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Trekachaw Page 30

by B R Flores

  Victis abruptly began the meeting by ordering the Human Trekachaws to sit on the floor. He directed Azha, Pify, Phera, Nikki, Cody, Clyde, Pax, and Takeda to stand behind him during the meeting. Once everyone moved to their locations, Victis stood on top of a bench and spoke in a loud monotone voice.

  “It has been brought to my attention that some of you do not wish to remain with us. Who wants to return to Earth?”

  Two Trekachaws raised their hands. Victis told them to stand up.

  “What are your names?”

  “I’m Nick and this is Joshua.”

  “Nick, do you always speak on Joshua’s behalf?” Victis asked.

  Joshua took a step forward, “No, he does not. I can speak for myself.”

  “Do you want to return to Earth, Joshua?”


  “And why do you want to return to Earth?”

  “To rule.”

  “Rule who?” Victis asked.

  “Rule the Humans on Earth to make it a better world,” said Nick interrupting.

  “Why do you believe that you’re better suited to rule Earth?”

  “Didn’t you hear me?” Nick snapped.

  “Oh, I heard you. Nick, do you feel the same way as Joshua?”

  “Why shouldn’t we rule Earth. Humans are inferior and ignorant,” Joshua boasted.

  “You are half-Human,” said Victis.

  “What’s your point?” Nick countered in a snide voice.

  Azha was red and his eyes glowed yellow, he stepped forward and stood next to Victis. Without looking away from Nick and Joshua, Victis stretched his arm out to stop Azha from moving any closer.

  “Your intentions are clear to me. What do you believe should happen here?” Victis asked.

  “Who are you asking, me or Nick?” Joshua asked in a pompous tone.

  “You go first,” replied Victis.

  “Give us a shuttle and we’ll be on our way.”

  “Nick, do you agree with Joshua?”

  “Yeah. One shuttle isn’t going to make a difference,” argued Nick.

  “Neither will two Trekachaws.”

  Victis raised his arm and pointed his hand at them. A red beam crossed their bodies. Before they fell, Victis sliced the beam through them again. The Human Trekachaws sitting on the floor flashed into red energy and flew to the ceiling.

  Victis lowered his arm and spoke, “I take no pleasure in what I was forced to do.”

  One by one the Trekachaws morphed into body form and slowly sat back down on the floor.

  Azha leaned into Victis and whispered, “Phera and I discovered if you cut a Trekachaw’s head off, their grey-death energy can ascend to Aeon Devotio.”

  “Is that right? Don’t cut their heads off, they’re evil,” Victis said with a sharp tongue.

  Clyde’s eyes questioned Victis’s decision. He looked at Azha for answers. Azha looked back with conviction. Victis could see the fear on the Trekachaws’ faces. This was not the first time, nor would it be the last, that fear was instrumental in ensuring respect. If there was any question before, chain of command was established. Victis was in charge and comfortable in making the difficult decisions.

  Pify spoke up, “Captain Victis, end malice Trekachaws. Undeniable awry disposed to acclimate. Celebrate tabula rasa. Umduls concur for future, agree?”

  The Human Trekachaw faces changed from fear to confusion. Azha asked Pify to explain Tabula Rasa.

  “Captain Victis make clean slate, Tabula Rasa. Agree?” Pify said slowly and over pronounced his words.

  The Human Trekachaws looked pleased while nodding their heads up and down in agreement. Victis raised his arm up to get their attention and chaos erupted. The Trekachaws flashed into red energy and scattered trying to find hiding places.

  Azha yelled, “Victis, put your arm down. Damn, they’re scared shitless. They’re flickering so fast they look like fireworks. I’m surprised they didn’t fly out of here.”

  Victis lowered his arm and clasped his hands together behind his back. “Talk them down so I can finish the meeting.”

  “Trekachaws, I give you my word, it’s over. What had to be done is done,” shouted Azha.

  Red swirling lights faded to white and descended to the floor, morphing into Trekachaws.

  Being conscious of keeping his hands behind his back, Victis continued, “Azha is my second in command. He will train you for the upcoming war. Be here tomorrow at eight o’clock sharp. You’re dismissed.”

  The cargo deck emptied leaving Victis, Azha, and Pify behind. Pify danced a little skip and chuckled, “Harsh, Victis no nonsense. You, Phera, ou-dim-fa.”

