Winterland Daddies (Second Chance Ranch Book 1)

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Winterland Daddies (Second Chance Ranch Book 1) Page 10

by Rayanna Jamison

  The lingerie had me mortified, but there was no time to wallow in those feelings, not with the clock ticking down the minutes and Blake's very specific instructions. I knew better than to wonder what would happen if those instructions weren't followed to the tee.

  I ran a bath with warm water and lots of Epsom salts, knowing from experience that lowering my poor bruised butt into the water was not going to be a pleasant experience. The truth was, as much as I hated it, I also loved the pain. Maybe not the pain itself, but the tangible reminder that I was cared for, and that people who loved me cared what decisions I made, and how I treated myself and others, and wouldn't allow me to engage in reckless behavior. It did something to me, quieting the loud and roaring thoughts of anxiety and self-hatred that had always lingered. For some reason, after a spanking, I always felt calmer and more centered.

  Except right at this moment. My ass still ached from the tag teaming punishment they had given me earlier in the day, but the calm had flown out the window the second the last dish had been put away. My stomach was in knots over tonight. It was like I was going to lose my virginity all over again. Only, this time, I knew it. I was starting to think being taken by surprise had been wholly better, but I knew Slade and Blake felt guilty. Tonight, whatever it happened to be, was their way of making it up to me.

  When the tub was filled to the top, I turned off the stream, stripped naked, and slowly lowered myself in, wincing the first time my ass hit the heated water. I knew the pain was fleeting and would pass, but that initial jolt of pain always got me.

  It's hard to relax in a tub when your mind is racing, your internal clock is on countdown mode, and you have to focus on making sure every single hair on your pussy is shaved clean, but somehow, I managed for a few minutes.

  With ten minutes left, I hopped out, towel dried my hair, while quickly applying mascara and lip gloss so my face wouldn't feel totally naked—I knew I would feel vulnerable enough—and ran naked from the bathroom to Slade's bed. The bra and panties fit perfectly, but the garter belt was a mess and a half. Shouldn't there be stockings? What was I supposed to hook the clips to? Was it really sexy to have a bunch of strings flapping around everywhere while you're getting busy? It seemed like it could be more distracting than arousing, but whatever. Men are weird.

  At six-twenty-nine, I flung myself on the bed, propping myself on one elbow and wearing what I hoped was a come hither gaze. At exactly six-thirty, the door opened, and my body reacted instantly, as my two shirtless cowboys stood in the doorway, wearing nothing but sexy smiles and worn out Levis. Hot damn. Any woman would consider herself lucky to have even one of them. How on earth had I gotten lucky enough to have both, and how long would it last?

  They stood there, filling the entrance, their eyes roaming over my body. I tingled with self-consciousness, and every nerve in my body seemed to sizzle with electricity. My panties were nearly already soaked through with my own arousal, and they hadn't even entered the room yet. If that was any hint as to how the rest of the night was going to go, I was a goner.

  My face flamed as they stared at me, and I willed them to make a move. Finally matching their gaze with my own, I pleaded silently with Slade to put me out of my misery. But it wasn't Slade who made the first move. It was Blake.

  Blake, who sauntered in slowly, his eyes never leaving mine as he made his way to the bed. Blake, who stopped just shy of the edge of the bed and wordlessly removed his jeans, revealing a sexy pair of black boxer briefs that truly left little to the imagination. It was Blake who climbed atop me on the bed, covering his body with mine, and his lips that claimed mine in a hot and passionate kiss that left no question that, though, tonight, was my reward, he was the one in charge.

  When he finally pulled away, cupping my face and the back of my neck, my whole body shivered. I hadn't even seen Slade enter, but suddenly, he was kneeling beside me and claiming me with his kiss. Each kiss was slow and passionate and spoke volumes about the man doing the kissing. Slade's kiss was sweeter and deeper, where Blake's had been rougher and more dominant. The kiss matched the man and our relationship. Slade kissed longer. And I understood, he was speaking all of his pent up emotions through that single kiss. I heard each one, responding in turn.

