With Me in Seattle Bundle One

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With Me in Seattle Bundle One Page 2

by Kristen Proby

  I close and lock my front door then follow my nose to the kitchen. Jules is making breakfast!

  “Hey, Nat, get any good photos this morning?” Much to my delight, my BFF is flipping pancakes, and I smell bacon crisping in the oven. My stomach growls as I place my camera on the breakfast bar and pull up a stool.

  “Yeah, it was a good morning,” I reply. I wonder if I should bring up Luke. Jules tends to be on the romantic side, and she’ll most likely have us married off by the end of the conversation, but she is the one person I confide in about everything, so why not? “I got some good shots. Almost got mugged…pretty standard morning.”

  I smile to myself as Jules twirls around, dropping a pancake on my tile floor, gasping.

  “What? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” I let out a snort. “Some guy was pissed that I might have taken his picture.” I describe my encounter to her, and she smiles sweetly when I’m finished.

  “Sounds like he likes you, friend.”

  I snort. “Whatever. He’s just some random guy.”

  Jules rolls her eyes and turns back to the pancakes. “He might just be some random guy, but if he’s as hot as you say he is, you should have gone to breakfast with him.”

  I scowl at her. “Gone out to breakfast with the hot mugger?” I ask incredulously.

  “Oh, don’t be dramatic.” Jules flips the bacon in the oven then ladles more pancake batter onto the griddle. “It sounds like he was really nice.”

  “Yes, when he wasn’t trying to steal my obscenely expensive camera, he was a perfect gentleman.”

  Jules laughs, and I can’t help but smile in return. “What do you have going on today?” she asks.

  Pleased with the change in conversation, I walk around the breakfast bar and start loading a plate with delicious food. “I have a session at noon, and I need to make some deliveries this afternoon. I really need to try to get in a nap this morning.”

  “Couldn’t sleep again?” Jules asks.

  I shake my head. Sleep never comes easily for me.

  I reclaim my stool and take a bite of bacon. Jules is next to me. “How about you?”

  “Well, since it’s Tuesday, I guess I’ll go to work today.” Jules is a very successful investment banker in downtown Seattle. I couldn’t be more proud of my longtime best friend. She’s beyond smart and beautiful. She’s the whole package..

  “We gotta make a living.” I devour the delicious pancakes on my plate, then rinse both our plates and load the dishwasher.

  “I can do that.” Jules starts to come into the kitchen, but I wave her back.

  “No, you cooked. I got this. Go to work.”

  “Thanks! Have a fun session.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me and heads for the garage.

  “Have a good day at the office, dear!” I call after her, and we both giggle.

  I climb the stairs to my bedroom and strip naked. I really need some sleep. My clients pay me very well to give them a fun, beautiful photo session, and I need to be well rested.

  My room is large, with floor-to-ceiling windows. This is the one room of the house that has any pink in it. I love my soft pink duvet and fluffy pink pillows. My bed frame is simple, but the headboard is an old barn door that I nailed to the wall to give the room a rustic feel.

  I fall into my king-size bed, the soft sheets hugging my naked body, and gaze out the window to the ocean view. I love this house. I never want to move. Ever. This view alone is priceless. The sapphire-blue water outside calms me, and as my eyes get heavy, I think of deep blue eyes and a killer smile and slip into sleep.

  Chapter Two

  I’m out and about, delivering framed photos of flowers and beach scenes to the restaurants and shops along Alki Beach.

  “Hi, Mrs. Henderson!” I smile at the gray-haired, plump woman behind the counter in Gifts Galore, one of my favorite trinket shops. I happily note that my work is hanging behind the cash register. There are shelves and shelves of beachy knickknacks, jewelry, and other artwork. It’s a fun place to wander around in.

  “Hello, Natalie! I see you have a delivery for me!” She smiles and comes around the counter, pulling me into a big hug.

  “I do. I hope you can use them.”

  “Oh yes, I’m just about out of the others you brought in last week. You’ve become quite the popular young artist.” Mrs. Henderson starts looking through my work, oohing and aahing, and I feel the pride in my chest as she tells me that she’ll take all I’ve brought her today.

