Quantum Series Boxed Set, Books 1-7

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Quantum Series Boxed Set, Books 1-7 Page 25

by Marie Force

  I wanted to claw out Johnny Depp’s bedroom eyes when he hugged my girl for a little too long before, a reaction I’m not proud of in hindsight. He’s a friend and didn’t do anything wrong. But I hate that Natalie finds him attractive. And yes, I know that’s totally unreasonable because most women—including all three of my sisters—think he’s irresistible.

  As the clock strikes two a.m., my mother decides she’s had enough. “Take me home, Max.”

  “As you wish, my love.” He winks at me. “And that, right there, is the secret to a long and happy marriage.”

  They offer to drop us back at The Beverly Hilton, where I’ve booked a two-bedroom suite for the night. In light of my colorful dreams the last couple of nights, I plan to make use of that second room. I can’t sleep next to her and not touch her. I’m not made of stone.

  While we wait for my dad’s driver to bring their car around, I discover I’m more than a little drunk and Natalie isn’t in much better shape. She’s leaning into me with a sort of reckless abandon that I find wildly attractive. Who am I kidding? Everything she does is wildly attractive to me.

  And my parents are tuned in to the connection between us. I’ve noticed them watching us with barely restrained glee. They know this is different as much as I do.

  Dad’s driver pulls up to the main door of The Beverly Hilton. They get out to kiss us both good night.

  “Proud of you, son,” my dad says gruffly as he hugs me.

  His praise brings tears to my eyes. “Thanks, Dad.”

  “And Natalie, you look positively gorgeous tonight,” Max says when he hugs her. “I hope we see you again very soon.”

  “I hope so, too, Mr. Godfrey.”

  “Max. Please call me Max.”

  “Thank you, Max.”

  We hug and kiss my mom and wave them off as they leave. I take Natalie’s hand and lead her into the lobby, which is still full of people even in the middle of the night. I’m waylaid by well-wishers and requests for autographs, which I take care of quickly so I can get Natalie upstairs.

  We have the elevator to ourselves, so I sag against the back wall and she sags against me. I wrap my arms around her waist and nuzzle her neck.

  “My feet are killing me. I haven’t worn four-inch heels in, well, ever.”

  “I’ll give you a foot rub.”

  She groans in anticipation, and that quickly, I’m rock hard.

  “You were the most beautiful woman in that room tonight.”

  “Sure I was,” she says with a laugh.

  “You’re the only one I noticed.” I hold up the award that hasn’t been out of my hands all night. “Hang on to this for me?”


  I love her gasp of surprise when I sweep her up into my arms and carry her down the long hallway to our suite.

  “Flynn… What’re you doing?”

  “Your feet hurt. I’m just giving you a lift. Can you grab the keycard out of my shirt pocket?”

  She roots around inside my suit coat until she finds the key, which she hands to me with a goofy smile.

  “You’re drunk.”

  “I’m not drunk. I’m pleasantly buzzed.”

  I put her down outside the door and use the keycard to gain entry. She goes in ahead of me, and I love her reaction to the elegant suite. “This is awesome!”

  “I’m glad you like it. You’ll find your bag in that room.” I point to the larger of the two rooms, which I’ve designated as hers. Addie has seen to all the details, as always.

  Natalie kicks off her shoes and groans again from the relief of being free of the shoes. That groan of hers is an incredible turn-on. “Will you unzip me?”

  I cross the room to her, where she stands before the window that looks out over Beverly Hills and Hollywood in the distance. I find the zipper tab under her right arm and ease it down below her hip, nearly drooling at the sight of the silky, smooth skin that comes into view as the dress falls open.

  I’m unable to resist temptation, which is how my right hand ends up encircling her ribs. Her head comes back to rest upon my shoulder. “Flynn…”

  “What, sweetheart?”

  “Take me to bed. Please?”

  “You have rules, honey. Rules that are important to you.”

  “They were my protection. I don’t need them with you.”

