Quantum Series Boxed Set, Books 1-7

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Quantum Series Boxed Set, Books 1-7 Page 101

by Marie Force

  Then he’s gone again, and I hear him rustling around on the left side of the room, presumably where Devon has supplied us with a “variety of toys,” as I requested.

  “Your friend Devon was very creative in what he left for us.”

  “How so?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see.” I feel his cool, slick fingers on my ass, and brace myself. He always plugs my ass when we scene together. Sometimes he also fucks me there. I’ve grown to love that almost as much as I love when he spanks me and clamps my nipples. I surprise myself every day with the cravings he inspires in me.

  The plug is huge and doesn’t feel all that different than he does when he fucks my ass. I grit my teeth, determined to take it no matter how difficult it may be. By the time the plug is fully seated, I’m sweating profusely. And then it begins to vibrate, and I cry out from sensations I’m experiencing for the first time.

  Hayden tugs my cheeks apart and licks me from back to front, and I come hard the second his tongue connects with my clit. He spanks my ass, reminding me that my orgasm belongs to him. I’ve been working on better controlling my reactions, but I’m not there yet. He says it can take forever for all he cares, but that’s because he loves punishing me so much.

  He pushes his huge cock into my pussy, making me scream as he works his way in, one inch at a time.

  That we’re doing this for an audience is secondary to what we’re doing to each other. After a while, I forget all about the people watching because I’m so focused on him and what he’s making me feel that there’s no room for any other thoughts in my head. He fucks me hard, and I come again. He withdraws the plug in a slow, agonizing battle that has me on the verge of yet another orgasm. Then he pushes his cock into my ass as he pinches my clit, and I come, shrieking from the incredible pleasure.

  I can’t believe we’re doing this, of all things, in front of an audience, but knowing people are watching makes it that much hotter than it usually is. His cock is deep inside my ass when he reaches around to cup my breasts, lifting me so my back is to his chest as he pounds into me.

  I’m coming almost constantly, and he hasn’t even gotten to his ropes yet.

  With him throbbing deep inside my most private place, I’m thrilled that my surprise is such a hit, and I’m so thankful to have the rest of my life to spend with this extraordinary man who makes me feel more than I ever thought I could.

  “Love you so much, baby,” he whispers gruffly in my ear. Ever since the night in Mexico when he said it for the first time, he can’t say it enough. “Thank you for this. Thank you for everything.”

  He pinches my nipples and thrusts into me, taking me to the place I can only go with him. The only word I can think of to describe it is rapture. Utter and complete rapture.

  Keep reading for Ravenous, Quantum Book 5, featuring Jasper and Ellie…

  Chapter 1

  While everyone celebrates Hayden and Addie’s engagement, I slip out a side door, needing some air after watching the emotional reunion between Addie and her dad and his acceptance, finally, of Hayden. I’m so happy for both of them. I think they’re great together, and Hayden needs someone like Addie to keep him grounded and sane. Not to mention that after the shameful way he was raised, he deserves to be someone’s true love.

  As I walk out to the far end of the pool deck at my brother’s gorgeous home in Mexico and look down on the sea below, I can’t help but wonder whether I deserve the same. Watching my brother, Flynn, fall madly in love with Natalie, and now Hayden and Addie, who’ve gone from an unexpected kiss at the Oscars a few weeks ago to engaged, I’ve begun to question whether I’m ever going to get my turn. Both my sisters have been married for years to great guys I would’ve hand-chosen for them. For the longest time, Flynn and I were the Godfrey family holdouts, and now he’s gone over to the dark side, too.

  Though I suppose it’s not really the dark side if the perpetually happy, silly grin on his face is any indication of his true feelings about love and marriage. Natalie is the ideal woman for him, and I’m thrilled for them. I used to worry he would never find anyone real or genuine in the Hollywood fishbowl in which he lives. But Natalie is as real as it gets, and I adore her. My whole family does. Everyone is happy.

