With Me in Seattle Bundle One

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With Me in Seattle Bundle One Page 97

by Kristen Proby

“Mmm hmm?”

  “Kiss me, please.”

  “I am.”

  I pinch his ass, and he bites my ear and glares down at me.


  My eyes fall to his lips, his silver metal in his lower lip, and I’ve never wanted anyone to kiss me as much as I want him to right now.

  He loops his fingers in my hair, tilts his head, and gently lays his lips over mine. I tighten my hands on his back, holding him tightly against me, and sigh deeply as he begins to move those talented lips. He nibbles and sucks, from one corner of my mouth to the other, leaving no piece of skin untouched.

  My hands begin to travel, over his back, down his arms, up to his face, slowly and lightly exploring him, until I’m so consumed by him, I don’t hear the movie, or feel the couch under me. All I know is Leo.

  I thread my legs through his, not able to get close enough, and rotate my hips against him, but he abandons my lips and slides down to my ear.

  “Samantha, I’m not going to make love to you tonight. But I’m going to kiss the fuck out of you.”

  My lips meet his again with a moan, and this time he deepens the kiss, teasing my lips and the tip of my tongue with his.

  I’ve never been kissed this thoroughly in all my life.

  One of his hands leaves my hair and journeys down my face, my shoulder, and just when I think he’s going to cup my breast, his hand glides down to my hip, and he just rests it there.

  He’s seriously just going to kiss me.

  I moan again and run my fingers down his stubbly face. Despite the stubble, his skin is smooth, and he just smells so damn good.

  He slows the kiss down, nibbling my lips again, and then nuzzles my nose.

  “You make me forget how to breathe,” he whispers.

  “I love the way you kiss me,” I whisper back.

  “Good,” he murmurs and offers me a half smile, his stormy eyes are lazy and heavy-lidded. “Because I plan on kissing you a lot.”

  “Okay,” I agree shyly.

  Why does he make me so shy?

  Suddenly, he stands and pulls me into his arms, cradling me against him, and carries me into the bedroom.

  “The TV is still on,” I remind him.

  “I’ll get it later.”



  She’s beautiful when she sleeps.

  She’s beautiful, period. Even when she was hurling and sweaty with fever, she was a sight to behold.

  I’m in trouble.

  We slept late this morning, but neither of us has anywhere to go, so I’m lying next to her, enjoying the view.

  I’ve never just kissed a woman and not made love to her. I rarely kiss women at all. Sex is great, but kissing leads to all kinds of attachments and feelings, and it’s just best if I don’t go there, especially given that women I’ve been with in the past ten years were quick lays. I certainly didn’t kiss them the way I kissed Sam last night. I wanted to sink into her and make love to her all night, but she had been sick.

  Maybe I’m turning into a pussy in my old age. The kicker? I don’t give a shit.

  Sam stirs and yawns, opens her sapphire-blue eyes and smiles softly at me.

  “Good morning.” I kiss her soft cheek and enjoy her sleepy moan.


  Fuck, I love that raspy voice of hers. It’s sexiest when she first wakes up and when she’s just about to come.

  “What do you want to do today?” I ask and brush a piece of her hair off her cheek.

  “I want cupcakes.”

  “Cupcakes?” I ask with a laugh. “It’s only ten in the morning, sweetness. Isn’t it a bit early for cupcakes?”

  “Clearly you’ve spent too much time abroad.” She pushes her hand through my messy hair and gives it a yank, which immediately makes my dick stir. “Cupcakes are appropriate at any time.”

  “Can I have coffee with mine?”


  “Okay, I’ll take you for cupcakes.”

  “That was easy.” She grins.

  I just shrug. Fuck, I’d give her just about anything she wants right now.

  “Let’s go.”

  “Should we run first?” she asks with a frown.

  “You’re not ready to run yet. You were sick twenty-four hours ago,” I remind her and climb off the bed.

  “Then maybe I shouldn’t have a cupcake.”

