School of Magical Arts - New York City Campus Box Set

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School of Magical Arts - New York City Campus Box Set Page 30

by Chandelle LaVaun

  He opened his mouth then shut it. “I forgot about that. It was before I met you.”

  “Yeah, it was. And I was a mess after.” I rubbed my thumb over his sharp cheekbone. “And ya know what? I was still beating myself up when I met you. That’s why I was so mean to you, I didn’t think I deserved to have you after what I’d done. It wasn’t until that night when I felt your heart beat for the last time that I realized all that self-inflicted shame cost me so many happy moments. It’s not worth it, Deacon.”

  He nodded but didn’t say anything. His eyes were dark and distant.

  “Hey,” I said, then kissed his forehead. “Look at me, taco.”

  He grinned. “I am falling apart, but am I still delicious?”

  I giggled. “More so than I let you believe.”

  He chuckled softly and nestled back into me. “I’m sorry I’m such a mess right now.”

  “It’s okay, I can be strong enough for both of us tonight.”

  “Just tonight?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. Otherwise I might get lost in Manhattan tomorrow.”

  He snorted, then burst into laughter. He flipped onto his back and pulled me onto his chest. “Goddess, I love you, woman.”

  “I love you, too, taco.”

  Chapter Eight


  “You sure you’re okay to do this?”

  Henley pressed the elevator button for the thirtieth floor, then turned to look up at me. “Yes, Deacon. For the eight hundredth time, I am okay to do this.”

  “Yeah, but I just want to make sure you’re actually okay and not just saying that.”

  Henley stared at me deadpan as the elevator doors closed behind her. For a long moment, she just stared. Finally, she sighed and shook her head. “I hate when I can’t sass you because you’re being sweet. Really messes up my flow.”

  Emersyn snorted. “Story of my life.” She wrapped her arms around mine and leaned her face on my shoulder.

  “Okay, but like…that was a serious question.”

  “Listen, taco, if she wasn’t—”

  “Did you just call him taco? Henley frowned. “Like the food?”

  “Yep. Because he falls apart sometimes, but he’s still delicious.”

  Henley pursed her lips and nodded. “What kind of taco is he?”


  “Today, definitely a soft shell.”

  Henley giggled. “Like the kid-friendly taco that doesn’t want to hurt you.”

  “Exactly.” Emersyn bit my shoulder playfully.

  I shook my head. “We’re going to be there any second now and I need to know that Henley is up for this—”

  “Deacon,” Emersyn groaned but she was smiling.

  “I adore you, cousin taco.” Henley patted my shoulder. “If I was even questioning whether or not I was up for this, I wouldn’t have gotten in the damn elevator. Thank you for your concern, really. But I’m okay. I may not like talking about this to everyone…however this little girl is a different case.”

  Emersyn nudged me. “Yeah, so let her be.”

  I took a deep breath. “Okay. Right. Sorry. Noted.”

  The elevator dinged and the doors opened wide.

  Tony Lorenzo stood there, waiting for us with his hands behind his back and a warm smile. He bowed at the waist, then straightened. “Hello, Miss Empress, Mr Devil — oh, hello, we haven’t met. I am Tony Lorenzo, this is my home.”

  Henley held her left hand out - which was customary for Coven members- and gave him a warm smile. “Hello Tony. I’m Henley Redd, Moon Card and Deacon’s cousin.”

  He shook her hand then fumbled on his way to his front door that stood open. “Three Cards in my home at the same time, what a wonderful honor. Please, come in.”

  We followed him inside the open doorway then into a grand open floorplan with modern finishings. Bright sunlight poured in through the floor-to-ceiling windows that ran along the wall. Just beyond the glass was a quaint little terrace with topiaries and cozy furniture. Central Park was just beyond the stone balcony wall, though I knew that for awful reasons.

  “Oh, you were serious about that…oh my,” Maria hurried into the living room area, wiping her hands on an apron. “I’m so sorry, I was on a business phone call.”

