Quantum Series Boxed Set, Books 1-7

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Quantum Series Boxed Set, Books 1-7 Page 17

by Marie Force

  “That sounds good.”

  Without making a fuss of it, he helps me into my clothes. I don’t miss the flash of desire that overtakes him at the sight of my bare breasts. Knowing he wants me so badly is a powerful thrill.

  Once I’m decent, he rings for Jacob, and we enjoy a delicious meal of tender filet mignon and cheesy scalloped potatoes.

  “These potatoes are my new favorite food ever,” I tell him.

  “They are pretty damned good.” He refills our wineglasses.

  Between the rich red wine, the delicious food, the sexy man keeping me company and the restorative nap, I’m feeling more relaxed than I have in years—a thought I share freely with him when my inclination is to keep most thoughts to myself.

  “I’m so glad to hear that. I want you to relax and enjoy everything this weekend. You so deserve to be pampered.”

  “I don’t know if I deserve it, but I won’t say no to it.”

  “We’re going to have a lot of fun. I promise you that.”

  The approach into LAX is bumpy due to wind, and I cling to Flynn’s hand. When the wheels finally touch down on the runway, I can finally breathe normally again.

  “You okay?”

  “Much better now that we’re back on the ground.”

  “Me, too.”

  “You don’t like to fly?”

  “It’s not my favorite thing to do, but a necessary evil in my life.”

  We say good-bye and thanks to Jacob before we deplane on the tarmac, where a car is waiting for us. In the short minutes we’re outside, I appreciate the warmth after the deep freeze in New York. Flynn helps me into another low-slung black sports car while someone else sees to our luggage.

  We’re driving away from the airport minutes after we arrive. “This is all very impressive.”

  “What is?”

  “The efficiency with which you travel.”

  “Another necessary evil. The last time I flew commercial, the airline ‘invited’ me not to fly with them again because my presence on the plane caused a one-hour delay in departure, and I got mobbed in the airport, which isn’t as much fun as it sounds.”

  “They actually came right out and asked you not to fly with them again?”

  “Not in so many words, but the message was received loud and clear. I’m apparently too disruptive.”


  “See what I mean when I tell you it’s not all champagne and tuxedos?”

  “I’m beginning to see there’s a definite downside to fame.”

  “Not that I’d ever complain about my truly amazing life.”

  “You always have to add that disclaimer, don’t you?”

  “Last thing in the world I’d ever want anyone to think is that I’m ungrateful for what has been a truly astonishing career and life. The only downside has been the loss of anonymity and the ability to move around freely. Every outing has to be carefully choreographed, and that gets tiresome. But again—not complaining, just stating the facts of my reality.”

  “Which is another thing the entertainment websites and news shows don’t cover when it comes to celebrities.”

  “Exactly. That’s because if they cover it, they’d have to acknowledge their role in creating the insatiable desire for personal information about celebrities. They’d also have to take responsibility for the fact that they often endanger us—and themselves—in the pursuit of the big story. It’s a catch-22 for them.”

  “It’s all very interesting to me, to see it from your point of view.”

  “We go into this business knowing that’s part of it, but until you’ve lived it, you can’t imagine how invasive it can be.” He glances over at me. “Which is why I’m so concerned about exposing you to it.”

  “And I appreciate your concern. I really do. But if my choices are to put up with some attention from the media or never see you again, I’ll take my lumps with the press.”

  He reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze. “I’ll keep you safe, sweetheart. I promise.”

  “I know you will. So what kind of car is this?” I ask, looking to take the conversation in a less intense direction.

  “This beauty is an Aston Martin Vanquish.”

  “You do love your cars.”

  “It’s one of my two addictions—neither of them illegal.”

  As we exit the freeway, I ask, “Where’re we going?”

  “My place in the hills tonight and tomorrow night. We’re staying in town on Sunday.” He looks over at me again. “Is that okay?”

