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The Scoundrel's Wager (Tricking the Scoundrels, #4)

Page 11

by Laura A. Barnes

  Kathleen wondered what troubled him. Rory’s behavior was the norm for lately, so that wasn’t the reason. She tried to immerse herself in the performance, but the play no longer held her interest. Devon did. She turned back and found him staring at her. Throughout the entire evening, while she watched the play, he watched her.

  She got lost in Devon’s eyes. They pulled her in, drawing her toward an unknown destination. Kathleen didn’t care where she ended as long as Devon came with her. When his thumb caressed the inside of her wrist, Kathleen gasped. They were near the front where anyone would notice if they looked closely enough. That didn’t stop Devon. He leaned closer and whispered the most scandalous of thoughts, his eyes never once breaking contact.

  If Kathleen didn’t stop looking at him like she wished for him to make love to her, he would drag her from the box and find a secluded spot. His family were private donors to the theater. With his parents' love of the stage, he had discovered many secret hiding spots in his youth. Especially when he wished to trifle with the actresses. He knew of a secret place where they wouldn’t be found. When Kathleen licked her lips and drew her bottom lip between her teeth, his cock throbbed with an ache only she could relieve.

  “My dear, if you do not return your attention to the stage this instant, I can no longer be held responsible for my actions."

  Devon slid Kathleen’s hand to his lap, laying it on his hardened cock. He hoped his actions would shock her into watching the play. Instead, she spread her fingers wide, molding him to her touch. When her hand gave a gentle squeeze, Devon almost jumped from his seat. Holy hell. What had he started? Kathleen continued to caress him through his trousers, exploring a different way to please him.

  Kathleen took great pleasure on how Devon reacted to her touch. He meant to shock her, but he drew out a curiosity she wished to explore. She wanted to touch Devon without all these barriers between them. Before Kathleen continued stroking him, he grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips. He closed his eyes as if in agony when he kissed her knuckles. When he opened them, he racked her with a savage gaze. He laid Kathleen's hand back in her lap and shifted in his seat.

  Kathleen meant to tease him some more, but then the candles were lit, and the audience applauded the performance. They even stood to show their approval for an outstanding show. For the first time, Kathleen didn’t know how grand it had been. Devon distracted her from her favorite pastime. She couldn’t rave about any aspect because Devon consumed her mind.

  Kathleen hoped next week would arrive early.

  Devon would need more than one drink to remove Kathleen from his mind tonight. How he would endure the rest of the evening would be a true test to his behavior as a gentleman.

  "Lord Holdenburg, I have a message for you.”

  An attendant stood behind him with a note.

  Devon, my dear,

  I would love to see you after my performance. Please stop by my dressing room before you leave.

  Your darling Scarlet,

  P.S. And bring along the lovely creature you seem besotted with. You have stroked my interest on who holds your attention so, since obviously it was not my performance.

  Devon smiled as he slid the letter inside his suit coat. The actress seemed cross with him. She would get over him soon enough. With the countless chaps always hanging around her dressing room, she wouldn’t be lonely for long.

  “The lovely Scarlet Nightengale has invited us to her dressing room. Shall we?” Devon asked the group.

  The box’s enthusiasm at visiting the actress led them all to agree. Devon’s father set the lead and everybody followed. Devon lingered near the back, hoping the distraction would allow him a private moment with Kathleen before anybody noticed their absence. However, it would appear Kathleen held a different view. She joined the group, sharing her excitement with Dallis on getting to meet her favorite performer. Devon hoped Scarlet wouldn’t be too annoyed. Her note was only meant for him. The postscript was nothing but a tease. She wanted him alone to continue a past affair which ended a long time ago. But his parents' appearance would soothe Scarlet's bruised ego. She loved when the upper crust of society paid her any kind of attention.

  Kathleen would finally get the chance to meet Scarlet Nightengale. When they drew closer to the actress's dressing room, the crowds increased, separating Kathleen from the party. The throngs of theater-goers pushed and shoved. Somebody stepped on the back of her gown, stopping her progress, then suddenly released their hold. Kathleen started falling forward. Before she hit the floor, hands reached out to steady her, and drew her away from the crowd.

