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Trekachaw Page 21

by B R Flores

  Four females jumped out of bed. They looked around the room and began grabbing metal trays, IV poles and anything else not bolted down. How unpredictable and what strange behavior. The females sprinted towards them swinging the metal trays as weapons and were jumping in the air trying to stab them with their IV poles. Azha and Victis high-tailed it to the ceiling screaming, “Put down your weapons!”

  A very tall, heavy-set female launched an IV Pole, hitting Victis’s foot.

  “Get the fuck out of here!” she screamed.

  “Stop. Do that again and I’ll throw it back. Trust me, I’m a better aim.” howled Victis.

  The violent female showed no fear. They were terrible creatures and worse, they started laughing. The loudmouthed female who had inaccurately thrown the IV Pole mocked, “What in the fuck are you?”

  “I told you, I am Victis and this is Azha. We are a superior species called Trekachaws recruiting Human female volunteers willing to merge with female Quizans.”

  “Why in hell would any of us want to do that? She yelled back. “Are you guys seeing, what I’m seeing?” she asked the other females.

  All the commotion was heard down the hallway, awakening even the soundest sleepers. One after another, a steady stream of females crammed themselves into the infirmary. There had to be at least a hundred angry females packed inside the small room glaring up at them. Victis was rethinking his decision to merge Quizans with Human females. These women were vicious, violent creatures. Female Ryquats were a much better match.

  A green light flashed across the ceiling and landed on the floor beneath Victis. A handsome, new Trekachaw snatched a bedpan from the vicious female and threw it down onto the floor.

  “Niki stop, listen to them. It’s me, Cody. I let them do this merge thing and now I can walk again. Walking is nothing, I can fly Niki. I can fly through walls, in space, anywhere I want. I’m free, my new body is incredible.”

  The female’s mouths fell open and they dropped their weapons, Clank, Clunk, Chink, Clank.

  “Are you really Cody?”

  “Yeah, I’m Cody. They need soldiers to fight a war out in space. Do it, and we’ll fight together.”

  Niki, along with most of the other females, raised their hands to volunteer. Several aggressive females began shoving one another demanding they be chosen. Alarmed by their display of continued poor behavior, Victis advised the Quizans to choose wisely. Human females were far more aggressive and undisciplined than the males.

  Cody shouted, “Soldiers att-n hut. Captain Victis, do not underestimate these devoted veterans. They are courageous and capable soldiers. I have no right to ask, but may I request a merge for my wife, Niki? I give you my word she will not disappoint you.”

  “No, you may not. I will not choose a Human for a Quizan. From what I’ve seen, I wouldn’t recommend any of them. What I will do, is honor the Quizans’ choices.”

  Victis looked up at the swirling lights, “Quizans, choose whomever you please. If you do not accept any of these females, we will find others.”

  The infirmary exploded with silver lightning bolts, forcing Azha, Victis, Clyde, and Cody to close their eyes. When they were able to open them again, Niki was gone. In her place stood an exceptionally tall, robust Trekachaw. Standing behind her were twenty-four beautiful new female Trekachaws. Victis was pleased. The Quizans had chosen remarkably well. A flurry of lights drifted across the room and vanished.

  Valiant women were pleading for Victis to take them. Knowing that he had no words to comfort their rejection, he and Azha turned into pure energy and disappeared into the wall. Outside the hospital, Victis said, “That was very difficult. I wish we could’ve taken them all.”

  Azha felt selfish for asking, but he had no other choice, “Ginger and Cole Jr., are still waiting for me.”

  Victis appeared thankful for the distraction, “Don’t forget Quetzal and a Vita Brevis Suit for your son.”

  No words could ever express his gratitude for Victis. On second thought, too much was hanging in the balance; he shouldn’t leave Victis’s side. Besides, Ginger was safe on Earth. She could wait a little while longer.

  “I’ll follow you to the ship and stay on board in case you need me,” he told Victis.

  The battleship was engaged with all stations on high alert. Most of the new Trekachaws and Captain Atue were on the cargo ship en route to Palatu. Roon had intercepted several Crozin transmissions that gave them an accurate countdown of thirty-one minutes before three Crozin battleships reached Europa. The cargo ship would be out of sensor range before they could strike. Nonetheless, Earth remained in imminent danger. One way or the other, the Crozins had to be destroyed or forced to retreat. Victis would stay and fight even if it meant the demise of his battleship and all aboard. Even though Victis was consumed by last minute decisions and shouting orders on the bridge in preparation for battle, he paused for Azha. “Go. Get your family. I’ll wait for you if I can.”

