Dragon Spirit- Will to Act

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Dragon Spirit- Will to Act Page 6

by Cory Reynolds

  "She just wanted to not be bothered, so why don't you piss off!"


  "Seriously, I thought I told him at the park to mind his own business."

  "This is my business, witch," said Brian. Morgan looked at him in amazement. Sadie and Brian were staring at each other with clear hate on their faces. Why were these two at each others' throats? They were interrupted when the sound of loud truck mufflers and several pairs of bright headlights turning their way in the cemetery.

  "Shut up, we have more company," said Morgan as she turned and ran towards the far side of the mausoleum. She didn't wait for Sadie and Brian to follow, but had to catch herself from falling on the ground when they both ran into her. She had expected it to be dark enough behind the mausoleum for them to hide. What she hadn't expected was that she had led them into a trap.


  IN THE PITCH BLACK, she had all been grabbed and lifted off the ground.

  "Let me go!" screamed Morgan. Her sword was still on her side, but she was helpless as someone lifted her sideways in a tight hug from behind, while someone else held her legs. As they were being carried along the side of the mausoleum, Morgan could see people in high school letter jackets. Everyone was chanting in unison.

  "Bring out the wenches! Bring out the wenches!" As they reached the front, she was blinded by the headlights of several trucks. Morgan could just make out the faces of several of the high school football players. She had been here less than a year, but you learned to recognize everyone in a small town.

  "Can you put us down now?" asked Sadie. Nobody answered, but they were put down on their feet anyways.

  "What were you guys doing back there?" asked one of the boys.

  "Naughty! Naughty!" yelled another.

  "Why were you back there waiting for us?" asked Morgan. Somehow this night had become even more confusing.

  "Sadie texted us," said the first boy.

  "Yea, she said that there were two girls behind the mausoleum, looking for a good time," said one of the boys that had carried Morgan out. Laughter broke out all around them and Morgan looked to Sadie in horror.

  "Why would you do that?"

  "It's true, right? If you're going to die, you might as well have some fun first," said Sadie with a huge smile. Laughter broke out again and Morgan couldn't believe what Sadie was saying. "I'm just joking. I thought that you could use some muscle, and who better than the high school football team?"

  "I told you that I didn't want anyone around." Sadie laughed and the team began laughing for the third time. Morgan turned to look at Brian who just shrugged his shoulders. This was out of control, and Morgan didn't see how it could get any worse. "You all need to leave right now! Leave!" Morgan shouted, but no one was listening. Sadie laughed even louder, like she was trying to make things worse.

  Without any warning, there is a distinct change in the volume as nearly half of the boys stopped laughing all at once. Even though her eyes had adjusted, the headlights were still blinding and Morgan couldn't see what was happening. Then the rest of the laughing cut off, including Sadie. Everyone seemed to be staring, like in a daze. Brian pulled her by the shoulder and looked her in the face.

  "Morgan, you've got this. It's time to meet your challenge," he said to her with visible pain on his face. Shocked, she pulled away from his grip and ran out of the bright beams of the headlights. Even without giving her eyes time to adjust, she could see several flickers of light just past the trucks. And then she saw people standing right next to the trucks. Women in cloaks. Instead of a whisper, this time her survival sense screamed through her entire mind.


  As Morgan turned to flee, she felt a tug from her side. One of the football players had grabbed the sword scabbard, but he still had a blank gaze on his face. She had to act fast. She brought her fist down hard on the boy's arm, breaking his grip. As she took off for the back of the mausoleum, the last thing she saw was anger on the boys face. A chorus of quick footsteps followed. They were all chasing her.

  Even if she could start swinging her sword at the innocent boys behind her, she had no real training against so many opponents. As an exercise, she had practiced against two opponents several times, but anything more was laughable.

  As she turned the rear corner of the mausoleum, she plunged into darkness again. What if some of them came from around the other side? She drew her sword and kept running.

  When she turned the next corner, she both saw and felt her opponent. Several women in dark cloaks were waiting for her in a single file line. She couldn't count the number of them, but like before, she felt a gentle suggestion.

  "Give up."

