Quantum Series Boxed Set, Books 1-7

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Quantum Series Boxed Set, Books 1-7 Page 122

by Marie Force

  His fingers press against my clit, and just that quickly, I’m right back on the edge of release.

  I grasp the rails of the headboard so tightly, my fingers feel like they could break from the strain.

  “Easy, my darling. Breathe.”

  I suck in a deep, restorative breath.

  “That’s it. That’s my girl.”

  “Jasper.” His name is ripped from my chest, a plea, a pledge, a promise.

  “I’m right here. You feel so good. So hot and so tight.” He grasps my ass cheeks and angles my body toward him. He’s staring down at the sight of his cock buried in my ass. “I wish you could see how amazing we look together.”

  “Please, please, please…” I think I might be drooling now, too, but I can’t let go of the headboard out of fear I might lose complete control.

  He presses hard against my clit. “Come, love.”

  The orgasm rocks my entire body as my muscles strain and seize. It goes on for what seems like forever, and I’m aware of him fucking me harder now, hammering into me in deep strokes until he’s coming, too, thrusting into me one last time before coming down on top of me, his cock throbbing in my ass.

  Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.

  When he kisses me softly, wipes away my tears and whispers sweet words of comfort, I realize I said the words out loud. I’m floating in this odd state of suspended animation. I know where I am and who I’m with, but I can’t seem to move or think or do anything more involved than breathe.

  After a long moment of silence, Jasper begins to withdraw from me, and I cry out from the friction against my abused flesh. “Easy… Nice and easy.” He gets off the bed and goes into the bathroom.

  My eyes close when I hear water running, and then he’s back with a warm towel that he uses to wipe my face and then my body. I whimper when the terrycloth drags against my sensitive nipples and again when he wipes between my legs.

  Tossing the towel aside, he reaches for my hands and brings them back by my sides. “You were amazing, my love. That was incredible.”

  “I’ve never, I didn’t… I didn’t know…”

  “Shhh,” he says, brushing his lips over mine. “I didn’t know it could be like that either. It’s never been like this for me.” He continues to kiss my lips, my face, even my chin. “Are you hurting?”

  I shake my head. I’m so blissed out that I doubt I’d even know if something hurt.

  He offers me a bottle of water, and once again I take deep sips of the cold liquid.

  “Just so you know,” he says after we share most of the water, “I’d planned to come back here and pack you up to head home.”

  “Well, I certainly didn’t plan that.”

  “It’s you. You make me crazy. You make me forget all about my father blackmailing me and the urgent need to get home to figure this out. I take one look at you, and I forget about everything else.”

  “You seem to have the same effect on me.”

  He makes soothing circles on my back as we lie in bed, pretending we have nothing better to do.

  “Do you ever worry…” I’m not sure how to ask what I want to know.

  “Do I worry about what?”

  “That you’ll be bored if you only have one woman for the rest of your life.”

  “If that one woman is you, I’ll never be bored.”

  “How you can know that for certain? We’ve been together only a short time, and you were with so many women before.”

  “And none of them was to me what you are. None of them even came close. I was just killing time until you asked me to father your baby.”

  “I did not ask you to father my baby. You volunteered.”

  His low chuckle makes me smile. “I was afraid afterward that maybe I seemed a little too willing.”

  “You were just willing enough to make me believe you were sincere.”

  He cups my ass cheek and squeezes gently. “I’m extremely sincere where you’re concerned.”

  I cling to him, nuzzling my nose into his neck to breathe in the clean, crisp smell of his cologne. “We’re going to fight for this, Jasper. We’re going to fight with everything we have. I’ve waited my whole life for you. I’m not letting you go.”

  “I’m terrified of my father doing something to cause you or your family harm. I wouldn’t be able to bear that.”

  “My family and I are stronger than he could ever imagine. Don’t worry about us. We’ve weathered lots of storms with three members of our family in the public eye. This isn’t our first rodeo. Do you remember the starlet that accused my father of attacking her on a film set about fifteen years ago?”

