“I will.” Miguel doesn’t know that I stopped praying a long time ago, not that I ever really started, but for a short time in my life I tried it out and it didn’t work so I gave up.
“Tell Tex too, even if he is a Baptist, I’m sure God listens to us all.”
I look over at Tex. He’s never talked about religion before. Baptist, huh? Not that I really know the difference between being a Baptist or a Catholic, or Methodist like the family I was once with, but I’m pretty sure they all pray to the same God. “I’ll tell him.”
“Well, gotta go. Take care of the place.”
“We will and don’t worry.”
Miguel grumbles something and then hangs up the phone.
“Are we fired yet?” Tex asks.
“Only if you don’t have everything shoveled before the plows come through.”
He groans and takes a sip of his coffee.
Nina totally ignored my question. So, she’s not up to talking more today. I get that, but that music was something. Loved the artist’s voice. She’s fucking amazing. But some of the lyrics set me on edge and that’s all I was thinking about while I tried to sleep.
Maybe Nina just likes the music because it’s what she listened to as a kid, even if it was popular like fifteen years before she was born. Or, the beat, because it is good running music. But, I think there is more to it. Especially Hell is for Children. That one really bugged me. Yeah, she didn’t have the best childhood before she got into the system, but what happened to her after she was six? I want to know, but I’m afraid to find out.
What I got from the music, if it is for the lyrics, is that she pretty much doesn’t trust love, needs to be strong, needs to protect herself, and fight for convictions, or at least yourself, and the last one really got me, Don’t Let it Show. There were positive ones, too, though. I really liked Shadows of the Night and We Belong. It gave me hope that she’d open up and trust me. I get that she’s afraid of being hurt. It’s not like there have probably been a lot of people in her life that Nina’s been able to count on, but she’s got to know that I’d never intentionally hurt her. Besides, keeping things all bottled up, and wearing thick armor like she does, will only lead to loneliness for the rest of her life. Sometimes you need to risk the pain for something greater. And, even if it doesn’t work out, hopefully you can take something from the relationship and grow.
Not that I want to think about Nina and me ending, but she is 18 and I’m only 21. It’s my gut that’s telling me there’s a full future, it’s my head that keeps reminding me about our ages. I’m not even out of college and Nina hasn’t started yet. But then my heart tells me to ignore all of that and my head, and go with my gut.
“Want some breakfast, Tenney?”
“You did not just call me that.” I get up and go into the kitchen.
She’s standing in front of an open fridge.
“I didn’t know you cooked.”
“I can make a mean bowl of cereal, but I want something warm.” She closes the fridge and looks around. “Do you think Miguel has a cookbook around here somewhere?”
Nina doesn’t want people to take care of her, and even though it’s not much, I can help keep her from starving. I open the fridge and grab the sausage, eggs and biscuits. “I got this.”
“What are you going to make?”
“Biscuits and gravy with scrambled eggs.”
“Yum.” She refills her coffee. “What do you want me to do?”
“Turn on the stove and then get your ass back on the couch.”
Nina pouts up at me. “Why?”
“Because you’re a distraction.” I grab her around the waist and pull her right up against me before kissing her. I meant for it to be a quick kiss but should have known it wouldn’t end that way. Her arms go around my neck as she flattens herself against me. Her nipples harden and they practically burn a hole in my chest through her t-shirt and my cock comes to life, like it often does when Nina is around.
Deepening the kiss, her tongue tangles with mine and I forget all about food.
Sliding my hands down to her waist, I slip them under her t-shirt to feel her soft warm skin and slide them up her ribs and to her full boobs before brushing a thumb across each nipple. I want to strip her down right now, in the middle of Miguel’s kitchen and use that table for a purpose it was not intended.
Nina’s head falls back and she pushes her tits into my hands just as hot liquid burns its way down my back. I jerk and jump back.
Her eyes widen. “What? What’s wrong? Did I do something?”