  “Sure. It sounds good.” Though he’s told me repeatedly that he has no expectations, what happened on the plane has changed my expectations. I want to be close to him. I want to let him in. I want things I’ve never wanted before. Am I prepared to give him everything? No, not yet. But I want more than nothing.

  “Now what’re you thinking?”

  “I don’t know how to say it.”

  “I told you before—just put it out there. Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out.”

  “Remember when you asked me to come on this trip and you promised separate bedrooms?”

  “I haven’t forgotten. My place has four extra bedrooms. You can have your pick.”

  “What if I pick your room?”

  “That’s fine, too. I can sleep anywhere.”

  When I realize he’s missed my meaning, I begin to laugh. His baffled glance only makes me laugh harder.

  “What the hell is so funny?”

  “You are. We are. I’m trying to tell you I want to sleep with you, and I’m bungling it badly.”

  “Oh. You do?”

  “Yeah. Is that okay?”

  “Baby, that is the best news I’ve ever gotten.”

  “I’m not saying I want to, you know, do everything. But I want to be with you.”

  “I want to be with you, too, and I can’t wait to sleep with you in my arms.”

  I shiver in anticipation of spending a full night with him—something I never thought I’d want from any man until this one came along and showed me what’s still possible despite everything I’ve been through. I also acknowledge that I’m falling in love with him, one sweet moment at a time. He seems to understand me innately, in a way that no one ever has. And that he’s willing to let me set the pace is a precious and priceless gift to me.

  Flynn’s house is way up in the Hollywood Hills in a location I could never find again if I had to. He punches in a code that opens the big iron gates that guard the property and drives into a circular driveway, coming to a stop outside the front door.

  A young woman with long blonde hair comes rushing out the front door to greet us. “You’re here! Welcome home.” She gives Flynn a huge hug before turning to give me the same greeting. “So nice to meet you, Natalie.”

  “Um, you too.”

  “Natalie, this is Addison, my assistant.”

  I’m shocked by how young and beautiful she is.

  “My friends call me Addie.”

  “Nice to meet you, Addie. Flynn says he’d be lost without you.”

  “Flynn had better say that.”

  “I speak only the truth,” Flynn says, like the wise man he is.

  Addie hooks her arm through mine. “We’re going to have so much fun this weekend. I’ve got stylists standing in line for a chance to dress you for Sunday. And two weeks from now, too. Is she coming to the SAGs, Flynn?”

  He follows us into the house, hauling the luggage. “We haven’t gotten that far yet.”

  I look over at him. “SAGs?”

  “Screen Actors Guild Awards. They’re at the end of the month. ’Tis the season.”

  “Oh, well, I doubt I can do two weekends in one month, with work and everything.”

  “That’s what I figured, but I did plan to ask.”

  “Sorry if I beat you to the punch,” Addie says with playful chagrin. “Anyway, I just wanted to be here to say hello when you got home. I hit the grocery store, so you’re all stocked up. I’ll be here t
omorrow around ten so Natalie can choose her dress. Sound good?”

  “Sounds great.” Flynn kisses her on the forehead. “Thanks for everything and for getting the car to the airport for me.”

  She waves off his thanks. “Johnny did that.” For my benefit, she adds, “He won’t let me drive the Aston.”

  “I’m only protecting the car.”

  “A girl has one or three fender benders in a year, and suddenly no one will let her drive their two-hundred-fifty-thousand-dollar car. It’s so not fair.”

  I laugh because how can I not? She’s hilarious.

  “It’s more than fair. Now get out of here before I kick you out.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m going. I got better things to do on a Friday night than deal with you.”

  Listening to them, I get much more of a brother-sister vibe than I do a lover vibe, and I’m relieved.

  Addie takes off, leaving me alone in the gorgeous one-story house with Flynn.

  “How about a quick tour?”

  “I’d love it.”