  “Samantha, let’s go get cupcakes and anything else you damn well want.” I scowl down at her, and clench my hands into fists to keep from reaching out to her and tumbling her back into that bed when she offers me a wide smile.

  “Cupcakes it is then.”

  We dress quickly, and I hold her black coat up for her to slip into before pulling on my own and sliding my beanie over my head.

  “Leave the beanie off.” She’s grinning at me. “I like touching your hair.”

  “It’s just easier if I wear it.” I kiss her forehead and usher her out the door.

  “So, is it your disguise?” she asks sarcastically. “Pull the beanie down over your trademark sexy hair and eyebrow piercing and cover your tats and pray no one recognizes you?”

  She may be joking, but I can hear the edge to her voice. My being recognized doesn’t excite her any more than it does me.

  I push the button for the lobby on the elevator and pull her into my arms for the trip down.

  “I don’t get recognized often, sugar.”

  She relaxes against me and sighs, and I can’t help but smile. The difference in her from when we first started running together and now is amazing. She’s used to me touching her now, which is good because I can’t keep my hands off her sexy little body.

  “Where is the cupcake place?” I ask as we walk out of the elevator and through the lobby of her building.

  “Just a couple blocks over. We can walk it.”

  “Are you feeling well enough for that?” I ask and frown at her, but she just nudges me with her elbow.

  “I’m fine. A few blocks won’t kill me.”

  “Lead on then.”

  The Seattle sky is bright blue today, treating us to a rare sunny winter day. I twine Sam’s fingers in mine and kiss them, and follow her into a little shop called Succulent Sweets. It smells like coffee and sugar inside, and Sam’s pretty blue eyes light up as they fall on the glass case full of baked goods.

  Damn, she’s cute.

  “What do you want?” I ask.

  “Chocolate, of course.” She laughs, and my gut clenches.

  I love her laugh.

  She orders her chocolate cupcake and a hot tea, and I place my order, and the little brat reaches for her wallet.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Buying you a cupcake.”

  “Right, ’cause I’m going to let a woman buy me breakfast.” I roll my eyes and push her aside and pull my wallet out of my back pocket.

  The redheaded cashier glances up at me casually and then does a double take.

  “Holy shit, are you Leo Nash?” she asks, and I scowl at her as if she’s nuts.

  “I get that all the time.” I laugh. “No, I’m not. That band sucks.”

  “I like them.” The redhead shrugs, and I instantly like her. “But, yeah, sorry, I can see now that you’re not him.”

  “I’m better-looking, right?” I wink at her, and she laughs and hands us our drinks and cakes, and we find a table.

  Sam is smirking and trying not to laugh outright.


  “That’s seriously how you thwart unwelcome recognition? By dissing your own band?”

  “It worked.” I chuckle and take a bite. “Damn, that’s good.”

  “You got lemon! Can I have a bite? It’s my second favorite.”

  I hold the cake up to her lips, and she takes a tiny bite and closes her eyes as she moans in happiness, and I have to readjust myself on my chair.

  Jesus, I’m like a randy teenager with her. I thought I had better control over my dick tha
n this.

  “Can I have a bite of yours?” I ask.

  “Hell no, get your own.” She pulls her cupcake closer to her and scowls at me.

  “Selfish brat. I shared mine.”

  “Sucker.” She smirks and continues eating her chocolate.

  I glance across the street and grin. “Do you know what that building is across the street?”

  She follows my gaze and shrugs. “Just a red brick building.”

  There is no signage, and it’s nondescript.

  “Nope, it’s a recording studio. It’s owned by a famous female duo from Seattle. They’ve owned it since the early eighties.” Excited, I lean forward and cup my coffee in my hands. “Sam, Johnny Cash recorded there. Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam. God, too many to count.” I look at the building again, an idea forming in my head.

  “Have you recorded there?” she asks, staring at the building.

  “No.” I shake my head. “I have been inside, though. When I first moved to Seattle, I won a radio contest and got to go to a private Pearl Jam concert there. There were only twelve of us in the audience, all sitting in a semicircle. It was the coolest thing I’d ever been to.”

