Miss Bridget's Girls

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Miss Bridget's Girls Page 9

by Robin Bond

  Purity found that if she lifted herself up by her wrists and ankles the pressure of the crotch rope was alleviated. But this put an extreme strain on her back and she could only sustain the position for a minute at most before she had to relax, whereupon the rope bit into her crotch once more. Purity had heard of something called “predicament bondage”, in which the victim must choose between two kinds of pain, alleviating one only at the expense of aggravating the other. Mrs Tanaka, it seemed, had produced her own version of this.

  Purity was forced to stay like this for half an hour. By the end the pain in her back was becoming intolerable. The pain in her crotch was a different matter. While the rope across her asshole, sensitised by the butt plug and then the anal hook, was simply a reminder, the rope on her clit was as arousing as it was painful. Purity wondered how long could she bear it? It might be a close thing between begging for release, and an orgasm.

  Finally Mrs Tanaka let her down. Purity sat and rubbed her wrists and ankles where the ropes had been, and, despite the fact that it was embarrassing to do so with Mrs Tanaka watching, she rubbed her crotch as well. She wondered if this was it, or did Mrs Tanaka have more up her sleeve?

  She soon found the answer. Mrs Tanaka once more bound Purity’s wrists behind her back. Then she put a rope around Purity’s neck, winding it several times. It wasn’t tight enough to choke her, but Purity could feel the pressure. Mrs Tanaka slung the rope over the beam once more, pulled it as tight as she could and tied it off. Pulled upright and onto tiptoe, Purity was now bound by her neck, which was a scary thing. What if her legs slipped or gave way? Would she hang herself?

  Mrs Tanaka disappeared. A moment later she returned, carrying a plate on which were several morsels of sushi. She picked up a piece with some chopsticks and offered it to Purity. It wasn’t easy swallowing, with the rope around her neck. This was the idea, she guessed. But she liked sushi and she managed to get several pieces down.

  Mrs Tanaka went out and came back with some more chopsticks. Purity couldn’t imagine why she needed them. Mrs Tanaka held two up to one of Purity’s nipples, then fixed little rubber bands around them at each end, thus gripping the nipple tight. Carefully Mrs Tanaka moved the rubber bands closer to the centre, which made the chopsticks grip tighter than ever, Purity gasped; it hurt quite a bit. Mrs Tanaka did the same with the other nipple. Then she went out again.

  She was soon back, this time with a large vibrator, one of those you plugged into the mains electricity. “Open legs,” she said to Purity. She switched it on and applied it to Purity’s clit. Purity liked these machines; you felt that an orgasm was guaranteed, not always the case with other forms of sexual stimulation. It didn’t take long; the vibrator buzzed furiously and in no time at all Purity was groaning and writhing around. She had to be a bit careful, since she was still attached to the ceiling by the rope around her neck.

  She wondered what, if anything, came next. The orgasm suggested that maybe this was the conclusion. She was wrong. Mrs Tanaka held the vibrator between Purity’s legs and switched on again. OK, thought Purity, I can take another, I guess. She wasn’t one of these girls given to multiple orgasms; usually she came so strongly that one was enough. But there was no resisting the machine, even if she wanted to. The second time was only a little longer until soon Purity felt another convulsion, and that was it.

  Except that it wasn’t. After a couple of minutes Mrs Tanaka held the vibrator up to Purity’s crotch once more. Purity shook her head; twice was quite enough, thank you. Mrs Tanaka slapped her face, hard. Purity was shocked, but she allowed Mrs Tanaka to apply the vibrator once more, and after a longer wait the machine forced another orgasm out of her.

  Purity looked nervously at Mrs Tanaka, who was still holding the vibrator. Slap or no slap, Purity definitely did not want to come again. The idea was unpleasant. Pleasure was becoming something else; not pain exactly, but definitely a kind of unpleasure. When Mrs Tanaka approached again, the vibrator held ready, Purity tried to move away, though the rope round her neck made that almost impossible. Mrs Tanaka put the vibrator down and went out, then came back with a steel bar with cuffs attached to each end. Purity had never worn a spreader bar, but she knew what it was. There was nothing she could do while Mrs Tanaka knelt and buckled the bar around Purity’s ankles, spreading her legs wide.