  “That’s okay, you’re here now.” I inclined my head. “Unless you need to get back to your call? We wouldn’t want to interfere—”

  “Interfere?” Maria shook her head and her brown curls bounced around her round face. She jumped forward then pulled me in for a big, long hug. “You saved my daughter’s life, you could run a circus in here and I’d work around you.”

  Emersyn snorted. “That’s very sweet of you.”

  Maria hugged her tight, then pulled back. “When Tony said you were coming over, I almost did not believe him.”

  “Yes, is there something we can help you with?” Tony looked back and forth between the three of us. “Not that you aren’t welcome any time, but I suspect there is a reason?”

  I cleared my throat and glanced at Em and Henley behind me. “Well, we were hoping Henley here could have a word with Sofia.”

  “Oh,” they both mumbled at the same time. Their eyes turned guarded and weary.

  Henley stepped forward. “I only wish to chat with her…I have personal experience with demons and hoped I could help her a bit.”

  “Oh…oh.” Maria fussed with her hair then waved for us to follow her to the glass wall. She stopped at the door and pointed. “Sofia is out there.”

  “How has she been…since the incident?” Emersyn asked softly.

  The incident was a nice way of saying since a demon plucked her off the balcony and flew off with her for dinner. I shuddered at the memory. We’d gotten really lucky with her, and I still didn’t understand how.

  Maria sighed and hung her head. “Every day we see a small improvement.”

  “She hasn’t been on the terrace here since it happened…until two nights ago.” Tony coughed then hobbled his way over. “We feel this to be a major success.”

  “May we?” Emersyn pointed to the door. “We just want to speak with her.”

  “Of course, of course. Come.” She pushed the door open and waved us in. “She’s liking the far corner right now.”

  We took a left turn then followed Maria down the length of the terrace until we got to the far corner – where a little girl was curled up under a blanket reading a book.

  Maria cleared her throat and ran her hand through her young daughter’s brown hair. “Sofia, my darling?”

  Sofia looked up from her book then did a double take. She gasped and sat up straight. “Coven members…wow, hello.”

  I smiled. “Good morning – or is it afternoon?”

  She shrugged.

  Maria fixed her daughter’s hair. “Sofia, they would like to talk to you about what happened—”

  “Of course they do,” Sofia groaned. “Everyone wants to hear all the details, but then they all expect me to act normal after.”

  Tony grimaced. “It’s just…it’s not a typical situation to be in, love.”

  Sofia shook her head and turned away from her parents. “Thank you for saving me. I’m okay now, I just don’t know how to be the same person.”

  Henley scoffed. “Right? Like, a demon possessed my body for a bit but sure—”

  “Wait WHAT?” Sofia scooted to the edge of her seat. “You were possessed by a demon?”

  Henley smiled and nodded. “Yep, back in October.”

  “But you’re okay now?”

  “I have good days and bad days.” Henley sat down beside her. “The good help me remember that I came out of it, the bad help me stay motivated to train.”

  Sofia moved to the edge of the bench with a wide smile and big bright eyes. “Do people ask you —

  “Let them talk.” Emersyn turned and tugged on my shirt, she nodded toward the door. “Come on.”

  I wanted to stay and listen, to hear first-hand how my cousin was
handling her own trauma but this is why we were here. For Henley to talk to Sofia. Alone. To let Sofia know that she was going to be okay despite what happened. Because my cousin was a badass. I didn’t know a single other person who could’ve dealt with that the way she had. It amazed me to this day.

  So, I let Emersyn lead me back inside the apartment. But when I glanced back, I saw Maria and Tony still standing out there listening. I pushed my magic out and forced it around only them. The second it hit them, they stood tall and headed back inside.

  Once back inside, Emersyn and I sat down at the island in the kitchen that looked out at the terrace.

  Tony strolled over, scratching the back of his head. “I’ve never seen her talk about it like that before.”

  Maria was flustered and fidgeting with the countertop. “Is it true? Your cousin was possessed?”

