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The Omega Professor's Secret Baby

Page 5

by Cora Crawford

  The harsh reality was that Mac had finally gotten what he wanted from Wilson. After Wilson had found out exactly who Mac was, he started to ask around about the man.

  All of the other professors were scared of him. He could end their careers at the snap of his fingers. He was also known to be a notorious playboy. Mac had sex with any guy who looked at him twice, and they all did. Once they gave him what he wanted, he was gone.

  It crushed Wilson, but he knew he’d been used in the same way. Wilson figured he deserved it--that was typical behavior of an alpha, as if they couldn’t really help themselves. Wilson knew the truth before anyone else told him. But he had been stupid enough to fall victim to yet another alpha.

  He wanted nothing more than to forget all about Mac. It shouldn’t matter if the man had used Wilson. They barely knew each other. Beyond that, Wilson was his teacher. They slept together with no attachment. So why did his chest ache so much?

  It had been a month since Wilson had slept with Mac, and he was still struggling to get over Mac every day. He had fixed his medication to ensure he wouldn’t go into heat and make another stupid decision, but the alpha still lingered in his mind. For some odd reason, the younger man’s seat remained empty, as if none of the other students would dare sit in the alpha’s seat even if he wasn’t here. During class, Wilson tried his hardest to not even look at the seat. He failed, and he failed often. Every time his gaze drifted over to the empty seat during class, it was just another pang to his already wounded heart.

  The week had been hard on Wilson, and not just because of Mac, either. Wilson had been feeling sick all that week. His stomach was constantly turning, and he came close to spilling its contents multiple times a day.

  Today, Wilson could barely make it through a class period without throwing up. The threat was there every time he opened his mouth. When class was finally over and everyone left the classroom, Wilson collapsed into his chair. He wasn’t sure how long he sat there with his head in his hands before he had to rush over to his trash can.

  The unfortunate thing about working in such a public environment was that one was often exposed to more sickness. That was especially true of working with college students. Maybe Wilson was coming down with a stomach flu. He hadn’t been aware that any of his students were sick, but anything was possible. College students generally hid their illnesses well.

  Wilson weakly picked himself up from the floor and walked to the teacher’s lounge on shaky legs. He needed water to get the taste out of his mouth. When he walked into the room, he was surprised to see one of his friends there, Dr. Percy Caste. Percy worked in the science department, and he was one of the only friends Wilson had been able to make since coming to teach at Briarwood University.

  “Percy?” Wilson asked. “What are you doing all the way over here?”

  Percy gave him a smile. “I was actually stopping by to check on you. I haven’t heard from you in awhile. I just stopped to grab some coffee real quick--do you want some?”

  As Percy asked Wilson the question, he waved his coffee cup in Wilson’s direction. The smell of the coffee hit Wilson like a punch in the face. It was a battle to calm his stomach down.

  “No thanks,” Wilson choked out as he covered his nose.

  Percy’s eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. “Are you feeling alright, pal? You look kind of pale.”

  Wilson thought about lying, but it was obvious that he wasn’t feeling good. “Not really. My stomach has been upset all week, and today has been the worst. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I think I definitely need to go home,” he sighed.

  Percy looked Wilson up and down, his face holding an expression that Wilson couldn’t understand. The man was thinking something that he wasn’t saying out loud.

  “Well, maybe before you go home you should make a stop at the clinic,” he suggested.

  Wilson nodded. “You’re right.”

  After leaving the teacher’s lounge, Wilson would be lying if he said he didn’t think about ignoring Percy’s advice and going home.

  There was nothing he wanted to do more than to crawl into his bed and not leave until he was feeling better. Wilson wasn’t sure that he even had the energy to make it to the clinic. He figured the easiest way to get there would be to drive, even if it was a five minute walk.

  The nurse sitting at the front desk looked slightly shocked when Wilson walked into the building. He didn’t look that bad, did he?

  She handed him a clipboard as she asked, “Are you a professor here?”

