Winter's Awakening (Light Coven Chronicles Book 1)

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Winter's Awakening (Light Coven Chronicles Book 1) Page 10

by Alessandra Jay

  Already that’s a lot to take in and he’s only just begun. My dad and Dimitri are demon hunters? Evan is a demon hunter? I didn't even know there were demons out in the mortal world, and I don't ever remember seeing a tattoo on Dad. And how could Evan still want to be with me when he knows I'm not even a caster? I feel my face flush with insecurity, and I suddenly get hot. Evan stands up and kneels by my feet. “Scarlet? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” As softly as I can, I say, “I'm going to die before everyone I love. How could you still want to be with me knowing that?” I say, as I stare at my hands.

  Evan lifts my chin up and mysteriously answers me. “I'm working on that, love. Don't let what we have here, where I think we’re heading, fade away. Don't give up on me yet. We’re just getting started.” He reassures me sweetly. “Okay. I think that’s enough questions for today. Let’s go inside. I have to leave in a few minutes for baseball.” He starts to walk away, but I stop him and stand up straight. “No. Information has been held from me for too long. I want to know more.”

  Without question, Evan sits down. “Okay, what else would you like to know?” The fact that he is so willing to answer my questions has softened me to my core. “The meeting, what was it about? I mean, are you allowed to tell me?” I confidently ask. He looks at me and smirks. “Well, are you going to go around telling everyone you know about this classified information?” He says with a sarcastic laugh. I smile and nudge his shoulder. His face suddenly turns serious. “One of the Sisters died centuries ago having a vision, a vision of the near future, about a dark coven attempting to kill the Elders to take their places and rule Eden.” I suck in a breath and put a hand to my mouth. I grew up learning about the Sisters. For one of them to die is a big deal. But what really surprised me was that someone wanted to kill all of them. “Even Ava?” I ask him quietly as he nods his head.

  “Even Ava. It was Sister Hazel that passed away. She left behind a prophecy. A parchment she wrote on while she was having the vision. She said there will be a chosen caster. A woman will unite with her own coven and they will fight to defeat the dark casters. But she couldn’t give a name or date. And that’s the tricky part. Her magic placed a glamour on the other half of the prophecy, which rendered it invisible. When the Elders find this chosen caster, only her touch will make the other half of the prophecy appear. They're holding a mandatory meeting with every woman caster to visit Eden and hold the parchment.” He finishes explaining and I'm suddenly frightened.

  “I don’t have to go, right?” I ask him hopefully. He shakes his head. “No, love. You shouldn't have to. I have to go, but I'm sure your dad can answer that question better than I can. I’ll call you after practice.” He kisses me lovingly and turns to leave. He’s right. It’s about time I had a conversation with dad about the caster world and his place in it.

  Chapter 11

  College Acquainted

  After Evan left, I went straight to my room to call my family. I called Demi first because I knew she’d give me more information than Dad would. Demi picks up the telephone immediately. “Finally! Oh, my Ava! I’ve been very impatiently waiting, Scarlet! We have so much to talk about!” She says all this in one breath. So I speak quickly, for her sake. “Yes, we definitely have a lot to speak about.”

  “Okay. First of all, Scar, Evan White is smoking hot! Now I know why you were so nervous about introducing yourself to him. I mean, he’s gorgeous.” She’s beginning to ramble, so I cut her off, “Demi! Yes, I know he’s hot. Please move on!” I'm slightly annoyed and amused at the same time.

  “Fine. Anyway, Dad came home last night and sat Dimitri and I down to tell us that the Evan White introduced himself as your new love. I mean, at first Dad was totally freaked, but then he was eerily really comfortable with it. Dimitri and I were so confused. What caster goes to college? Right? Especially a caster like Evan White. But then, Dad said Evan said he needed something new and was pretty much drawn to Syracuse.” She’s speaking a mile a minute. I stop her, “Quit calling him by his full name. It’s weird. And why are you speaking so highly of him? Is he really that well known?”