  Emersyn nodded. “She was. And that’s why we came here today. Sofia had quite a scare, one we anticipated would cause severe post-traumatic stress disorder – understandably so. I wanted her to hear it for herself, straight from Henley, so maybe she could have a buddy in this. Someone who truly understood her.”

  I grinned. Henley was a bad ass, but my Emersyn was one of a kind.

  Chapter Nine


  “Oh, this one is from Caroline.” My mother picked up a present wrapped in shiny red paper that had the most ridiculous gold bow on it. She held it out in front of her. “For Amelia.”

  Amelia gasped and sat up straight. “Really? For me?”

  My mother nodded.

  Amelia giggled and jumped up so fast the fuzzy black beanie my father had gotten her fell off her head. She skipped over to the Christmas tree in her tartan plaid pajamas and took the present from my mother. “She got me a present? That’s so cool.”

  It really was cool. I knew the Caroline I knew would surface again, and not the version Emersyn met last month.

  “Well open it.” Emersyn giggled. “Let’s see what she got you!”

  It was even cooler that Emersyn and Caroline were somehow now friends. I thought I’d royally screwed that potential up beyond repair. But Emersyn was just too good of a person, too loving to everyone. Guess that’s why she’s the Empress.

  Today was only the twenty-third, Christmas wasn’t officially for two days, but we were celebrating early with my family so that we could be in Eden on the actual day. This would be Emersyn’s first Christmas with her whole family. Last Christmas she didn’t even know her father, older brother, or her twin. She hadn’t even known they existed. This was a big year and it was important to me that she got to spend it with them.

  And it worked out that today was Sunday – no school or work to interfere with our celebrations.

  So far, everything was going smoothly, too. My mother had done her usual in spoiling us in head-to-toe designer clothing – fresh this season. She’d even included Emersyn in all of the gifts…and Emersyn was genuinely excited about what she got. I knew because I could feel it. We were about done with presents, all we had left were the gifts from me and Emersyn and I was a little bit nervous about them. I thought they were great, however I was slightly concerned my mother would misconstrue.

  Once that was over, I’d be able to relax…and enjoy lunch. Stedman and Emersyn had prepared a grand feast for us today and it smelled so damn good my mouth had been watering for the last hour while we were opening gifts.

  “Oh, there’s a note,” Amelia whispered and lifted a piece of elegant stationary out of the box. “It says, Amelia, a witch with a wand needs a very special kind of coat – with a very special kind of wand pocket. I know you love mine…so I got you the same one! See you at school, my little twinzie. OH MY GOD. She didn’t — SHE DID!”

  The sound that came out of her was so high pitched we all covered our ears. Amelia jumped up and slid her brand new black trench coat on over her pajamas then twirled around.

  “It’s black?” my father asked with a frown.

  “NO!” Amelia spun to face him with a huge grin. “It changes colors – with a spell, of course. But Caroline showed me how to do it.”

  My father’s eyebrows raised. “Oh, wow. Well after lunch you’ll have to demonstrate for us. I expect a full fashion show.”

  Amelia giggled and nodded.

  “Wait, look, there’s one more — oh. This is also from Caroline…but it’s for Stedman.” My mother grinned and held a shiny red present up. “How sweet.”

  Stedman was usually included in our gifts but for the first time this year, we’d actually made him sit and enjoy the experience with us. Normally they were put in his own room for him to open when he wanted. Maybe he was sensing a change in my parents as well.

  “For…me? From Caroline?” His pale blue eyes softened. “My, I wasn’t expecting that.”

  My mother walked over and handed him the gift. “Let’s see if you got the same matching coat.” She winked.

  Stedman chuckled nervously. He peeled the paper off, then opened the box. Sitting atop red tissue paper was a note, just like Amelia’s had. Stedman cleared his throat and read it, “Dear Steds, I had my mom make this for you…when you’re ready, I’ll come show you how to change your life with it. That sounds…curious.”

  The rest of us exchanged nervous glances.

  He pulled the tissue paper out and gasped. His eyes widened. “Oh my.”

  Then he pulled out a sleek black wooden wand.

  “OHH,” the rest of us said at the same time.

