Forge Kin

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Forge Kin Page 4

by Jason Melzer

  My back pain gone I popped a few vertebrae stretching before getting out of bed. Tolan and Preti were both moving in their sleep as they must have been dreaming like I was. Link called out from the table in the other room. “Simran, your meal is ready for you.” Turning to see Link there were a dozen other Leshenkai with armored clothing looking at me near the table.

  Getting up I heard Listal as she pointed at me. “Even the arm guards are covered in the new art.” Looking down at them I saw rainbow Mehdi artwork scrolled on them. Walking to the table I noticed one of my braids had come undone before I sat down. I fixed my braid in the chair before looking back to Preti and Tolan. As they started to get up from their beds I turned to the others at the table. Looking back to my host I paused to pick up a piece of fruit.

  Link told me it was safe to eat as one of the larger Leshenkai with black fur picked a piece of fruit before conversing. “So we need to take these three to the city of Latnisk and try holding it for a day. Why can’t we just have them build a portal tower here and end the war safely?” Tolan and Preti took seats and fruits next to me as Glitch spoke up. “The apprentices require a maintenance forge to build. These forges are always located in the capital city.”

  I stared at an older silver haired Leshenkai with a piece of his left ear missing as he spoke up. “If we take Latnisk today we will need to reconsolidate our forces at four major plateaus. That isn’t even our worst problem. We intercepted Shaizi orders for taking the apprentices and guides. They will expect us in Latnisk.”

  Listal responded to the silver haired creature. “We have to drop directly into the city. We will separate the apprentices into three different groups that will search for a maintenance forge. My troops will protect Simran, Kai’s will guard Preti and Kama’s will move Tolan.” Feeling Preti’s hand take mine I connected eyes with her and we shared a nervous look.

  The light from her armguard drew my eyes back to its decorations before I saw Tolan’s as well. Looking back to Listal the group was still planning. “Everyone will need gravity wings and shielding for an orbital drop into the city. We need a way to hide the children’s presence.” The silver haired Kama smiled like a sly fox. “If we used the old cup sabots we could launch a mirror screen and that would get us close to the ground.”

  Listal perked up with the idea as she asked. “Have we done that in the last forty years Kama? Do we still have the equipment?” The grey one nodded his head as he smiled again. “It can be loaded onto a transport craft in ten minutes.” Listal turned to the golden furred Leshenkai with light orange eyes next to her and continued. “Kai, when will your troops be ready to drop with us?” Kai seemed nervous. “A third of my forces can go in the next half hour and no more. The rest will follow the Shaizi if they withdraw to Latnisk.”

  Listal stood with the others reaching her hands out taking Kama’s and Kai’s in hers. “We will assign patrols in orbit. Will you commit your troops with mine?” Both of the leaders answered with a ‘yes’. Continuing Listal looked at me. “Will you apprentices and guides trust me with your lives on this mission?” My voice was one of six to say ‘yes’ before Listal continued.

  “We will give six pairs of gravity wings for our guests. When Koleas is repaired you may use them until your journey’s end.” Shouting could be heard outside as Link replied. “We are very grateful for allowing us to use them on our journey.” More of the Leshenkai soldiers took pieces of fruit from the bowls on the table and Listal walked them to the door. Sending them out they left in the rainy day light as more explosions sounded off in the distance.

  Listal closed the door and returned to the table burdened and apologetic. “I am sorry that you youth will be experiencing a war zone on my world.” Joining us at the table I was curious. “How long have you been a soldier Listal?” She gave a warm smile to me as she picked up a piece of fruit from a bowl. Her claws were beautiful with red and black shades followed with golden streaks and trim.

  “I have been a soldier for fifty years Simran. I am a Halo in the kinetic legion and I command a squad of fifty Halo’s.” Preti cut in. “I love your nail polish. Can I try some?” Preti was still holding my hand before letting go and placing her fingers on the table. Putting my fingers up on the table next to hers Listal smiled at me. “I’ll do it if I get to hear more about the Forge Kin. Why don’t the Pontu choose two forge masters at a time?” Link spoke up.

  “The compounds in your nail polish will be safe for the girls.” Listal pulled out a bottle from her pocket as Link continued. “There are many jobs that can be taken by an apprentice that are different from being the forge master. The forge terminal can choose a guardian, a merchant, a scholar and so much more. On top of that the forge master can choose to empower other Kin in a different position to act as the forge master.”

  Taking my hand first Listal looked at it closely. “Your claws are not very fearsome so we will have to make them beautiful with bandre resin.” Preti sounded excited. “We haven’t done this in weeks!” Listal pulled a brush out of a silver tube the brush was covered with a very fine powder. Smiling a sharp toothy smile Listal helped move the brush so that the powder coated my nails on one hand. Stopping for a moment Listal reached and looked closely at one of my braids of hair.

  Looking me in the eyes she had a request. “Can you make my hair like yours? I have never seen hair tied together like this.” Preti was already up and ready to work on Listal’s horse like mane as I answered ‘yes’. Continuing Listal moved a bowl of water next to me and placed my finger nails in the water. “Wet the powder and the resin will activate. It will stick to your claws and the oils from your hands will make the resin fall away so it will not stick to your skin.”