  Azha perked up when he heard Phera’s name. “What’s ou-dim-fa?”

  Victis grinned and looked down at Pify. “My salty old friend takes care of me. Phera has taught me glorious things.”

  Pify and Victis danced in a circle singing, “Ou-dim-fa, ou-dim-fa, ou-dim-fa.” Around and around they spun irritating the crap out of Azha.

  “Okay, you’ve got my attention. What’s ou-dim-fa?” Azha snapped.

  Victis jumped up into the air and landed next to Azha. “Ou-dim-fa is sex. I had sex with Phera!”

  Azha turned bright purple and looked as if he were going to pop. “You and Phera had SEX?”

  “Yep, the best sex I’ve ever had,” bragged Victis.

  Pify spun in a circle and began singing ou-dim-fa again.

  Victis laughed, “Azha don’t be so skinny-minded.”

  Azha screamed, “YOU’RE SO STUPID. It’s not skinny-minded, it’s narrow-minded.”

  Victis and Pify were laughing so hard they were leaning on the wall to keep from falling to the floor.

  Pify snorted and took a deep breath, “Forget bodies? Messy to leave boorish bygones.”

  Victis walked over to the dead Trekachaws. “No, I didn’t forget. There’ll be no funeral, they will simply disappear.”

  Victis raised his arm and evaporated them with a beautiful blue light that swept across their bodies.

  TWO DAYS HAD COME AND gone since the departure of five battleships to Opus. Captain Yagi would be relieved when the journey was over. He was responsible for the children and the raw materials. Opus was the only safe planet to raise the children, at least until Trinite was colonized. Kigen loved being on the Umdul ship and playing with Tilly. He didn’t seem to mind being estranged from his parents. Whereas, Deneb and Vious were emotional wrecks. Barring any unexpected delays, the ships were scheduled to return within the week.

  Pify spent his free time singing ditties and non-stop talking about the new secret Umdul technology. The first eight battleships would far exceed any existing ships in the galaxy. The new weapon systems were stream-lined, efficient, and incredibly lethal. Long range sensors were improved by eighteen percent and acceleration by a whopping twelve percent. Friction Energy made it possible to support the power necessary for the new technology. These battleships would be put to the test soon enough. For everyone’s sake, it was imperative they lived up to the hype.

  Rumor was, Belton had met several times with Boo, Atue, and Pax on Pify’s ship to discuss an unbelievable request. A Quizan asked to merge with Boo. The Quizan was the lone survivor of Myosis and the Leader’s latest rampage on Palatu. Before the merge could transpire, they needed Victis’s approval. Questions and comments were thrown back and forth in favor and in opposition concerning Boo’s loyalty after the merge. When it was all said and done, they agreed to allow the merge. Pify was disappointed that he was not chosen but supported the Quizan’s request. Phera was livid, she had begged for a Quizan to merge with the love of her life. Pify asked her not to voice her disdain for the Quizan, fearing it would further repel those considering a merge with an Umdul.

  A small, private gathering waited nervously outside the room during the merge. Boo was well-liked by the Trekachaws, the Ryquats, and the Umduls. It would be a shame for him to turn into a mangy monster like Myosis. But that was not the case. Despite all their skepti
cisms, Boo surprised them all. His body looked completely different from Myosis or the Leader. Boo was quite attractive with sleek fur, and he was incredibly large. He was as graceful as a cat and strong, stronger than any Trekachaw. Best of all, his personality remained gentle yet fearless, as before. He would be a formidable adversary in combat. They were lucky to have him on their side.

  THE UPGRADED BATTLESHIPS HAD ARRIVED and were lining up to dock with Captain Pify’s ship. Atue was healing quite nicely and impatient to get his hands on the new Friction technology. Like always, Boo could be found following Atue where ever the call for service sent them. Today was no different. Boo was on Atue’s heels through the maze of corridors leading into the docking port for the grand presentation of arriving battleships. Indeed, they were marvelous. The exterior design had been modified to accommodate speed. Pify waddled onto the docking bay alongside the Umdul and Trekachaw Captains. The new battleships would be awarded to them first. Pify pointed to a battleship with silver lines running the entire length of the ship. Grinning from ear to ear, “Bird I take,” he then pointed to Victis.