  That leaves me as the only Godfrey still single. At Flynn’s wedding, I heard my mother tell someone she’s proud of me for focusing on my career. My sisters both have successful careers—Aimee owns a dance studio, and Annie is an attorney—and they have beautiful families, too. They make it look easy, when I know it’s anything but.

  Annie and Hugh have been together since high school, and Aimee met Trent in college. Flynn was married briefly in his early twenties to “Valerie the Hag,” as my sisters and I called her back when she nearly ruined our beloved “baby” brother’s life with her shenanigans.

  Me? I’ve never come close to getting married. Truth be told, I’ve never come close to being in love.

  Guys are a mystery to me. No matter how great one of them may seem, there’s always a downside. I’ve dated guys who were handsome and charming and said all the right things, only to find out they were saying all the right things to a lot of women—at the same time. Then you have Social Guy’s alter ego, who is no less frustrating. You know the type—you have to pull every thought out of his head because God forbid he should share anything voluntarily.

  I’ve dated the bad boys, the ones who make a woman’s motor run on full steam, before their “badness” evolves into regular old poor behavior that’s an instant turnoff. Then you’ve got your run-of-the-mill commitment-phobes, the ones who tell you from the outset they aren’t looking to settle down—ever. Why should they when they can have a different woman every night?

  Recently, I had the misfortune of getting mixed up with a whole new type right when I thought I’d seen it all. You know what that guy was after, other than the obvious? An introduction to my famous brother. Yeah, being used to get to my brother was a real blast, and frankly, he turned me off dating in general. I’d rather be by myself forever than be used to get to my famous family members.

  Or so I tell myself… Then I’ll see my adorable nieces and nephews, my ovaries exploding from the craving for a child of my own, and I’m reminded that I’m not getting any younger. Soon I’ll be thirty-six, which isn’t ancient by anyone’s standards, but my eggs are definitely on a timer.

  Now there’s a cheerful thought.

  I’m thinking about having a baby on my own. Why not? It’s the twenty-first century, after all, and I have friends who’ve done it. One of my college friends had twins by herself and then met a single dad two years later. They’re married now and delighted with their combined family.

  Not that I think having a baby would improve my luck on the dating front, but I’m sick of waiting for something that probably isn’t going to happen, and I don’t want to wake up someday, after that timer has gone off, and realize I missed my opportunity to be a mother.

  I’ve gone so far as to look into what would be involved, and my doctor is willing to work with me to make it happen. I’m due to see her again when I get home from Mexico, and the thought of actually doing it makes my skin tingle with excitement and fear and a million other emotions. I haven’t told anyone, even my sisters, who usually know everything, but I suppose I’ll have to cue in my parents before I actually go through with it.

  I giggle at the thought of showing up at my parents’ Beverly Hills home, thirty-six, single and pregnant.

  “What’s so funny, darling?” a voice asks from behind me. And not just any voice, but the panty-melting voice with the British accent that makes me swoon every time I’m around him. I once talked him into reading The Night Before Christmas to my family just so I could listen to the way he said the familiar words. My only regret is that I didn’t think to record it.

  I turn to face Jasper, my brother’s close friend and business partner, who has also become my good friend during my tenure as a production manager at Quantum. Jas
per… tall, blond, muscular in a lanky sort of way, handsome as sin, talented as all get-out and a manwhore of the highest order. He’s the proverbial pot of honey when it comes to women, attracting them as effortlessly as he breathes. Speaking of a man who will never settle for just one when he can have them all, Jasper Autry fits that bill to a T.

  “I was just thinking about something funny that happened at home,” I say in response to his question, because I can’t very well tell him I was thinking about egg timers and ovulation cycles.

  “Care to share the joke?”

  “It was one of those had-to-be-there things with the kids.”

  “Ah, I see.” He hands me one of the two mimosas he brought outside with him.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” His golden-brown eyes are always full of mischief, as if he’s got a huge secret he’s dying to tell me, or at least that’s how it seems. Now is no different. Those amazing eyes are alight with glee. “How about our boy Hayden and our lovely Addie? Got to say I never thought I’d see him so… domesticated.”

