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School of Magical Arts - New York City Campus Box Set

Page 15

by Chandelle LaVaun

  I laughed and shook my head. Ten minutes ago, Landy had been cowering in the corner and now she was bouncing down the hall chatting away. I wasn’t a book nerd like my twin, but I had to admit the power they had was amazing. Two perfect strangers with no reason to have a single thing in common had an instant bond…over a book.

  Tegan would love this. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and opened up a text thread with Tegan and Bettina. So new shifter girl from Issale just got here, scared out of her mind. Introduced her to Amelia (D’s little cousin) and they immediately bonded over Percy Jackson books.

  YESSSSSSSSSSSSS. Tegan responded immediately, followed by GIFs of the ocean and a trident.

  Bettina followed with a GIF of the Greek God Hades from the Disney movie Hercules. My kind of ladies!

  I chuckled and snapped a picture of Landy and Amelia walking with linked arms in front of me. I knew Amelia would be a good friend but damn. I did not expect this.

  Awww. A blonde and a brunette! Bettina replied. Looks familiar.

  I scoffed. Yeah, except SOMEONE betrayed us.

  Come to the dark side, twin.

  Wait. No. DON’T DO THAT. Tegan sent immediately after with laughing emojis.

  Bettina sent a GIF of some girl spitting her drink from laughing.

  I glanced up as we entered the lunch hall, but Amelia and Landy were already halfway across the room. I shook my head and looked back to my phone. I have a good feeling about these two new friends. Hopefully they won’t be as troublemaking as two OTHER besties I know.

  I plead the Fifth.

  DFnksdnvsldvnsdv – sorry, you’re – ajlsnclasncsdv – breaking up – jdcadadvcad.

  I snorted and a big group of girls my age gave me weird looks. Tegan, you’re a dork. You just made me snort in front of preppy teenagers.

  Light ‘em up if they bully you, twin.

  I can send you some Black Widow videos if you need impressive moves. Worked on Jackson.

  I shook my head. You two are bad influences. Are you trying to get me in trouble?

  Bettina sent a GIF of Professor Snape shrugging. I know the Coven Leader, he’s pretty soft on me now that I look like him again.

  Oh, our Coven Leader is feeling pretty…worn out…this morning, Tegan said with a winking emoji. Now is your chance for questionable behavior because he’ll be sleeping it off all day.

  As your best friend, I applaud you…as his sister? Gross.

  I snorted. Again. Don’t give Tegan that kind of ammunition, B.

  Damn it, I knew I shouldn’t have deleted those videos……

  TEGAN. Bettina sent the puking emoji. IF I EVER SEE THAT I WILL HAVE MY VENGEANCE.

  The giggle-snort that came out of me was embarrassing, so I didn’t look up to see who was watching me. Although…a video of that nature could serve as a serious weapon against Cooper.


  Those texting bubbles popped up, and then Tegan said… On a completely unrelated note, do you think Tenn would wake up from a flash? It’s pretty dark in here right now.



  I jumped and spun around to find Headmaster Muller standing behind me. “Oh, Headmaster, hello.”

  She arched one black eyebrow and smirked. “You all right? You’re just standing here cackling…”

  I sighed and hung my head and a little chuckle slipped out. “Sorry, yes, I’m fine. My twin and her best friend are texting me and…yeah…”

  Muller smiled. “Ah, okay. Well, I was actually looking for you.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I smiled, even though my phone was vibrating nonstop in my hand and I was dying to see what Tegan and Bettina were saying. “What’s up?”

  “Well, we have a new shifter student today—”

  “Oh yes!” I glanced over my shoulder and pointed to where Amelia was introducing Landy to all of her friends. “I’m hoping Amelia will be helping her feel more comfortable here.”

  “That’s wonderful, although I wasn’t referring to her.”

  I frowned and turned back. “You weren’t? We have another new shifter?”

  “Yep.” She nodded and gestured for me to follow her out of the lunch hall. “This student is your age and is a he. His parents are here to make sure he’s all set up. I thought it would be good if you met them as well.”

  “Yes, thank you so much,” I said as we walked into the hall. I glanced down at my phone and saw twenty unread text messages from Tegan and Bettina.