  “Whoa, that’s awesome,” Amelia whispered.

  Emersyn chuckled. “Steds, you’re going to love what Caroline is gonna teach you – if her closet is any kind of example.”

  He grinned. “This is…wow. This is exciting. I never thought to get a wand but I have to say I’m quite thrilled to have one now.”

  I looked to my mother and arched one eyebrow.

  She grimaced, then she smiled. “Well, I’m glad you have one. Caroline was very thoughtful.”

  I glanced over to Emersyn to see if this upset her at all…but it didn’t. Because she was remarkable. I couldn’t say I would’ve reacted the same way if the situation were in reverse.

  Amelia pulled her new coat off while eyeing the tree. “There are still presents under there.”

  “Of course there is, silly.” My mother rolled her eyes. “I have to have something for you to open on Christmas.”

  Amelia grinned. “Really? Cool.”

  Emersyn cleared her throat then jumped to her feet. “Well, that means it’s time for your gift from me and Deacon.”

  I sat forward, ready to help her get them but she was faster than I expected and already had them out. She made quick work of handing them to each person, but when she got to Stedman, his face fell.

  “You got me a gift?” he asked softly.

  Emersyn frowned. “Of course.” Then she bounced back over to me and sat down.

  Now I felt her nerves.

  I reached out and took her hand in mine. “Okay, open them.”

  All four of them peeled the white velvety wrapping paper off — then gasped.

  Emersyn squeezed my hand. This was it, the moment of truth. Would our gift be seen as thoughtful or …not.

  “Goddess, almighty.” My father threw the lid off the box then dove in with a wild kind of grin. Then he pulled out two black leather cowboy boots with an intricate inlay. The look on his face was absolutely priceless. “Heather, they got me BOOTS!”

  “Yes, but I’m afraid I have some bad news…” Mom smiled and pulled out a pair of black cowgirl boots with a sharp pointed toe and black sequins inlayed on the shaft. She held them up for everyone to see. “Mine are definitely much prettier.”

  He scoffed. “That is highly debatable, dear—”

  “I don’t know, Sebastien…” Stedman arched one white eyebrow and lifted his brown cowboy boots out of his box. “Mine are suede, so I do believe that trumps sequins.”

  My parents both gasped.

UYS!” Amelia jumped up, then kicked her feet back and forth. She’d already gotten hers on. “Mine are LEOPARD print. I win. Hands down.”

  Everyone laughed.

  Emersyn bit her bottom lip and sat forward. “Do y’all like them? I wanted y’all to have a little bit of something from me, and I thought maybe we could all go to that country western bar in town together? They have family nights and—”

  “They’re perfect.” My mother smiled and her eyes glistened. “Thank you so much. These look much more comfortable than my Louboutins.”

  “Yeah, I definitely want to go to that bar. I’m ready now.” My father slid his boots on with his pajamas. “All I need now is a hat.”

  I chuckled. “We can get you a hat, Dad.”

  “Yeehaw — wait, is that offensive?”

  Emersyn shook her head and laughed. “No. At least not to me.”

  My mother pulled her slippers off and slid her boots on. Her eyebrows rose. She pursed her lips and nodded. “Wow, these are comfortable.”

  My father rubbed his hands together. “Well, y’all, looks like we’ve gone country!”

  “Actually, that’s not the only place we’re going…” She jumped up and hurried over to the Christmas tree, then pulled out five presents that were hidden from sight. She carried them over then handed them out. “Don’t open yet.”

  I frowned. “Mother, what are you up to?”

  Once we all had a gift in our lap, she grinned. “Okay, OPEN.”

  We glanced around at each other nervously, because my mother was not acting like herself. Actually, she was acting a lot like her old self. The mother I knew when I was a child before she became Major of New York.

  “Well, what are we waiting for y’all?” Emersyn shouted. “Open!”

  At the same time, we tore into the black wrapping paper, shredding it into little pieces as we searched for the box inside. Once I had the box, I had questions. It was a plain cardboard box with no writing on it. I must’ve paused too long because suddenly Amelia squealed.


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