  “Um, yes. He is. Look at the guy. He’s delicious. And he’s a director of a Village. He’s super wealthy. And his fighting skills are insane. And, oh, my Ava. His power feels unbelievable. I’ve only been in the same room as him a few times, and each time when I felt his power, it made me dizzy.” Stopping her, I tease, “Okay. That sounded creepy. I’ll be sure to pass that comment along.” Her high voice returns, “You better not, Scar!” I try to steer her back to our conversation because I really need answers. “Anyway, Demi, are you forgetting to tell me another reason why he’s important?” Why won’t anyone speak to me about the demons? “Um, not really. Why?” She sounds genuinely confused, so I just tell her.

  “Oh. The fact that he’s one of the best demon hunters ever, maybe? Or that he’s right behind Dad and Dimitri's demon-killing record? Or that he’s Marked? Why do you guys keep so much from me? I don't know half of the words he uses, thanks to you guys. What is a Chamois, and what is Collegati? And Sister Hazel’s prophecy? Why haven't I ever heard of it? All of those seem really important to know. It’s really unfair what you guys did, withholding information and making me ignorant about a world I come from.” I didn't realize how upset I was, until that moment.

  “Whoa! Slow down! Those are some big and scary words, Scarlet. Evan’s been saying them to you?” Quickly I answer, “Yes. Now please explain what he’s talking about.” I'm hoping that my growing frustration is enough to get her to talk. “Well, for one, speaking of this over the phone is not safe, logical, or fair, to either of us. So I can’t answer everything at this moment, but I promise to tell you whatever you want to know, when you come for your birthday party.” She tries to compromise with me. I know she’s right about having this conversation over the phone, but I'm irritated and eager to be on the same page as everyone else. “Fine. Just tell me what you can.” I hesitantly agree. Some information is better than no information.

  Demi takes a deep breath and finally tells me, “All right. Yes, we have kept the demon world away from you, but only because that is a dangerous path. With you not having your power, it wasn't fair to burden you with that terrifying subject. Now that you know about that part of our world, I have no problem explaining what I know when you come home. But I think you'll get better and more information from Evan, Dad, or Dimitri. Yes, the three of them are highly skilled and revered demon hunters. Why do you think Dad and Dimitri are so good at fighting? And their gym? They train mortals and casters there, Scar. Also, that word Chamois is a type of demon. They escape the inferno the most. Clearly Evan has already explained what being Marked means. So yes, the fact that he’s Marked makes him that much more important, Dad, too. But not Dimitri.

  We never told you because we didn't want you worrying about the missions that dad goes on. Now, the prophecy, it was always more of a caster’s myth than anything else. Sister Hazel passed having that vision over five centuries ago. So do you really blame us for not relaying it to you? It wasn't until last night that it was brought up again. Dad says things are getting serious in Eden. He’s going to be there a lot helping the Elders. As for the word Collegati, that’s a very cherished word in our world. It means linked, as in bonded, as in eternal love. Why would Evan say that word to you?”

  I explain to her, “I don't know. He was rambling when I heard him say it. Thank you for answering some of my questions, Dee. It really means a lot. I understand why you guys kept things from me. But it hurts, you know?” She tries to lighten the mood, and it works. “I do. And I'm sorry. We’ll have to chat alone at your party. For now, give Dad a call. He might be more willing to answer some questions now that you got yourself a Marked caster boyfriend.” Although, he isn't my boyfriend, not yet at least. As soon as Demi hung up, I called Dad. He didn't answer the first time, but he did answer on the second try.

  “Scarlet? Are you alright, honey?” He asks, sounding on edge. “H
ey, Dad. Yes, I'm okay. Just have some free time and was hoping you could help me out, with a few questions I had? I know you met Evan last night. That must have been difficult and awkward for both of you.” I'm not as upset as I was before. Demi gave me more information than I thought she would. And she’s right, they were holding the information from me for my benefit. Dad’s chuckle sounds through the phone. That’s when I realize how much I miss him.