  Wilson nodded.

  “Fill this out and I’ll get you checked out right away,” she said.

  The nurse held true to her word. Within five minutes of Wilson giving her the completed paperwork, he was in an exam room. It wasn’t much longer before a doctor and a student walked into the room. They asked Wilson all the normal questions, which he answered. The only problem was that his stomach still wasn’t giving him a break.

  “I see you recently changed suppressors,” the doctor murmured.

  Wilson nodded. “Yes, my previous ones stopped working for some reason.”

  The doctor quirked an eyebrow. “So you went into heat last month.”


  “Did you engage in sexual relations with an alpha?” he asked.

  Wilson nodded, but didn’t say anything this time. He already knew where this was going, and he didn’t like it. The doctor was silent for a moment as he wrote a few things down.

  “Well,” he finally spoke. “I have three possibilities in mind. You are either pregnant, having a bad reaction to your new suppressors, or you have a virus. I want to take a quick blood sample to figure out which it is. Don’t take your suppressors tonight. We’ll give you a call with the results tomorrow.”

  The whole drive home, Wilson felt numb. Having sex with Mac had been a mistake. One that was still showing its repercussions. There was now a possibility that Wilson was pregnant with Mac’s baby, all while he was ignoring Wilson and technically engaged. And if Wilson was pregnant, Wilson would most likely lose his job and be a single father.

  He couldn’t sleep that night, no matter how exhausted his body was. He was stranded in a fog of panic with no exit in sight. He spent hours pacing around his apartment. His worry didn’t help his stomach either.

  After what felt like years, Wilson finally got the call he had been waiting on. He was pregnant with Mac’s baby.

  During his sleepless night, Wilson had thought about what he would do if he was pregnant. He had even thought about the possibility of not telling Mac. But as soon as Wilson heard the words come out of the doctor’s mouth, he knew what he had to do. Wilson had to tell Mac that he was pregnant with his baby.

  Chapter 10

  Another week had passed, and Mac had successfully avoided his father after a disastrous family dinner. He was sure his father had some kind of idea about what had happened in the garden with Paul, and he didn’t need to hear that lecture right now. Especially when his mind was flooded with thoughts about Wilson.

  Mac had thought that, with time, the feelings he had for Wilson would fade. Somehow, the exact opposite had happened. It was starting to feel as if Mac’s feelings for Wilson only continued to get stronger with every passing hour. The alpha came closer to tracking down the omega and finally claiming him as his own every day.

  He tried to put those thoughts out of his head as he got dressed for another campus event. There was another professor that was retiring. As the Dean’s son, Mac was required to attend all the events. This was the first formal event that Mac had attended all year, and they tended to get more frequent the closer the end of the semester came.

  Mac buttoned his shirt and straightened his tie before throwing on his suit jacket. He didn’t particularly like dressing up, but he didn’t have an option. He didn’t want to go to this party, either, but he still didn’t have a choice. There was going to be a good chance that Wilson would be in attendance as well. Mac had hoped the f
irst time they saw each other after everything that had happened would be in private. He knew it was his fault for not seeking Wilson out like he so desperately wanted to, but he didn’t know what the omega wanted, and he didn’t want to hurt him.

  Originally, Mac had been dreading the possibility of seeing Wilson in such a public and formal setting. But when Mac walked into the party, his eyes immediately began searching for the man. When there was no sight of him, Mac found himself disappointed. He knew he shouldn’t be surprised. This party wasn’t mandatory for the other professors, which meant there was a slim to none chance that Wilson would show up. He wasn’t one for going to parties that he didn’t have to attend.

  Mac sighed as he started making his way through the crowd. There were more people in attendance than he would’ve expected. He headed over to the refreshments stand first to get a drink. He just needed something to do as he waited for this disaster to be over.

  “Hey,” a voice coming from his right startled him. Mac looked over to see his sister standing next to him, grinning.

  He gave her a soft smile. “Hello, Ashley.”