  “I don’t want you to hate me after.”

  “I’ll never hate you. I love you too much to ever hate you.”

  “What happened last night…”

  She turns to me then, looking up at me with those expressive eyes that act as mirrors to her soul. “I’ll be all right because it’s you, and you love me.”

  Her faith humbles me. “Yes, I do. I love you so fucking much, it’s not even funny.” I’m willing to change who I am for you, I want to add, but I don’t. I’ve said enough.

  “Show me.”

  I push the dress off her shoulders, and it pools at her feet, leaving her in only a black strapless bra and matching thong. Taking her hand, I help her step out of the dress and then sweep her up again to carry her to the bedroom. She makes for a very sweet bundle, especially when she loops her arms around my neck and lays her head against my chest.

  I set her down next to the bed and begin removing the studs that hold my shirt together.

  Natalie pushes my hands aside and takes over. When she removes the last one, she drops them into my hand and then pushes my shirt apart, nuzzling her face into my chest hair. I’m dying for her. I’m on fire. But before I can give in to the desire that has overtaken us, practicalities must be seen to.

  “Hold on just a second, sweetheart.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Not a thing. But we need protection. I’ll be right back.” I kiss her and hurry into the other bedroom. I’ve tucked an unopened box of condoms into my bag just in case we needed them. I didn’t expect to need them tonight, though. I take one second—and only one second, because she’s waiting for me—to summon the control I’ll need to make this good for her. My biggest fear is sparking her greatest fears. I can’t let that happen, not when she has entrusted me with something so precious.

  I pull off my jacket, shirt and pants, leaving the tux in a pile on the floor in my haste to get back to her. In the other bedroom, I find her stretched out on the bed, her head propped up on her hand. She’s lit candles on the bedside table that cast a warm romantic glow over the room. She pats the bed next to her, and I’m lost. Any remaining hesitation melts away in the face of her blatant invitation. I can only hope neither of us will regret this tomorrow.

  “Are you sure you’re not drunk?”

  “Very sure.”

  “And you’ll remember this in the morning?”

  Her sexy, husky laugh goes straight to my cock. “I sure hope so.”

  She’s fucking amazing, as if all the dreams I’ve ever had have come to life in one perfect woman who seems to love me as much as I love her. I push aside the nagging thoughts about what I’m giving up to be with her. There’s no place for those thoughts in this room. Not now. Not tonight.

  I crawl onto the bed and come down next to her. She reaches for me, and our lips find each other in a greedy, hungry kiss that sends my need straight into the red zone. The heat that’s been building between us since the minute we met threatens to boil over as we cling to each other, our tongues battling fiercely.

  She tastes like wine and honey and the sweetness so uniquely hers. I could drown in that sweetness, and I’d die happy. I’ve never wanted anything or anyone the way I want her. I want to possess her, own her, make her mine and love her so thoroughly, she’ll never look at another man for the rest of her life.

  Behind her back, I release the hooks that hold her bra together and push it out of my way, impatient to have her completely bared to me. The thong comes off next, and I take a moment to appreciate the spectacular sight of Natalie’s naked body, stretched out on the stark-white comforter.

  I can’t decide what I
want to touch first. Every inch of her appeals to me—from full luscious breasts with berry-red nipples to the hollow of her belly to the jut of hipbones, to long sexy legs and the sweet pussy that lies between them, beckoning me.

  Kneeling between her legs, I begin at her feet with the promised massage that draws the sexiest moans from her lips. When both feet have been seen to, I pull her legs up and over mine, opening her to me. I want to tell her to put her hands over her head, to grasp the headboard and not let go, but tonight is not about domination. It’s about love and respect. It’s all about her.

  I bend over her to take her nipple into my mouth, tugging and sucking until it stands up tall. Then I give her other breast the same attention.

  Natalie writhes under me, her back arching, silently begging me for more. Hooking my arms under her legs, I lift them up and out, giving her my tongue. If I live to be a hundred years old, I’ll never forget the deep, needy sound she makes the first time my tongue connects with her clit.

