The Witch and the Wolf

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The Witch and the Wolf Page 2

by Tricia Schneider

  Shivering, she knew she needed to make the attempt. If he refused to send anyone to help her, which Lillian considered rude, then she would just have to resort to helping herself. In normal circumstances, she would be quite capable. Circumstances being what they were, however…

  She let the blanket fall from her shoulders as she fumbled with the buttons on the front of her frock. Good thing they were in the front, for if they had been in the back as some of her other dresses, it would have been an impossibility to disrobe. Though, try as she might, her fingers refused the simple commands she gave them. It seemed an inordinate amount of time before she saw a shadow fall across her lap.

  Lillian looked up to see him watching her. He had changed from his robe into breeches and a hastily buttoned shirt. His feet, though, were bare.

  “Forgive my dishabille,” he said. “It is not often we receive visitors at these hours.”

  “I cannot expect that you would,” she said, smiling regretfully. She lifted her hands to him by way of explanation. “I am having a bit of difficulty. I’m afraid my hands are useless at the moment.”

  He stared at her intensely for a while, and she felt she had inconvenienced him in some manner.

  “If you might send a maid to assist me…”

  “There is none,” he said.


  “We have no maid at the moment, miss. In fact, there is no one at present save Amery and myself.” He grimaced as he spoke, and she began to realize the quandary she had placed upon them.

  “Oh,” she muttered, truly at a loss for words of any kind. How unusual that he should be derelict of staff. She had noticed no neglect. The rooms she had occupied seemed well tended, and she could not imagine he and the man named Amery would do all the housework themselves.

  He seemed to read her thoughts because he continued, “Once a month I give my staff a paid holiday, and they return to their families or visit friends in the village. Amery is the only one who remains here to assist me. So you see, we are quite uncertain as to what to do with you.”

  Lillian nodded her understanding, looking again at the buttons that now appeared as steel manacles.

  “You cannot remain in those wet clothes,” he added as an unnecessary reminder.

  Her breath caught in her throat as the only possibility for their situation tumbled into her head. She glanced speculatively at him to see if he had come upon the same conclusion.

  “You will catch your death of cold if we wait for your hands to thaw,” he added, as if he needed to convince himself. His face and tone became serious as he continued, “I offer you my assistance. I promise I am a gentleman above reproach. What occurs here will stay within this room and no further. No one ever need know of how I helped you. Do you understand?”

  She swallowed, her throat suddenly dry.

  Then Lillian gave a solemn nod, casting her gaze to the floor. She felt beyond compromised, but what did that matter in her situation? In fact, it might improve her situation if she dealt with her problems in the correct manner. Her current dilemma needed to be seen to at once. The snow had crept through her cloak and soaked her dress. It clung cold and uncomfortable around her every curve. She knew, as did he, the thing must be removed.

  He moved forward, closing the gap between them until he stood directly before her. Keeping her gaze lowered did nothing to benefit her. She saw his feet first, and she shivered. Other than her father, she had never seen a man’s bare feet before. She would have never considered such appendages appealing, but she had to admit she felt her breath hitch in her throat as she watched those strong, masculine feet step closer to her.

  Then his hands filled her vision. Large hands, the backs, of which, lightly sprinkled with dark hair. He reached toward her chest, and she inhaled sharply as he began unclasping the buttons.

  She shut her eyes at the sight of the man, a stranger no less, undressing her. Her body tensed, and Lillian held her breath determined not to notice his every movement. Tried to ignore the touch of his knuckles brushing against her breasts. However innocent his actions may be, she could not stop her nipples from tightening nor could she stop the sudden yearning that his hands might wander farther.

  Her face flamed at her secret thoughts. Her body warmed, hotter than any fire. It felt as if her blood might boil at her sudden wanton wishes. She felt his breath on her face and inhaled softly, breathing in that intoxicating mixture of tobacco, brandy and pine.

  She began to tremble but could not determine whether the cold affected her or his present actions.