  He leaves our bags in the foyer and takes my hand to lead me into a warm, cozy kitchen that I immediately fall in love with. “This is fabulous!” It’s all dark wood and cool marble that I run my hand over reverently. A center island is surrounded by barstools, and I can picture gatherings happening right there.

  “The kitchen is new, but I should start with the pedigree. This house once belonged to Marlena Davis. She sold it to Frank Thompson, and his estate sold it to me.”

  “That’s some pedigree. Three of the biggest movie stars in history have owned it.”

  “Check out the view.” He leads me over to floor-to-ceiling windows that look out over an in-ground pool with Los Angeles spread out in all her glory far beneath us. “It’s even better than your view in New York.”

  “I know. I love it. In the daytime, we can see all the way to the Pacific from here. Come see the rest.”

  He shows me his cluttered office, the room that doubles as an at-home movie theater and a game room, and the four extra bedrooms, all of them neat and nicely decorated and each with an en suite bathroom. “This is my room.” He flips on the lights in a spacious room with the same view of the Hollywood Hills as the living room.

  “That’s the biggest bed I’ve ever seen.”

  “It’s a California king.”

  “Figures you all do everything bigger and better out here.”

  “So much I could say to that.”

  “But you won’t.”

  “But I won’t.” He kisses my nose and then my lips. “The bed is so big, you won’t even know I’m there.”

  “What’s the point of that?”

  His mouth opens and then closes as he apparently thinks better of whatever he was about to say. “How about a swim?”


  “Why not?”

  “Sure, we can do that.”

  “Hang tight, and I’ll get the bags.”

  I take advantage of the opportunity to take a closer look at his room, including the family photos displayed prominently on his dresser and bedside table. He’s obviously close to his bevy of nieces and nephews, who hang all over him in the photos. I pick up one of him with three blond little boys squirming on his lap, and the happy smile on his face touches me deep inside. This is a man who loves fiercely.

  “Those are my sister Annie’s kids—Connor, Mason and Garrett. Little monkeys.”

  I return the photo to his bedside table. “They’re adorable.”

  “Yes, they are.” Flynn opens a door to a huge walk-in closet. “I’ll stick your bag in here, okay?”


  “Is it too much to hope for a really skimpy bikini in there?” he asks with a salacious grin.

  “Maybe. Maybe not.” I’m now really glad I bought what I consider a very sexy bikini when he told me to bring a bathing suit on the trip, and I didn’t have the heart to tell him I didn’t own one. I bought it online, hoping it would fit, and paid more than the suit cost to have it delivered in time for the trip.

  “Mmm, don’t keep me in suspense for too long.” He leaves me with a kiss. “I’ll be outside when you’re ready. The door is off the living room.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  I take a minute to unpack my cosmetic bag and put it in the huge bathroom that adjoins his room. After I brush my hair and teeth, I reach for the bathing suit. My hands tremble ever so slightly as I change into the red bikini. By Leah’s standards, it would be considered massively conservative. By my standards, it’s racy. Perhaps too racy, but it’s the only suit I have, so I’ll wear it. Thinking of Leah reminds me I need to check on Fluff, so I shoot off a quick text to my roommate, who graciously agreed to watch her this weekend.

  Leah writes right back. All is well here. She’s decided she wants to sleep with me since you’re not available.

  Aww, she loves you.

  No, she loves YOU, but you’ve abandoned her for Hollywood. How is it out there? I bet it’s awesome.

  It’s really nice. We’re at his place in LA, about to go in the pool.

  I hate your guts. Have I told you that lately?

  Ha! Did I mention the private jet that brought us here?

  No, I really do hate you.

  Love you too. Smooches to you and Fluff. Take good care of my baby.

  Will do. Send pictures and have FUN!


  Chapter 13

  I pull on the cover-up I bought to match the suit, thankful now that I spent the extra money on the cover-up. The thought of parading through his house wearing only a bikini freaks me out. And then his words from the plane come back to remind me of what’s possible with him.