  Mrs Tanaka picked up the vibrator and put it straight to Purity’s groin, pushing it hard against her clit. She tried to shy away, but it was impossible. The machine buzzed harshly. Purity felt yet another orgasm coming, but this one would not be welcome; instead, it would be ripped from her by the infernal machine. It duly arrived, shaking Purity, gripping her in a spasm that felt more like torture than pleasure. Purity cried out.

  Mrs Tanaka smiled. She went and fetched her phone and took several photographs. “For husband,” she said. Purity was surprised. She sent her husband pictures of girls she was abusing? Truly the Japanese were strange people.

  Purity had to endure three more forced orgasms before Mrs Tanaka was satisfied, each one more gruelling than the last. By the time Mrs Tanaka finally set the vibrator down, Purity felt she had been put through the wringer, all sexual energy squeezed out of her.

  Mercifully that was at last the end. Mrs Tanaka removed the rope round her throat and freed her hands. Purity asked if she could put her clothes back on, but Mrs Tanaka said she wanted to take more photos. She took pictures of the rope marks on Purity’s body, on her throat, her wrists, and some from the ropes around her breasts, although those were fading. Purity wondered if those would go to the husband too. She wondered whether they had some sort of game they played: Mrs Tanaka, naked, showing the pictures, spreading them out in a semi-circle, going down on her knees with her knees apart, face to the floor, and Mr Tanaka looking at her exposed cunt and at the pictures, then fucking her.

  Chapter Ten

  “We have a problem, Flora,” said Miss Bridget the next afternoon.

  “Not serious, I hope?” Flora replied.

  “It could be if we don’t do something about it. It concerns Dr Lowman.”

  “The Principal? What about him?”

  “During the time that Miss Hannah was in charge, it became apparent that Dr Lowman had some knowledge of the activities of the Circle. Either definite knowledge or a suspicion, I’m not sure. Anyway, action had to be taken.”

  “So what was done?”

  “Miss Hannah, in her forthright manner, went for the jugular. She discovered that Dr Lowman was having an affair with the college bursar, Mrs Freeman. Hannah got some photographic evidence of this and blackmailed Dr Lowman into silence on our affairs.”

  “But Mrs Freeman left the college in the summer,” said Flora.

  “Indeed. That is the problem. In Mrs Freeman’s absence, the case against Dr Lowman is not nearly so strong. We need something more to guarantee his non-interference in our affairs.”

  “But don’t you still have the photos Mrs Freeman took?

  “Yes,” said Miss Bridget “But they don’t quite have the same force now that she is not around to testify as to their genuineness.”

  “So what do you suggest?” said Flora.

  Miss Bridget was thoughtful for a minute. Then she spoke. “I think I am beginning to get an idea of what is required. Dr Lowman no longer has a mistress. I do not suppose he gets any pleasure from Mrs Lowman.”

  “No,” said Flora. She shuddered at the thought of sex with Mrs Lowman.

  “But men, it seems, must have an outlet. Unless of course they are under the control of a dominant woman, but it seems Dr Lowman is not that type. I think we need to supply him with someone for his pleasure.”

  “Surely you would not make one of our dear girls sacrifice herself by having sex with a man, and certainly not a man like him?” Flora shuddered again.

  “No, not one of our girls, who are under our care and whom we have spent so much time training to pleasure ladies. But there is someone who might be suitable.”

“Who is that?”

  “I am thinking of Frau Ledermann,” said Miss Bridget.

  “What, the German tutor? Or should I say, the German cunt?”

  “Precisely. We take great pleasure in humiliating her, do we not? More time than in fucking her, probably. You know she is utterly and completely devoted to our service. But prior to being turned by Miss Judith, Frau Ledermann had a boyfriend, and once upon a time a husband. Thus she is familiar with what men need. Or say they need. It would not be hard to convince her that regular congress with Dr Lowman is a service that we require of her.”

