The Scoundrel's Wager (Tricking the Scoundrels, #4)

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The Scoundrel's Wager (Tricking the Scoundrels, #4) Page 12

by Laura A. Barnes

  Belle walked over to Devon’s table, expressing her disgust at his behavior. When he arched his eyebrow, Belle glared at him. If he thought to intimidate her with his superior rank, then she would have him thrown out on his arse right this instant. So she arched her brow right back at him. His expression changed to apologetic, but it was too late. Belle’s patience wore thin with these tiring men. Every single one of them had an amazing woman within their grasp, and they ruined it with their arrogant ways.

  “Lady Scarlet wishes to play a game of cards with you. Do you accept her request?”

  Devon spread his arms wide for Scarlet to join him at the table. So the lady wanted to play. He should send Eve away, but he had already passed hell and couldn’t return. Also, if Kathleen held such a lack of faith in his character, their relationship no longer mattered. Obviously, she never trusted him.

  “Lord Holdenburg.”

  “Lady Scarlet.”

  Kathleen raised her brow at Eve sitting on his lap. Devon wrapped his arm tighter around Eve and pulled her closer. Eve snuggled into him, moaning. Her hands roamed his body, staking her claim.

  “Eve here is my lucky charm this evening. She holds faith in me.”

  “Silly girl,” Devon heard Kathleen mutter.

  Before they could begin playing, Lord Velden walked behind Kathleen and rested his hands on her shoulders. Devon wanted to rise and slam him to the floor. He had the audacity to touch his woman. When Velden sent him a look, Devon realized Lord Velden knew that Kathleen and Scarlet were the same lady. Devon couldn’t say a word or it would jeopardize Kathleen’s identity to everybody else in the room.

  “I have missed you, my lady.” Lord Velden spoke near Kathleen’s ear.

  Kathleen turned and bestowed the lord with a seductive smile.

  “And I you, my lord.”

  “May I join you?”

  “I am sorry, I have promised a private game with Lord Holdenburg.”

  “Perhaps another time then? May I have a private word with you before you begin?”

  “By all means, my lord.”

  Devon watched Velden lead Kathleen towards a darkened corner. His anger escalated when Velden pulled Kathleen close and whispered in her ear. Then his lips trailed along her neck and Kathleen tilted her head for him to gain better access. The whole time she never broke eye-contact with Devon. Her gaze dared him to object. When Lord Velden’s lips trailed to her breasts, Devon dropped Eve off his lap onto the floor and stepped forward. He would tear Velden limb from limb. When Eve whined her discomfort, Velden raised his head and chuckled. The lord whispered something to make Kathleen laugh. They both turned to stare at him.

  “I think you dropped your piece of baggage, Holdenburg.” Velden baited him.

  “Are we playing cards this evening, Lady Scarlet? If not, I have a more pressing matter to attend to,” Devon asked as he helped Eve off the floor, settling her once more on his lap.

  “Yes, Lord Holdenburg, I believe we shall. Lord Velden, I promise this Saturday evening, I am all yours. Perhaps, after our card game, we can partake of more pleasurable pursuits?” Kathleen spoke loud enough for Devon to hear. If he would throw his conquests in her face, then she would do the same to him.

  “I wait in anticipation, my dear.” He kissed her knuckles before strolling away. But not before he sent Devon a victory look.

  Kathleen returned to the table. She was too calm. Not one ounce of hurt or betrayal crossed her features. Not even revenge. Nor jealousy. Kathleen ignored Eve as if she didn’t cling to Devon. She played her hands of cards. Winning some, losing some. Neither of them bending to the other. Throughout their card game, Devon tried to draw a reaction from her, but nothing. Even when Devon fondled Eve, Kathleen didn’t react.

  “I guess the rumors surrounding you are true, my lord?”

  “And those would be?”

  “Oh, the ones where you are a drunk, gambler, and a scoundrel to all women.”

  “A reputation I have taken years to perfect.”

  “I think you have perfected them. Although I feel for the young miss I have seen you escorting around town. Lady Kathleen, is it not?”