  “Victis of Trekachaws, new bird carries to victory.”

  Victis marveled at the magnificent battleships, “That one. Third from the end,” he smiled.

  “Phera, choose bird,” said Pify.

  “The one with the red wing tip,” smiled Phera.

  “Choan, choose bird,” said Pify.

  “The first one. Thank you, Pify,” replied Choan.

  “Yagi,” said Pify. Before Pify could finish, Yagi snorted and was jumping up and down. “Bird,” pointing at the second battleship.

  “Umdul Captains, Teltoo, Oyee, and Poipu choose homeless birds.”

  The Umdul Captains waddled over the port window and pressed their faces against it. It was impossible to understand who chose what. Pify clapped his hands congratulating them.

  “Old birds, new Captains,” said Pify.

  After a serious debate, Choan’s old ship, the Luxon, would be assigned to Vious and Deneb as co-captains with Duroc and Ajax second in command. Apparently, Kigen was impossible to control without his parents. He played innocent tricks on Marilyn and the Umduls by morphing into objects on the battleship and flying into space whenever he pleased. What they found amazing, was that Kigen could match the Battleships’ speed. No Trekachaw could do that.

  Roon was assigned to Phera’s old ship, the Paratus, with Zeta and Clyde by his side. Victis’s old ship, Trinite, was awarded to Nikki as Captain with Cody second in command and Takeda the navigator. Last, but not least, Pify awarded his old polished battleship to Boo with Atue second in command. Per Boo’s request, Duroc and Ajax joined his ship as bridge crewmen. The wise old salt had ulterior motives assigning Boo to his battleship. He had kept it to himself that a Gystfin Dux Ducis and a Kogbor had contacted him requesting a confidential tryst. Boo was the perfect liaison for negotiations between the Umduls, Ryquats, Trekachaws, and Gystfins. So, it was done. The Trekachaws were stretching their wings with the help of the Umduls. No telling how far they could fly, or how high.

  WITH MINIMAL CONFUSION, THE SHUFFLING of ships and crew personnel were completed. For the Captains, naming their new Friction Battleship was as important as naming their first born. Pify dedicated his ship to Phera’s Ryquat-half, Tara. Phera named her new battleship Kismet Ebb in memory of her village on Palatu. For the other Captains, it was going to take some time to decide.

  Pify made up some lame excuse how he was taking his new ship, Tara out for a spin. One thing for sure, Pify was a terrible liar. His exact words were, “Spin with Tara, me alone. Reason none, soon return.”

  Victis and Azha couldn’t help from tracking him to see what he was up to. What came next was strange and perhaps sneaky. They saw Boo’s unmistakable energy signature fly into Pify’s ship moments before take-off. Sure enough, the Friction Battleships were faster than the old ships. They were impossible to keep up with.

  Not far from Palatu, Pify’s battleship came to a dead stop in space.

  “What is he up to?” Victis asked.

  “We shouldn’t be spying on him. How would you like it if he did this to you? Azha replied.

  “What are you getting at?” Victis said annoyed.

  “Think about it,” Azha said condescendingly.

  “If you want me to understand what your implying, say it intelligently,” mocked Victis.

  “Fuck you Victis,” swore Azha.

  “Well that was eloquent,” quipped Victis.

  “Shit, do you see what I’m seeing?” Azha asked.

  A Gystfin battleship approached out of nowhere and was docking portside with Pify’s ship. Azha let out a ‘no-way’ and Victis mumbled, “Unko, Nanda?”

  Azha’s curiosity got the best of him. “I know Unko means shit. What does nanda mean?”

  “What the hell,” answered Victis.

  “Yeah, what the hell is Pify doing?” Azha agreed.

  “Is that why Boo’s on board? What are they up to? Should we ask?” Victis said aloud.

  “Too late, Pify’s trying to contact us,” said Azha. “Now what. Are you going to answer them, Victis?”

  “Unko. Yeah, don’t say anything, Azha. This is going to be difficult enough to explain.”

  “Don’t explain anything. Your big mouth is why you always get caught with your pants down,” snapped Azha.

  “What pants, I don’t have pants on,” said Victis.

  “Forget it,” replied Azha.

  “And how am I supposed to forget it? You already said it,” asked Victis.

  “I wish I hadn’t,” replied Azha.

