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Trekachaw Page 25

by B R Flores

  The Umdul fleet en route from Zaurak intercepted several transmissions revealing vital information. Approximately twenty Gor and Crozin battleships had joined forces to invade Palatu. According to the latest intercepted transmission, their E.T.A was thirty-six hours. The Gor and Crozin campaign was flawed. They believed Palatu was protected by a handful of battleships. Little did they know, they were outnumbered three to one. Thirty-two Umdul battleships were in orbit around Palatu and nine more were within a days’ arrival from outposts. Captain Pify sent a coded message to the twenty battleships en route from Zaurak to standby. Their new orders were to allow the Gor and Crozin ships to pass their coordinates, then pursue undetected to Palatu for an astern attack.

  Captain Pify transmitted ship to ship on a coded frequency to Captain Victis, “Heard good mission, true not so good Azha? Future find positive will grow strong again… to the end, you and me. Patience before we meet again, protect our interests. I send you Phera and one of my best, Yagi. Two will make three in case you find Crozin birds to pluck. Maybe blinded Gor will try to wangle what is ours, chance to step on parasite. Aevitas my friend, be diligent to see the end unscathed, accept?”

  “Accept. Be safe old friend, we will meet again soon.” Victis ended the transmission.

  He wished he could fight alongside the old salt that he worshiped. Waiting in space was not his idea of being useful. As always, Pify was right, and every move perfectly calculated. Protecting the cargo ship was crucial and the Human Trekachaws were vulnerable until they received basic training. If Azha was alive, he would have guided the Human Trekachaws. Such a waste. Who would be best suited for the task now? He’d get back to that problem later. If he could go back and do things differently, Azha’s wife would have merged before they left Earth. Would’ve, could’ve, and should’ve was not helping. The cargo ship was in monitor range and he couldn’t allow himself to be distracted. But that didn’t last long. Having nothing to do but think, Victis reexamined his anger towards Atue. He should never have appointed Atue as Captain. He was too compassionate, and sensitive to a fault. Atue would never forgive himself for the Trekachaw casualties. He should have paired Clyde with Atue. Together they would’ve made a well-balanced team. Azha would have advised against Atue being a Captain. But Azha was dead. He should have known better than to force Atue into a position he was not suited for or trained to do. Victis was just as much at fault for the Trekachaws’ deaths. From now on Atue would do what he did best, a valued Chief Engineer.

  THE BATTLE WAS OVER BEFORE IT began. The Gors and Crozins divided into two collectives and retreated at Hikari speed. It seemed last-minute they knew about Captain Pify’s ambush. Even so, not all was lost. A wing Umdul ship disabled two of the fleeing Crozin battleships. Pify wanted prisoners, preferably Ruks or a Ukaru. He would interrogate them to confirm if a Ryquat traitor was leaking information. Prior to the Umdul Sentries boarding, most of the Crozin crew had committed suicide by ingesting poison. Quick action prevented a Crozin Ukaru and a handful of bridge Ruks from completing a battleship self-destruction count down. The prisoners were transported, and Umdul engineers boarded the Crozin ship for repairs. What came next was a gruesome discovery.

  “Captain Pify, three female Ryquats in the belly of this ship. Sad, they are. One old, one young and one not. Ryquat doctor in need for one not, suffer she has,” transmitted an Umdul Sentry.

  “Comfort, you shall. Transport when stable,” advised Pify.

  Ship to ship, Captain Pify briefed Victis and Phera regarding the Crozin and Gors status and of commandeering two of their ships. Pify added, “Three Ryquat females discover in belly of Crozin bird. Toogus physician request Ryquat physician dire need says he.”

  Victis acknowledged and assigned Phera to transport Pax to the Crozin ship hikari speed.

  Now that the threat was gone, Victis was given confirmation for the cargo ship to proceed to Palatu. A couple of changes in crew assignments needed to be addressed before giving orders to set course. Roon and Clyde were to replace Atue on the cargo ship. Atue would return with him to his battleship where he could inform him of the Human Trekachaw casualties in private.

  Pax couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to tell Victis something in confidence before Phera arrived. Not wanting to create a problem, he’d kept the nagging information to himself because it was nothing more than a gut-feeling. Plus, ever since Azha’s death, Victis had been distant, distracted, and short tempered. Nonetheless, Victis needed to know.