  “I find that I have never had the need of introductions with a lady while I disrobed her,” he said, his voice soft and slightly amused. “Might I take the opportunity now? I am Lord Jeremy North.”

  “I…I…” Lillian stammered, foolishly trying to formulate some manner of response but her tongue now seemed to mutiny against her. It felt thick and useless as she struggled to introduce herself.

  “You are quite chilled,” he said. “From the look of your cloak you’ve been caught in the storm for quite some time.”


  “Shh…” he said, murmuring softly as if he spoke to a frightened mare. “We will get you warmed quickly enough. The tea Amery is preparing shall chase the chill from you, mark my words.”

  She made no more effort to respond to his statements since it became clear he expected none. Instead, Lillian found herself lulled into a state of calm, a sense of security the like of which she had not known since before her father died. It was peculiar that she felt so safe in the arms of a complete stranger as he peeled her wet clothes from her. His voice soothed her even as his presence rattled her, leaving her breathless with sensations she had never known.

  He helped her slip out of her dress and petticoat and then knelt down to remove her shoes and stockings. Slowly, he pulled her stockings down over her calves and off her feet. As he cupped her right foot, he paused, holding her toes between his palms, warming them with his heat. Her eyelids fluttered closed and her breathing grew heavy. He repeated the process with her left foot.

  Then he untied the strings of her corset allowing her to breathe freely. Perhaps, Lillian mused, that would help clear her head. When her chemise remained the last barrier, she felt him hesitate. She inhaled sharply, torn between urging him to continue or stopping him. He picked up the blanket that had fallen to the floor. Slowly he lifted it to her shoulders. With his thumbs, he fingered the shoulder strap of her chemise for a moment and then paused. At his hesitation, her good judgment returned to her sense bombarded brain.

  She held her hand out, halting him. “If you may give me a moment, I think I might manage the rest, thank you.” She forced herself to meet his eyes. Really, she should not feel ashamed by their actions. He had done nothing untoward, despite society’s strictures, and he had behaved in a most gentlemanly manner.

  Up until now…

  When she met his gaze, she felt her tongue swell within her mouth again, nearly choking her. Through the whole wardrobe removal, she had not found the bravery to look him in the face. Now she wished she had kept her eyes averted. Unquestionable desire burned in his eyes. Her face heated again, and she shivered as responding desire pummeled through her. If she were not a lady… If only she had the strength of will to throw off society’s restrictions… If only he would lean toward her to kiss her.

  Her lips parted, suddenly dry. Her tongue darted out to moisten them.

  North took a step back. His sudden movement alerted her to the presence of another man. Lillian looked at the entrance of the room to see Amery standing in the archway, his eyes wide as he stared at her and his master. When he caught sight of North’s veiled gaze, some silent communication seemed to transpire between them, and Amery snapped out of his shock, walking boldly into the room with a tray in his hands. A teapot, cups, and a few stale scones adorned the tray. He set it down on a nearby table and poured the hot tea for her.

  At the distraction, North moved to sta
nd by the fire, and Lillian took the moment to cover herself completely with the blanket. She was beginning to feel the chill fade away now that the wet clothes had been removed. Though the chemise was slightly damp, she felt much better. She tried not to remember she wore practically nothing beneath the blanket as she regarded the two men in the room.

  Amery brought her the steaming cup, and she reached for it. He gently wrapped her chilled fingers around the warm cup, holding her hands for a moment to be sure she had the ability to grasp the cup and not drop it. He must have noticed her hands shaking, she surmised as she focused on the brown liquid.

  “This ought to do for you, miss,” Amery said a cheerful note in his voice.

  She smiled gratefully. “Thank you.”

  “Now, then,” he said, finding a chair and pulling it nearer to her. He sat and glanced briefly at North who still stood staring at her from the fireplace. “What, pray tell, would a fine lady like yourself be doing out in a blasted snowstorm like this?”