  We chat at the counter while she writes me a check for last week’s sales, and I turn to leave, but stumble into a very firm chest.

  “Oh, excuse me…” I take a step back and look up.

  “Hello, Natalie.” Luke’s staring down at me, a smile tickling his lips. He looks a bit surprised, happy, and just… Oh my.

  “Hello, Luke.” My voice sounds breathy again, and I mentally wince.

  Mrs. Henderson heads to the back of her store to check on a customer, leaving Luke and I alone. I stare down at my sandals, reminding myself I need a pedicure.

  What am I supposed to say?

  “So, you’re an artist.” Luke glances over at my framed photos still stacked on the counter.

  “Yes.” I follow his gaze. “I sell my work in the local shops.”

  He grins, and I feel that pull again in my gut.

  “What are you doing in here?” I ask “This doesn’t seem like your kind of store.”

  “I’m looking for a gift for my sister for her birthday.” He starts shuffling through my frames. “These would be perfect. She just bought a new condo. Which ones would you suggest?” He glances back at me, and I have no choice but to join him at the counter and lean close to him as we look through the twenty-plus photos together.

  “Does she prefer flowers or scenery?” I ask.

  “Er.” He swallows. Am I having some kind of effect on him? I lean a little closer to him, pretending to inspect the photos on the counter and hear him catch his breath. “Probably flowers.”

  “I’d go with these.” I smile to myself, enjoying his nearness now that I don’t feel threatened by him, and select four photos of flowers, all different kinds and colors, and arrange them in a square for him to see.

  “Perfect.” His smile lights up his face, and I can’t help but smile back. “You’re very talented.”

  His compliment takes me back for a second, and I feel my cheeks flush. “Thank you.”

  Luke pays Mrs. Henderson, and then follows me as I head out of the store to my car.

  “Where are you headed?” he asks as he catches up to me.

  “Well, that was my last delivery, so I’ll be heading home.”

  “Or,” he says nonchalantly, “I could take you out for coffee.”

  My stomach tightens excitedly. He’s still interested! Am I? He could be an ax murderer. Or worse.

  “Happy hour?” he continues.

  I smile and look away from him, still striding toward my car.

  “Dinner? Can I buy you an ice cream cone?” He runs his free hand through his messy hair, and I mentally hug myself.

  Somewhere public should be safe, so before I can put too much more thought into it, I hear myself saying, “Let’s go get a drink. There’s a bar one block over that has a good happy hour.”

  “Lead the way!” Damn, I would do just about anything for that grin.

  “Don’t you want to take your sister’s photos to your car?”

  “I walked.” He shrugs.

  “Here, stow them in my car.” I open the trunk of my Lexus SUV and pull the door up for him.

  “Nice car,” he says, surprised. His eyebrows are raised as he gazes at me.

  “Thanks.” I flip the lever for the door to close and lock the car again as we continue down the sidewalk.

  Luke pulls his aviator sunglasses from the neck of his soft white T-shirt and puts them on, looking around him as though he’s making sure no one is watching him, and I frown. Is he embarrasse
d to be seen with me? If so, why did he ask me out?

  I’m still puzzling over this as he holds the door to my favorite Irish pub open for me, and we walk into the cool bar.

  “Hi! Welcome to the Celtic Swell.” A young server smiles at both of us, paying special attention to Luke, and I mentally roll my eyes. “It’s a beautiful day out there,” she continues. “Would y’all like to sit inside or outside?”

  I glance up at Luke, and without pausing or asking me what I’d prefer, he says, “Inside.”

  “Sure thing. Follow me, handsome.” She winks at Luke, ignoring me completely, and leads us to a booth near the back of the bar.

  We are seated, and Miss Flirty points out the happy hour menu displayed on the table, smiles broadly at Luke again, and then leaves us alone.

  “Are you embarrassed to be out with me?” I am determined to get to the bottom of this.

  Luke gasps, takes off his sunglasses, revealing his wide blue eyes, and looks horrified. The knots in my stomach slowly release.