I toss a towel at her and take the now empty mug from her hand and chuckle. “Remind me to take your coffee away before I start kissing you again.”
“Oh my God, did I burn you?”
“Just a little sting, no permanent damage, I promise.”
“Turn,” Nina orders and then starts wiping my back. “I am so sorry.”
“It’s nothing.”
“But I burned you. I am so sorry.”
Her being riddled with guilt is not how I wanted this to end. I turn and take the towel from her. “I’m fine. Nothing hurts.” I pull her close to me again. To hell with breakfast. Who needs food when Nina is finally in my arms and kissing me in ways that I forget myself?
Her hands slide down my back until they cup my ass and my cock gets harder than it has been in a really long time.
“Your pants are wet,” she mumbles against my lips.
“Your pants are wet, from the coffee.”
“Are you telling me to get out of them?”
“Yep!” And with those words, she pushes them and the boxers down over my hips until my cock springs free.
Is this really happening? How far does she want to go? I pull back and look at her. “Let me go get something else to put on.”
Her hands fall away and fear or shock floods her eyes as her cheeks begin to turn pink.
Did she think I was rejecting her? There is no way in hell. “Like a condom,” I add so she understands completely. “Unless you don’t…”
Nina doesn’t say anything, but her gaze is locked on my dick as she pulls her t-shirt up over her head and drops it on the kitchen floor.
I kick my pants and boxers away and then pick her up and carry her down the hall to her bedroom where I leave her on the bed. My first time with Nina is not going to be on a kitchen table. “Be right back.” I run away from her and head into my bedroom where I grab my condoms and get back to her as quickly as I can. Before she can change her mind.
When I get back, she’s under the covers and her pajama bottoms are on the floor. This is what I’ve dreamt about so many times. Nina, naked in bed, with me.
I’ve never been this bold in my life. Sex in the past has been when the guy wants it. Tex didn’t really say he wanted it, but his kisses and hard cock did all that talking. And, now we are going to do it. I get undressed and slide under the covers. Just because I’m getting naked with him doesn’t mean I want him to see all of me. Hell, I can’t believe I took my shirt off in front of him. I’ve never done that before.
Tex is back almost before I can completely cover myself and stops at the door.
His cock is long, hard and thick and something deep inside me starts to throb. That has never happened before, just like I never had tingly girly parts before I met Tex. Maybe this might be nice for a change.
“Are we really doing this?”
“Um, yeah.”
“Are you sure you want to?”
“I took my shirt off.”
“Nina, I need to know, are you really ready for this and do you want to? We can wait if you want.”
It’s a consent thing. I get it. “Would you just get in bed and fuck me?”
His eyes widen for a second and then he’s striding across the room and jumps on the bed, almost on top of me. He stares down into my eyes. “I’ve thought about this so much.”
Most guys with cocks think
about sex a lot. At least, that’s pretty much what I’ve come to believe after hearing the guys in high school.
“With you. I’ve wanted you for months.”
And with that, he starts kissing me. Bone melting, tender kisses, as if I’m cherished or something. Even when his tongue is in my mouth it’s an exploration, a mating. The temperature is seriously rising in the room, but I’m not about to push the covers away. There are things I won’t let him see yet, if ever.
Tex moves his lips from mine to my cheek, then neck, as he pushes the covers away from my boobs. They are swollen and my nipples are so tight they are almost painful. I’m not sure what to do with myself so I hold onto his shoulders and then he takes one nipple in his mouth, sucks and then teases with his teeth. A jolt of pleasure shoots right to my groin. Wow! That’s never happened before either. Tex is producing a whole slew of sensations that I was pretty sure didn’t really exist.
He kisses his way down to my navel and starts to push the blanket further down and that’s when I have to stop him. I put my hand over his and he glances up at me. “Blankets stay at the waist.”
He frowns but doesn’t argue and slides back up my body, even as his hand disappears under the blanket.
