Quantum Series Boxed Set, Books 1-7

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Quantum Series Boxed Set, Books 1-7 Page 49

by Marie Force

The guy is full of his own importance.

  “We can put a halt to this immediately,” Addie says. “Mr. Godfrey has been surrounded by security personnel for days. He hasn’t left the state of California since he returned from New York two weeks ago this coming Wednesday.”

  “That would rule him out,” Vickers said, “but it wouldn’t rule out a contract job.”

  “Are you listening to yourself?” Hayden asks, incredulously. “Are you actually accusing Flynn Godfrey of hiring someone to kill a lawyer in Nebraska?”

  “I’m not accusing him of anything. I’m simply pointing out that he had both motive and opportunity. He has the resources to procure any service he might need.”

  “Well, I didn’t procure the service of murder. I was much more interested in legal ways to make Mr. Rogers suffer for what he did to my wife. We were going to ensure his life was a living hell for the next decade. I’m actually a little disappointed that we won’t get to do that now.”

  “If you think he had this guy murdered, you’re going to have to prove it,” Hayden says.

  “I’m well aware of that.” He produces a piece of paper from a binder and hands it to me.

  “What’s this?”

  “A warrant for your phone and computer, just so we can rule you out as a suspect.”

  I withdraw the phone from my pocket and hand it to him. “Have at it.” I gesture to the computer on my desk. “I haven’t touched a computer in three weeks, but knock yourselves out.”

  “Is this the only cell phone you own?”


  “We may acquire additional warrants for the phones belonging to your employees.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Addie stiffen and have to quell the urge to laugh. The idea of Addie without her phone for even an hour is hilarious. She’d go into convulsions.

  “And your wife is where?”

  All thoughts of laughter flee as I straighten my spine. “At home. Why?”

  “I’d like to speak with her as well.”

  “She’s been with me every minute of every day for two weeks. She has neither the desire nor the wherewithal to kill anyone.”

  “She certainly had motive.”

  “You know, Mr. Vickers,” I say, enjoying the flush that appears on his face when I refuse to use his title, “I’ve found that when someone is a snake like Rogers was, there’s usually more than one person who’s been screwed over by him. I certainly hope you’re looking beyond the obvious here. There’s probably a long list of people who’d like to see him dead.”

  “We’re conducting a thorough investigation.”

  “When will I get my phone back?”

  “Hopefully we can return it to you tomorrow, providing there’s nothing on it that could be used as evidence in this case.”

  “I’m leaving for my honeymoon in Mexico in the next few days. I’d like to have it back before I go.” I wait for him to tell me I’m not to leave the country.

  “What’s the code?”

  I try not to show my relief that he hasn’t objected to me leaving the country, which confirms he’s on a fishing expedition with this visit, and I’m not an actual suspect. “Nine six three two.” And then I remember the photos of Natalie I took on our wedding night, and a feeling of profound dread overtakes me. “There’re very personal photos on that phone that I’d like to remove before you take it.”

  “I’m afraid that won’t be possible. Everything on here is evidence.”

  “Pictures of my wife from our wedding night are not evidence. Give me the phone.”

  Vickers stares at me, a mulish expression on his face.

  “My father and I are great friends and supporters of the president. Give me the phone, or I’ll have your job.” I hold out my hand and engage in a stare-down with the agent.

  He blinks first and puts the phone in my hand.

  It pains me to delete the suggestive, sexy photos of Natalie from our wedding night, but there’s no way I’m letting them out of my custody. The phone is backed up to the cloud, so we still have access to them.

  “There you go. Was that so hard?”

  “People like you are so entitled. You think you’re above it all, even the law.”

  “I think our business is finished, Mr. Vickers. You can find your way out.”

  We are quiet until after he leaves, slamming the door behind him.

  Addie breaks the silence. “Holy. Shit. Did that really just happen?”

  “They’re just ruling you out,” Hayden says. “You haven’t left California, so there’s no way they can pin it on you.”

  “Sure there is. There’re all sorts of ways they can pin this on me if they really want to.”

  “They’d be foolish to try,” Addie says. “No jury in this world would convict you even if you had done it.”

  While I appreciate her support, I’m not so naïve as to believe there aren’t plenty of regular Americans who’d love to see a big-time, self-important movie star knocked off his high horse.

  “I need to go home and talk to Natalie. Will you text her and tell her I’m on my way?”

  “Sure,” Addie says. “And I’ll get you another phone to hold you over.”

  “Don’t bother. You’ve got Natalie’s number if you need to reach me, and I’ll tell my folks.” To Hayden, I say, “Are we good on the plan for the film and the other stuff?”

  “Yeah, we’re good. I’ll email you when there’s new footage to view.”

  “And I’ll work some part of every day until it’s done.”

  “In the meantime, we need a fucking name for this movie.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that, too. I’ll send you some suggestions.”

  We had what we considered the perfect title until the studio that’s distributing the film rejected it. We’re so married to the original title, we’re having trouble coming up with something else.

  “If anyone else hears from the FBI, let me know.”

  “We will.”

  “By the way,” Hayden says, “there’re your Critics’ Choice awards.”