  “What? No! I’ve never heard a bad word said about your dad—or your mum.”

  “It was awful. My parents were enraged, and the Hollywood press was relentless until it was proven that my father wasn’t even there the day she said it happened. She was completely discredited and run out of town, but the scandal took a toll. It took months for my parents to laugh and smile again. I’ll never forget it. That’s when I realized that an accusation, even an unfounded accusation, can ruin a life.”

  “I don’t want my crap to rain down on you and your family, Ellie. That would be the worst thing that could happen.”

  “No, the worst thing would be you having to be anywhere other than with me.”

  He releases a deep sigh. “I hate to say that we really do need to go home.”

  “I know.” But rather than release him, I hold on tighter while I still can. An awful feeling of dread fills me as we hold each other. Now that I’ve had this amazing time with him, what would I ever do without him?

  We sleep most of the flight back to LA and arrive rested in the early evening, refreshed and ready to do battle. I hope to God that Emmett has come up with a plan while we were in the air. I’m so intent on getting to the office, that I don’t take the time to check my phone. Whatever Emmett has told my partners, I want to wait to talk to them in person rather than by text or email.

  I realize my mistake when reporters and photographers swarm us in the Burbank airport. What the fuck?

  “Jasper, is it true? Are you Henry Kingsley’s son and heir?”

  “Are you leaving Quantum to run Kingsley Enterprises?”

  “How have you kept that secret all these years?”

  “Do Flynn and Hayden know about your bloodline and your billions?”

  A thousand scenarios cycle through my mind as I cling to Ellie, who’s tucked up against my side, her head down and her face, hopefully, shielded from the photographers.

  “Hey!” one of them shouts. “That’s Flynn’s sister! What’s her name? She works for them!”

  “Jasper, are you with Flynn’s sister? How long have you been together?”

  I tighten my hold on her and power through the scrum. We’re nearly to the main door when I see Gordon Yates, our director of security in LA, come running in with a few of his guys. I’ve never been so happy to see anyone. Like a military unit, they surround and escort us into an SUV that’s waiting at the curb. I’ll deal with my car later. Apparently, I have much bigger concerns at the moment.

  “What the fuck is going on?” I ask when Gordon has us sealed off from the melee. As the SUV pulls away from the curb, they follow us, banging on the windows. “How do they know everything?”

  “Your father gave an interview about his upcoming jaunt,” Gordon says in a clipped tone. A former Marine, Gordon carries his tall, muscular frame with military bearing, and he still wears his blond hair in a boot-camp buzz. “He was asked if he’s concerned about the future of his company if something should happen to him. He waxed poetic about his son and heir, Academy Award-winning cinematographer Jasper Autry, who works under his mother’s maiden name so as not to capitalize on the Kingsley name.” Gordon withdraws his phone from his pocket and reads from his screen. “‘Everything my son has accomplished, he’s done entirely on his own, and I couldn’t be more chuffed. But he’s also well aware of what’s expected
of him in the future. I can pursue my passions in peace knowing my family and business will be properly cared for should the worst happen.’”

  “That son of a bitch,” I whisper. I’m stunned but not as surprised as I should be that he’s found a way to let me know he fully intends to deliver on his threats unless I fall in line.

  Ellie takes my hand and holds it between both of hers. “So what if people know who you really are? That doesn’t change anything.”

  “It’s a firestorm, though,” Gordon says grimly. “The swarm at the airport is only the start. The offices are surrounded, and they’re staking out your homes in the city and at the beach.”

  “We’ll go to my place, then,” Ellie says.

  “I’m sure that by the time you get there, they’ll be waiting for you,” Gordon says.

  I sense her panic and want nothing more than to reassure her.

  “We’re taking you to Kristian’s place in the city,” Gordon tells us. “It has underground parking, and he’s made the apartment available to you both for as long as you need it.”