  So she wished to play her hand this way, did she? Devon would play along, and perhaps he could convince Kathleen of his innocence.

  “You are correct. I plan to ask her brother for her hand next week.”

  “Why wait?”

  “It was per her request.”

  “It is a shame somebody as elegant as Lady Kathleen does not satisfy your sexual cravings. You men are all alike.”

  “Do not lump me in the same pile as your poor excuse of a husband, my lady.”

  “Please tell me how you are any different. He now lies between his mistress’s legs and you are sitting with yours on your lap right now. What would Lady Kathleen say if she were to witness your behavior? I think it would hurt her, the innocent that she is.”

  Kathleen’s words cut through Devon. He was as guilty as her fictitious husband. He had no excuse except for being stinking drunk and imagining Eve was Kathleen. Devon’s disgust for himself sat in his gut. He didn't reply. However, Kathleen was far from finished.

  “I only hope you have not told the poor girl that you love her. For when she discovers your extra-marital pursuits, it will hurt her deeply. No, it is best you enter your relationship with no words of affection. Believe me, it will be much easier for her in the long run.”

  Devon stilled. He'd never told Kathleen he loved her. What a damn fool he was. If he did, then Kathleen would never had doubted him and would have trusted that he didn’t fool around with Scarlet Nightengale. True, he called her dear and my love, but he never spoke the exact words. Now he feared he'd lost her.

  Devon kept drinking, becoming more depressed. His words slurred as he tried to provoke her, but still nothing. When she depleted him of his entire winnings of the night, she rose and thanked him for a most enlightening evening. Her prim and proper, polite mannerisms grated across his nerves.

  When she left, he followed. Before he crossed into the hallway, Belle stepped in front of him.

  “Leave her be, Devon.”

  “Do not stand in my way, Madame.”

  “If you follow her, you will forever live to regret your actions.”

  “If I do not follow, I will regret that I did not.”

  Belle stepped to the side when she noted the desperation in his eyes. She followed at a discreet distance, watching Devon stride into Kathleen’s room. He slammed the door behind him. Belle took up the position of guard, ready to enter if she heard any distress from Kathleen. Belle knew in her heart Devon would never hurt her, but with being so deep into his bottles of whiskey, she didn’t know what his intentions were. When people hurt, they react emotionally before thinking through on their words or actions. Inside that room were two people whose hearts ached.

  “Well, my lady, you played an excellent hand of cards this evening.”

  “I wish I could return the compliment, my lord, but I cannot.”

  Kathleen knew Devon would follow her. As they played cards, she noticed how despondent he became. Devon appeared as if his entire world fell apart at his feet. Her heart ached for him. Why was she so vulnerable to him? She even watched how he betrayed her with Eve. It was almost as if he provoked her on purpose. Devon wanted her to react, and she didn’t. Kathleen’s emotions were too numb.

  Devon stalked toward her, causing Kathleen to back up until she hit the wall.

  “You cheated,” he claimed.

  “You, sir, are drunk.”

  “Yes, I am. But I know when I am being cheated, and you cheated on every hand you won.”

  Kathleen tried pushing Devon away, but her strength was no match for him. He pressed closer.

  “There is only one way for you to walk out of here without having me inform Belle of your antics. Belle does not take kindly to cheaters. She will not welcome you here again. Such a shame too, since you have made plans with Lord Velden on Saturday ev

  Devon had her. She had cheated while she played. She figured as drunk as he was, he would be easy prey. Each hand the dealer gave her were losers. Kathleen had to cheat to win. She couldn’t allow Devon to call her out. Kathleen needed to play that card game with Lord Velden.

  “Perhaps we can come to an agreement, Lord Holdenburg?” Kathleen lowered her voice seductively and trailed her fingers over his shirt buttons. She slowly slid each button out of their holes. Her hand laid on his bare chest, her fingers caressing him.

  Devon lost all sense when Kathleen touched him. He ached to be inside her. He pulled her to him and ravaged her lips. She returned his kiss not as the innocent Kathleen, but as the experienced Scarlet. With each thrust of his tongue, she battled with him. Her fingers scratched down his chest, their kiss consuming each other.