  “You could say that. It definitely came out unexpected. I know you're confused, honey. But a lot has happened. I'm going to be busy for a while. I will always be here for you. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call me.” I decide to wait with my questions and speak to him in person. “I will, Dad. Thanks. I miss you. I’ll wait to talk to you about what’s been going through my mind at my birthday party.” It sounds like he has a lot on his mind right now. “Thank you, sweetheart. I miss you, too.”

  He gets cut off as someone in the background speaks to him. The voice sounds muffled, so I can’t make anything out. When Dad returns to our conversation, it’s only to say goodbye. “I'm sorry, Scarlet. I must go. I promise we’ll have some time to talk real soon. I love you. Good luck with your classes. Goodbye, honey.” He quickly hangs up as I glumly walk out to the living room, to await the arrival of my roommates.


  Although we know what our classes are, we still don't know our schedule. The girls and I watch a movie, while we wait for our emails regarding our new schedules. At the same moment, the three of our phones ding. I am exceptionally content with my schedule. The hours aren't too bad, and I can be home to cook dinner most nights and also work part time at the cafe. Mackenzie’s major is the same as mine, so I already guessed I would have a class or two with her. We only have Intro to Business together, but that’s better than nothing. Charlie is in highly advanced classes, so I know she’s not with me in any of my business classes. But I was surprised when she said she has Art History with me. I have one class with each roommate, and I'm grateful.

  My phone surprises us, when it starts playing my favorite classical song by Beethoven throughout the room, Moonlight Sonata. To some people it’s gloomy and depressing, but to me it’s always been such a beautiful and hypnotizing melody. I see Evan’s picture on the screen. He must be calling about my schedule. Mackenzie jokes, “Who's callin’ ya, the grim reaper?” I cut my eyes at her and grunt when the song ends, signifying that I missed his call. “That’s actually a very beautiful song, Mack,” Charlie attempts to defend me as I give her a small smile. Mack snickers under her breath, as I take the moment to go to my room to return Evan’s call.


  Charlie and I are awake at the same time the following morning for our classes. Seven a.m. is way too early for my liking but as long as I get some caffeine in me, I’ll be okay. We get ready and meet in the kitchen. Mackenzie doesn't have class on Monday, so she gets to sleep in, until her shift at the cafe begins. Her schedule is perfect for her. She can party all weekend and not have to worry about class on Monday. Both Lucas and Evan also have class early Monday, so we decide to ride together in Evan’s Range Rover.

  When I returned his call yesterday, I found out that we have two classes together. After we hung up, I squealed with joy, knowing I’d be seeing him a lot more than I thought. We grab our bags and make our way out to meet our caster guys. If only Charlie knew, she would definitely freak out. Casters aren't really allowed to tell mortals about their power, but in extreme and unavoidable circumstances they do. With the knowledge in their possession, the mortals must go through some type of eternal spell-binding oath. With the oath, a cast is placed on them, so they can never speak of the caster world to anyone else. Although, they still remain aware of the magical world. Demi says it’s a pretty intense process, so most casters just don't say anything and keep to themselves.

  As we make our way to the SUV, Lucas jumps out of the passenger side door and opens the back for Charlie, leaving the front door open for me and sliding in the back. As Evan reaches over and squeezes my hand, I look up into his eyes for just a moment; the electric fire awakens and makes its way down my spine. I noticeably shiver, and the goosebumps show themselves all over my arms. Evan smirks and turns back around to face the road, holding my hand the whole ride. Even if that ride was a total of 10 minutes, I savored every second that his warm hand was linked with mine.

  We drop Charlie off and pull up to our building, The Hall of Languages. It truly is architecturally mesmerizing. The front of the Renaissance-like building is completely covered in soft, green vines that grip to the walls. The vertical old-fashioned windows with their semicircular arches covered the entire front of the building. A quaint clock is placed directly in the top center, of the highest segmental pediment.

  I whisper, “Wow,” as Evan approaches my side. He follows my line of sight and nods his head in agreement. “I know. It’s beautiful. They opened this building in 1873. This is the oldest building on the campus.” He continues educating me on the building’s history, as I continue to stare at it in awe. Evan has to gently pull my arm to get my feet moving. As we walk inside, Lucas turns to his right and looks back to give us a goodbye nod. Knowing Lucas is a caster and demon hunter makes me nervous for Charlie. I don't want him hurting her.