  “Azha stop talking. Unko, here goes.”

  Victis switched the monitor, ship to ship. “What can I do for you Pify?”

  Boo and Pify were so close to the monitor, their faces covered the screen. What looked even more ridiculous was their blank expressions and their mouths hanging open. Both were perturbed at such a stupid question.

  Pify snorted, “No do for me. Victis mind yourself to behave with own business?”

  Victis stepped out of view of the monitor. “Shit, he caught us,” he whispered, then stepped back into view.

  “My apologies Pify, I should’ve waited for you to tell me.”

  “Accepted, Ryquat nature. Ask, future curiosity. Tell you, not in business or feed Ryquat nature. Join if you wish, interesting tryst you see.”

  “We’ll be there in a flash,” advised Victis.

  THE DUX DUCIS AND KOGBOR straightened up in their chairs when Victis and Azha morphed into body form. Pify quickly wiggled out of his seat and pulled out two chairs between his and Boo’s chairs.

  “This side. Not too close, better for all,” requested Pify.

  Victis and Azha sat glaring at the Gystfins who were glaring back at them. Pify banged the table with his cup and snorted, “Continue, progress negative Trekachaws differ from goals. Brief I will to convey knowledge.”

  Victis leaned forward in his chair, “Pardon my insolence.”

  The old scared Dux Ducis voice was deep and gravely, “Gystfins regret what transpired on Palatu. Our path is with the Umduls if acceptable terms are agreed. Umduls support new species Trekachaws, as coadjutor, so do we. Gystfins no longer serve the will of Crozins. They have aligned with Gors. Gors enslave Gystfins rather than exchange services and compensation. Gors hunt Gystfins as preferred meat to supplement organic commodities.”

  Pify could barely see over the table. The chairs that accommodated his guests were not comfortable for him. Tired of stretching his neck, Pify climbed up on the table and sat down with his legs crossed.

  “Must agree. Gystfin cargo ship returned post-delivery raw material on Opus. Umduls compensate for Gystfin post labor on Palatu. No more, no less, fair enough, agree?” Pify asked.

  The old Gystfin grinned, revealing mustard-stained fangs that reminded Azha of his near-death experience. It was going to be difficult to trust a Gystfin other than Boo.

  “Speak for Gardu
x. I agree, Captain Pify. Give you information to benefit Umdul strife.”

  “Benefit good,” replied Pify.

  “I have coordinates of Ryquat saboteur with battleship. Ryquat ship provides asylum for Myosis, a Leader, and Crozin Ruks. They report to a Crozin Ukaru. Captain Doug Smyth has spied for Crozins many years. The Ukaru promised planet Zaurak to Smyth for loyalty. Without Umduls, Smyth will rule what’s left of planet.”

  Pify unfolded his legs and stood up, “Umduls shield Gystfins from Gors, agree. Return, Gystfins taboo planet Palatu and Trekachaws. Honor must.”

  “We honor and agree to these terms. Myosis and Leader rouge aberrant. They are neither Gystfins, nor Trekachaws,” said the Dux Ducis.

  The Dux Ducis looked at Boo and snarled.

  “Umduls exterminate Myosis plus Leader. Boo-Trekachaw protected by all, no confusion,” demanded Pify.

  Boo showed no expression but was watching and listening as they spoke back and forth.

  The old Gystfin snarled, “Boo Gystfin traitor, contacted Ryquat Counsel, caused many Gystfin deaths.”

  Azha and Victis pushed their chairs back and stood up.

  Pify took a deep breath and spoke loud and direct, “Boo is Umdul. Boo is Trekachaw. Boo not negotiable. Dux Ducis of Gardux take heed. Gors hunt Gystfins, same Gystfins hunt Quizans. No agree. No cargo ship, no labor, no trust. Umduls protect Boo. Challenge say you, war it is.”

  Pify shook his fist at them and scooted off the table onto a chair. Unable to jump off, Pify asked Azha to help him get down from the chair onto the floor.

  The Dux Ducis pleaded for Pify to stop, “My mistake, start over. Agree Boo is Trekachaw, not Gystfin.”

  Victis scowled. “I do not trust these Gystfins.”

  Azha shook his head in agreement. Pify waddled over to Boo and leaned against his chair, “Boo decide future, trust or not.”


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