  She stiffened. This was precisely what she had feared. An explanation.

  “Amery,” North reprimanded a warning note in his voice. “You will watch your tongue around the lady.”

  The older man grunted with a nod. “My apologies, miss. But for the life of me, I cannot fathom how you came to be in the situation you’re in.”

  “Well, I…” Lillian mumbled. Then inspiration struck. “Forgive me, I am wretched to ask it of you after you have both been so kind to me, but may I ask that we continue this interview in the morning. I find I am most fatigued after my ghastly ordeal.”

  It was true. She was exhausted, and she eyed the bed in the room with a keen desire. She could not count the days it had been since she had had a full night’s sleep. Perhaps here she could find a bit of rest, at last. And it would give her some time to formulate a proper excuse for her appearance on such a dreadful snow-filled night.

  Amery seemed about to argue, but North agreed to her request.

  “Of course, miss,” he said, stepping lazily away from the mantel. “It will give us all some time to get our much needed rest.”

  Amery glanced suspiciously at his master.

  “We will retire and reconvene come morning.” North bowed and waved for Amery to join him. Amery stood and shuffled toward the door. North followed but before he left, he turned back. “Should you have need of anything, you need only to shout. We will hear you. Oh, and one more thing…”

  He paused seeming to choose his words with care.

  She waited patiently, her heart beat wildly in her chest. He stared at her, his gaze sending shivers down her spine.

  “Might I know the name of our guest?”

  Oh. “Lillian,” she answered, breathlessly. She had expected quite a different request. “Lillian Merriweather.”

  Chapter Three

  “What are we to do with her?” Amery asked, after waiting for North to join him in the hallway. North placed his finger to his lips, issuing an order for silence, then waved him farther down the hall away from the room where they had just left their guest.

  “Bloody hell,” North grunted, running his hand through his hair pulling savagely at the black strands. “This could not have come at a worse time.”

  “You’re not jesting, my lord,” Amery said. “The full moon is tomorrow night. This storm is likely to shut us indoors. There won’t be any way for us to ship her off to the village before nightfall. It would be inhumane to send her out in weather like this.”

  “It would be inhumane to keep her here!” North whispered, savagely, his eyes wild with dismay. He began to pace the carpeted floor.

  Amery sighed. “We’ll simply have to lock her in her room come nightfall. It’s the only way to keep you safe.”

  North stopped dead in his tracks. “I am not concerned with myself. That cell we built below won’t hold the beast forever. It wants freedom, and it will be a simple matter of time before it finds a way out.”

  “Never!” Amery said, shaking his head. “That room is sealed tight, you mark my words. It won’t ever get out. But she’s bound to hear it. Your wolf makes a terribly fierce racket, it does.”

  Jeremy rubbed his tired eyes. This was not how he expected to spend the night. He had been anxious to drown himself to sleep in brandy but with the arrival of this woman all the effects seemed to have evaporated. He had sobered much too quickly but the thought of drinking anymore seemed distasteful to him. He had no more need of brandy. Now, he knew he would need a clear head if he wanted to figure out a way to manage this woman.


  He wanted to speak her name. Test it on his tongue. He held himself back, afraid he’d make a fool of himself in front of his friend. And he didn’t want Amery to worry. He had seen the look in his eyes when he had appeared in the doorway with that tea tray. Amery already held suspicions of North’s intentions with the girl. Not that he had any intentions. In his condition, he could not afford anything beside a random liaison. North would never form any attachments. He would never marry, much to the distress of his family. But they didn’t know of his affliction. They couldn’t know. He had managed to keep his secret from all save Amery. It was a simple thing to send the staff on a holiday for a few days while the beast consumed him. If he had a wife, it would be near impossible to hide it from her. How could he send his wife away once a month—every month? What explanations could he concoct that would keep his secret hidden safe? There were none. And thus, the reason he would never marry, nor ever form any sort of attachment.