  “Victis, we need to talk about two of the Trekachaws Atue deployed. Their Human names are Joshua and Nick. They were two of the first Human Trekachaws that came back. When I examined the group, everyone was severely injured, except for them. They were covered in blood and acting as if they were in pain, except I didn’t find a single scratch on either one of them. To me, the blood covering them looked smeared. I think they rubbed another Trekachaw’s blood on themselves and played dead or hid so they wouldn’t have to fight.”

  “Did you confront them?” Victis asked.

  “No,” admitted Pax.

  “I met a Human Trekachaw called Takeda while on the Gor ship. I’ll ask him if he knows anything about Joshua or Nick. If you find out anything else, let me know. Update me when you know something about the female Ryquats,” Victis added.

  “No problem,” said Pax.

  Captain Phera came into view at the end of the docking gateway. She was magnificent. Even Pax commented on how beautiful she was.

  “What are you two staring at?” Phera asked.

  “We’re not staring at you,” Victis said looking away.

  “Right. Pify wants to know if you need another battleship to assist with the cargo ship escort? Umdul Captain Yagi is here and available. And since you thought it so important to name the ships, what’s your ship’s name?”

  “My ship’s name is Trinite. And No, I don’t need Yagi. Pax, let me know about the female Ryquats.”

  Pax was so distracted by Phera walking down the corridor in front of him, he didn’t hear Victis the first time.

  “Pax, let me know about the female Ryquats.”

  “I got it. As soon as I know, you’ll know,” Pax said, not turning around.

  The docking station closed, leaving Victis to watch their departure out a portal window. In a flash, the two battleships were gone. Like it or not, he was stuck escorting the cargo ship back to Palatu.

  Akio sounded excited and out of breath, “Captain, report to the bridge.”

  That was strange, Akio never showed his emotions. Victis turned into energy and flew through the bulkhead onto the bridge. As he morphed into body form, Akio was yelling, “I think that’s our shuttle out there. Look Captain, it is our shuttle. Who’s flying it?”

  twenty five


  NOW that Azha knew what a battleship was capable of, the shuttle flight seemed as if it were going to take forever to navigate home. But, then again, where was home? Palatu was not home anymore, and certainly not Earth. Was he a galaxy nomad? No, home was with the Trekachaws, where ever that may be. Most of the flight had been restful. Cole seemed content now that Ginger was in his life. On the flip side, Azha’s Quizan-half missed Quetzal. She often reminded him of Rodia. This time, he would honor and appreciate his Owari bond with a faithful, supportive female. It was necessary to remind himself of his good fortune during the first couple of days after leaving Earth. Azha flew out of the shuttle more than once for some peace and quiet. Quetzal and Ginger were butting heads, both adamant about keeping their name. They argued non-stop until they finally agreed on a compatible Trekachaw name; Ginzal. Azha liked the new name. Very creative how they combined both names to create a new one. He was pleased when they decided to cooperate with one another. Not only for his sanity, but for theirs, too. Eventually, one would dominate the other. He didn’t care who, though he hoped the decision would be made sooner than later.

  Over the next couple of days, Azha had the opportunity to bond
with his Trekachaw wife. He liked bonding with her, though not as much as he’d hoped. Rodia didn’t deserve his betrayal and neither did Quetzal. Knowing it was wrong, he’d think of Phera to make his bonding with Ginzal more energizing. Even worse, after about twenty times he wasn’t all that interested in her. Him comparing the two was not fair. Phera was exotic, exciting, and dangerous. Ginzal was none of those. For everyone’s sake, he had to convince himself that true love was better than lust. No matter what, he’d never admit to anyone how he felt. Checking the shuttle navigation, Palatu was within four days. That is, bearing no complications.

  A battleship crossed his path. Azha thought about diverting, but most likely their sensors had already detected him.

  “Ginzal, if the battleship’s Crozin, we can’t return to the shuttle. Palatu’s not that far, we’ll fly the rest of the way in energy. Are you ready?” Azha asked.

  Ginzal look scared. Then he saw a familiar expression appear on her face. Quetzal had taken over.