  Her rescuer led her to a safe place away from the madness. Once they stopped walking, Kathleen looked up to thank her savior. It was none other than Lord Velden.

  “It would appear, kind sir, you have rescued me once more.”

  “After two times, I must deserve an award then.”

  While his comment should have scared her into finding her family and Devon, it only amused her. She'd enjoyed flirting with him at Belle’s and found him harmless, regardless of what Devon said.

  “So you do, my lord.” Kathleen stepped up on tiptoes and placed a kiss on his cheek.

  However, Lord Velden had another intention. He turned his head and her lips brushed against his instead. The move shocked Kathleen and he deepened the kiss. Kathleen didn’t return it, and he pulled away. While it wasn’t an unpleasant kiss, it didn’t compare to Devon.

  “Forgive me, my lady, I have overstepped my bounds. In my defense, I could not resist such a sweet temptation. Ever since the Camville ball, you have been in my thoughts. I fear I am smitten.”

  “I forgive you, my lord.” Kathleen believed his words to be true. “However, I hate to disappoint you, but Lord Holdenburg has already made his intentions clear. I fear you are too late.”

  “Ah, Lord Holdenburg. There is not a man luckier than him. My loss, his gain. Since I have not angered you, may I please escort your return to your family? I cannot leave you alone in this madness.”

  “Thank you, my lord. Your kindness is most appreciated. I shouldn’t tell you this, but your kiss did not bring forth any anger.”

  “Then if I may so bold as to tell you that the sweetness of your lips is branded on my soul forever.”

  Kathleen blushed. She didn’t know what possessed her to lead Lord Velden on. Perhaps it was the note sent to Devon from the actress. The smile on Devon's face spoke of their past affair. Did their relationship still continue?

  When they arrived at the actress’s dressing room, all eyes turned toward them. Kathleen rushed into an explanation on how Lord Velden rescued her from the crowd. If she thought the hostility in the box was thick, the air only grew thicker. Rory and Devon both glared at Lord Velden’s arrival and the reason behind it. Devon stalked over, inserting himself in between them, his jealousy known to all. However, Kathleen thought it to be more than jealousy. It was almost as if Devon tried to protect her. Or was it himself? He stood on guard, waiting for something to happen. But what?

  “Thank you, Lord Velden, for returning Kathleen to us. We owe you debt of gratitude.” Even her mother’s voice held a stiffness toward the gentleman.

  “It was my pleasure. I wish you all a good evening.” He bowed toward Kathleen. “As always, my lady, a pleasure.”

  Kathleen smiled her goodbye, not wanting to draw any more attention to her absence. Devon’s mother introduced her to Scarlet Nightengale. Kathleen paid adoration to the beautiful lady. She understood why Devon had been so attracted to her. Not only was she a beauty, but she showed patience to all of Kathleen’s questions. Even taking Kathleen for a tour through her costume wardrobe. Before long, they forgot the episode.

  On their departure from the dressing room, Scarlet called out, “Devon, dear, may we have a moment?”

  Devon paused. He couldn’t refuse Scarlet’s request without drawing suspicion. However, he didn’t want to leave Kathleen’s side. Her delay with Lord Velden may appear inno
cent to some, but Devon knew it was anything but.

  Rory clapped Devon on the back, muttering for his ears alone, “Yes, stay and entertain your mistress.” To everybody else’s ears he said, “Mother and Kathleen can ride home with us. There is no need for two carriages to convey us to the same destination.”

  “Yes, that would be best. It has been an entertaining evening. Thank you, Your Graces, for your wonderful invitation. We shall see you tomorrow, Lord Holdenburg,” Lady Beckwith replied.

  With that, Devon watched Kathleen leave without even saying goodbye. What a way to end what he'd hoped would be a different evening. Now he must extract himself from Scarlet.

  “Yes, my dear?” He turned toward her.

  “Now, why such a sour tone?” Scarlet's lips pulled into a pout.

  Devon didn’t answer. He didn’t want to lead her on. When he showed no interest, she sauntered toward him, brushing against him. When Devon still didn’t move, Scarlet turned around.