  Deserting Victis just before a bloody battle filled Azha with dread. If nothing went wrong, Quetzal could complete her merge with Ginger before the Crozins attacked. Azha thanked Victis, then sped off to the docking bay with Quetzal by his side. In all the turmoil, Victis had arranged for an engaged shuttle and one Vexy suit waiting for him in the docking bay. His Trekachaw brother was looking out for him.

  Quetzal flickered about, nervous to enter the shuttle. Being the last to merge, she was scared and lonely without her tribe. Azha reminded her of all the reasons she volunteered, and she flew into the shuttle. The more he got to know her, the more he liked her. In fact, he was becoming fond of the brave little Quizan. The shuttle hummed and rose from the docking platform. Through a small portal window, he watched the battleship shrink. It felt wrong leaving them looming in space to face the Crozins’ wrath.

  EARTH’S NIGHT CONCEALED THE SHUTTLE landing next to the old winery. Azha and Quetzal turned into energy and quickly flew towards his mother’s house. The well-lit rooms obscured their lights as they floated down the hallway. A strange man had his back to them and was gathering things in Cole Jr.’s bedroom. The man was Frank. Why was Frank at his mother’s house and where was Ginger? Azha asked himself. There was no time for subtly. Azha morphed into body form on the opposite side of the bed. Frank pulled his gun from a side holster and pointed it at him.

  “Get down, on the floor,” he demanded.

  “Frank it’s me, Cole. Put the gun down,” Azha remembered to raise his hands into the air.

  Frank shuffled towards the door, “I said, get on the floor.”

  “Frank don’t shoot, I’m Cole your friend. Let me prove it to you, ask me a question.”

  “Get on the floor, then we’ll talk,” Frank sounded afraid.

  Quetzal zipped about the room in a red frenzy. Down the hallway, a little boy called out, “Daddy, where are you?”

  Frank side-stepped towards the door while facing Azha. You could see it on his face. If Cole Jr. ran into the room, he was going to shoot. In the blink of an eye, Azha slapped the gun from Frank’s hand sending it flying across the room. The gun hit the wall and discharged… Boom, an ear-splitting explosion. Frank fell to the floor and was scrambling on his hands and knees across the room. In front of him, Cole Jr. was jumping up and down in the hallway excited to see the Spaceman.

  Azha streaked past Frank to block the doorway, “Cole Jr., stay there. Frank, stop.”

  Frank dove for his gun laying on the floor next to a toy box. Before he could reach it, Azha grabbed the gun, unloaded it and threw the bullets behind the headboard.

  Frank screamed at Cole Jr., “Run Cole, hide!”

  In a futile attempt to fight, Frank jumped on Azha’s back and tried to choke him out. This was ridiculous, Frank was no stronger than a Quizan.

  “Frank get off me, you’re wasting your time. I do not breath oxygen, I absorb energy. You can’t choke-out my whole body.”

  Azha reached around, gently pulled Frank off his back, and forced him to sit down
on the bed. Believing they were play-wrestling, Cole Jr. crawled up on the bed and began jumping up and down giggling, “Gerrrrr, Daddy whack, ka-pow Spaceman.”

  Exhausted, Frank stopped resisting. “OK, ok, let go of me, shit-head. What are you?”

  “Like I said, I’m Cole. The night I went missing an alien merged with me. I’ve told this story so many times I’m sick of it. I know this is a lot to take in, but I am Cole.”

  Frank took a deep breath, “If all this is true, not that I doubt the alien part, why are you here now? What exactly are you, alien or Human? That’s a stupid question… duh. Obviously, you’re not Human.”

  “I’m called a Trekachaw. My name is Azha and I’m half-Quizan. I can fly in body form, or energy, and travel in space without spaceships or suits. I’m here for Ginger and Cole Jr. See the flickering red light buzzing around the room, that’s Quetzal. She’s the Quizan that came here to merge with Ginger. Cole Jr. can’t merge until he reaches maturity. Until then, he’ll have either Ryquat or Umdul children to play with.”