As soon as he touches my girly parts, I nudge his leg and spread mine. That’s how it goes.
“What are you doing?”
I figured he had more experience than I did. Maybe I’m wrong. “What do you think I’m doing? Your cock, in me, right?”
His fingers slide into my folds and brush across my clit.
I jerk at the pleasure. So not what I was expecting.
“Nina, are you a virgin?”
“No.” Am I so bad at this he has to ask?
His fingers dip further to my opening, and slide inside. My breath hitches as he pulls the slick wetness back to my clit and rubs again. Heat and achiness spreads through my pelvic region.
His fingers stop, just resting there, on top of my clit that’s throbbing in a way that I didn’t think was possible.
“When did you first have sex?”
“Fourteen.” I mumble
“When did you last have sex?”
“Were the guys the same age?”
“They were sixteen and seventeen?”
“How many have you had?”
This is getting really personal. “How many have you had?”
The whole time his fingers have just rested there, driving me mad. I want to know what comes next. I thought I knew, but I’m beginning to think I may be wrong.
His face turns red. “Okay, you don’t have to answer that question.”
“Three,” I blurt out.
“So, you’ve been with three guys who fucked you.”
“What is the big deal?”
His fingers tease my clit again and I jerk as the burst of pleasure shoots into my core.
“None of them pleasured you?”
So, that is what this is about. “It doesn’t happen with me.” I so don’t want Tex to be spending time trying to get me off and then getting frustrated when it doesn’t happen. I’ve been down that road before and it’s frustrating for both people involved. I’m also pretty sure that the female orgasm is probably a myth invented by some guy somewhere. Sure, I like when Tex touches me and kisses me, and I really like what he’s doing right now, but it’s not going to go anywhere. No fireworks and stuff like that. That much I have learned. “Tex you don’t have to waste your energy on me. It’s not going to happen.” He might as well know upfront.
Tex just frowns down at me. “Nina? Do you trust me?”
“I’m naked in bed with you, aren’t I?”
“Then, let me do this my way, and if you don’t like any of it, we’ll do things your way.”
“What is your way?” Did he want to tie me up, go places where no guy has gone before?
Maybe he wants me to go down on him. I can do that. A blow job is no big deal.
“Let me learn your body. Learn you. Find out what you like and what you don’t because I’m not going in until I get what I want.”
“Going in is getting what you want.”
“Oh no, darlin’, that is only the icing on the cake. It’s the getting there that’s half the fun.”
His green eyes are so intense that I almost believe him. “Blankets stay at the waist,” I remind him.
“This time,” he agrees before he sucks my nipple into his mouth and his fingers move around my clit.
The pressure does start to build, and there are waves of pleasure and just when I think something is going to happen, he moves his fingers away, dipping them deep inside of me, thrusting as his thumb circles my clit before he draws more slickness back to the nub. This time he brushes around it, then on top, but not in a rough way, not like guys before who caused more pain than anything nice.
He increases his tempo as his mouth takes turns between my boobs. It is a ride. Almost like a roller coaster, up and down as wave upon wave rushes through me. Inside I’m getting tighter and tighter and all I can do is hold onto his shoulders because I have no idea what the hell is happening to me, or what to do for him.
Then, before I can prepare, it’s like there is an explosion from my clit to deep inside, so excruciatingly wonderful that my body stiffens, my back arches and I cry out, before Tex slows and I drift back to the bed.
My heart is pounding so hard it might just burst out of my chest and I’m breathing like I just ran ten miles flat out.
I blink up and Tex is hovering over me, wearing a grin about the size of Texas. “And that darlin’ is part of the fun in getting there.”
“Holy crap, what the hell was that?”
“Well, if you have to ask, then I’d say it was your first orgasm.” Damn it feels good to be the one to give Nina her first of what I hope will be many in the future.
Chuckling, I slip under the blankets and put myself between the beautiful thighs that she won’t let me see, but I know they’ve got to be gorgeous. She tilts her hips as I brace myself up on my elbows and press against her opening and stop. “Are you sure?”