  All I hear is pure female satisfaction and a cry for more. I’m happy to deliver. With her legs now propped upon my shoulders, I open her to my tongue, licking her from front to back before settling in to suck on her clit. She comes immediately, writhing and crying out as I hold her in place, giving her my tongue over and over again until her thighs are quaking and she’s hovering on the verge of another release.

  I drive my fingers into her, taking her up and over again. “Ahh, God, Natalie. I want to feel that sweet pussy come all over my cock. I want to feel that so badly.” I know a moment of panic when I wonder if I’ve offended her with my blunt language. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said it like that.”

  “I love how you tell me what you want. Will you always do that?”

  I swallow hard, trying to rid myself of the guilt that struggles to the surface, reminding me there’s a lot I haven’t told her. “Yes, I promise. I’ll always tell you.” My hands are trembling as I roll on the condom. I want this to be so perfect for her—for both of us. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this kind of nervous anticipation about sex. But nothing has ever mattered as much as this does, as she does.

  I’m out for perfection tonight. Nothing less will do. I come down on top of her, resting my hands on either side of her gorgeous face.

  “How you doing?” I ask.

  “Never better.”

  “You’re really sure about this, Nat? We don’t have to—”

  She squeezes my lips with her fingers and raises her hips, letting me know exactly what she wants from me. I feel like I should’ve taken more time preparing her, but I can’t wait any longer.

  I take myself in hand and slide through the dampness between her legs. It’s all I can do not to come when my cock connects with her hot wetness for the first time. I bite my bottom lip and pray for mercy as I begin to push into her, going slowly and watching her intently for any signs of distress.

  But all I see in her is the pleasure. Her eyes widen and her lips part, and I push in deeper, wanting all of her. She’s so tight and hot and wet. I’m in heaven.

  “Talk to me, sweetheart. Tell me how it feels.”

  “So good,” she says breathlessly. “Don’t stop.”

  “I’m never going to stop loving you. Never.” I hold back for as long as I can, giving her time to adjust and taking it as easy as I possibly can without losing my mind. I rock into her, slowly, insistently, still watching her for signs of flashbacks or pain of any kind.

  Her hands slide down my back to cup my ass, and I’m lost. Absolutely gone. I break out in a cold sweat and pick up the pace, wanting to feel that tight pussy clamp down around my cock more than I want my next breath. Propping myself up on one arm, I reach between us and press my fingers to her clit, and I’m rewarded with a tight contraction that nearly finishes me off.

  “Natalie… Christ, this feels so fucking good. I love you so much. Come for me, sweetheart.” I continue to caress her clit until I feel her lift off, the tight squeeze of her internal muscles more than I can take after living on the razor’s edge of desire for so many days.

  She cries out as she comes, her fingers digging into my ass and pulling me deeper into her and taking me with her in an orgasm that seems to come from my bone marrow.

  It feels like it lasts forever, the pleasure so intense and so profound, unlike anything else has ever been. I come out of it gasping for air, throbbing with aftershocks and surrounded by her sweet softness. In that moment, I begin to genuinely believe I can live without the other half of my sexuality. If this is all I ever get to have, it’s more than enough. Or so I tell myself…

  I’m almost afraid to raise my head, to look at her face, for fear of what I might see. Is she remembering the most painful moments of her life? Does she have regrets? Does she already wish we hadn’t done this? Does she want to go back to when there were rules she was determined to live by? If I see any sign of that, I think I’ll die inside. But I need to know.

  Slowly, I lift my head off her chest to find her eyes closed and her lips curled into a small smile. The relief that hammers through me is so significant that I’m left light-headed. She’s happy. She’s satisfied. She’s smiling.

  I kiss that sweet smile, and her eyes open to gaze up at me. “Wow,” she whispers.

  “My sentiments exactly. How do you feel?”

  “I feel very, very good. You?”