  “It’s a brilliant idea!” exclaimed Flora. “You are so clever, killing two birds with one stone, keeping Dr Lowman quiet and humiliating the German cunt even further.” Flora still hoped one day to be taken into Miss Bridget’s bed. Praise would surely not do her cause any harm.

  “I think I’d better take care of this myself,” Miss Bridget said. “Will you send the German cunt to me?”

  “Immediately,” said Flora, glad to be of service.

  Ten minutes later there was a knock on Miss Bridget’s door. She called out to enter. A tall blonde woman entered and stood mute in front of Miss Bridget’s desk.

  Miss Bridget looked her up and down. She was dressed as if for the office, in a close-fitting grey skirt, the hemline just above the knees, revealing a pair of elegant calves, clad in flesh-coloured sheer stockings. Above, Frau Ledermann wore a crisp white blouse under a jacket matching the skirt.

  “Raise your skirt,” said Miss Bridget.

  Frau Ledermann pulled her skirt up almost to her waist. Underneath she wore a pair of grey silk knickers in the style often called French, or tap pants in America. The knickers only partially hid a steel chastity belt which passed between her legs and locked onto a waistband.

  “I am glad to see you well-dressed,” said Miss Bridget. “Pull your skirt back down and take a seat.”

  Frau Ledermann did so. “I have a job for you,” Miss Bridget said. “One of vital importance to the well-being of our little group. You are the one best suited to this job, and it offers you the chance to be of great service to us.”

  Frau Ledermann had been trained to speak only when necessary in Miss Bridget’s presence. She remained silent.

  “Before your training with Miss Judith, I believe you occasionally entertained relations with men.” Miss Bridget said.

  Frau Ledermann blushed slightly. “Yes, Miss Bridget, I’m afraid so. But not since.”

  “Very few of our girls have ever seen a cock,” said Miss Bridget, “let alone been penetrated by one. I think one or two of them might die of fright if such a thing were to spring upon them.”

  Frau Ledermann didn’t know whether a smile was required or not. She remained expressionless.

  “We have need of someone to service a man regularly,” Miss Bridget continued. “That person is Dr Lowman. We need to keep him happy, and keep him quiet, so that he doesn’t come poking into our affairs. I shall offer you to him as his mistress. He will be told that he may avail himself of you whenever he wishes, in whatever manner he pleases. It will be your responsibility to keep him contented. Do you understand?”

  “I must do anything at all that he demands?” Frau Ledermann asked nervously.

  “Anything,” Miss Bridget said firmly. “You will be the girl of his dreams.”

  “Is he, do you believe, a demanding man? What I mean is, will he beat me and things like that?”

  “He might,” said Miss Bridget. “But you have had plenty of training in subjecting yourself to pain and punishment. And humiliation,” she added pointedly.

  “Not by a man,” said Frau Ledermann.

  “Just close your eyes and think of me,” said Bridget. “And if I am pleased with you, perhaps I will use you myself occasionally. Would you like that?”

  Frau Ledermann perked up. “There is nothing I should like better, Miss Bridget,” she said. “One more thing, if I may. When I go to visit Dr Lowman, shall I wear my chastity belt?”

  “Yes. I shall give him a key,’ said Miss Bridget.

  Frau Ledermann departed. All that remained now was to give Dr Lowman the good news. Miss Bridget emailed Dr Lowman a note requesting an interview with him. It was arranged for the following afternoon.

  On entering Dr Lowman’s office, Miss Bridget sat down in a chair on the other side of the desk. Dr Lowman was about sixty, lean, with thin, greying hair and a large bony nose. He was not, in Bridget’s view, god’s gift to women. Since she had no interest in men she considered him no great loss. But he wielded considerable power in the college and would have to be dealt with.

  “Dr Lowman,” she began, “I will do you the courtesy of being frank and brief. I understand you have taken some interest in the activities of our little group, the Circle, formed to provide a perfectly legal service to prominent members of the community and which donates considerable sums to local women’s charities.”