  He looked back at the door to her room. His throat worked silently. She was more beautiful than he could have imagined. Try as he might, he did his best to distract himself from her beauty as he’d helped her undress. He forced his hands to keep from touching her overmuch. God! What a feat! He had never been so tempted in all his life. A woman so shockingly beautiful, and innocent, his for the taking…

  He had seen the desire in her eyes, so clearly it was like looking into a mirror. He knew without a word that if he kissed her she would not have pushed him away. Such temptation he had never known.

  His groin tightened as he recalled her tongue moistening her lush lips, her blue eyes, darkening as she looked at him, her breath uneven…

  “She could be dangerous for us.”

  North started. He turned his head to look back at Amery. His friend had been talking the whole while, and he had not heard a word until now. But he nodded his agreement.

  She was dangerous, all right, in more ways than one.


  As North and Amery spoke in the hallway outside her room, Lillian leaned, pressing her ear against the wood. Though she could not make out the words from their hushed conversation, she felt assured that they would not return unannounced. Just to be safe, she quietly bolted the lock on the door, whispered a few words and waved her hands toward the lock to reinforce it, then stumbled back to the dressing table she had found in the room. A large mirror confirmed her fear. She looked a dreadful sight. Her hair appeared a mass of wild, damp tangles. Deep purple smudges underlined bloodshot eyes making her appear as if she had recently been practicing pugilism and failed.

  Snarling in disgust, she sank onto the seat in front of the mirror and opened the bag she had brought with her. She rummaged through its contents, the clink of glass bottles loud in the silence of the room. Finally, she pulled one out. After flexing her fingers, which were at last coming back to life, she opened it, tapped a dusting of the powdered substance onto her hand and held it out in front of her face. She mumbled a few words and blew the dust off her hand and onto the mirror.

  She waited only a moment before her image in the mirror began to blur. Slowly, her face vanished. The looking glass resembled the waves of water on an agitated pond or lake. If she touched it, she knew she could create an increase in ripples casting about but it would also lengthen the time for it to re-emerge.

  It took long enough for the glass to quiet and the ripples to calm. Soon an image o
f a woman appeared within the glass with a face nearly identical to her own. But instead of brown hair and blue eyes, this woman had hair the color of the sun.

  “It has certainly been long enough!” the woman shouted. “I have been sick with worry over you!”

  Lillian waved her hand, hushing her. “Melora, you must be quiet, I am not exactly alone here.”

  Her sister’s brows furrowed elegantly. “Where are you?”

  Lillian grimaced. “Honestly, I do not know. It is the home of Lord Jeremy North, do you know of him?”

  “North? No.”

  Hope flared in her chest. “He is not a friend of Uncle Arden?”

  “I cannot say,” Melora said. “I have never heard him mentioned, have you?”

  Lillian shook her head. “No, but Uncle Arden does not speak to me over much these days. I fear I have not gotten as far as I had hoped. He sent Lord Fitzwalter after me, you see. I escaped out the window of the inn where he found me. I could not take the chance with stealing a horse, so I set off on foot.”

  “On foot? Are you mad?” Melora said. “Is it not snowing there?”

  Lillian nodded. “I admit it was not a clever thing to do.”

  “You could have died!”

  “I am quite safe, I assure you.”

  “And this Lord Jeremy North?” Melora asked. “Does he know?”

  Lillian shook her head, vehemently. “Of course, not. Why should I tell him?”

  Melora hesitated.

  She saw the image of her younger sister flicker for a moment. When the glass surface calmed again, she caught sight of Melora worrying her bottom lip with her teeth, a habit she and her sister shared. “What are you not telling me?”

  “I…” Melora hesitated for only a moment more before a torrent of prediction bubbled from her mouth. “I have had a dream of a man. Dark hair? Green eyes?”

  “Yes,” Lillian said, her heart leaping to her throat. Melora had seen him in her dreams!

  “He is followed closely by a wolf. You must take care, Lilly. You are in danger in that house. You must leave before nightfall.”


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