  My nails changed as black and red color fell away leaving black and red luster with gold streaks and trim. Giving my other hand to Listal I was excitedly looking at my nails. “Wow, this is so cool.” Soon I was dipping my other finger nails into the bowl to find more of the same beautiful pattern. My troubles and losses were tempered for the moment with a little joy as I got up to finish the braids Preti had started.

  I listened as Preti waited to apply and wet the bandre resin to her nails. Listal seemed to change with her memories. “I used to do this with my cousin before she died in Hikakor. She loved celebrating the festival of rain in our capitol Latnisk. What does this glowing art mean?” Glitch volunteered answers as Listal looked at Preti’s hands. “The forge sees how Preti jealously values family. These words on the back of your hand remind you to hold the flame as an honorable member of the Forge Kin family.”

  Finishing the braids Link tied them off with ribbon as Glitch held out my hands. Looking at them for a moment he pointed some of the art out to all of us sharing their meanings. “The forge see’s in Simran a desire to sustain life and defend without wounding another. This reminds you to honor your flame like the lives of others around you.” Watching Glitch continue he looked over to Tolan’s neck to see the art on it. “This is more than scripture for the Pontu.”

  Pointing to it Glitch followed the words forming a glowing collar around his neck. “The forge see’s in you creation in its most raw and simple form. These words are to remind you that the flame you hold must be used to create for a sacred purpose that is selfless. That Liberty and freedom may spring from your individualism but only bare good fruits with your service.” The somber atmosphere made me wonder if I really had a chance at becoming the forge master.

  Putting my worries away the rain again started roaring outside with louder explosions. Close explosions. Looking over to Listal I had to smile as she was looking into a mirror admiring her braided hair. I had to ask her as she seemed happy. “Do you like your braids?” Listal looked back to us still smiling before spinning around happily. “I love them. It’s such a neat way to organize hair.” Looking back admiring her change in the mirror her artificial wings opened.

  The front door creaked as it swung open and three Leshenkai soldiers carrying cases put them down
next to the table. Inside them were chest plates connected onto wings by some kind of shoulder plates. Link helped me put on mine as Chip turned to Link with a question. “How does Glitch know so much?” My guide spoke softly. “Glitch knows how the terminal thinks because this is his second time as a guide. His last apprentice named him Orthan before becoming a forge guardian twenty thousand years ago.”

  Pushing away the realization that Tolan was in the best position to be the master it didn’t matter. Looking at Preti’s wings they were a little longer than she was tall until they folded up. The shoulder plates on her wings reminded me of ‘I’ beams which curved above and to her sides. Hitting a button on my chest my wings moved forward folding and I soon had a cloak of artificial wings and metal. Admiring the shapes of the feathers another soldier called to us from the doorway.

  “The Shaizi have passed the blockades and the fight is coming.” Listal snapped to attention moving to the door with orders. “Evacuate the settlement move the civilians to the shuttle pads and hold off for their escape!” Turning back to us Listal was ready with more orders. “Follow me and do not use the gravity wings until you see me use them. Fighters will cover our escape so we will run to the shuttles.”

  Moving to the door explosions started to rock the building. Link took my hand as Listal began leading us out into the rain. The cold water poured over me as we turned following Listal on a street going uphill. Other children with an adult ran ahead of us before an explosion sent pieces of road flying near them. As we approached I took the hand of one of the children and ran behind Link as he helped carry the adult. My sister took the other child’s hand as we ran following Listal to safety. Two Leshenkai soldiers with blue wings flew over us to the battle downhill.

  One of the flying soldiers fell pierced with glowing shells as the other fired back and I ran. Uphill we passed a ridge that opened to a meadow where five shuttles were landing. What must have been fighters screeched over us heading to the settlement firing more glowing shells downhill towards the enemy. Looking to Listal she turned on her wings hitting a button on her wing pack before they lit up.

  Turning back to us she yelled over the explosions. “We need to get to the shuttles now!” Hitting the button on my chest my wings extended. Link did the same as Listal took off flying over into the meadow. An explosion sounded further uphill and holding the child I was with I followed Link off the trail with my wings. Feeling the wings pull me up it was as though they could read my thoughts. I felt the wings steer as I landed next to my sister and Tolan.

  Adults took the children as Kama and Kai were waiting besides their shuttles waving for us. Preti turned around and grabbed me by the arms. “Do everything that Link and Listal say. They will keep you safe until we meet in Latnisk.” Chip pulled on Preti’s arm and she left as Link and Listal moved me to a shuttle seat while turning off my wings. The back ramp to the shuttle lifted up as I sat down cold and unhappy that I had to leave my sister.

  Buckling into my seat I saw the children enter another shuttle and take off as Listal sat quiet by my side. Our shuttle launched and moments passed with my dark mood changing. Through the side windows of the shuttle we had broken through the clouds and rain for sunlight. Heaving a sigh my clothes began to dry while I looked out as the other shuttles flew in formation with us. Joining our formation were fighters that had a diamond shape to them seating a pilot and weapons. I was a galaxy away from home and now I didn’t even have my sister by my side.

