Forge Kin

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Forge Kin Page 16

by Jason Melzer

  Turning away from the conversation I called out to the forge. “Terminus. Take the world design from my key and write a program to build it. Next chart a course for space near the build site orbiting above India.” My world appeared around us and was beautiful as I turned to my sister. “Terminus. Give Starfire control of forming the world with molten iron. Give Totality control of atmosphere and water. I will do the rest.”

  My sister and friend took to their new assignments smiling as I continued. “Terminus. Please take us to the construction site and display the duties list.” The walls hummed slightly as the main screen showed us leave Ocelia and take a position orbiting over the city lights of India. Billions of people were looking to the starry skies for their futures and tens of thousands of observing ships surrounded us. Looking to my companions in the quiet moment I gave them some words of advice.

  “What you did and were told to say in your dreams will come naturally. The radio is on, you may start the build.” Preti turned to the outline of Bountiful and started. “Terminus. Find me a blue giant star to draw iron from.” A blue star appeared as Preti touched it and the star labeled Gacrux could be seen through a portal door near the build site. My sister continued on with her part of the build.

  “I dedicate and draw metal from this star to build a new world. I build a world worthy of my hammer and anvil for this future home of life with glory.” Preti twisted in the air looking at everything before giving out her orders. Hitting the first button the shields turned on in space outlining the image of Bountiful.

  Turning back to the blue star it had already lowered itself into her sight with the indicator points for molten iron. My sister touched all of them before flying around the ring and touching the portal exit points causing eruptions across the ring. Molten iron filled the shield molds as my sister filled the ring, sail, gears and engine satellite. As the shield plates filled up everywhere the exit points disappeared leaving my sister admiring the scene.

  I watched from outside the ring as my sister flew to newly appearing portal markers. Molten iron was soon filling vast walls on the sides of Bountiful leaving the inside face for development. As Preti finished the door to the blue giant closed and I flew to the center of the ring hitting the next button in the duties list. My sister flew out as a ball of white and rainbow shimmering quantum alloy grew in front of me.

  Remembering the coming words I looked to India as I spoke. “With my flame and this alloy I will quench and temper this world to bring form and life.” The sphere of white with rainbow ripples waited as I opened the doors inside of it. Turning back I saw the lines I would trace in Bountiful. Touching the line I flew tracing around the ring before it encircled the habitat. I traced along the back of the sail and in the engine satellite before turning back to the others.

  I was done as the sphere of alloy disappeared while I reached for the button labeled ‘Quench and temper Control’. Hitting it I pressed the next button saying ‘Quench and temper finish’. Two portal markers appeared on the world. Touching them rainbow fire carved out the iron making up the reef, satellite and sail. Moments passed and the quantum alloy tempered the blue molten steel sending heat through a portal into deep space. The new gleaming world was beautiful as the artificial sun turned on. Reaching for the gears on the satellite I began to turn them before Bountiful took over.

  Firing its engines they stayed stationary as I flew out to let the next process continue. Tolan arrived ready for the job as he touched the next button bringing Saturn, Venus and Neptune close. I could see in him a satisfaction and pride as my brother straightened up and spoke. “Now that you are quenched with fire I will breathe into you the breath of life and quench your thirst.” He touched the indicator points on Neptune and opened across the skies of Bountiful colorful blue geysers.

  Activating portal markers in the clouds of Venus red colored geysers erupted in the blue atmosphere. Touching the portal markers on Saturn Tolan finished opening orange colored geysers. White clouds appeared filling the skies and rain poured down into lakes and inland oceans. He started the atmospherics control system as the world finished cooling. Tolan gave me room and I hit the next button. “Now it is time to polish and beautify this creation with life.” Asteroids appeared all around us and I looked to the others as I spoke. “Forge. Allow all Kin to participate in laying dirt on Bountiful.”

  Reaching over I grabbed an asteroid before touching the world surface. Together we watched a portal door print a section of land on Bountiful. Still needing more asteroids around us we gathered them as if it was a game. The forge kept printing out more land and after a few minutes we had collected all of the needed asteroids. Turning back to watch the printing of land on the surface of Bountiful it was beautiful.

  Finding two different points on the world I needed to name a couple of things before the polishing continued. Touching the point for the capitol city from my dream I was ready. “Bountiful. Register your capitols name as Listal.” As the name tag appeared I flew to another point on the ring with orders. “Bountiful. Register this major city with the name Tolajh.” Grandpa’s voice came up as the second city was marked.

  “Portal systems online, atmospherics will finish oxygenation in twenty four hours. Planting and release coupled nano-integration systems will commence in twenty five hours. Ready to submit orders for ecology and age to appropriate growth specifications.” Hearing the old man I wondered what he thought of me owning a whole world. Giving orders it felt right that he witnessed us in the forge together building as family.