  Dr Lowman’s expression indicated that he did not share Miss Bridget’s view of the Circle.

  “I should like to persuade you,” Miss Bridget continued, “that we should be left undisturbed, to pursue our activities without let or hindrance. I may say that they are conducted with the greatest discretion and have never led to any detrimental consequences to the college’s reputation.”

  “Some might take a different view,” Dr Lowman replied.

  “Views are one thing. Actions are another. As a reflection of our esteem and our gratitude for non-interference I should like to offer you an inducement. No doubt you are missing the company of Mrs Freeman.”

  “I have no wish to discuss that lady,” said Dr Lowman somewhat harshly. Miss Bridget wondered if there had been some unpleasantness between the two which had resulted in Mrs Freeman’s leaving. But this was not now Miss Bridget’s concern. “I do not care to be under any obligation to a bunch of perverted little whores,” Dr Lowman continued aggressively. He couldn’t stand deviants, as he called them. His own liking for unorthodox sexual practices was in his view a very different matter.

  “We do not enjoy having to deal with men,” said Miss Bridget. “We find them physically and psychologically distasteful. But sometimes it is unavoidable.”

  “Do you have a proposition?” Dr Lowman said rudely.

  “As it happens, I do,” said Miss Bridget. “There is a lady in our Circle, known to you, who is willing to take the place of Mrs Freeman.”

  “The post of bursar has already been filled,” Dr Lowman said curtly.

  “No,” said Miss Bridget. “I mean, her place in your bed.”

  Dr Lowman’s eyes opened wide in astonishment. “I beg your pardon?” he said

  “A lady who is willing to have relations with you on condition of your remaining tolerant of our activities. A lady who, I may say, has considerable sexual allure. And a lady with wide sexual experience, familiar with a range of practices, conventional and less so.”

  “And who is this?” Dr Lowman asked. His voice was more animated now. I’ve got him, thought Miss Bridget. The dirty old goat can’t wait.

  “Frau Ledermann has for some time been an esteemed member of our community,” said Bridget. Frau Ledermann would have been surprised to hear herself so described, given the range of humiliating acts to which she was regularly subjected. But Dr Lowman’s eyes opened still wider. Frau Ledermann was undoubtedly an attractive woman, in fact a very attractive woman. Could it really be true that he was being handed her on a plate?

  “How do I know this is true and not some kind of trick?”

  “I will send her to you at a time of your choosing,” said Miss Bridget. “She will then make herself available to you for any pleasure you choose. She has been trained in a variety of deviant practices, I can assure you. You will have carte blanche.”

  Dr Lowman had a decided penchant for spanking girls, as well as other unorthodox practices. It had been the cause of some tension with Mrs Freeman that she did not take as much pleasure from this as
he did.

  “I see,” he said. “Well, we can but try this arrangement.”

  “I guarantee that you will not be disappointed,” Miss Bridget assured him.

  That was where they left it. Dr Lowman would email Miss Bridget with a suggested time for Frau Ledermann’s first visit and Miss Bridget would arrange it.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Girls, I have a special assignment for you,” Miss Bridget said.

  “For both of us, Miss Bridget?” asked Francesca. She was a dark-haired girl with a beautiful olive skin and a full mouth. Already she had been in demand.

  “Yes, both of you. The client wants you in tandem, as it were.”

  “Who is the client, Miss Bridget?” asked Matilda, a petite blonde.

  “Mrs Vargas. She’s had bookings before, but always with a single girl. This time she wants to pay for two.”

  “Do you know what sort of things she likes?”

  “The impression I got from what she said was that there will be a good deal of strap-on fucking, in all positions, in all holes. Turn and turn about.”

  Matilda thought this sounded interesting. She loved to experiment, with new positions, new toys, new people. She and Francesca had done a little experimenting with each other, but they hadn’t told Miss Bridget.

  “How shall we dress, Miss Bridget?” Francesca asked. She wanted to be sure they were turned out right. It was a little awkward if you turned up in t-shirt and jeans and the client wanted petticoats and stockings. Some clients were very particular.


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