“Don’t ever ask that again.” With the heel of her foot, she presses against my ass cheek, pushing me home. Her warm, tight heat envelopes my cock, and squeezes.
“Don’t do that.”
“What?” She’s startled as if she did something wrong.
“Feels too good.” I kiss her. “I’d like this to last more than a millisecond.”
Nina grins up at me, almost relieved. She may have had sex before but she’s lacking in experience, which I am totally cool with, and rather like, a lot.
But, I do need to gain control or it’s going to be over in the blink of an eye. Hell, I barely made it in her, so close to coming when she orgasmed. Damn, that was a beautiful sight.
Nina rises to meet each of my thrusts, but I keep the tempo slow. I’ve waited like forever to be deep inside her and I’m not rushing this.
“Look at me.”
She blinks up, her eyes are dilated and they are more green than grey right now.
I don’t look away but watch her, her eyes, her face, as the pressure builds and we move together.
Her breath hitches as I press deeper. My balls draw up, my cock thickens but I try to hold back. She’s close, I think. Deeper and deeper I thrust, increasing the tempo. Her eyes close, head goes back and there is a small gasp as her walls tighten and clench around me. There’s no holding back now as my orgasm hits, a release so strong that it nearly blinds me and I felt it all the way to my toes. With a groan I drop my head to her shoulder, but keep my weight supported by my elbows so I don’t crush her, though I’m surprised I even have the strength for that. Never in my life has an orgasm been so strong, so good and so sweet all at once.
“You’re right,” she says.
“About what?”
“The getting there being half the fun, but the icing on the cake is pretty sweet too.”
Chuckling, I r
oll off her and pull Nina close. “I love you, Nina.”
She stills for a minute. I really hadn’t meant for that to come out just yet. It’s what I’ve been feeling, but I’ve kind of been afraid to say the words. Was it too much, too soon, too cliché because we just had sex for the first time?
A moment later she relaxes and sighs. “I’m pretty sure I love you too, Tenney.”
I’d tell her not to call me that, but I can feel her grin against my chest. It’s just her defenses rearing up for a bit, but that’s okay, eventually I’ll destroy them all.
Besides, she said she was pretty sure she felt the same. That’s better than nothing, right?
It’s all I can do to stay awake. I got lots of sleep last night, so why am I so tired? Unless it is because my body is still recovering from the best sex on the planet? I still can’t get over the fact that sex can be amazing. Sex with Tex is amazing. Damn, orgasms are amazing and I had two.
I didn’t want to get out of bed because it was really, really nice just lying there with Tex, my head on his chest, his arm around me, fingers playing with my hair. I’ve never done anything like that before. Most of the time I don’t want people to touch me. But Tex is completely different.
He loves me.
I’m not sure if he said it because of what we just did and he felt obligated or something, or he really feels it. Knowing Tex, he thinks he really feels it, just like I think I feel it too, but I’ve never felt love for a guy before, so I’m not sure if that is what this is.
The only thing that got us out of bed was my traitor’s stomach when it growled. Tex patted my belly and said he’d get started on breakfast. I waited until he was gone before I got out of bed. He can look at me from the waist up but I’m going to put off him seeing anything between my knees and my hip bones forever, if that’s possible. Well, it’s not like he needs to be looking at anything down there anyway. It’s not exactly a part of the body for gazing on, just touching and filling up. And, he sure knows how to fill things up.
Since the biscuits and gravy that was more lunch than breakfast, we’ve been cuddled on the couch watching television. The snow is still coming down on what is being called by one channel Snowmageddon and another, Snowpocalypse. Whatever it is, this storm has not let up, which I’m perfectly fine with. It can snow into next week for all I care, as long as I’m here with Tex, and nobody else.
All Horns and Rattles: The Baxter Boys #5 (The Baxter Boys ~ Rattled) Page 15