  Listal placed her hand on my knee for a moment. “I promise you Simran that I will reunite you and your sister.” I nodded to her and minutes passed as we were swallowed by the blackness of space surrounding the shuttle. The noise of flight and fighting were gone giving the illusion that the danger was behind us. Flying through space for a minute a few tears slipped down my cheek as I realized how scared I was.

  How alone I was without my sister. Wiping them from my cheek I had to know what to do next. Listal was talking with Link, “I would love to know what the plan is. Where do you need to go when we get to the ruins of Latnisk?” Link replied in his sharp metallic voice. “When the forge speaks to Simran we will find it. Until then we will need to cover lots of ground.”

  Listal did not look happy as I was curious. “Do you have a map?” My Leshenkai friend pulled out a small box that projected a map of the city on the shuttle floor. Looking at different buildings the city was in ruins as towers were filled with holes and homes were smashed. Looking at the map as much as I could I wanted to feel the presence of the forge more than anything.

  Finally looking over to a manufacturing plant inside the city I saw a dry sand filled park next to it. In it a few plants grew in a giant oasis like pool. The thought hit me and I pointed to the park. “Link; wouldn’t I need a pool nearby with water to quench the steel?” My guide looked at the floor next to me before pointing to the same park. “We should start our search right here.” Listal nodded before picking up her map and turning to her radio.

  Seeing a flash of silver move past the window in the shuttle my eyes were drawn to the other ships. I watched as space craft such as fighters and transports gathered in space moving together like a school of fish. It was beautiful as Link touched my shoulder to get my attention. “Your sister and Tolan liked your idea of looking at water sources. They have found a couple to check before meeting up with us in Latnisk.”

  Breathing deeply I waited as Listal called out to her soldiers. “We are launching the mirror screen now. We will be following it down closely.” As predicted our ship followed the school of other ships into a formation behind one ship. Thousands of silver balls launched ahead of us in space. Following the balls towards a massive dessert on the face of Koleas I could see little lines for roads and the city. Some of it was buried in sand as this part of the world had gone without rain for forty years.

  Breaking away from my sadness I felt purpose as the shuttle moved forward faster. Behind the mirror screen it was time for the Leshenkai to reclaim their home. It seemed right that I would help heal the wounds of this world. It was time for the festival of rain to return to Latnisk.

  Chapter 4


  Feelings of foreboding and fear made me very uneasy as the face of Koleas grew. Diving down we followed the little balls of the mirror shield as they began to smoke. Tens of thousands of streams of smoke erupted as we moved to the hidden ground below. Danger returned as beams of light tore holes through the smoke and more shots flew past us. Each hole quickly filled in as the shots passed by keeping Latnisk hidden.

  I hoped that everything would go easily before I saw a fighter fly closer to us. A shot coming through the smoke screen hit the fighter blasting it apart as its falling remains glowed orange. The remains of the fighter continued burning alongside us until the smoke became thick enough to block my view of the other ships around us. A screen appeared in the transport drawing me to the school of Leshenkai ships as we flew blindly to the dessert below.

  Our shuttle shook violently as we felt a small explosion blast something off the vessels side. Listal called out, “Pilot, take us to the outer ring and get a fighter ahead of the mirror.” We moved away from the shots on the screen as I saw the fighter fly down out of the smoke screen. Violent moments turned into minutes of worry as the smoke screen finally started to disappear while we rode the edge of it to the city below.

  The balls had about evaporated away leaving the city to reappear among the desert dunes. Our shuttle pulled up and it felt surreal to maneuver between buildings with our fighter escort flying away. The city around was in ruins as we passed a small number of towers before approaching the industrial complex I pointed out. Passing over the park and small oasis it took us only moments to reach the buildings.

  Gently landing Listal quickly opened the ramp and ran out of the shuttle as the soldiers followed her. Link had tapped my arm and I found Listal was waiting for us at the shuttles exit. “Which building do you want to try first Simran?” Ou
tside on the road I looked at all of the giant warehouses distracted by the bones littering the roads and park. Turning away from them I saw bones everywhere around me.

  Other shuttles were swooping down with Leshenkai soldiers whose wings took them beyond the park and buildings. Looking for a building with the fewest bones in front I pointed to it. Listal pointed to its rooftop and the squad took flight with the sounds of explosions in the distance. “We need to get inside. Follow me to the roof!” Listal’s wings opened up and she effortlessly took off.

  Link touched the wing pack button for me before giving me advice. “From this point on trust your heart and mind. The forge will speak to you with those tools.” Link took off and I tried following him but hesitated as the fear stayed with me. Focusing I walked and jumped as my wings opened up and I felt the pack pull as the ground fell away. Scared of the flight I focused on the rooftop ahead and flew behind Listal.

  The flight lasted seconds as I gently touched down on the rooftop amazed that I didn’t crash. Listal smiled at my surprise. “You are a quick learner young apprentice. Trust your instincts.” Turning back to look for Link he was flying to join us as something else came into view in the park. My eyes were drawn to a giant black sphere in the park that was easily visible through a small forest of dead and fallen trees.


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