  “Why have you been ignoring me?” she asked him.

  Mac sighed. “I haven’t been ignoring you. I’ve been ignoring everyone in general. I haven’t been exactly social lately.”

  “Yeah, I noticed,” she said as she gave him a look. “You’re so different. I feel like I don’t even know you anymore.”

  His sister’s words hurt. Mostly because they were true. Mac had changed a lot over the past couple of months. He had also completely isolated himself and basically cut his sister off. If Mac were in her position, he would be hurt as well.

  He set his drink down before turning toward his sister and lightly placing his hands on her shoulders. “I’m sorry Ash, I really am. I promise we can sit down soon and I’ll catch you up on everything. No more of this, okay?”

  Ashley didn’t say anything for a moment as she searched his eyes for something. She seemed to find what she was looking for, and a smile spread across her face.

  “Okay, Mac. I’m holding you to your word this time,” she said as she playfully pointed a finger at him. “My date is waving me over, I have to go.”

  After Ashley walked away, Mac found himself on his own once again. He picked his drink back up from the table and made his way to the outskirts of the crowd. Normally, it didn’t matter to Mac what kind of party he was attending. Even if it was a retirement party, Mac would be the center of attention. He didn’t think like that anymore. He just hoped the night would pass quickly and no one would force him into a conversation.

  Mac leaned his back up against the wall and took a sip of his drink. Unfortunately, it wasn’t alcoholic. That was when he saw someone he never thought would show up to something like this.

  As soon as he saw Paul, Mac knew exactly why he was there. Maybe if Mac was lucky, he would be able to sneak out before the omega saw him. He dove into the crowd, trying to stay out of sight. A moment later, when Mac felt a hand on his arm, he knew he had failed and there was no getting away from this man.

  “It’s been too long since we’ve seen each other, Mac.”

  Hearing his name on Paul’s lips sent a chill down the alpha’s spine. Why couldn’t this man take a hint? Mac had made it obvious he had no interest in him.

  He turned around to face Paul, trying his best not to roll his eyes.

  “It’s only been a week,” he muttered.

  The other man obviously had no concept of personal space as he inched forward until he was practically pressed against Mac. Could this party get any worse?

  “A week is too long,” Paul whined with a smirk. “I guess I should learn to be more patient. This is temporary anyway. Soon, we’ll be seeing each other every day.”

  The words elicited a response in Mac that he hadn’t expected. He knew his father expected him to marry Paul. But when Paul alluded to their pending engagement, a fire lit inside Mac. Paul wasn’t his, and Mac didn’t want him. He wanted Wilson.

  “If you think I’m going to marry you after your behavior, then you’re more pathetic than I initially thought,” Mac said firmly. He had expected his words to finally scare the man off, but they seemed to have the exact opposite. For whatever reason, Mac’s words only seemed to further excite Paul.

  The smirk only grew on Paul’s face as he said, “I know you want me. You can deny it all you like, but I know the truth. I want you to own me, Mac.”

  Mac’s gaze darted around the room. There had to be some way he could get away from Paul. Every second he spent with the other man was pure torture. Nothing he could say was going to get Paul to see the truth.

  Mac took a slight step to the right, determined to get away from the interaction. But Paul mirrored his actions.

  What was this man’s problem?

  Mac was about to make a break for it when something stopped him. Paul threw himself at Mac, full force. Before Mac could get away from the man, Paul planted his lips on Mac’s. He was stunned. He did not understand this man at all. Why did the omega constantly throw himself at him even though it was obvious he wasn’t interested?

  A choked sob came from directly behind Mac. The sound brought him back to reality. He quickly separated his lips from Paul’s and spun around, even though he already knew who was behind him. Mac could sense him. Their eyes locked for a split second before Wilson took off through the crowd.