  “Submit orders for life and tell me when things start coming up.” A list of items came up showing corals and giant trees and so much life that the list was enormous. Looking to flashes of light in the view screen news reporters on the ground showed the celebrations. Fiery colors filled the skies and above three reef worlds hung in space with the moon nearby. Bountiful wasn’t green, it was a new born at twice the size of Ponris and bigger than Ocelia.

  Looking away from the celebrations and map showing the departing fleet, it was time to go home. Giving orders I looked back to India. “Terminus. Chart a course for Ocelia and take us there.” The design of Bountiful disappeared as the room filled with light while we landed on Ocelia. Escorted back to Earth by Pontu guard’s time seemed to blur together as we returned to the party in New Delhi. Preti and I introduced Tolan to our cousins and friends from school as we took pictures with them.

  The music continued in the night as reports showed Earth’s leaders meet with trading politicians. Arriving with her Fellorn guards Judge Rodesh surprised me as she offered me a piece of crystal with a dignified voice. “Congratulations Sundance. I reviewed the submitted files with Talalh and have brought your title to Bountiful. The trade nation of Humanity is now officially recognized. Perhaps you can show me around Bountiful one day.”

  Receiving the crystal I held it in my left hand while I extended my right to Rodesh. Shaking her hand with long claws I gave her my answer. “I promise to give you a tour before the mission. I hope that you enjoy how it turns out.” Drawing a smile from the distinguished judge we shook hands and she happily replied. “I could think of nothing more fun. Please excuse me as I need to meet a dozen presidents tonight. My people will contact your people.”

  Saying goodbye I turned back to Tolan with a surprisingly heavy title in my arms and a question. “Tolan, if I need people. Where do I find people?” Laughing he took a second to answer me. “We’ll find you people tomorrow.” Turning back to the celebrations Tolan was right as Preti and I danced the night away. Glitch was dancing like a glitchy robot as Link asked him questions. “Why do you have such unreliable movements in your dance? You do not flow like the others.”

  Glitch increased the speed of his movements into a natural flow as he replied. “Dancing is a tool meant to stretch your quantum instincts and learn from them. Try and use your quantum instincts.” Link posed as I watched him reply, “I am afraid my quantum instinct is to sit down.” Taking his han
d I helped him lift it before twirling underneath. Smiling at my former guide I added, “Your quantum instinct needs to have fun.”

  Days would turn to weeks and to months as I prepared for my mission. The only certainty in my future was that I would go on adventures and have great stories to tell.

  Chapter 13

  Trader’s road

  My dreams changed as the months moved on. Grandpa enjoyed my visits to the forge and even participated in our family dinners by hologram. I was free of my obligations in my sleep and yet in my dreams I visited new worlds. I don’t know if they were real or if my mind was making them up. I didn’t know if I was subconsciously creating them so they would be real, I just knew I was changing.

  The journey to open trade in another galaxy was postponed for three months as Bountiful grew. My world sown with green forests and reefs, polished with animals, insects and all kinds of sea life. My fondest memories were of the picnics in the redwood and sequoia forests with the tours of school children. My experience of playing without crutches with the other children was almost as good as flying.

  Today was different though. A class of college students followed me on a tour as I escorted them. Reaching the hospital doors to the indoor healing pool I waited before entering after them. The memories of fire and suffering in a similar pool were still fresh in my mind as my back felt a phantom pain. Breathing deeply I took a step inside to see a Pontu doctor and Human doctor speaking to the class. I walked over to the poolside as an assistant pulled over a patient wearing a helmet.

  Helping the patient out of the pool I took one of his arms and got wet before he took off his helmet. The man worked hard to keep his balance looking at the ground and holding my shoulder. Finding his balance his olive colored cheeks and wide smile told me how he felt. Smiling back at him I asked him. “How are you?” The man whispered gently to me. “I have legs. I was born with none and now I have legs.”

  Hearing another voice call out from the door I looked back to him. “Son, are you?” The man next to me stepped forward holding onto my shoulder crying. “Dad, I want to walk. My first steps. Help me.” His father eagerly took his other side and he walked his first steps to the nearest bench. Moving and laughing as we reached the seat, doctors and students checked in on the man. Hearing my mother’s voice I stepped away and touched a button on my left arm guard.

  “Simran, your sister just arrived on Ember. We need to be leaving as soon as she gets here.” Stepping back to the doctors I cut into their conversation. “I apologize but I have a meeting to get to. Could you show the class to the fetal healing ward and then the gates?” As the doctors agreed I bid the students farewell and turned to the surprised patient. “Are you Sundance?” Smiling and looking at him and his father I nodded while moving to shake his hand.

  He held my hand with both of his as I answered. “I am. Congratulations on your legs. They come with new responsibilities like learning to dance.” Turning and shaking the father’s hand his thanks were accompanied by tears. Walking away the sounds of change had highlighted the visit before opening the door and stepping out of the pool house. Opening my wings from their folded position on my back they spread feeling a light breeze in the city. Taking off above the streets and flying higher than the first skyscrapers I looked to see the changes.