  “Can you at least unbutton my dress?”

  Devon sighed and released the hooks. Scarlet turned back around, the gown falling off her shoulders. She slid her hands through the sleeves and pushed it off her waist. Her dress pooled around her feet. She wore nothing but a transparent chemise. When Scarlet tried to kick her dress away, she lost her balance and grabbed for Devon. He snatched her around the waist. She purred with delight at being held in his embrace and tightened her arms around him. Once he had regained her balance, he tried to get out of Scarlet's clutches, but she wouldn’t release him. Scarlet started pulling his head down for a kiss.

  “Please forgive me, I forgot my program—” Kathleen stood wide-eyed in the doorway.

  “Kathleen, you cannot rush—” Rory stopped behind Kathleen.

  Devon pushed Scarlet from his arms, but it was too late. The damage had already been done. Kathleen eyes filled with a hurt, tearing at his gut. Even though he was innocent, it didn’t matter, for it appeared he'd trifled with Scarlet. Still, he tried to convince Kathleen otherwise.

  “Kathleen, please let me explain. This is all a misunderstanding.”

  He tried to place his hands on Kathleen’s shoulders. Rory pulled her out of his reach. Kathleen wouldn’t meet Devon’s eyes.

  Rory snapped, “You have done enough, Holdenburg. I tried to prevent this. I even went along with my mother and Dallis’s wishes on allowing you to court Kathleen. You have only proven my opinion correct. At least Kathleen has seen for herself the scoundrel you are.”

  “Kathleen?” Devon ignored Rory.

  “Kathleen, let’s go. Do not follow us, Holdenburg.”

  Rory pulled Kathleen away, and they disappeared down the hallway, lost in the crowd.

  Devon spun around. “What in the hell was that scene for?”

  “How was I supposed to know your little baggage would return?”

  “Do not refer to her as that,” Devon snarled.

  Scarlet rolled her eyes, drawing on a robe, realizing she would get nowhere with Devon this evening.

  “What did you need?” he asked.

  “I thought we could pick up where we left off.”

  “Well, you thought wrong. We were finished years ago.”

  “You will never find happiness with someone as simple as her.”

  “I was not aware I asked for your opinion. Scarlet, let me make myself clear, our relationship is finished. I wish you well on your career.”

  Devon left. He wanted no more inconveniences this evening and Scarlet Nightengale was an inconvenience. He only wanted to follow Kathleen home and beg for her forgiveness. When he explained himself, he hoped Kathleen trusted him enough to know he spoke the truth. In the end though, any attempt he made would only be for naught. Rory would make sure Devon never stepped foot in their home again. And he couldn’t blame him.

  Which only left one place for him to drink his sorrows away. Belle’s.

  KATHLEEN TRUDGED UP the stairs to her bedroom. Even when her mother called out, she continued. She had been numb since she saw Devon holding the scantily clad actress. After seeing him clutching the beauty in his arms, with their lips almost connecting, Kathleen didn't remember a thing. Except for the ride home. Where Rory went on a tirade about Devon’s character, slandering him. When Kathleen never responded, he became angrier. Even Mama and Dallis’s soothing words didn’t penetrate her fog. She closed the bedroom door to block out her brother’s rants.

  She curled up on the divan near the window and stared out into the darkness. The evening had started out perfectly and now ended with such deep sorrow. The scene she walked in on spoke for itself. Kathleen should have known better. Devon would never be faithful.

  A knock sounded at the door. When Kathleen didn’t answer, Dallis slid inside and closed the door behind her. She came over to Kathleen, sitting beside her.

  “Would you like to talk, dear?”

  Kathleen shook her head.

  “Rory informed us what you witnessed. I am positive Devon has an explanation.”

  “On how he is a worthless bastard who will bed any harlot that will spread her thighs for him?”

  “Kathleen, you have to be mistaken. Devon loves you.”

  “He has spoken no words of love.”

  “I only ask this of you, when he calls tomorrow, for he will, please listen to him. If after he has spoken you do not believe him, then end your relationship. Please, give him a chance to explain.”

