The Silencer

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The Silencer Page 33

by RC Boldt

  I eliminate those who prey on innocence.

  I show the children I rescue that they’re no longer alone. Because as long as I’m still on this earth, I will ensure they’re never again silenced.

  Folding the worn photograph and sliding it back in my pocket, I place my fingers between my lips and let out a sharp whistle. My best buddy bounds around the corner, his vest already secured to his body.

  I pet him. “Good boy. Are you ready to go?”

  He gives a brief bark of confirmation and wags his short tail. I do a final check of my holstered weapons, then exit the house with him by my side.

  With a grim smile, I smooth a hand along his sleek black fur. “Let’s go hunt some monsters.”


  This book is for you. Remember that you are not a victim. You are a survivor.


  Strong and courageous.


  Excerpt from Hell Hath No Fury





  This isn’t a tale for the tenderhearted, the judgmental, or those who refuse to think outside the box and look at the broader picture. Those who think that everything is black and white. Simple. Cut and dried.

  It’s not. There’s always shades of gray.

  It’s easier to say “I’d never” when you’re sitting safely at home with the people you love most right by your side. When grief hasn’t woven itself so deeply into the fabric of your DNA that it can never be unraveled. There can be no separation. And even if you tried, it would only result in you becoming a frayed and tangled mess.

  It’s easy to say you’d never walk the treacherous moral tightrope. But you aren’t the one who plummeted to the depths of hell, littered with the agony of loss and the anger of injustice, and had to claw your way out.

  This story isn’t scrawled on pristine white pages in bold black ink. Marred, torn, and blood-spattered, its chapters hold deep gouges inflicted by betrayal.

  This story is about a woman who had everything taken from her.

  And how she took it all back.





  “Fuck you, bitch!” His eyes spear me with pure hatred, and I’m sure he’s pissed for a multitude of reasons.

  One of those might be due to the lethal broadhead arrow piercing his thigh and pinning him to the chair—and an uncomfortable one by the looks of it.

  But the real kick in the teeth is that a woman is doing all this to him.


  “Now, now.” My tone drips with condescension. “Is that any way to talk to a lady? I’m merely saying the Dixie Mafia should pay better than this.” With my bow in hand, I gesture to the interior of the house we’re in. It’s so goddamn plain, it looks institutional. “Plus,” I muse conversationally, “I think this place could use a woman’s touch. Don’t you?”

  “Fuck you!”

  When I slam the steel edge of the bow down on his left knee, he howls. “You really should broaden your repertoire of responses.” I fix him with a look of exaggerated sorrow. “I think you’re just blaming me for your heinous excuse for surveillance.”

  His piece-of-shit partner snarls at me, teeth and gums showing the evidence of his monogamous relationship with chewing tobacco. Blood seeps from the wound in his shoulder where an arrow pins him to the back of the chair. “We ain’t into no anus shit!”

  I stare at him. “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Maybe I ought to beat the shit out of you with a dictionary instead.”

  Dipshit with the arrow through his thigh glares at the other man. “She said heinous, not anus, you asshole!” Then he turns to me. “You won’t get away with this. Boss’ll notice us gone and send guys after you.”

  When my mouth forms a grin laden with pure menace, the men’s expressions change in a flash.

  “Oh, I’m banking on it, boys.”

  I wasn’t always like this. I lived a simple life. I was married to a wonderful man and had a beautiful little girl. My dad was the typical doting grandfather.

  Then one day, in the blink of an eye, it was gone. They took everything from me and nearly succeeded in taking my life, too.

  Sometimes, I wish they had. I wish I’d died right along with them. Instead, I got left behind, buried beneath the suffocating rubble of heartache and devastation.

  Now I’m extinguishing the lives of those who played a part in taking my family from me.

  It’s time to see that justice is finally served.

  Click here to read more!

  About the Author

  RC Boldt is a USA Today bestselling author who enjoys long walks on the beach, running, reading, people watching, and singing karaoke.

  RC loves hearing from her readers at [email protected].

  For the latest updates on upcoming book releases, you can find them here:





  Facebook Readers Group

  Check out my other titles:

  Out of Love


  Out of the Ashes


  He Loves Me…KNOT

  Tap That (with Jennifer Blackwood)

  The Good Samaritan


  With a Hitch

  Choose Me

  Too Good at Goodbyes

  Hell Hath No Fury

  Truth in Pieces


  Massive thanks to my editing and proofreading “fairies” Alpha Beta, Editing 4 Indies, Diamond in the Rough Editing, Judy’s Proofreading, and Deaton Author Services who helped me whip this book into shape; to Hang Le for an incredible cover; to my incredible publicist Nina and the entire team at Social Butterfly PR, and my awesome assistant Melissa—I adore and am so utterly grateful to each of you!!

  Of course, I most definitely wish to thank the following (in no particular order):

  Sarah—my Australian BFF who still puts up with me after, what? Shy of five years, now? Good lord. You deserve a medal. And wine. Lots and lots of wine. Thank you for always being in my corner. #LYLT

  Patricio—Dude, you let me pick your brain about poison and how to kill people and make it look like it’s NOT a homicide. I’m thankful you know me well enough not to be concerned. Muchas gracias, mi amigo.

  My beta readers—Thank you for offering useful feedback and helping me with this story.

  My readers—Without your support, your sweet emails and reviews, and you sharing my books with others, none of this would be possible!

  My readers group—I am beyond grateful for your support, excitement, and feedback when I share my ideas with you. I love you guys!

  All the book bloggers & reviewers—Please know that the time you take to read and review my books and/or do promo posts is appreciated beyond words. I’m more grateful than words can ever express!!




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