  “Wow, that’s awesome. You guys should do that.”

  I nod, the idea taking more shape. “I wonder if we could record the next album there,” I murmur, and Sam’s eyes widen.

  “Really?” she asks.

  “Yeah, I don’t see why not. I don’t know how far they’re booked out for studio time, but that way I wouldn’t have to go back to LA to record. Most of us live up here anyway.”

  I grin at her, excited to start making calls, and she grins back.

  “Could I come listen?” she asks.

  “Of course. Anytime.” The thought of having Sam in the studio with us as we lay down tracks makes my stomach clench.

  The thought of fucking her in the studio is even better. I’ve never done that before because work and personal shit have always been separate for me, but damn, I’ve already blurred all my lines for her, why not this one, too?

  “How many songs do you have written?” she asks and licks her fork.

  “I’ve written three by myself and two with Meg. Some of the other guys have written a few. I’m working on one more now. We have a list of songs that the label wants us to consider. I figure we’ll start pulling it together in a few weeks.” Her big eyes are on me as she listens intently. It makes me proud that she’s so interested, and she asks intelligent questions, not the typical fan questions.

  Though she’s definitely a fan of the band, and that’s just one more thing that draws me to her.

  Of course, I’d be drawn to her if she hated the band, too, but nothing long term could come of it. My band is my family.

  “You have frosting on your lip,” I murmur.

  She licks the wrong side and smiles knowingly. “Did I get it?”

  “Nope, other side.”

  She licks again, her pink tongue running along her lips, and my cock instantly comes awake. She missed.


  I reach out and brush the frosting with my finger, but before I can pull it away, she grips my wrist in her hand and draws my finger into her mouth, sucking the frosting off and nibbling lightly on my skin.


  “We need to get the fuck out of here,” I growl. I hear the need in my voice, and her eyes dilate with lust.

  “I’m not done with my tea,” she mutters, and her eyes fall to my piercing.

  “Yeah, you are. Let’s go.”

  Chapter Eight


  Well, I guess I’ll work that cupcake off this morning after all.

  Leo pulls me into the elevator of my building, after practically dragging me the two blocks home, and jabs the button for my floor.

  As soon as the doors close, he’s on me. He lifts me against the wall, holding me in place with his pelvis pressed to mine, my legs wrapped around his lean waist, and he’s kissing me like crazy.

  I yank the beanie off his head and dig my fingers into his hair, holding on, as he plunders my mouth, biting and sucking and then plundering some more.

  God, he can kiss.

  The bell dings, signaling that we’ve arrived at my floor, and he’s suddenly pulling me along behind him.

  My fingers are fumbling with the keys as he folds himself around me from behind, kissing my neck, his thumbs tweaking my puckered nipples.

  “I can’t open the door,” I mutter and gasp as he sucks on the soft skin beneath my ear.

  “Give me your keys, baby.”

  He makes quick work of the door, guides me inside, shuts and locks it and begins to lead me toward the bedroom.

  “The couch is right here,” I remind him, and he stills, turns to me, his gray eyes on fire, his breath coming fast. He steps to me and cups my face in his hands, holding my eyes with his own.

  “I haven’t been inside you in days.”


  “Saturday was nothing more than us hurting each other. It doesn’t count. I haven’t been with you, been inside you, for days. I’m not fucking you on your couch. I want to spread you out on your bed and drive us both crazy. I want you trembling and wet.”

  Holy shit.

  “Can’t argue with that.” I grin at him and suddenly I’m caught up in his arms again.

  I unzip his hoodie and tug it down his arms, and pull his shirt over his head. We quickly undress each other, leaving a trail of clothing through the living room, down the hallway and to my bedroom.

  When we’re standing by the bed, him completely nude and delicious, he steps back and sweeps his eyes up and down my body, over my pink lacy bra and matching boy-short panties.

  “Jesus, do you always wear underwear like that?”

  I smile smugly. “I like pretty underwear.”

  “You wear underwear like that every day and old concert T-shirts to bed?”