  Frank was finding it difficult to believe anything he was seeing or hearing. For some reason, Cole Jr. didn’t seem to be afraid of the creature. In fact, he liked him. Not having a choice in the matter, he figured why not listen to what the alien had to say.

  “Fair enough. The night you went missing, the department searched everywhere. We searched for months with no leads. Everyone thought you had been murdered and dumped in a remote grave somewhere. Ginger was pregnant, and you were missing. I fell in love with her and your son. Judy got sick of the whole thing and divorced me. If you really are Cole, I apologize. But I thought you were dead. Ginger eventually married me, but it didn’t last. I think she never stopped loving you. About a year ago, your mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Ginger moved in here and has been taking care of her ever since.”

  Azha interrupted, “My mom is fine, she’s a Trekachaw on a Ryquat battleship.”

  “What the fuck? Oops,” Frank glanced over at Cole Jr., who was staring back at him with two little eagle eyes. “Fudge, what the fudge,” Frank said clearly.

  Frank spelled out, “G-I-N-G-E-R was taken into custody this morning. Detectives have concocted a case against her for a double homicide. I was told on the QT they have enough evidence for the D.A. to file charges. They’re saying she’s either involved or guilty in your disappearance and now, your mom’s. I tried to reason with them, but I’m getting the feeling they suspect me, too. She asked me to take care of Cole Jr. until I can arrange for her bail. I’m not sure if that’s even possible, or how much the bail is. I’ve called a couple of lawyers, but so far I haven’t heard back.”

  Azha’s stripes faded to a pale tan. Everything was going wrong. Victis couldn’t wait for him and Quetzal was showing signs of listless vacuity. It was imperative she be allowed to rejuvenate in the sun or inside the Quizan chambers. Azha’s best recourse was to return to the battleship and help Victis fight the Crozins. Afterwards, he and Quetzal could return to Earth and pick up where they’d left off. Frank obviously loved Cole Jr. Leaving the boy with him was the only logical thing to do. He hated leaving Ginger incarcerated at the county jail, but at least she was safe. Whereas, the Crozins were hell-bent on destroying Earth out of spite knowing Humans were ancestors of the Ryquats.

  “Frank, I must go. I insist that you do not tell anyone of our encounter. If you do, everyone will think you’ve lost your mind and then who will take care of the boy?”

  Cole Jr. was tugging Azha’s leg, trying to pull him over to Frank sitting on the bed.

  “Daddy, this is Spaceman.”

  Frank picked Cole Jr. up and sat him on his lap. “I’m the only dad he’s known. Of course, I’ll take care of him”

  Azha couldn’t hide how much those words hurt. So many moments missed, so many years gone.

  “Take care of yourself and the boy. I’ll come back as soon as I can.”

  “Wait, before you go. I’d like to go with Cole Jr. and Ginger. I have nothing keeping me here.”

  Azha considered Frank’s request and realized jealousy would be the only reason to say no. This destructive emotion was a Human trait, beneath a Trekachaw.

  “Okay, but I cannot promise that you’ll be reborn as a Trekachaw. What I can promise is a position on a Ryquat or Umdul battleship.”

  Frank removed a cell phone from his shirt pocket. Would you mind if I took a couple photos of you? I promise not to show them to anyone. Once you leave, I won’t believe it myself unless I have hard evidence.”

  “Promise not to show them to anyone and we have a deal?” Azha asked.

  Frank agreed and held the phone up, Click, click, click. He handed the phone to Azha showing him the photos he’d just taken.

  “Wow, I didn’t realize how bright my stripes are. We’re going back to the shuttle. Gingers’ not here,” Azha told Quetzal.

  “What did you say to the light?” Frank asked.

  “That she’s not merging.”

  The dancing light circled Azha as he spiraled into a white light. Side by side they drifted towards the wall, then shot up and disappeared into the ceiling.

  Frank sat quietly on the bed next to Cole Jr. thinking about what he’d just experienced. Had he dreamt the whole thing? The photos on his phone were proof that he wasn’t crazy.