  “I hope someday you and I will have a lot of sex. I hope someday you and I will start and end each day wrapped in each other’s arms. I hope maybe someday, you’ll be able to do whatever you want with me any time you want to do it and know that you’ll always be welcome and safe in my arms, in my bed, in my life. And because I know when all that happens it’ll be extraordinary, to say the least, I’m willing to wait. For as long as it takes, I’ll wait. I’ll wait for you.”

  My insides quiver the same way they did when he first said those words to me. Though my inclination is always to be skeptical, with him I’m not. I believe him when he says he’ll wait for me, no matter how long it takes me to get there. He’ll wait. Knowing that takes the pressure off and allows me to relax enough to enjoy this adventure he’s taking me on.

  I walk through the house to the living room and notice he’s left the door open for me. The lights are now on inside the pool, casting a glow over the deck where Flynn waits for me, dressed only in a pair of board shorts. His back is to me, but I can tell he’s checking his phone while he waits.


  He spins around, and once again, his mouth opens and then snaps shut. After a short pause in which he only stares at me, he says, “You’re so beautiful, Nat. You literally steal the breath from my lungs.”

  Equally taken in by him, I cross the pool deck. “You’re quite beautiful yourself.” His chest and abdomen are ripped with well-defined muscles that make me want to run my fingers—and my tongue—over them.

  “I ain’t got nothing on you.”

  “I know a few million women who would disagree.”

  He slips his arms around me and brings me in close. “The only one who matters is right here.”

  I go up on tiptoes to kiss him.

  “What did I do to deserve that?”

  “You’re very sweet.”

  He scowls at the term. “No, I’m really not.”

  “Yes, you really are.”

  “Natalie…” He seems tormented as he appears to weigh whether he wants to say more.

  “What is it?”

  “Nothing, sweetheart.” He kisses my forehead. “Let’s swim.”

  Despite what he says, I can see something is troubling him. I decide to wait for another chance to ask him about it. />
  We swim, we snuggle underwater, and we laugh—a lot—when we’re not kissing, which is most of the time. As promised, he’s a perfect gentleman. His hands never wander from my hips or back. By the time we get out of the pool more than an hour later, my skin is pruned and my body is craving more of what he gave me on the plane.

  My first orgasm. It’s beyond embarrassing to admit, even to myself and especially to him, that at nearly twenty-four, I’d never experienced that particular bliss until he took me there. I’m so accustomed to keeping everything to myself that sharing something like that will take courage I don’t have quite yet.

  I’m beginning to believe, however, that I’ll get there. Eventually. I’m beginning to believe the day will come when I share most of my thoughts with him.

  With the sun long gone, the evening air is chilly. Flynn wraps a big towel around me and leads me straight to the massive shower in the master bathroom. There are knobs and valves and a wide variety of showerheads as well as room for a family of six. “I’m going to need a shower tutorial here.”

  “I gotcha covered.” He turns on the water and sets it to fall from the rainforest showerhead above.

  “I left shampoo and stuff on the counter. Would you mind grabbing it for me?”

  “No problem.” He returns with the shampoo and the conditioner bottle he’s opened to smell. “Mmm, so that’s the source of the most incredible scent.”

  I take the bottles from him, but he shows no signs of leaving.

  “Want some help with the shampoo?”

  “Is that a metaphor?”

  His laughter echoes through the bathroom. “No, that’s my genuine attempt to get my hands on your gorgeous hair.”

  “In that case, come on in.”

  Still wearing the board shorts, he steps into the stall and takes the shampoo from me. He takes his time massaging my scalp and running his fingers through the length of my hair. By the time he’s finished with the conditioner, I’m leaning against him because my legs no longer feel sturdy under me.

  The cloud of steam around us adds to the erotic atmosphere. His every touch and caress sets me on fire for things I thought I’d never want from any man. But in his arms, I’ve discovered that underneath the trauma and the scars on my soul is a normal young woman with all the same desires other women have.


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