  Chapter 11

  Wilson wasn’t going to go the retirement party. He had never met the professor who the party was being thrown for. Plus, he knew for a fact that Mac would be at the party. He knew the Dean required his children to go to all of the University’s events, no matter what they were. He had been bouncing around the idea to go to the party for a week.

  Over the weekend, the only thing Wilson had managed to do was obsess over telling Mac that he was pregnant. Wilson had considered telling someone else the news first so he could get the words to come out of his mouth, but there wasn’t anyone Wilson had wanted to tell. Wilson had taken to practicing in the mirror instead, which only served to make him feel silly.

  Beyond stressing how he was going to tell Mac, Wilson had also been thinking about the when. He knew it shouldn’t be done anywhere near the University. This was a scandal in the making, and Wilson was trying to avoid the drama.

  He was pregnant with his student’s baby. Not just any student, either.

  The Dean’s son.

  If anyone from the University found out the truth, it would spread like wildfire. If anyone found out the truth, Wilson would lose his job. He probably wouldn’t have luck finding another after a scandal like that, either.

  Wilson debated texting Mac the news, except that while that seemed like the easiest thing to do, it also seemed completely insensitive. Besides, that was a good way for the information to get out. Then he thought about calling the alpha, but that still didn’t feel right. Maybe he should show up to his apartment? Except he didn’t know where that was, and he wasn’t about to ask anyone for that information.

  Before he knew it, the weekend was over and he still hadn’t made a decision. The rest of the week followed suit. Wilson was constantly worried about telling Mac, yet he didn’t make any decisions regarding the subject. The only problem was that if he saw Mac, he was sure he wouldn’t be able to keep the secret. But a University retirement party seemed like the completely wrong place to run into the alpha.

  That was how Wilson had ended up in his current predicament--standing in front of his mirror, half-dressed and completely distraught. Why couldn’t he make a decision to save his life?

  Wilson sat on the edge of his bed and cried. So far, pregnancy hadn’t been easy. Especially since he was in a complicated situation. The omega had always wanted the chance to be pregnant, but he had wanted the chance to have a baby with a man who he loved and who loved him. Not something like this. Not a dirty little secret.

  Mac needed to know the truth, and the more Wilson put it off, t
he more distraught he became. He would go to the party and ask Mac to speak with him privately. If he refused, then there wasn’t much that Wilson could do.

  The only thing he could do was try.

  By the time Wilson finished getting ready and left his apartment, he knew he was going to be more than a little late to the party. Luckily, no one was going to notice or care.

  When Wilson reached the building where the party was being held, he stopped in front of the doors to take a breather. He was nervous all over again. His hand was shaking as he reached out to open the door.

  There were far too many people in one room in Wilson’s opinion. But it didn’t matter. He was only here for one reason: to find Mac.

  The omega thrust himself into the crowd and started looking for the alpha he hadn’t seen in so long. He walked through the room, his eyes scanning every face. He didn’t think it would be this hard to spot Mac in a crowded room.

  Finally, he laid eyes on the man he was looking for and started to walk toward him. Time seemed to slow down, and with every step he took, it only slowed more. He couldn’t chicken out. He had to do this. Quitting wasn’t an option.

  Mac didn’t see Wilson coming. He was facing the other direction. It looked as if he was talking to another man, but he didn’t seem like he wanted to be. Wilson had finally reached Mac and was about to get his attention when something shocked him to the core.

  Wilson had been fully aware that Mac had plenty of conquests. Wilson wasn’t the only man who Mac had been with, not by a long shot. The alpha was known for sleeping with any man he wanted. Wilson wasn’t stupid. So why did it hurt so bad when Wilson saw that Mac was kissing another man?

  He wanted to leave.

  He wanted to run far away from Mac and never see the alpha again.

  The only problem was that he felt frozen. He was screaming at his limbs to start moving and get him far away, but they weren’t listening. It was as if there was a disconnect between his brain and his legs. He knew he’d stuck around too long when Mac turned around to face him. Somehow the situation would’ve been easier if Mac had never known that Wilson was standing there.


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