  “They’re actually talking to Deacon right now.”

  My chest filled with heat and I smiled. I looked back up – and froze. My heart plummeted into the pit of my stomach. My whole body locked in place. What??? No. No. No.

  Deacon stood with his back to me as he spoke to three people. Three people I recognized instantly. People I was once super close with. Paul and Joyce Harbor. Two of the sweetest, kindest people you’d ever meet. And in between them was Chris.

  My ex-boyfriend.

  This is not happening right now.

  Chapter Ten


  “Do y’all have a football team? Baseball?”

  “Paul,” the woman hissed and lightly smacked her husband’s arm.

  Paul shrugged. “What? He loves sports and he’s good at them. He’s giving up a guaranteed football scholarship to come here—”

  “He can’t play football in college OR professional, Paul.” She put both hands to her temples and rubbed circles. “You know the rules, nothing in the spotlight.”

  “I’m just saying it’d be nice if he got a little help for college finances—”

  “Dad.” The student in question closed his eyes and shook his head. Then he turned to his father. “Mom is right. We know the rules. Football was for fun, not for college. What if I get hit and accidentally shift while on live television? I’m not interested in the King coming for me.”

  Paul pursed his lips. “What about volleyball? Or golf? OH, maybe the swim team? All non-contact sports. Christian, you could do one of those. No one watches those on T.V. for college.”

  Christian, the student, opened his mouth then closed it. “True. Good point. I could be like Happy Gilmore.”

  “Gentlemen, we will continue this conversation later.” The mother turned her piercing blue eyes to me. “Now, my husband has a point about scholarships for college. Back in North Carolina, he had an advanced academic schedule. I want Christian to attend here, but we need to know he has options for the next step. What can SOMA offer?”

  Right. Because a seventeen-year-old should be fielding these questions. I took a deep breath. “Well, I’m going to be completely honest with you. I’m not sure how much civilian shifters know about what’s going on for arcana – more specifically, The Coven – but myself and the Empress were unfortunately called away for an emergency during the setup of curriculum. However, before I left, I worked directly with your King and his right hand, Silas, to ensure our school had the curriculum that y’all need.”

  Did I just say y’all?

  I said ain’t before, too.

  What is Emersyn doing to me?

  I cleared my throat. “I gave Silas and Headmaster Muller free reign to do what was needed. Now, I’ve only just got back on Friday, so I’m not sure if I’m best suited to field that question. Headmaster Muller will be able to put your worries at ease much better than I could. However, I’m happy to host a meeting for all of us to sit and discuss in detail the class curriculum and make any necessary changes.”

  Christian narrowed blue eyes that were identical to his mother’s. “Are you the Emperor Card? Because you sound like a politician.”

  “Me? The Emperor?” I laughed and shook my head. “Good Goddess, no. That dude is terrifying and definitely not that wordy.”

  Paul scowled. “We did hear about some dangers your lot was facing, I hope everything is better?”

  I smiled. “Yes,
thank you. We’ve handled the issue as swiftly as possible.”

  “And which other Card is here with you?” Joyce cocked her head to the side and looked to the ceiling like the answer was written up there. “I heard there were two Coven members here.”

  Just then – like they’d summoned her – my chest lit up like a furnace. Emersyn. I grinned and shoved my hands into my pockets so I wouldn’t reach out and touch her in front of the new student and his parents. We were trying really hard to remain as professional as possible. But my hands couldn’t be trusted.

  “That is correct. The Empress was sent here with me.”

  All three of their eyes widened, as if they knew of her. I sensed their desires changing. They wanted to impress Emersyn. Interesting. Note to self, talk to Tenn about how much other species know about us.

  The fire in my chest seared through my bones. A wave of heat slammed into my left side and I knew she was near. “As a matter of fact…”

  Christian glanced to his right – then did a double-take. He gasped. His blue eyes widened and his jaw hung open.