  That tells me they think we’re in for a siege.

  “The others are meeting you there to figure out next steps,” Gordon says.

  I watch the city go by in a blur outside the SUV’s darkened windows. “He’s blackmailing me.” I can hear the weariness in my own tone. I wonder if they can, too.

  “Excuse me?” Gordon says, his brows narrowing.

  “My father is blackmailing me. He has pictures of me from the time I left home right up to this week, pictures that would ruin my career and reputation as well as Ellie’s.” I can’t add that he has pictures of the other Quantum principals, too. Not in front of Ellie.

  “How… What…”

  “I have no idea, but he has them, and it’s bad, Gordon. As bad as it gets.” I look him directly in the eye, hoping to convey that it’s far worse than I’m able to say in mixed company.

  His mouth falls open before he snaps it shut. As our director of security, he’s going to take this breach harder than anyone. I also have no doubt that he’ll work harder than anyone to ferret out the mole in our midst. We’re quiet the rest of the way to Kristian’s place on the top floor of a high-rise in Hollywood, which has undergone a renaissance of sorts in recent years.

  While it’s not the most exclusive neighborhood in the city, Kristian likes the easy access to the office, downtown and his place at the beach. Thinking about things such as why Kristian chooses to live here rather than the more obvious choices of Silver Lake, Beverly Hills or Los Feliz gives me something to think about other than the potential disaster hanging over our heads.

  My cell phone rings, and I glance at the caller ID. Mother. I take the call, because I always take her calls, no matter what. “Hello, Mother.”

  “Jasper, I’m appalled that your father would do this to you,” she says without preamble. Her anger is palpable even with almost six thousand miles between us.

  And she has no idea what else he’s trying to do to me. “It is appalling, but sadly not surprising. I went to see him.”


  “Yesterday, or was it today? I’ve lost track of the time zones. I’m back in LA now.”

  “You didn’t mention you were coming.”

  “It was a last-minute thing. I wanted to see him before he takes off on his latest quest for world domination.”

  “He’s a fool.”

  “On that we agree.”

  “I take it the visit didn’t go well?”

  My bark of laughter is filled with irony.

  She sighs. “And now he’s lashing out.”

  “You could say that. He’s actually blackmailing me with photographs that would be extremely embarrassing to me and others if they were to be released.”

  “Blackmailing you? Over what?”

  “Over my resignation as his heir.”

  “You told him…”

  “That I’m not coming back to London. Ever. My career and my life are in Los Angeles.” I smile at Ellie as I say that. “I want to have a wife and children who are not burdened by the weight of obligation from the day they are born. I want my life. Not his.”

  “Finally,” she says. “I’ve been hoping for years that you’d take a stand.”

  Her confession shocks me. “You never said so.”

  “You had to get there on your own. I couldn’t and wouldn’t suggest it. I’m walking a fine line between the two of you. I always have.”

  “He’s out to ruin me, Mother.” And others I care about, my closest mates, my partners, my family.

  “That’s not going to happen. You leave him to me.”

  “I’m not sure anyone can change his mind about this, even you.”

  “Don’t be so certain. I’m on my way to London today to see him before he leaves. I’ll take care of it.”

  “While I’d never doubt your ability to influence him, I hope you’ll understand that his threats are serious enough that I feel compelled to take my own action to protect myself and the people I love.”

  “You do whatever you feel you must. And when you’re ready, bring your lady love to see me.”

  Her support and kindness restore my faith somewhat. “I will. Thank you, Mother.”

  “No thanks needed. Be well, Jasper. I’ll be in touch.”

  After the line goes dead, I glance at Ellie, who is smiling.

  “Am I allowed to say that I love your mum?”

  “She’s the bee’s knees. Always has been, and thank God for that. Without her to give some balance, he would’ve driven me completely off my trolley.” I’ve never told my mother, my sisters, or anyone for that matter, about some of the tactics my father employed to keep me in line. Those “tactics” left scars on my soul that I carry with me to this day.