  “No! No, Natalie, not at all. In fact, I’m thrilled to spend time with you.” He looks so sincere. “Why do you ask?”

  “Well…” I gratefully sip the water the waitress has set down before me. “You just seem…”


  “Quiet all of a sudden.” It’s the best I can come up with. Damn, why does he make me so nervous?

  “I’m happy to be here, with you. I just…” He shakes his head, runs a hand through that beautiful hair. “I am a private man, Natalie.” He exhales quickly and closes his eyes, like he’s struggling through some difficult internal debate, before turning his bright blue gaze back to mine.

  “It’s okay.” I hold my hands up in front of me as if in surrender. “I was just checking. No worries.”

  I smile reassuringly and grab the happy hour menu before he can say any more. His change in mood and the reasons behind it are none of my business. We’re just out for a drink. Let’s keep it light.

  He smiles at me, and I’m rescued from having to start small talk by Flirty Waitress taking our orders.

  Luke raises an eyebrow in my direction. “What would the lady like?”

  “A margarita on the rocks, no salt, extra lime.” My eyebrows climb when the waitress’ cheeks redden and the only acknowledgment to my statement is her scribbling ferociously on her notepad. Luke is hot, I can’t blame her for paying attention to him, yet something primal in me wants to scratch her pretty brown eyes out.

  And he’s not even mine.

  Luke chuckles. “Make it two.”

  “You bet. Anything else?” she asks Luke, pointedly ignoring me, and I smile to myself as Luke hardly spares her a glance before muttering, “No, thanks.”

  “I deserve a margarita after the day I’ve had.” I sip my water.

  “And what kind of day was that?” Luke leans forward, and I love that he genuinely looks interested.

  “Well.” I sit back, look up at the ceiling like I’m deep in thought. “Let’s see. I couldn’t sleep much last night, so I decided to take an early morning walk to get some work done. At which point, I was almost mugged.” I look back at him and give him a sarcastic look of horror. Luke laughs, a full-out belly laugh, and my own belly clenches down again. Holy Jesus, he’s so beautiful!

  “And then…?”

  “And then, after I made my very daring escape”—I smile at him, and he is grinning from ear to ear, his chin resting in his palm—“I went home, had breakfast with my roommate, then took a short nap.”

  “I would have loved to see that.” His eyes have narrowed, and I feel myself blush.

  “Loved to see me have breakfast with my roommate?”

  “No, smart-ass, loved to see you nap.”

  “I’m sure it’s not that exciting.” I thank the waitress for my drink and take a long sip. Oh, that’s good.

  “And when you woke up?”

  “You really want to know about my whole day?”

  “Yes, please.” Luke sips his drink, and I watch his lips pucker over his straw..

  “Um…” I clear my throat, and Luke grins again, enjoying my reaction to him. “I had a photo session at noon. It wrapped around two. Then I made some deliveries around the neighborhood and ran into this handsome mugger I know, whom I am now enjoying a drink with.”

  “I like that last part the best.”


  “And what did you do today, sir?” I rest my elbows on the table, happy to have turned the attention back to him.

  “Coincidentally, I couldn’t sleep well last night either, so I got up early to take a walk and enjoy the water.” He pauses to take a sip.

  “Mmm hmm…”

  “Then I made an ass of myself with this incredibly sexy and beautiful woman that I ran into.”

  I gasp and bite my lip. Sexy and beautiful? Wow.

  Luke’s eyes narrow on my lips.

  “Did she forgive you for being an ass?” My voice sounds breathy.

  “I’m not sure. I hope so.”

  “Then what did you do?”

  “I walked home to do some reading.”

  “What kind of reading?” Mmm, this margarita is delicious.

  Luke frowns a bit then shrugs. “Just some reading for work.”

  “Oh? What do you do?” I motion to Miss Flirty for a refill, raise my eyebrow at Luke and signal for his refill as well at his nod.

  “Why do you want to know?” He whispers this and suddenly looks ashen.