  THE SHUTTLE WAS AS HE left it. Relieved, Azha morphed into body form with Quetzal flickering next to his shoulder. The shroud of night was gone and soon the grey sky would give way to morning. The shuttle hummed, and they sped off, leaving Earth behind. Quetzal was worn out from the trip and disappointed. Leaving his wife and son behind was not what Azha had hoped for, either. Open space made Azha feel relaxed and free for the moment. Of course, that did not last long. A relentless fire-fight of pulsating beams lit up the black space near Saturn’s moon, Europa. The battle had already begun.




  VICTIS strategically selected a few Trekachaws to stay on board his battleship. Nikki, Cody, and Clyde were bold and aggressive; they’d be pivotal in warfare. Roon and Beverly were excellent bridge support for the Ryquat crewmen. And then there was Pax. He had his hands full prepping the Medical Station. He was by far the best trauma M.D. Victis had ever run across, and this could be a bloody battle. A twenty-five-minute count-down did not leave Victis much time for mistakes or procrastination. Roon called the Officers and Crewmen to attention, “Captain on the bridge!”

  “Soon we will engage the Crozins in a battle for our survival and that of Earth.

  Roon, Nikki, Cody, Beverly, Clyde and I will fly onto the trailing Crozin battleship. Our mission is to take possession of that ship before it reaches Europa. If we are successful, Akio, I want you to engage all weapons on the mothership. Do whatever it takes to destroy her. We will use the hijacked Crozin ship to disable or destroy the other battleship. If we fail and you do not see the trailing Crozin battleship firing on their other ships, then I am ordering you to disengage. With any luck, I’m counting on them pursuing you, instead of destroying Earth. Save my ship and crew if possible, and return to Palatu. Regroup with Cpt. Pify, and the ships Luxon and Paratus. They’ll need all the help they can get to protect Palatu and the new Trekachaws. We’ll stay behind and fight until either we destroy them, or they destroy us. Beverly, are you Zeta or Beverly?

  “Zeta,” she replied.

  “Like I said, Zeta, Roon, Nikki, Cody and Clyde, you’re with me. Kill every Crozin on board and do not hesitate. The most effective way to kill a Crozin is to smash their protruding skulls at the base. You can’t miss the ugly thing, it hangs down between their shoulder blades. You have plenty of strength to crush their skulls with your fists. But don’t let that fool you; Crozins do not die easily. Their bodies will continue to attack and fire weapons even after you think they’re dead. Once we have control of the bridge, I want Zeta, Nikki, Cody, and Clyde to turn back into energy and search for any Crozins on boar
d. If you find any, kill them. Be smart and work as a pack. It’s much safer that way. If there are no questions, let’s go get a Crozin battleship.”

  Six mighty Trekachaws blazed out of the bridge into space.

  THREE CROZIN BATTLESHIPS WERE APPROACHING at a steady hikari speed; countdown fifteen minutes. Victis soared over the top of the trailing battleship with the five Trekachaws in tandem. Undetected by the ship sensors, they followed Victis into the ship’s bridge where a dozen Crozins were scrambling to prepare for battle. A crusty, old Ukaru reigned from a large metal pod located in the center of the bridge. The pod spun in circles as he coughed up commands to the nervous crewmen. The Crozins’ skulls were grotesque, and the bridge stunk of a musty order that reminded Clyde of fish left to rot in the sun. It was difficult for the new Human Trekachaws not to stare at the sagging leathery eggs that hung between their shoulder blades.

  The vile, old Crozin, Ukaru, continued to spin in his pod, while fixated on a blinking device attached to his arm. Victis signaled for the attack to begin. Midair, Victis morphed into body form and punched the side of the Ukaru’s head as he spun by in his pod. His thin, leathery skull exploded spraying chunks of slimy brain tissue across the bridge. Nikki had a screaming Crozin pinned on the floor. She took a moment to smile at Victis before she bent him over her knee and snapped his spine. A shrewd, older Crozin was grabbing a Neco weapon from a slit hidden inside an interface display wall. Clyde wrestled the Neco from the Crozin’s boney fingers and tossed it to Victis. Cody jumped in and punched the base of the Crozin’s skull square between its shoulder blades. He felt his fist penetrate the leathery skull and bury deep into its mushy brain. Cody tried to flick the dead Crozin off his fist, but with each flick, the corpse flopped up and down in the air like a rag doll.


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