  As Evan leads the way to our English class, I look over at his calm and gorgeous face. “So Lucas and Charlie look happy.” I attempt to get him to spill. A genuine smile forms on his face, and he looks over at me. “They are. Lucas is a big romantic. He’s enamored with her. I haven't seen him like this in over 70 years,” he gets a faraway look.

  I should have been paying attention to the direction we were walking, because I don't know how we got to the second floor. Evan walks straight, already knowing the location of our classroom. I decide to pry a little more. “She likes him, too, a lot. What about Derek and Mack?” We come to a stop outside of a classroom door.

  He chuckles at the question. “Well, from what I can tell, Derek and Mackenzie are the same person. They both like to party, and they both like to get what they want. They’re perfect for each other. But I don't think either of them are ready for that kind of secluded relationship just yet. Do you disagree?” As he asks my opinion, I think about it. He is right. We all just arrived last week. Mack has lots of party plans that she wouldn't give up for any guy, even a guy as good-looking as Derek. “No, I don't. You're absolutely right.” I say, looking up into his eyes.

  Lowering his head, he leaves me a trail of soft kisses from my cheek to my lips, instantly giving me goosebumps. I'm in such a trance that I don't see the group of people walking around us, to enter the room. Evan easily stands straight and doesn't let go of my hand, leading us inside the classroom to two empty chairs in the back of the room. I look over at him and can’t help but check him out. He looks good today, as he always does. Evan’s wearing a baseball hat backwards, with his soft curls slightly sticking out of the bottom. It’s extremely sexy to me. That thought immediately caused my cheeks to warm. Instead of looking away, I keep my eyes fixed on his. He gives me his knee-weakening smirk, and I can’t stop the smile from spreading on my face.


  I'm lucky I'm not going to college to actually get a degree. With Scarlet in my first two classes, it’s a lot more difficult than I thought it would be to pay attention. But the fact that I’ve been alive long enough, to know the majority of the things the teacher is instructing, balances that out. As the professor moves on to his lesson, my phone vibrates in my back pocket. I take it out to read the message:


  Why are there so many demons in Syracuse? Just as I was about to respond, I smelled the wretched monster. In a flash, I see a darkness pass our doorway. I instantly stand up, getting the attention of everyone in the room. Scarlet looks confused, so I snap my fingers. Everyone aside from her is momentarily frozen so I bend down quickly to explain.

  “Luke just sent me a message. There is
a demon in the building. We have to go kill it before it finds a mortal it likes. Please stay here. I promise I’ll be right back. As soon as I leave this room, everyone will be mobile again, okay?” Hoping she senses the urgency in my voice, I'm relieved when she nods her head. She only looks slightly frightened. I'm going to have to remember to reassure her later that I will always protect her. She needs to know that she has nothing to worry about, when it comes to the caster world or the demon world.

  I'm outside in less than five minutes, and Luke is already there waiting for me. “Finally. Did you smell the vile beast? This one is horrid. Should we call Derek?” He asks, as he summons his athame. “I did. I saw it, too. It’s fast. And no, we’ve got this,” I say as I retrieve my own blade. With a nod of his head, we both look around to see if anyone is nearby. Satisfied that no one is there, we connect hands and cast an invisibility spell on our bodies. I can feel my body disappearing quickly from my boots to my hat.

  “Let’s do this.” Lucas claps his hands. We walk in every hallway trying to find this demon, when finally, we get to the hallway where my class is being held, where Scarlet is. All the way on the other side of the long hallway is the demon. It’s hovering over a girl who's at the vending machine. I can see it’s drool dripping and making a puddle behind the innocent mortal. She straightens up after retrieving her purchase and turns our way. It’s when I feel the electricity flow down my spine that I know who it is. Scarlet! What is she doing outside of the class? I told her to stay in there!


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