  Just when I thought I needed to come up for air, I felt a tug on my hips, as they were forced off the bed. Blake's calloused hands caressed me, and my panties slid down my ass and thighs, over my knees, and off my ankles. I turned from Slade, for just a second, and watched them land on the floor.

  I could feel Blake inspecting me down there, though he never touched me. I held my breath, praying he would find me to his liking and wondering how picky he was actually going to be. I whimpered, and Slade's mouth covered mine, drawing my attention once more to the activity at hand. Just as my mind finally settled, an explosion of soft heat covered my bare mound, and the shock of the feeling climbed my spine, sending tiny nerve explosions throughout my body. I bucked in a panic, and large hands held my hips firmly in place, while he tortured me with his tongue and fingers, until I was crying and screaming his name.

  Holy fuck! The idea of his face down there had been excruciatingly humiliating at first, but damn, it felt good. So good, I had forgotten to be self-conscious, until I lay panting and sweating, while he grinned up at me.

  I was spent, already, but when I looked up from Blake's mischievous smile, I found Slade kneeling over me with his cock dangling in front of my mouth.

  "Suck it like a good girl," Blake ordered.

  Quickly, I obeyed, incredibly aroused by the fact that he was ordering me to suck a cock that was not his. The angle was a weird one, but I cupped my hand around Slade's balls and gripped his ass tightly with the other, using the leverage to guide him into my mouth. I went to work licking the tip of his cock and running my tongue up and down the length of his shaft. Just as I took him fully in my mouth and began to suck vigorously, Blake thrust into me, leaving me breathless. I gave a quick gasp of air and Slade hummed appreciatively at the vibration it must have caused. My whimpers seemed to fuel them, and soon, they were matching each other, thrust for thrust, and I was just along for the ride.

  But what a ride it was.

  Chapter 11


  I woke up with Merry in my bed, naked and curled against me. I pulled her closer, sighing happily as I opened one eye and peered at the clock. Blake was out at the barns already, getting the horses ready for today's first class. I felt a twinge of guilt that I wasn't out there helping him, but he was a big boy. Besides, I knew that when it was his turn with Merry, he wouldn't spend a half a minute worrying about me or my feelings.

  She turned in her sleep, so that her body faced mine, and I opened my eyes, drinking in the sight of her. Perfect pink nipples graced breasts that were still marked from my lips, and pale skin sparkled in the sunlight that was peeking in through the blinds. My cock stirred awake, and I groaned, arching my hips towards the vee between her thighs, searching for the wetness that it craved. Just as the tip of my cock tickled her entrance, her eyes popped open, and she grinned salaciously at me.

  "Well, good morning, there, cowboy," she teased, peering down at where my member was poised for action between her legs. "Am I interrupting something?"

  "No, ma'am," I countered, feeling suddenly sheepish. "We were just saying good morning, and hoping against hope, that a pretty lady would grace us with her presence, soon enough."

  Soft hands gripped my hips and pulled, bringing me thrusting inside of her without warning. "Well, cowboy, I reckon it's your lucky day."

  Smiling, I rolled on top of her, thrusting deeper as I covered her body, pushing her against the mattress and pinning her arms above her head.

  "That was sneaky, little one. Didn't anyone ever tell you that you're not the one in charge around here."

  "A time or two, but I don't like to listen."

  I couldn't hold back from kissing her for another minute, and her lips met mine in a flurry of passion, as ou
r bodies melded into one. The sex was hot and passionate, an explosion of pent up passion and a desperation to make the most of every second we got alone. A gift we both knew would come few and far between.

  I moved to nibble her neck, loving the mewls of pleasure that fell from her parted lips as I nipped and sucked and kissed. I rode her hard, thrusting deep. Each meeting of our bodies was earth shattering pleasure, and I knew this would not last long. She didn't seem to mind. Freeing her hands from where I held them, she gripped my hips, once more, and pulled, pulling me deeper inside of her with each powerful thrust. Faster, harder. Harder, faster, until we were both panting from exertion. Finally, she grabbed my hand in her own, intertwining our fingers, and gazed deep into my eyes with a look filled with overwhelming passion and desire. We came together, crying out our release as one.