  I grinned. Emersyn had that kind of effect on guys and yet she was completely oblivious to it. It was pretty adorable, actually. I glanced over my shoulder and found Emersyn standing just outside the door to the lunch hall next to Headmaster Muller. The second I saw her I had an overwhelming sense of relief. All of the tension left my body. I hadn’t seen her all morning and apparently I was suffering from separation anxiety.

  But she looked breathtaking today. Her hair was wild and wavy, like she’d been running on the beach. She had on those black and gold Chanel boots that went halfway up her thighs and made her legs look eight miles long. And with the all-black clothing, her golden eyes looked like pure sunshine as they stared at us – wait.

  I frowned and focused on my soulmate’s face. Her eyes were wide as hell, like she’d just seen a demon. And her cheeks were flushed. She looked horrified. I pushed my magic out and instantly felt her desire to flee. Quickly.

  The shifter’s mother behind me gasped.

  I turned back and found all three of them gawking at Emersyn.


  What is going on here?

  No one spoke. Which was only weirder.

  Why is she looking at them like that? Em doesn’t know any shifters. Actually, if I hadn’t known that she already had a soulmate, I might’ve thought I was witnessing that. But obviously I wasn’t since I was her soulmate. But still. It was…strange. And not like her.

  What the hell? What is happening?

  I cleared my throat pointedly and gestured toward my girlfriend. “This is our Empress.”

  Chapter Eleven


  Oh God.

  This is not happening.

  This CAN’T be happening.

  I must be dreaming, right?

  That is NOT my ex-boyfriend and his parents standing there.

  In New York.

  At our School of MAGICAL arts.

  Because Chris was human. So unbelievably HUMAN.

  My stomach rolled and my mouth went dry. I was going to be sick. Panic had reached out and grabbed ahold of me and was not letting go. Because whether I wanted to believe it or not, that was definitely Chris Carlette. My ex-boyfriend. Right there, talking to my current boyfriend.

  Deacon cleared his throat. “This is our Empress.”

  “WHAT?” All three of them shouted at the same time.

  Oh, God. Here we go.

  Come on, feet. Start walking. Don’t make this weirder.

  I licked my lips and tucked my hair behind my ears, then I took a step forward…and then Joyce was rushing toward me with her arms thrown out wide. My pulse skyrocketed. I stopped moving and braced for impact.

  She threw her arms around me and squeezed me tight. Her fruity perfume assaulted my senses. Then she stepped back and yelled, “Oh. My. God.”

  And for the millionth time, she sounded just like that character Janice from Friends with her thick, nasal-y Long Island accent – Oh my God. Long Island accent. She’s from Long Island. I knew that! Oh no, this is really happening right now.

  “Well, I’ll be damned.” Paul smacked his hands together then pulled me in for a big bear hug. He lifted me off my feet and giggled like Santa Claus before sitting me back down. “Emersyn. Howe. What in Sam hell are you doing here?”

  I shook my head, but words were escaping me. My life before The Coven seemed like a million years ago. I’d accidentally forgotten about what I was like back then and the people I knew. Yet here they were, colliding against my will.

  And then Chris stepped up with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Holy hell. Emersyn. What…how…what are you doing here?!”

  Deacon frowned so hard his eyebrows sunk over his eyes.

  “Oh, you know each other?” Headmaster Muller asked from behind me.

  I shook my head, then nodded. “I can’t…what…I don’t…” GREAAAAAAAT.

  Deacon’s eyebrows shot to the ceiling and my heart fluttered.

  “What are YOU doing here?” I said in a rush and pushed my hair back from my face. “You were…you had…football…and…how the hell are you here? And why? And with your parents? Joyce? Paul?”

  “Oh, that’s on me,” Joyce said with a wide grin. “I was born here but there was an incident and we had to move far away. But when I heard about this School for Magical Arts – and for us shifters? Oh, I had to send Christian here.”

  “What? You’re a shifter?” I shook my head and frowned. “Wait – Christian?”

  “Yeah.” Christian chuckled. “That’s my real name.”

  “Christian Carlette?”

  He grimaced. “Well no, it’s actually Christian Harbor—”

  “Well, darlin’, you know how it is, gotta keep the supernatural world a secret so we go by fake names with the humans in case we gotta pack up and leave.” Paul put his hand on Christian’s shoulder and jostled him. “It’s a real relief to be able to go by our real names, I can’t even begin to tell ya – oh, what am I saying? Obviously you understand, Miss Empress!”