  Kathleen didn’t answer, turning her head to stare into the night. She understood Dallis meant well. But Dallis held a close friendship with Devon. Kathleen had observed their courtship, envious of her sister-in-law, and Devon had been very protective of Dallis.

  Eventually Dallis left her alone. Kathleen determined she wouldn’t shed a tear for Devon. Her heart was aware of who he was. Why Kathleen thought he had changed, she held no clue. It would appear the scoundrel charmed even her. Well, no more. A few weeks ago she set out to destroy him, but he'd distracted her with affection. Which she now knew to be false.

  Kathleen rose and set out to her nightly designation. She only hoped she didn’t run across Devon there. She wanted to be alone. Maybe Lord Velden would be there to entertain her. Kathleen remembered their time alone at the theater. He did her ego good. And his kiss was quite pleasant enough. He took a liking to her Scarlet too, and perhaps Scarlet could entice Velden. Kathleen would do anything to wipe away the memory of Holdenburg clutching the actress to his body. It would seem his appetite was insatiable. Kathleen would never have been enough for Devon.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Devon started off in the bar, drinking his sorrows away. After he finished one bottle, he carried another one with him to play cards. Who could he destroy this evening? He found a table full of young pups and set about taking their money from them one by one. When he cleared out the last young gentleman, he moved to the next table. Devon hoped their rotten luck would make them think twice before blowing their money on something out of their control. The next table became a little more difficult to win. He thought he lost more hands than he won. Since his pile of chips hadn’t diminished, he continued to play.

  Even when the cards became blurry, he didn’t quit. Devon only called Eve over to help him out. The blonde slid onto his lap, her breasts brushing his chest every time she whispered the cards into his ear. He had divested himself of his coat, vest, and cravat. Only a thin white shirt lay between them. Eve’s tight nipples scraped him at every twist and turn of her body. Every time she helped him win a hand, he would thank her with a kiss, each kiss placed in an inviting spot. Kathleen was such a minx to tease him like this. He should cover her body.

  His mind kept playing tricks with him. He saw that it was Eve who rested on his lap, but he couldn’t get Kathleen out of his mind.

  When he bested the table, he tried to move to another one, but nobody wished for him to join them. So Devon sat drinking more while fondling the creature in his lap. When he placed his lips on Eve’s neck, he thought he
kissed Kathleen. When his hands slid inside Eve’s shift, cupping her breast, he thought he held Kathleen’s beautiful globes. When Eve sighed and pushed her bottom on his cock, he thought it was the whisper of Kathleen sighing and his cock hardened. His grip tightened on her breast, twisting her nipple. Devon slipped his hand between Eve’s thighs and brushed across her wetness. He had to have her now. He rose, grabbing her hand, and stopped. It was not Kathleen’s hand he held, for she stood just inside the doorway talking to Belle, her stare penetrating him. Oh, holy hell. While he was innocent from before, he was guilty as hell now.

  WHILE IT WAS PAINFUL to watch Devon fondle the harlot on his lap, it confirmed Kathleen's opinion of him. He had played her false for the last time.

  “He does not even realize who sits in his lap,” Belle tried to reassure her.

  “It does not matter.”

  “I think it does, by the sign of your tightened fists.”

  “Lord Holdenburg can bed every available or unavailable female in Christendom, for all that I care.”

  “What has happened? I have not seen you, and the rumor mill suggests that Holdenburg will propose soon.”

  “Rumors are all they were.”

  “Kathleen,” Belle whispered.


  “Please come to my parlor. You are witnessing a man who has drank two bottles of my finest whiskey and does not remember his own name.”

  “But he knows enough to win at cards? I see his winnings and I wish to play with him. Can you arrange a game?”

  “Yes,” Belle sighed.

  Belle shook her head at the young lady’s determination. Holdenburg had gotten himself in a fine mess now. Why was he fooling around with Eve? Something must have occurred for the change in their relationship. When Lady Kathleen had ceased visiting her establishment in the dead of night, and with Devon’s absence, she inquired to their whereabouts. When her friends confirmed Devon escorting Kathleen around town, Belle felt reassured that they would soon make an announcement on their upcoming nuptials. But this evening’s activities showed there would be no wedding, only heartache for both parties.


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