  Kathleen only meant to tease him enough so he wouldn’t tell her secret. She never imagined he would unleash this undeniable passion. Devon made her body ache for him. She wanted to lash at him with anger, and instead melted at his touch. Kathleen would cut all ties with Devon after this night. But Scarlet could have him. For one more night, Kathleen could love Devon. Then Kathleen could move on. She would forget her past and recover from her heartache. Kathleen knew she'd provoked Devon about words of love never spoken. But she was just as guilty. She never told Devon how much she loved him. How she still did. No matter how much he hurt her, he would always hold her heart.

  “I want you,” Devon moaned against her lips.

  Kathleen laughed bitterly. “You want any woman to satisfy your urges. I am no fool, my lord. I know I am only a body to be used.”

  He grabbed the back of her head, staring into her eyes and spoke vehemently. “No, I only want you. You are the only one I have ever wanted. And you are the only one who I will ever want.”

  Devon’s passionate speech shook Kathleen. He spoke from the soul. Which hurt her all the more. Devon had never wanted Kathleen—not if he spoke of his desire for Scarlet this way. But Kathleen was lost and couldn’t deny herself the pleasures of his arms one last time.

  Kathleen’s answer was to slide his shirt off. Then she lowered herself to her knees and undid the buttons on his trousers. When she slid his pants down, his cock sprang out, hard and ready. She slid her hand around him, slowly stroking the velvet smooth cock. When he groaned, Kathleen looked up and saw the need in Devon’s eyes. She trailed her tongue along the length to the tip where her tongue swirled, licking at his juices, her eyes never once leaving his. When her mouth lowered, taking him inside, he closed his eyes, groaning. Kathleen stroked him in and out, while his hands glided through her hair, holding her.

  “Ah love,” he moaned.

  Hearing the pleasure in his voice, Kathleen increased the pressure as she sucked him harder. She drew him deeper into her mouth. His cock throbbed his need in her mouth, making her ache to her core. Kathleen wanted him inside her.

  Kathleen rose and removed her dress. This time she wore nothing beneath. It was as if she knew this would be the outcome to her evening. Had Kathleen hoped for this to happen? Is that why she continued with this madness?

  Devon watched Kathleen’s dress fall. She wore not a stitch under her clothing. She stood proudly before him with her head held high. Devon’s gaze traveled the length of her body. Kathleen’s breasts were full, and her nipples tightened at his stare. Her stomach was flat and her hips flared. Kathleen’s black curls beckoned him closer, but still Devon didn’t touch her. Her long glorious legs begged him to—oh, how he wanted them around his waist.

  “You are exquisite.”

  Devon dropped to his knees. He kissed each thigh as they opened for him. Her wet core beckoned him. He ran his tongue across her, teasing her clit. He pulled back. Devon slid a finger inside her.

  “You consume my thoughts.” His finger slid in and out.

  Devon slid in another finger. “My body aches for you.” He drew out each caress.

  “My mouth waters for a taste of your sweetness.” Devon’s tongue stroked her, drawing out her desires drop by drop.

  Kathleen’s legs almost buckled from the onslaught of Devon’s pleasure. His wicked mouth devoured her while his fingers played her body with a skill only he would ever hold over her. With each stroke, her body ached to explode. Devon lifted her leg over his shoulder, pressing his mouth deeper, sliding his tongue in and out with his fingers. Kathleen drew his head closer, losing control. She ached for him—needing Devon to erase her heartache.

  He pulled away and she whimpered. He drew up her body, wrapping her legs around his hips and plowed into her with one thrust.

  “You are the very breath of my soul.”

  His body rocked into hers over and over as they clung to each other. She met each of his thrusts.

  Kathleen screamed his name as their bodies became one. She undid him. She possessed him mind, body, and soul. There would never be another for him.

  Kathleen clung to Devon as he loved her. She never wanted to let go. His grip tightened as he pulled her close. He carried them to the couch, collapsing with her held to his chest.

  Kathleen brushed the hair from his eyes. “Lord Holdenburg, why did you drink so heavily tonight?”