  I hadn’t even noticed the two crystal statues on my desk until he points them out to me. “Thanks for accepting for me.”

  “No problem.”

  Before I leave the office, I ask for a moment with Addie, gesturing for her to close the door behind Hayden.

  “What’s up?”

  “I need to get Natalie on all my personal accounts. She needs an ATM card, credit cards, etc. Can you take care of that for me?”

  “Sure, I’ll call the bank and have them call you on her phone if they have any questions.”

  “Thank you.”

  She gives me a questioning look.

  “What? Do I have spinach in my teeth or something?”

  “No,” she says with a laugh. “I’m still trying to get my head around the fact that you’re actually married. Flynn Godfrey is married.”

  I’m amused by her comments. “Yes, he is and very happily so. I’ll be happier when my wife has access to money. Apparently, she’s been concerned about her lack thereof.”

  Addie’s eyes bug out of her head. “Has she no idea?”

  “No, she doesn’t, but she will.”

  “I’ll take care of that right away.”

  “Thanks. We might need some travel help tomorrow or the next day.”

  “Where to?”

  “Either Mexico or New York, I guess, depending on whether she decides to accept the offer to go back to school.”

  “I’m so glad to hear they’re asking her to come back.”

  “So am I. No matter what happens now, it’s up to her, which is the way it should be.”

  Addie writes a number on a piece of paper and hands it to me.

  “What’s this?”

  “My phone number. It’s been programmed into yours for so long, you probably don’t know it. Call me when you decide where you’re going.”

  “I will, thanks.”

  “And before I
forget, Liza sent these over for you.” She puts copies of all the major industry magazines on the desk in front of me.

  We’re on the covers of all of them. People magazine went with the huge headline, “Well, hello, Mrs. Godfrey!” US magazine proclaims “Off the market!” and In Touch has, “Flynn says ‘I do.’”

  “And check this out.” Addie flips open the copy of People to the page where Natalie is named as one of the best-dressed women at the Golden Globes. Inside US, one of the top designers refers to her as an instant fashion icon. I know a moment of pure, unadulterated pride at how beautiful my wife looks in all the pictures. “Pretty cool, huh?”

  “Very cool. I guess our wedding bumped the crap about her past off the front pages.”

  “Looks that way.”

  “Can I take these?”

  “They’re all yours. One other thing… Danielle wants to talk to you.”

  Everyone goes through Addie to get to me, even my manager. “What does she need?”

  “She wants to talk about all the offers that are rolling in for Natalie and how you want her to handle them. It’s been everything from cosmetic companies to designers to modeling agencies to casting agents.”

  “Casting? Seriously?”

  “Yep. She said they’ve been bombed with calls since you guys were on Carolyn’s show.”

  “I told her that would happen. I’ll get in touch with Danielle when I get a chance.”

  Before I leave the office, I call Emmett. After I tell him the latest from Natalie’s school, I say, “And you’re not going to believe what just happened at the office.”

  “What now?”

  “Our friend David Rogers got himself murdered, and the FBI came to talk to me about it.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “Wish I was. They took my phone into evidence and everything.”

  “Flynn… Jesus.”

  “Don’t sweat it. I didn’t do it, so I have nothing to worry about.”

  “The fucking FBI actually talked to you about it.”

  “Yeah, because of what I said on Carolyn’s show the other night, about being capable of murder.”

  “Anyone would say that after what he did to your girlfriend—now wife.”

  “I guess I made it easy for whoever actually killed him to try to pin it on me by spouting off on national TV.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about it. You haven’t been anywhere near Nebraska, and we both know you didn’t actually hire someone to bump the guy off.” After a short pause, Emmett says, “You didn’t do that, did you?”

  “No,” I say, laughing, “but I’m not even kinda sad that he’s dead.”

  “People get what’s coming to them. I’m sure you’re not the only enemy he’s made. He owes a lot of people money. They’ve got motive all over the place.”

  “Do you think you ought to call this FBI guy?”

  “No,” he says. “Nothing says ‘I’ve got something to hide’ quite like a call from a lawyer. Let’s wait and see what happens. But I don’t want you talking to him again without me with you. Okay?”

  “Right. Gotcha. Thanks, Emmett.”

  “This whole thing is so fucking unreal, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, especially what Natalie had to endure—alone—at fifteen.”

  “No kidding. Keep me posted.”

  “Will do.”

  A few minutes later, I pull out of the parking lot at the office and head for Malibu, eager to get home to my wife.

  Chapter 18

  My phone chimes with a message from Addie to tell me Flynn is on his way home, which sends a thrill of anticipation rippling through me. I thought I had hours to kill until I’d see him again.

  I run for the shower, and I’m drying my hair when he comes in. I turn off the hair dryer and start to say hello, but he has other ideas. His arms are around me and he’s kissing me before I can get a word out.

  He lifts me onto the countertop and steps between my legs, tugging my robe open.

  Fluff goes crazy barking and circling Flynn’s feet. Fearing she might take another piece out of him, I break the kiss. “Go lie down, Fluff. Mommy’s fine. Go on.”

  Pacified, she slinks out of the bathroom into the bedroom.