  I rode out the release, shuddering against her as I spilled into her, realizing, then and only then, that I had once again forgotten to use protection. I didn't care. This woman was my end game, I told myself as I collapsed on top of her, rolling over our bodies together, until we lay side by side, once more.

  Smiling with closed eyes, Merry turned, rolling away from me, to face the window, curling into me, until my spent cock lay against her heart-shaped bottom. I reveled in the feel of her as I pulled her against me, growling in her ear, "Just where do you think you're going, little girl?"

  Her giggles filled the air. "Not going anywhere, Daddy. I like it where I am."

  Happiness and relief filled my chest. I wondered when I would get used to the idea that she was really back here, back at the ranch, and in my arms where she belonged.

  Probably as soon as I got rid of the fear of her leaving again. The fact that she still had loose ends back in Arizona was a subject we all avoided, Blake, Merry and me, alike. I knew that I had a fear of thinking past Christmas. She had promised to stay until Christmas, and that was all she had promised. Every move made between now and then was one that would influence the end result. Every minute, every spanking, every kiss, and even every dinner was critical.

  I was on edge, making each one count and trying to balance that with actually remembering to enjoy the moment.

  Like now.

  "I like it where you are too, little girl," I murmured. Damned if I wasn't starting to get hard again, already. Rolling away from temptation, I groaned. "I like you right where you are, and I'd like it even better if I could stay there, too, but unfortunately, first session of the day will start soon, and Blake's going to need my help."

  "That's okay, Daddy," Merry sighed, pulling herself into a sitting position against the headboard. "I need coffee. And you know Nan, she's getting anxious about the party, already. If we don't get through at least ten batches of cookies, today, I fear for her heart."

  I languished on the bed, watching as she sat on the edge of it, scanning the room for her clothes as she pulled the sheet tight against her naked body, like I hadn't just seen everything there was to see, anyway.

  "Check the bathroom," I offered, forcing myself to sit up, also. She held the sheet tightly around her body, dragging it on the floor as the shuffled to the bathroom. I sighed and looked at the clock, wondering if there was time for another quickie. Sharing Merry was nice, but having her to myself was perfection.

  I wondered if I could even go quick at this point. It was a moot point when Merry emerged from the bathroom fully clothed and headed for the door. I wasn't ready for her to leave.

  "Little girl," I called out, stopping her in her tracks.

  Blushing, she turned to look at me but did not respond.

  "Did you really think you were going to run out of here, just like that, and ignore me?"

  "I didn't ignore you," she whispered. "We had sex."

  Frowning, I stood, not caring that the door was open or that I was buck naked. "Yes, we did. And it was very nice, but this is not the walk of shame, Meredith. This wasn't a one-night stand at some frat house. Now, come over here and give your Daddy a kiss."

  With those words, her whole body relaxed, and she all but flew into my arms. Her body wrapped around mine as she kissed me with a wild abandon that nearly took my breath away. When she finally pulled away, we were both silent, content to gaze into each other's eyes. Finally, she spoke. "Thank you for last night. And this morning. It was better than I ever imagined," she admitted shyly. "And, thank you for not letting me leave, just now."

  "You're welcome, little one."


  When I finally pulled myself away from Slade and made it down to the coffee pot, I found the kitchen in shambles and Nan knee deep in cookie batter. Two large trays of sugar cookies sat cooling, and two more appeared ready to go into the oven. Gallon size bags full of plain sugar cookies cut into Christmas shapes sat in piles on the counter next to the fridge.

  My eyebrows raised as I surveyed the mess, but I chose to ignore it and head straight for the coffee. Whatever this was, coffee was certainly the answer.

  Sipping the magic brew helped my brain acclimate as I watched Nan zip around the kitchen. When she began to carefully stack the freezer bags into the freezer, I stopped her.