  Joyce flipped her brown hair over her shoulder. “Can you believe it? All that time and you two could’ve been your true selves. Oh, honey, you should’ve told us!”

  “I…I didn’t know—”

  “Well you look fantastic,” Joyce said as she ran her fingers over my hair like she always used to. “Doesn’t she? Coven life has been good to you!”

  “Yeah it has.” Christian grinned and let his gaze travel up and down my body. “You look great, Emma.”

  Oh shit.

  I looked to Deacon and found him eyeing Chris suspiciously – my stomach dropped. I knew that look on Chris’s face…and I definitely knew that Deacon was using his magic on him. Then my soulmate turned to me and arched one eyebrow.

  I am doing a shit job at this. I knew enough about dating to know I was supposed to introduce my boyfriend as such to other guys – especially guys who used to be my boyfriend and were eyeing me like they hadn’t forgotten that. I needed to fix this. To set the record straight. I was so very, very taken.

  “I’m sorry, but how do you know each other?” Headmaster Muller asked.

  “Um…well, actually…Chris is my ex-boyfriend from back home in North Carolina.”

  Deacon’s eyes widened as he turned to look at me.

  “OH,” Headmaster Muller said from behind me.

  Chris chuckled. “Yeah, she dumped me right after her birthday and moved unexpectedly.”

  Deacon flinched, then narrowed his eyes at Chris. My stomach sank.

  Paul whistled. “Guess we shoulda known she wasn’t human!”

  Joyce’s eyes lit up and I knew she was already planning Chris and I getting back together. “Well—”

  “Oh, Goddess, where are my manners? Y’all surprised me so much I forgot to introduce you.” I jumped forward and took Deacon’s hand in mine. Then I looked up into his beautiful – yet suspicious – face and smiled. I
pressed my palm to his chest. “This is my boyfriend, Deacon.”

  “Oh.” Chris blinked. “Y-your…boyfriend.”

  I nodded and smiled. Wait. Damn it. He’s my soulmate, not just my boyfriend. Is it too late to say that? It is. Yeah, it’d just be weird now. Shouldn’t matter, though. Taken is taken, right? Right.

  An alarm blared from Headmaster Muller’s watch and we all jumped. She cursed and swatted at the thing. “Sorry. That means lunch is halfway over. Actually, Christian, why don’t you take your parents into the lunch hall so you three can grab a bite before classes start again?”

  Paul looked to me and winked playfully. “She’s lettin’ us sit in while we’re here. See what this shifter school is all about.”

  “That’s fantastic.” I laced my fingers with Deacon’s and Chris’s eyes tracked the movement. “I still can’t believe you’re here…and…a shifter?”

  “You know what? Why don’t we all go out for dinner tonight? Paul and I leave in the morning, but I would really, really, love to catch up.” Joyce wrapped her arm around Chris’s shoulders, smiling like this wasn’t awkward as hell. “Because we clearly have a lot to talk about.”

  I opened my mouth to say no, that we were busy with Coven business—

  “We’d love to,” Deacon said in a cheery voice.




  What’s happening?

  I don’t want to.

  “GREAT!” Joyce squealed. “Emersyn, love, do you still have my number? Oh, what am I saying, you know Christian’s number by heart.”

  I wanted to say I didn’t…but I did.

  “Just text us where and when and we’ll be there.” Chris looked to me, then to Deacon and smiled. He stuck his hand out. “It was nice to meet you, Deacon.”

  Deacon shook his hand and nodded. “Likewise. See you tonight.”

  Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Noooo. I don’t want to. Why is he doing this to me? Panic surged inside me like a tsunami about to wreak destruction.

  “Wow, what a small world.” Headmaster Muller chuckled and shook her head as she watched the three of them slip inside the lunch hall. Then she turned to us. “Now, you two, come with me. Heather mentioned this morning you wanted to do a team building exercise with the shifters and arcana, and I’d love to put our heads together on that.”


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