  “He’s happy,” I say more sharply than I intended. “Nothing wrong with that.”

  Jasper’s brow lifts in response to my tone. He’s not used to women speaking sharply to him. He’s far more accustomed to them dropping their panties at his feet than talking back to him. “Nothing wrong indeed.”

  “Sorry. I just mean it’s nice to see. That’s all.”

  “Believe it or not, I agree, even if my mates are falling like dominoes these days.”

  “You might not want to drink the water.”

  “Drinking the water is never a good idea in Mexico.”

  I crack up laughing, which doesn’t surprise me. He makes me laugh frequently. His endlessly witty take on life is one of many things I enjoy about him.

  “I couldn’t help but notice you looked awfully pensive out here, staring at the deep blue sea all on your lonesome. What’s on your mind, darling?”

  God, I want to tell him. I want to tell someone, and why not Jasper, my good friend who I trust to keep my confidences confidential? He’s not in my family. He’s not one of my girlfriends who would try to talk me out of it, certain that my Mr. Right is just around the next corner waiting to be found. In fact, he might be the perfect person to test this idea on.

  “If I tell you, do you promise not to breathe a word of it to anyone, especially Flynn?”

  “Of course I won’t tell anyone. Let’s not forget you could fairly ruin me with the secrets you’ve kept for me over the years.”

  “That is very true.”

  He takes me by the arm and leads me to one of the double lounge chairs on the pool deck. “Step into my office. My initial consultation is free of charge, but only for the best of friends.”

  “You are far too charming for your own good.”

  “My mother says the same thing. I say I’m just charming enough for my own good.”

  Rolling my eyes at his outrageousness, I curl up on the lounge and take a greedy drink from the glass, seeking some much-needed liquid courage.

  “Now tell me this deep dark secret before I expire from curiosity.”

  With the moment of truth upon me, my nerves go bat-shit crazy. This’ll be the first time I’ve said it out loud to anyone who matters. “I’m thinking about… No, wait, that’s not true. I’m not thinking about it anymore. I’m actually going to do it.”

  His brows lift, and I swear he stops breathing.

  “I’m going to have a baby.”

  “You…” His gaze falls to my flat abdomen. “Like… Are you already… Oh. Well. Okay, then.”

  I can’t help but laugh at his stuttering commentary. “No, I’m not pregnant at the moment, but I hope to be. Soon.”

  “Forgive me for asking the obvious, but I can’t help but notice you seem to be stubbornly single. So who’s the lucky guy who gets to father this child of yours?”

  “Don’t know yet. That’s part of what has to be decided when I get back to LA. I’ve got thousands of men to choose from, and I have to decide whether I want looks over brains, or maybe I’ll get lucky and find both in one donor.”

  He closes his eyes and sighs. “Ellie…” Opening his eyes, he looks directly at me and says, “For the love of God and all that’s holy, you do not need to resort to a sperm bank to find a father for your child.”

  That makes me angry. “When you’re a single woman who wants to have a baby, you do need to ‘resort’ to a sperm bank.”

  “You, my love, could have any man you want.”

  “That’s not true. It’s different for women. We can’t run around the way you guys do without getting a nasty reputation, especially when our parents and brother are household names. It’s not as easy as you think.”

  “I hadn’t really looked at it from that point of view. I can see how fame by osmosis might pose a bit of a challenge. And PS, we don’t ‘run around,’ as you say.”

  “What would you call it?” I ask in the drollest tone I own.

  A charming smile lights up his gorgeous face. “Having fun?”

  “I’ve tried that route. Hasn’t been all that fun. I’m done waiting for lightning to strike. I want a baby, and I’m running out of time to make that happen. I’m doing this.” At some point during the getaway to Mexico, my plan moved from maybe to definitely.

  “And you’re sure you want to do it this way?”

  “I’m sure this is the only way to do it in light of my perpetually single status.”

  “It’s not the only way.”