  She raised her sword, but dropped to her knees when she sensed a bombardment of mental shoves.

  “Stop! Give up! Drop the sword! Give up! Give up!”

  It was a shock to her mind and body. The adze had been waiting for this moment to combine their mental attacks. At the same time her survival instinct gave her an even stronger message with just one impulse.


  All of her anger at what they had done to her dad came out as she rose to her feet and swung her sword at the first adze. After the first disappeared, she struck the second. Each one disappeared like one she had seen on the road. Like her dad had said, they didn't try to fight back physically, but they began to step away from her sword while still pushing her mind to stop. She continued to push back.

  As more of them disappeared at the touch of her silver-laced blade, several more lightning bugs were becoming cloaked women at the end of the line. She continued swinging her sword, continued driving forward as they stared at her with their milky-white eyes. When she finally reached the end of the line and the final adze was gone, she yearned for some sort of satisfaction, but only found something that she had never felt before. Righteous hatred.


  SHE FOUND HER DAD lying unconscious on the ground at the front of the mausoleum. She dropped to her knees, thankful that she hadn't had to confront him, but also worried. As she had killed the adze, they must have released him from their control. Was he just unconscious? While shaking him, she turned to look behind her for the football players. Several were lying on the ground, but most of them were standing around, looking dazed again.

  "Dad, wake up."

  "He won't wake up. He was under their control for too long." It was Sadie's voice. Morgan looked up and could barely see her standing next to one of the trucks through the bright headlights. Morgan realized that since day one in this town, she had been fooled by her best friend.

  "You got the sample of my blood from biology."

  "Ha, you made it so easy. I tried to change your mind, but you were so stubborn. Now that you have begun the war, you'll be the destruction of your kind." Morgan had no idea what she was talking about, but she could worry about that another time. She had to ensure her dad's safety.

  "Come here and tell me what you mean," she said as she stood up.

  "Not a chance, Morgan. I think our friendship is about to take a turn for the worse." A bright fire burst up between her and Sadie, and began to fly through the air at her. Again her survival instinct screamed in her mind.

  "Down!" She felt a gust of wind and ducked down to cover her head. Then something else, something solid that she knew was also connected to her survival instinct, crossed right in front of her. It was gray and it felt hot to the touch when its leathery skin rubbed against her. The approaching fire hit the thing in front of her and then dissipated as the night air became dark again.

  Woosh! After another huge gust of wind, she looked up to see what it was, but it was gone into the air as quickly as it had appeared. She continued to feel its presence, but the voice said no more, and Sadie was also gone.

  In the sudden silence, she heard footsteps behind her. Still grasping her sword, she spun to her feet again, ready to strike. Brian stood with his hands up.

  "Don't kill me!" he said with a
smile on his face.

  "Who are you!" she yelled. Why was he smiling at a time like this?

  "It's me, Brian, and you did it. You killed over 20 adze."

  "Brian! My best friend just tried to kill me, and then there was that thing!"

  “It was The Dragon.”

  “A dragon?”

  "That was your, 'Protezione spirituale,' your spirit animal.” Brian knelt down on one knee before Morgan. “And yours appears to be The Great Dragon.

  See what happens next in book 3, Dragon Spirit, Bond of Vengeance.

  Get The Dragon vs The Witch, bonus story for free and find out what happens when the dragon challenges The White Witch.

  Click HERE to get the story.


  Huntress High 1: Cry of Revenge

  Huntress High 2: Will to Act

  Huntress High 3: Bond of Vengeance


  CORY REYNOLDS: I began the Dragon Spirit series with the desire to make a long series with shorter episodes every few weeks, instead of long installments every few months. That way the reader would hopefully remember some of the last book when they read the new one.

  I also had the hopes of incorporating some of my quirky personality and martial arts training. Whether in dreams or in real life, I’ve experienced some things that are just too inspiring to keep to myself. Finally some of it comes out in this series.

  A big thanks to my in-laws who have probably wondered for years what I’m working on while they watch our kids. Also thanks to the beta readers who have helped and most importantly my wife for being supportive as I write into the night. Thank you my love!

  Table of Contents

  Dragon Spirit


























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