  Devon sighed. Even after the passion they shared, she still wanted to keep up the pretense.

  “I had hoped to wipe the memory of Lady Kathleen’s heartache from my mind.”

  “And did you?”

  “No, there is not enough alcohol for that, believe me. I have tried many times.”

  Devon grew sleepy and with the effects of the spirits he became even more confused.

  “Tried what many times?”

  “To forget her.”

  “Why did you want to forget her?”

  “Because when she discovers my secret, I will lose her anyway.”

  “What is your secret?”

  Kathleen’s question went unanswered. Devon fell fast asleep. Even though he wasn’t awake, he never relaxed his hold. His grip tightened in sleep, as if he feared losing her.

  “I do not understand you, Devon. You speak of hurting me, yet you poured your heart out to Scarlet. I know I speak a quandary, since we are the same. But you do not realize that. I may hold your affection, but it is Scarlet who holds your passion for life. Your love. How I envy her.”

  Kathleen pressed her lips against his and moved out from underneath his arms. She continued to watch him as she dressed. Devon would suffer greatly when he awoke. Even more so when he called on Kathleen tomorrow. Devon broke her heart, now Kathleen would have to break his.

  When she closed the door, Belle stepped out of the shadows.

  “Are you finished? Have you gotten your revenge?”

  “No, I will finish on Saturday evening. The men who destroyed my father will suffer their own demise.”

  “I feel after this evening, one of them already has.”

  “He deserved no less.”

  “You are incorrect, my lady. He did not deserve any of it and one day you will realize that. I only hope it will not be too late for you.”

  “He destroyed my family.”

  “No, he saved your family.”

  “You do not know what you speak.”

  “I know more than you do. If you do not believe me, ask him yourself.”

  “I no longer trust him.”

  “Then ask your mother.”

  “My mother?”

  “Yes, my lady. I will have Ned escort you home himself.”

  Kathleen watched Belle move away. Belle defended Holdenburg as if he were a saint. Another one who had fallen for his charms. Just like her mother. She couldn’t ask her mother about Devon. Because like every other lady, he'd bowled her over with his charisma. Her mother thought Devon walked on water and would never speak ill of him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kathleen hadn’t expected Devon so early in the morning. After he had imbibed so much at Belle’s bar, she expected him later in the day. When Agnes knoc
ked on her door, Kathleen dressed and hurried downstairs. No need to prolong the inevitable. Also, she needed to get rid of Devon before Rory came down. While Kathleen was finished with Devon, she didn’t wish to see him hurt or—as furious as Rory was—even killed.

  Kathleen had pulled on an old day dress, because she planned on helping Mama in the garden later. When she glanced in the mirror, her bedraggled appearance stared back. With a sigh, she sat at the beauty table. She continued to stare at the woman in the mirror. The sadness in her eyes showed only a small part of what tore her apart. Kathleen brushed her hair and pulled the long strands into a bun. A few tendrils slipped out and clung to her neck. Her cheeks were pale, so she pinched them, bringing forth a bit of color. It would have to do. She no longer wanted to please Devon anyway. Last night showed her proof of his devotion to Scarlet. Kathleen may have been passable to appease their mothers, but she wasn’t enough to satisfy him. Devon would always seek another.

  Devon paced back and forth in the Beckwith parlor. He'd called on Kathleen as early as it was fashionably accepted. She was an early riser and today would be no different. Her pride wouldn’t allow her to lie about in bed all day. No, Kathleen would appear to all that life was perfect. She would bury the hurt deep.

  She wouldn’t expect him so soon. Devon surprised himself with his early arrival. With the amount of alcohol he drank last night, he should spend the day in bed. But alcohol didn’t hold the same effect on him like most men. He'd learned in his youth that he had an iron stomach. The more he drank, the more it held no impact on him. Hell, he was surprised he remembered anything from the night before. He not only remembered; the visions were seared into his brain. Devon replayed them over and over until the need to see Kathleen grew stronger. Devon didn’t care how early it was. Kathleen must give him another chance.


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