  I’m almost afraid to look at him, and when I do, the calculating look he gives me makes my skin heat with awareness of him. “What do you mean?”

  “You could ask an old friend who is both handsome and smart, not to mention incredibly charming, to provide the start-up ‘capital’ you require to get your project off the ground.”

  I’m flabbergasted by what he’s suggesting, but I can’t show him that. I can’t take the chance he might be joking. “If only I knew someone who fit that bill.”

  His low chuckle is both sexy and exciting. “You do. You know just the guy.”

  My heart is beating so hard and so fast, I fear I might hyperventilate. “And this guy would be willing to provide his ‘capital’ for such a project?”

  “Under the right conditions.”

  After a long pause, I say, “What conditions?”

  “It happens the old-fashioned way. No laboratories, turkey basters or test tubes, just hot, sweaty, no-holds-barred capital infusion.”

  My body ignites at the images that scorch my brain in the scope of five seconds. Holy shit. Have I gone blind, deaf and dumb, or is Jasper Autry telling me he wants to have sex with me—and make a baby with me? “Are you for real right now?”

  “My darling Ellie, I have never been more ‘for real’ in my entire life than I’m being right now.” He leans in closer to me, so close I stop breathing. “Say yes.”

  I swallow hard. “Are there other conditions?”

  “Only a few.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “When you’re with me, you’re with only me.”

  “Same goes.”

  Nodding, he says, “Same goes. And we do this my way or not at all.”

  “What does that mean?” I ask, my voice squeaking.

  “I’m in charge in bed.”

  I’m suddenly so turned on that I’m concerned there’ll be a wet spot on the lounge chair when I get up. “What if I’m not into that?”

  “Then there’s no deal.”

  I take a moment to process what he’s saying. He’s dominant in bed. Oh. My. God. Clearing my throat, I say, “What about custody of the output of your input?”

  Smiling, he says, “All yours with occasional visitation for the capital contributor.”

  “Would he or she know that you’re the contributor?”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  “And you’d be amenable to legally binding docum
ents that spell out these things in advance?”

  With his finger on my chin, he forces me to look directly into his eyes. “I’d be amenable to anything that gets the supremely sexy and endlessly untouchable Ellie Godfrey into my bed.”

  Now imagine that sentence said in the sexiest fucking British accent you’ve ever heard. I know, right?! What the hell else can I say to that but “Okay.”

  “Okay, what?”

  “We have a deal.”

  He gifts me with the sexy smile that made a cinematographer into a celebrity. “Suddenly, I can’t wait to go home.”

  Chapter 2

  Two days after Jasper and I struck our “deal,” it’s clear to me that I’ve gone into “business” with the devil himself. He watches me constantly, making me feel hunted, but not necessarily in a bad way. More in the about-to-be-devoured way that an antelope would experience when in a cheetah’s cross hairs. And yes, I just compared myself to an antelope. But they’re always the ones who get eaten in the nature shows, so the analogy fits.

  Thankfully, none of the friends or family we’re vacationing with has noticed that I’m playing the nervous antelope to Jasper’s hungry cheetah. I’ll confess to being conflicted about his newfound interest in me, but I suppose I shouldn’t be. If a reasonably attractive woman offers a man unfettered access to her vagina for the purposes of breeding, she ought to expect a certain level of interest.

  But there’s interest, and then there’s cheetah-level interest, thus my dilemma. In all the years I’ve known Jasper and secretly lusted after him and his sexy British accent, I’ve never once suspected he returned the admiration. Sure, he likes me as a buddy, a colleague, as his close friend’s sister, as a woman to vent to about other women. But as a romantic partner? Not so much.

  Since our conversation the other morning, however, all that has changed, and his interest is such that I find myself in a perpetual state of arousal and heightened anticipation, wishing we could act immediately on our plans. At the thought of my longtime dream of being a mother coming true, I’m a mess of emotions—excitement, anxiety, joy and fear. That’s a lot to hide from the perceptive group that surrounds me on lounge chairs by the pool on our last full day in Mexico.


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