  I watched Tsychal construction machines with Human and Borain builders. Mile high interconnected buildings were spreading out in the capitol of Listal. Shuttles flew cargo overhead with human crews and pilots being trained by the Leshenkai. Glancing at parties on the buildings I spied traders of all shapes and sizes from far off worlds. The trade nation of Humanity was doing well.

  Smiling and ascending higher I even spied my guards flying behind me in formation. Past the buildings and giant trees growing on them I approached my office tower which was highest. More guards flew from it to lead me to the main balcony where I descended to my office doors. My office was more like a castle on top of a skyscraper but the Pontu insisted that I create a home where I would like to stay. Reaching the balcony I landed before my wings again closed like a cloak and I walked inside my new home.

  My mom sat comfortably at my desk before getting up. I embraced her for a moment as another voice spoke out from behind. “This world is starting to look pretty good Simran.” Preti was walking in from the landing area with her escort before giving us both a hug. My sister seemed happy as she expressed herself. “I can’t believe how big the trees have gotten in the last month. When did you turn off the eco-integration systems?”

  Mom replied as I looked to Preti’s shuttle expecting Tolan. “We turned off the systems in this part of Listal last week. How is your mission going?” Returning to my family I had to ask my questions. “Where is Tolan? Why did Ember bring you here?” Preti’s excitement evaporated as she answered me. “Tolan is in hiding. You are going to be hidden on your trade mission and I am going to be here under guard until I solve a problem.”

  Mom didn’t hold back. “What’s wrong Preti? Why are you worried?” Preti sighed and sat on my desk with news. “I preserved four worlds with my Pontu fleet since I last saw you. We stopped their wars or brought their worlds back to life helping however we were needed. The fifth world was different.” Preti clenched her fists and jaw as she angrily continued. “The fifth world had been damaged in a fight with a new race. They were androids and they nearly took me. Dozens died getting me to safety.”

  I watched mom step to my sister’s side as I waited a moment before she continued. “They stole the reef world Foreborn and like that twenty million people disappeared from the link.” I was confused as I enquired. “What do you mean disappeared from the link?” Preti touched her own chakram shaped key before continuing.

  “When they were taken all of their connections to the great link were changed. We can sense them but not find them. It was an ambush meant to capture me or Tolan. The trade nations are talking about conspiracies and war. I ordered Tolan into hiding and you need to get on my shuttle, fly to Ember and go on your mission.” Walking over to my desk I opened a drawer and pulled out the sun shield gifted to me from Ocelia. Placing it on my left arm guard dad walked out of the elevator to the room. “I brought the photo albums for the trip with the jewelry your cousins wanted to sell.”

  Handing over the goods to mom he looked us over with a smile. “While I am helping coordinating the trade here I will be visiting every other week I promise.” Taking turns getting a hug and a kiss mom carried our things and we walked to the shuttle. Saying goodbye seemed to happen very fast as I again hugged my sister and father before boarding. Sitting down I called back to my sister. “Take good care of Bountiful for me.”

  I watched with anticipation as we flew up into space and moved towards Ember. Turning away from the view I had a question for mom. “Mom, do you think I will do a good job on this mission?” Turning back to me she had a loving answer. “Simran, people with good hearts and good work principles can’t help but be good at whatever they do. Don’t worry. You will still get to visit home every few month’s for vacation.” Minutes passed as we were soon landing on the top of the forge building with Talalh waiting for us.

  I emerged from the shuttle on the rooftop of the forge with my guards. Above us in the skies I saw at least fifteen different reef and bloom worlds. Knowing there should be at least a dozen sentinel worlds coming with us I knew that I would be safe. Talalh greeted me on the roof of the arena with his soft warm voice. “Welcome Sundance. The human colonies are with us. I was wondering if you would do the honors of moving Ember to the first trade site our scouts have found.”

  It was a good day when I got to move a reef world. Opening up my wings and gently lifting off the ground I called back to him. “I would love too!” Lifting up into the air a few hundred feet I heard Talalh over the radio as he continued. “Coordinates for trade stop number one are set. Do you want manual control?” Reaching my hands forward I happily answered. “Don’t worry. I got this.”

Moving my right hand into view with the artificial sun I closed my hand into a fist and the sun darkened. Beyond us the other worlds sun’s dimmed as I looked back to my own work. Stretching my arms forward I put my hands together before pulling them apart to open up a door too a new galaxy. The planet sized portal door revealed a world covered in greens and blues with rings around it. As the engines blasted in space we moved forward towards ships and a future of trade for all of my people.

  My name is Sundance but my closest family and friends call me Simran. I come from an ancient line of smiths who work in metals and alloy. I will forge on my path many homes, friendships and a future for my birth family of humanity and my adopted family the Pontu.




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