  “Missed you,” Flynn whispers. His lips are soft and persuasive against my neck.

  “You were only gone a couple of hours.”

  “Too long.” Recapturing my lips for another heated kiss, he fumbles with the button of his jeans until I push his hands out of the way and take over.

  He’s commando under there and falls into my hand, hot and hard and ready to go.

  Grasping my bottom, he pulls me to the edge of the counter and plunges into me.

  My head falls back in surrender to the overwhelming sensation of being possessed by him.

  “God, Nat… This is gonna be fast.” True to his word, he takes us on a quick, wild ride. He reaches down to where we’re joined and caresses me to an explosive finish.

  I arch into him as he goes with me, crying out as he comes.

  I’m still recovering when he lifts me right off the counter and carries me to the bed I haven’t made yet.

  “I want to do something new,” he says, looking down at me. “Is that okay?”

  “Yes.” I’m onboard for anything he wants right about now.

  He helps me remove the robe and pulls off the rest of his clothes. “Turn over on your belly.”

  I experience a twinge of apprehension but do as he asks because I’m dying of curiosity.

  “I won’t be able to see your face in this position, so I’m counting on you to remember your safe word, okay?”

  I read about safe words this morning, and how they’re an essential element of the BDSM lifestyle. Does his use of that term indicate that he’s familiar with the lifestyle?


  “I remember.”

  He puts a couple of pillows under my hips, which leaves my bottom on full display. Before I can be embarrassed, his hands are coasting over my cheeks, squeezing and spreading them. “You have the sexiest ass I’ve ever seen. I can’t get enough of it.” Then his tongue is between my legs, and he leaves nothing untouched. I’m shocked and aroused by how much I like everything he’s doing. Until him, until us, I didn’t even know people did these things to each other. He has me on the verge of another orgasm within minutes, but then he pulls away, leaving me bereft.


  “Hang on, sweetheart.” He takes hold of my hips and gently pulls me back toward him, pushing into me and triggering the release he had started with his talented tongue. “Is this okay?”

  I can’t believe he expects me to talk right now. “Mmm.”

  “I need words, Nat.”

  “Yes! Don’t stop!”

  “Those are good words.”

  I feel like I’m being split in two—in a good way—as he pounds into me, deeper than he’s been before. It’s already the best thing I’ve ever felt, and then he makes it better by tweaking my nipples.

  “Ahh, fuck, yes…” His hoarse whisper raises goose bumps on my back. “Do that again.”

  I tighten my internal muscles, drawing another long groan from him.

  “Tell me you’re okay.”

  “So okay. Don’t stop.”

  He picks up the pace, his fingers digging into my hips and then one of them is sliding through the dampness between my legs and teasing my back entrance.

  Dear God… He’s done this before, and I loved it, and this time is no different. I never would’ve imagined I’d like that.

  “Still okay?”

  “Mmm. Do it, Flynn.”

  Growling, he drives his finger into my ass, and I come immediately.

  “Holy Christ,” he whispers before he surges into me one more time, filling me with the heat of his release. “Nat… God, I love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  He withdraws from me slowly, carefully, and then removes the pillows that are proppi
ng me up. Kissing my shoulder, he says, “I’ll be right back.”

  I hear water running in the bathroom before he returns with a towel that he uses to clean me up. Then he crawls back into bed with me, molding his body to my back. His hand comes around to land between my breasts. “So good, baby. So, so good.”

  “Mmm, sure is.” I want to tell him about Hayden’s room upstairs and ask him the million questions I have, but he’s sexed me into a stupor. “If that’s what happens after a few hours apart, what’s going to happen when we’re apart for weeks at a time?”

  “We are not going to be apart for weeks at a time.”

  “We will be at some point.”

  “No, we won’t.”

  “Flynn, you’re not being realistic.”

  “Yes, I am. I want to be wherever you are, and I want you wherever I am.”

  “So what does that mean for my job in New York?”

  “If you want to go back, I’ll go with you.”

  “Your life is here.”

  “My life is wherever you are.”

  “What about when you have to go on location to film?”

  “I’ll set up my schedule so I only film in the summer so you can go with me.”

  I turn over to face him, my hand flat against his chest. “You’re talking crazy now.”

  “No, I’m not. At this point in my career, I can do whatever I want to. I don’t need to shoot three films a year anymore. One is plenty, and I can do it in the summer so you can teach.”

  “What’ll you do the rest of the time?”

  “Produce other projects. Maybe check out the theater. There’s lots I can do from New York.”

  “You’d be bored out of your mind.”

  He nuzzles my neck and sets off another attack of goose bumps. “Not if I have you in my bed every night. I could never be bored.”

  My cell phone rings, and I reach for it on the table. The display shows a 212 number I don’t recognize. “This could be it.”

  “Take the call, sweetheart. Do whatever you want to. We’ll make it work.”

  I draw in a deep breath and accept the call. “This is Natalie.”

  “Natalie, this is James Poole, chairman of the board at the Emerson School in New York.”

  “Hi, Mr. Poole. How are you?”

  “I’m doing fine, and hope you’re well?”


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