  What the fuck? Is he really a serial killer? A spy? Is he unemployed and looking for a sugar mama? I dismiss that last thought. He wouldn’t be able to live in this neighborhood if he were unemployed.

  “Well, now I’m intrigued.” I lean forward. He looks so uncomfortable, I decide to put him out of his misery. “But it’s really none of my business. So, you read, and then?”

  Luke visibly relaxes, and I can’t help but be more than a bit disappointed that he won’t tell me what he does for a living.

  “I also took a nap.”

  I grin and look him up and down. “To be a fly on the wall.”

  Oh, I almost forgot how much fun it is to flirt!

  He laughs, and it tickles me, making me laugh, too.

  “Then I went shopping for my sister’s birthday gift and found the perfect thing.”

  “Oh? And what was that?” I tilt my head to the side, enjoying this flirty game, sipping my delicious drink.

  “Well, there’s this brilliant local artist that takes beautiful photos, and I was lucky enough to find some of her work.” He almost looks proud, and it gives me a warm, happy glow.

  “That’s great.” I don’t know what else to say.

  “So, you had a photo session today?”

  Whoa…change of topic.

  “Yes.” I think I need another margarita if this conversation is about to take the turn I think it is. I signal to Miss Flirty and, without asking, order him one, too.

  He raises an eyebrow. “I didn’t think you did portrait photography.”

  “Why did you think that?” I ask with a frown.

  “Because you said so this morning during our most unusual meeting.”

  “Oh, that’s right. I don’t do traditional portrait photography.” I clear my throat and look around the bar, anywhere but at him, praying he doesn’t ask his next question, and grimace when he asks anyway.

  “What kind of portrait photography do you do?” He looks confused.

  I take a deep breath. Crap.

  “Well, it varies. Depends on the client.” I’m nervous again. I don’t tell many people about this side of my photography business. I find that most people are too judgmental, and it’s honestly no one’s business but mine and my clients’.

  “Look at me.” His voice is low and serious, and he’s not playful anymore. Shit.

  I look into his eyes and swallow.

  “You can tell me, Natalie.”

  Oh, he’s so…sexy. And nice. Is that possible?

bsp; “Perhaps one day I will. When you tell me what you do for a living.” I smirk and kick him under the table, and his mood immediately lifts.

  “So there’s going to be a ‘one day’?”

  Oh, I hope so! “If you play your cards right.”

  “Sassy little thing, aren’t you?”

  “You have no idea, Luke.”

  “I’d like to learn, Natalie.” And there is that serious face again, making me squirm.

  “You’re quite the charmer, aren’t you?”

  Luke grins his wide, gorgeous grin. I smirk again and finish my third drink. My head is getting fuzzy, and I know I’d better stop with the alcohol.

  “Another drink.” Luke starts to call for Miss Flirty, but I shake my head.

  “I’d better go back to water.”

  “Of course. More water for my lady friend and I, please.” The overly friendly waitress saunters away, deliberately swaying her hips, hoping to get Luke’s attention, but he’s staring at me, ignoring her.

  “What kind of movies do you like?”

  Huh? Is he asking me out to the movies?

  “I don’t watch a lot of movies.”

  He tilts that beautiful head to the side and looks at me like I just told him that pigs fly. “Really?”

  “I don’t have a lot of time for it.”

  “Who’s your favorite actor?” He smiles, and I feel like this is some sort of test, but I haven’t been given the study notes.

  “I don’t even know who’s popular right now.” I sit back into the booth seat and purse my lips, thinking about it. “When I was a teenager, I loved Robert Redford.” I shrug.

  Luke looks like he’s been kicked in the stomach, and I’m suddenly embarrassed. Then that beautiful face transforms into his smile, and his eyes soften as they take me in. “Why? Isn’t he a little old for you?”

  I giggle. “Yes. But I saw The Way We Were with him and Barbra Streisand when I was fifteen and fell in love with Hubbell. He was dreamy. I don’t pay a lot of attention to movies. There’s too much drivel out there.”

  Luke laughs. “Drivel?”

  “Yes! If I see a trailer for one more stupid vampire movie, I’m going to kill myself.”


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