  “Ready. This isn’t the first time we’ve outwitted monsters,” smiled Ginzal.

  Azha cut the power, leaving the shuttle adrift. The tiny craft faded in space as the battleship came closer.

  Azha and Ginzal flew through the portside. The battleship did not stink of Crozin or Gystfin. Azha saw a Ryquat crewman walking in the corridor underneath him. He was home, “Ginzal, we’re on Victis’s ship.” Azha streaked through the walls onto the bridge. There stood Victis in the flesh staring at a monitor, telling Akio to contact with the shuttle. Roon looked the same, but a new Trekachaw was standing next to Victis. He was probably one of the new, Human Trekachaws. Azha flickered to Ginzal asking her to remain in energy. She flickered back, excited for Azha. This was perfect, no one noticed when he morphed into body form behind Victis.

  “Did ya miss me?” Azha asked.

  Victis spun around and his stripes turned so pale they were almost white.

  “It’s me, Azha. Are you okay?”

  Roon screamed and Victis fell to the floor.

  “Holy shit” yelled Roon.

  “Is he dead?” asked Akio.

  “No. I think he fainted,” said Azha.

  “Someone do something!” yelled Roon.

  “Go get Pax!” shouted Azha.

  “Phera transported Pax to Palatu,” said Akio.

  “Look he’s moving,” said Clyde.

  “What happened? Help me to my chair,” commanded Victis.

  While Azha, Roon, and Clyde were helping Victis stand up, Ginzal morphed into body form behind them.

  “Roon, when did Victis start doing this?” Azha asked.

  “This is the first time I’ve seen him do it. We thought you were dead. We found an injured Gystfin Leader on a Crozin battleships we commandeered. Before Victis killed him, he told us Traitor Myosis killed you on the shuttle. That Leader was Zygo’s brother.”

  “Traitor Myosis and two Leaders almost did kill me. I flew into Jupiter’s Red Cyclone or they would have. When I flew out, Traitor Myosis and the other Leader were gone. I stabbed the Leader you found with a metal pole. He turned into energy and left the shuttle before Myosis and the other Leader chased me to the red cyclone.”

  Ginzal flashed her stripes.

  “Allow me to introduce my wife, Ginzal. Quetzal merged with my Human wife, Ginger. Is Beverly on board?”

  Slurring his words, Victis sat up in his chair, “Welcome home Azha. Yeah, your mom’s on board. She’s called Zeta now. Somebody let her know that Azha’s on the bridge. What happened to me?”

  Azha squatted down in front of Victis, “Well, I think you passed out.”

  “Unko damare,” swore Victis.

  “Saying ‘shit shut up’ in Japanese won’t change a thing. Everyone saw you do it,” smiled Azha.

  “Never did that before. Hope I never do it again,” Victis said worried.

  “Me, too. You kinda scared all of us,” said Akio.

  “I’m fine. Probably need to absorb some sunlight, that’s all.”

  “Would you like to meet my wife?” Azha asked.

  “Absolutely,” replied Victis.

  “Ginzal, this is my Trekachaw brother, the greatest battleship Captain that ever lived. Victis this is my new wife Ginzal.”

  The bridge crew clapped their hands and the Trekachaws’ stripes glowed a brilliant green. Three more lights entered the bridge and spiraled above Azha before morphing into Zeta, Cody, and Nikki.

  Zeta screamed her son’s name, “Cole! We thought you were dead.”

  Azha succumbed, allowing Cole to rise, “See mom, I’m fine. Ginger’s here, she merged with a Quizan named Quetzal.”

  Zeta let go of Azha and threw her arms around Ginzal. “Thank you for taking such good care of me, Ginger. How can I ever repay you for all your kindness?”

  “Zeta, ah, Beverly, you’re like a mother to me. I took care of you because I love you.”

  Ginzal took a couple of steps back, “Beverly, you look fantastic. So, beautiful.”

  “I’m so thankful for what Cole did for me. Are you happy merged?” Beverly asked.

  “Yes, I think so. I’m still working out the kinks with my Quizan half.”

  “Where is Cole Jr.?” Beverly asked.