  "You know those aren't decorated, right?"

  "Of course, I do. I'm old, not blind," Nan huffed, continuing to stuff bags into the freezer. "I figured the decorating could wait. It takes something extra off my plate and gives all the kids something to do."

  I leveled her with a look of disbelief. "So your plan is to wait a whole two more weeks to decorate them?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "After all the fuss over the icing and the cookie cutters, now, you want to wait until two or three days before Christmas and let the kids decorate them?"

  "Sure! Why not, it will give them something to do. Keep them busy."

  I could currently think of over a hundred reasons why not, and every single one of them had been laid across my ass.

  "So, basically, you're saying I got in huge trouble and put us in danger, for nothing?"

  "Pshaw," Nan replied, waving her hand through the air. "Water under the bridge."

  "Easy for you to say," I muttered, lifting my mug to my lips and draining it so I wouldn't say anything I was thinking—like how strongly my butt disagreed with her sentiment. It wouldn't feel like water under the bridge to me for at least a week.

  "Oh, Merry." Nan came up beside me and patted my shoulder. "I didn't mean to get you in trouble. I really thought we needed that icing. I just wanted to make you happy. But now, the idea of decorating all those cookies when there is still so much to do seems overwhelming. And think of how much fun the kids will have!"

  "What kids?" I questioned, peering into my coffee cup. I needed it to start working faster. I hoped she meant actual kids and not the grown adults whom she insisted on referring to as her kids. Most of them would be twice my age by now.

  "Oh, Merry!" Nan exclaimed happily. "They're all coming! Every single last one of them. I don't reckon I remember when it was that it happened last. Many, many years ago, I suppose. It was quite a bit less, back then."

  "That's great, Nan. How many people is that, exactly?"

  "A hundred and eight."

  I choked on my coffee, turning my head at the last minute to avoid spraying it all over the unbaked cookies. I was anxious, just thinking about it, but I wasn't surprised. Nan was beloved.

  "How many actual kids?"

  "Oh, about thirty, I reckon, give or take a few."

  Thirty kids. I silently lamented the fact that Nan's house was a dry one and made a note to beg Blake or Slade to take me out for a glass of wine when things started to get crazy. I wasn't sure about the new plan, but once Nan got an idea in her head, there was no point in arguing.

  I surveyed the kitchen. "How many more cookies do we need to make, today?"

  "None. We're all done. This morning, I'm going to make a three-day menu and a master shopping list, and that's all she wrote for the day. Besides my soaps, of course. Alejandro just told Sophia that he's in love with h
er twin, Alexis. But he doesn't know that Alexis is really sleeping with his boss."

  "Oh," I replied dumbly. "Okay, then."

  "I'm fine here, Merry," Nan reassured me. She paused for only a moment, before gasping loudly. "I've got an idea, dear. Why don't you go see if the boys need any help? They'll be doing therapy sessions nearly all day."

  I shook my head. So, of course, Nan persisted. "Yes! It's a great idea! You've been here over a week and you haven't even been out to see the horses yet!"

  It was a fact I was well aware of. I loved being with the horses. I missed them a lot. The barns had been calling to me, all week. I had imagined going down there a hundred times, just to see if my old favorites were still there and to meet any new horses they might have acquired. I had never been a country girl before coming to the ranch, but the horses had changed me. They had given me a lot. The outreach program and the kids were a different story. I knew well how fragile those kids were and how hard it was to work with them, be around them, and be a positive force in their lives. I could barely be a positive force in my own life.

  I shook my head. "Maybe later. I can help you with the menu and shopping list," I offered hopefully.

  Now, it was Nan's turn to shake her head. "Silly girl. The day I can't write out a shopping list…"

  This time she didn't finish the mantra, but by now, I had the gist down pat. "Well, I can do something else. Anything else. Whatever you need. That's why I'm here." She didn't like that and leveled me with a hard stare. "You're here, missy, because this is your home. It's where you belong, and it was high time someone found you, hauled your butt back here, and reminded you of that fact."


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