  I kiss her neck and throat. “Same. Never better. Best night of my life, hands down. And in case you were wondering, this, right here, is the best part of the best night ever.” I kiss her again. “Hands down.”

  Her smile warms and sustains me. It tells me everything will be all right. She’s not going to regret this in the morning. Hell, it’s already almost morning, and no signs of regret.

  Her index finger traces the furrow between my brows. “What’re you worried about?”

  “That you’ll regret this.”

  “Never. It was perfect. In fact, I can’t wait to do it again.”

  “Just give me ten minutes to recover, and we’ll do it again. We’ll do it as many times as you want.”

  “Mmm.” She yawns. “Ten minutes.” She’s out cold in less than five.

  I withdraw from her carefully, my hand around the base of the condom so there will be no accidents. I leave her only long enough to dispose of the condom before I crawl back into bed with her. I’ve arranged for an afternoon flight back to New York, so we can sleep in as I promised her.

  Curled up to her warm, naked body, I relive every second of this incredible evening. Winning a Golden Globe was fantastic, but making love to Natalie… That was life changing.

  Chapter 22

  I wake to bright sunshine streaming in through windows left uncovered the night before. A drumbeat of pain in my temple reminds me of the large amount of champagne I consumed last night. And then I shift to find a more comfortable position and the dull ache between my legs reminds me of what else happened.

  I had sex with Flynn Godfrey, and I loved every second of it.

  He’s asleep next to me, the hard angles of his face softened in repose. His jaw is sprinkled with whiskers that only add to his over-the-top sexiness. He’s so beautiful, inside and out, and I’m completely addicted to him.

  His big warm hand is flat upon my belly until it moves up to cup my breast and tweak my nipple. That’s all it takes to make me want him again, despite the soreness.

  “You’re awake,” I whisper.

  “Mmm, barely. My head is pounding.”

  “Mine, too.”

  “Goddamned champagne.” His voice is a low, gruff rumble. “Always tastes so good going down, but the hangovers are killer.”

  “It should come with a warning.”

  “Hang tight, sweetheart. I’ve got the cure.” He drags himself out of bed, and I watch him move around the room, fascinated by his naked body. I want to memorize every detail so I’ll never forget how he looks this morning. He leaves the room for a few minutes and comes back with a ta
ll glass of orange juice and a bottle of pills.

  When he returns, the first thing I notice is the huge erection that now extends past his belly button. I can’t look away. I’m still staring when he sits on the bed next to me, offering me the OJ and some pain meds.

  “See something you like?” he asks with a low chuckle.

  “Most definitely.”

  “Are you sore down there, too?”


  “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not.” We share the glass of OJ, both of us taking pills for our headaches.

  Flynn puts the glass on the bedside table where the candles from last night have burned down to stumps. Propping his hands on either side of my body, he looks down at me, his hair falling over his forehead.

  I reach up to smooth it back.

  He takes hold of my hand and presses a kiss to my palm. “Last night was incredible.”

  “For me, too.”

  “No regrets?”

  “Not a single regret. I hope you know…” I feel shy all of a sudden, confessing my deepest thoughts to him. “I couldn’t have done that with anyone but you.”

  “You’d better not be doing that with anyone but me.”

  “Flynn… You know what I mean.”

  He gathers me into his embrace as he gets back into bed. “I know what you mean, and I’m truly humbled to have been given such a priceless gift.”

  Empowered by my newfound confidence, I slide my hand down his chest to encircle his erection. “I fell asleep before we could do it again.”

  “Yes, you did.”

  “Are you busy right now?”

  His laughter brings a smile to my face. I love making him laugh.

  “You’re sore, honey. We should take it easy today.”

  “I don’t want to take it easy.”

  “You need to trust me on this. Unless you want a positively miserable day tomorrow, we should wait until you feel better before we do it again. And you’ll need to rest up, because I plan to keep you very busy.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” This is said against my neck as he kisses and licks and nibbles me. “I hate to say that we need to get up and get moving. I need to get you home for school tomorrow.”


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