  “The police thought I was somehow responsible for your and Cole’s disappearances. When I was arrested, Frank took custody of Cole Jr. When we return to Earth for Cole Jr., Frank wants to go with us. It would be wrong to leave him behind,” said Ginger.

  Victis told Beverly and Ginger to say goodbye to Cole. He needed Azha for the new Trekachaw training. Of course, that wasn’t the real reason. Victis had missed Azha. They needed to catch up. Allowing this to continue was out of the question.

  twenty six



  VICTIS adjusted his schedule to meet with Azha in the Quizan chambers where they could soak up artificial rays and he could hear all about Azha’s near death experience. Zeta and Ginzal were joined at the hip talking about earth. Azha was grateful for Victis’s invitation. He was tired of hearing about Human good old times.

  Neither Azha nor Victis said more than a couple of words. They nodded off almost immediately under the warm artificial sunrays. Victis awoke startled. As always, he was under pressure and loose ends needed his attention before departing to Palatu. Clyde and Roon were on standby waiting to trade places with Atue on the cargo ship, and Azha’s shuttle was still floating in space.

  Nikki and Cody had been boasting to the Ryquat navigators about their Earth fixed-winged pilots license. Therefore, in their astute opinion they should be considered candidates to assist with the retrieval of the shuttle. Akio was intrigued by their enthusiasm and decided to take the eager new Trekachaws under his wing. Navigating the abandoned shuttle floating in space was the perfect opportunity for the new pilots. Per Victis’s approval, they were good to go.

  Next on Victis’s agenda, the cargo ship. He requested, Roon, Clyde, and Azha to the bridge.

  “Roon, you’ll be acting Captain of the cargo ship with Clyde second in command. Azha, do you want to go with us?”

  “Yes, it seems like a life time ago since I stole it,” replied Azha.

  The four Trekachaws turned into energy and in tandem flew through space towards the massive cargo ship.

  Entering from the bow made it much easier to locate the bridge. Atue’s nervous habit of rubbing his ear along with his tan stripes were a dead giveaway he was dreading the news. Victis did not wish to make him suffer needlessly, so he got right to the point.

  “Four Human Trekachaws died fighting the Gors. We’re both responsible for their deaths. Having no previous training, you acted in good faith. From now on, I will respect your position as a Master Engineer. Do you have any questions for me?”

  Atue slumped over in his chair and covered his face with his hands. “No, Captain.”

  Akio’s voice came over the intercom.

  “Captain I
have Pax on com-4 waiting to speak with you. He says it’s an emergency and will only relay the information directly to you. Do you want me to transmit?”

  “Yes, we’re still figuring out the system over here. I don’t want to lose him by changing coms,” advised Victis.

  “Copy, standby.”

  The monitor blacked-out for a second, then it lit up with Pax on the screen.

  “Is that Azha?” Pax asked.

  “Yep, I’ve returned from the dead. Traitor Myosis missed his mark,” replied Azha.

  “I don’t know if you can see me, but I’m glowing green,” said Pax.

  “We can see you. Thanks, glad to be home. I have my Human wife with me. She merged with Quetzal.”

  “Congratulations can’t wait to meet her,” smiled Pax.

  “Pax, Azha, are you finished? I don’t want to be a party popper, but what’s the emergency?” Victis asked.

  “The expression is party pooper,” replied Azha.

  “No. I clearly remember the idiom to be party popper. Pooper doesn’t make any sense,” argued Victis.

  “Don’t be such an ass. It doesn’t have to make sense,” protested Azha.

  “You’re bad. Why do you feel the need to use foul words?” Victis scolded.

  “You say foul words all the time in Japanese,” replied Azha.

  “Ha, you’re bad and I’m an ass. Together we’re bad asses,” smiled Victis.

  “Unko, I missed us doing this,” Victis chuckled. “So, Pax what’s the emergency?”

  “Ah, three female Ryquats were found in a holding area. The older woman has been caring for an adult female and a little girl. I do not recognize the older female. But I recognized the adult female. She’s your wife Connie, and the girl’s probably your daughter. She’s the right age for Connie being pregnant when she was captured. The girl is healthy and has been well cared for by the older woman. The girl’s name is Tilly and the older woman’s name is Marilyn. I’m sorry to inform you that Connie has suffered great physical harm and is psychotic.”


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