  “Off your trolley?” she asks, her brow raised.

  “Crazy. Mad. Nuts.”

  “Ahhh, gotcha. I can’t wait to meet her.”

  Ellie’s unwavering conviction along with my mother’s determination have given me something I’ve been sorely lacking since the meeting with my father—hope.

  Chapter 21

  We arrive to chaos at Kristian’s. Apparently, a pipe has broken in his kitchen, and he’s desperately trying to contain a flood.

  “Let me.” Ellie runs toward the kitchen, grabs a wrench that Kristian left on the counter, drops to the floor and shimmies under the sink. Watching her, I’m incredibly aroused by how sexy she looks as she cranks the wrench and gets the water to stop, but not before she gets completely soaked in the process.

  “That was amazing,” Kristian says, stunned by her competence.

  I’m ridiculously proud—and randy—as she emerges from under the sink, her white T-shirt clinging to her lovely breasts.

  Kristian hands her a towel and looks away from her wet T-shirt while I continue to stare.

  “How’d you learn to do that?” he asks.

  Ellie wipes her face with the towel. “Saturday mornings at Home Depot. You’d be amazed what you can learn how to do in a couple of hours.”

  “I’m seriously impressed,” Kristian says. “And extremely grateful. A flood on the top floor doesn’t bode well for friendly relations with the neighbors below.”

  “Our stuff is in Gordon’s car,” I say. “Could you loan her something dry?”

  “Of course.” Kristian disappears into his bedroom, leaving us alone in the kitchen.

  “That was rather brilliant, my love. I’m also very impressed.”

  She shrugs off the praise. “I like knowing how to do stuff.”

  This woman can afford to hire someone to do anything she needs done, but she’d rather do it herself. If I weren’t already gobsmacked by her, I would be now.

  Kristian returns with a T-shirt for Ellie, and she ducks into the half bath off the kitchen to change. “How bad is it?” he asks, cutting right to the chase when we’re alone.

  “Worst case.”

  To his credit, my closest fri
end doesn’t seem angry with me, though he has every good reason to be. I’m not sure how I’d feel if my sexual preferences were being used to blackmail one of my partners.

  “Whatever you’re thinking,” he says as he uses a couple of beach towels to mop up the water on the floor, “stuff it. You didn’t cause this. You’re a victim just like the rest of us.”

  “I dragged you all into it.”

  He looks up at me, his brow raised. “By being born?”

  The utter ridiculousness of it all hits me then, and I release an uneasy laugh. “Something like that.”

  His dark hair is mussed when he stands upright, his blue eyes heated with what might be rage, but it’s not directed at me. “Whoever sold us out is going to regret the day they ever tangled with the Quantum partners.”

  His show of support means more to me than I’ll ever be able to tell him. “I haven’t said anything to Ellie about the rest of you being dragged in. That’s not up to me.”


  Flynn arrives a short time later, with two nieces and three nephews in tow. Kristian invites them to check out his game room while Flynn gives me a wary look that, knowing him, probably has more to do with my relationship with his sister than the threat of his secrets being made public. “Jasper.”


  We circle each other like rabid dogs. “Where’s my sister?”

  “In the loo getting changed after saving Kris from catastrophe.”

  Kristian brings him up to speed on the near-flood. “Your sister is Wonder Woman.”

  “Not sure I’d go that far,” Ellie says when she joins us wearing a much bigger shirt than the one that got wet. I miss the wet one. She greets her brother with a kiss to his cheek. “Behave yourself, or I’ll beat the shit out of you.”

  “As if you could,” Flynn says with a huff of indignation.

  “I wouldn’t mess with her after what we just witnessed,” Kristian says.

  I nod in agreement. “Seriously. She’s amazing.”

  Ellie rolls her eyes at our effusiveness, but I can tell she’s enjoying the well-deserved praise. “You need to get a plumber in here to replace that pipe.”


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