  “Don’t knock my shirts. I love them.”

  And suddenly I’m on my back on the bed and Leo is peeling my panties down my legs. He throws them over his shoulder and plants a kiss on my belly, right above my piercing.

  “I love this piercing,” he mutters and kisses me again.

  “It’s just a navel piercing, babe.” I chuckle and then moan when he licks down my belly to my pubis and over my clit.

  “Don’t knock it,” he mumbles and licks farther down through my folds.

  “Fuck, you’re good at that.” My hips instinctively thrust up, but he holds them firmly against the mattress.

  “You taste amazing.” He sucks my clit into his mouth and pushes two fingers inside me, and I can’t hold back, I come apart, shattering and shuddering, pushing my pussy against his face, gripping on to the sheets at my sides.

  He kisses the insides of my thighs, the creases where my legs meet my center, and with his fingers still inside me, he kisses his way up to my breasts. He swirls his tongue around a nipple, nibbles it, and pays the other the same attention, while moving his fingers, all four of them, in a rhythmic wave motion, tickling me and making me giggle.

  “That tickles.”

  “Mmm.” He grins and kisses my mouth, softly, playfully. I grip that piercing in my teeth and tug gently, and he smiles some more, moving his fingers more quickly.

  I moan and squirm beneath him, and gasp as he presses his thumb on my clit.

  “I’m not a guitar, you know,” I remind him as he continues to torment my labia with those talented fingers.

  “Oh, but the sounds you make, sunshine,” he whispers and buries his face in my neck. I wrap my arms around him. He’s pressed against me, from hip to shoulder, his fingers playing me like an instrument, and to my surprise, I come again, violently.

  He’s going to kill me.

  “Leo.” I cup his face in my hand and look up at him, and for the first time in my entire life, the idea of having sex with him on top of me doesn’t freak me out. “I’ve never done this.”

  “I k
now that’s not true, sunshine. You’ve done it with me.” He grins down at me, but I shake my head.

  “Never in this position, on my back.”

  “What?” He frowns down at me and pulls his hand from between my legs and braces himself over me. “What do you mean?”

  I close my eyes, regretting my words, and take a deep breath. “Exactly what it sounded like,” I whisper.

  “Look at me,” he murmurs softly.

  My eyes find his as he slowly shifts between my legs, covering me with his lean body, and I love the feel of his weight on me. He just rests here, allowing me to adjust to him, his hard cock pressed against my folds, his legs between mine, and I raise my legs and wrap them around his waist. He drops his forehead down to mine and pulls in a ragged breath.

  “Are you okay?” he whispers.

  “Yeah,” I breathe.

  “Why?” His eyes are pinned to mine, and he looks worried and happy at the same time.

  “I couldn’t stand the thought of giving someone that much control over me.” My voice is soft, and I move my hips, sliding his cock against me. “God, you feel good.”

  “You have to stop doing that, sunshine. I’m trying to go slow here.”

  “Who said it needs to be slow?” I ask and brush my fingers down his face. “You can fuck me hard like this.”

  “It doesn’t always have to be rough to be good, Sam.”

  I will not cry. I swallow and close my eyes. Jesus, what is he doing to me? He’s seen me sick, pissed off, and now he’s seeing me at my most vulnerable.

  “Baby,” he whispers and gently kisses me. “I’ve got you.”

  He reaches down between us and rolls on a condom, grips one of my hands in his, and pulls it close to our chests, and slowly, oh so slowly, sinks inside me.

  My breath catches as I look up into his eyes, at the look there that I’m not ready to label, and I hold him close as he begins to move, his cock strong and full, his pubic bone pushing against my clit with each gentle thrust.

  I’ve never in my life had a man make slow, sweet love to me, and it’s this moody, amazing man giving it to me.

  “My God, Sam,” he whispers. “You’re just so tight.”

  His words, the tone of his silky voice, and the way his body is blanketing me are my undoing, and I feel the build coming from the base of my spine. My face flushes, and I cling to him as I fall over the edge, chanting his name.


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