second I thought that Darius had to suppress a smile too. But as my gaze fixed on him again I was sure I’d imagined it. There was nothing in his expression beyond a bored kind of loathing.

  Marguerite’s eyes flared with rage and she made a move towards me but Darius flicked a hand at her, making her back down like a little whipped puppy. How pathetic. She needed daddy’s permission to play with me and he wasn’t giving it.

  “So are you going to try and make me delete my copies?” Darius pressed, holding his Atlas out as if he were offering it to me.

  My heart thumped steadily in my chest and I let out a breath before replying.

  “Keep them,” I said dismissively. “If you’re that desperate for material to jerk off to then be my guest.”

  “As if he’d be turned on by pictures of you!” Marguerite spat as Darius scowled, clearly irritated that I wasn’t going to try and reclaim them. At this point they were probably all over the school anyway. Anyone could have saved copies and I’d punished the guy responsible for distributing them. There was no point in me trying to hunt down each and every copy so I was just going to have to make my peace with the fact that those images were out there.

  “Don’t worry, Marguerite,” I said soothingly. “It’s not your fault that he needs them to get his motor going. I’m sure your hairy bush does it for him once you start bouncing about on his lap.”

  Marguerite looked about ready to scratch my eyes out but Darius still hadn’t given her permission to act. “You jumped-up, two cent alley-whore!” Marguerite screeched at me but Darius cut across her before she could go on with what was shaping up to be a beautiful rendition of mean-girl hysteria.


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