The Hunchback

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The Hunchback Page 6

by Regine Abel

  “Well then, thank you, Ellen,” I said with a smile.

  “My pleasure, Vestal Esmeralda.”

  I left her stall having lost any further desire to shop or wander around. Too many new questions swirled in my head. How in the world had Kwazeem come to be in Frollo’s care? Who was his mother? Why did he enhance me rather than drain me?

  More than ever, the theory of them being siblings seemed credible. I needed to dig into Frollo’s past and that of the previous Vestals who had come to Paris. It was common practice for a Vestal who didn’t marry her current Praetor to rotate between cities and moons in the hopes of finding her match. Therefore, keeping track of a Vestal’s whereabouts would be no small task, especially considering the swaps were often agreed upon merely between the Praetors and Vestals involved. It was an informal practice not strictly controlled.

  Back on Obscura, once I’d been ordained, my profile had gone up on the registry and every interested Praetor sent me an invitation. I merely picked the most appealing one. Should the day come when I decided to leave Paris, I could simply either put my name back up in the registry or directly contact the Praetor whose temple I wanted to serve, and hope he would accept. Naturally, a Vestal couldn’t leave her temple until a replacement for her had been found.

  I didn’t quite know where to start. Interrogating Kwazeem on the previous Vestals might tip him off. And asking Frollo might give him the wrong impression I felt jealous of them. My complete absence of possessiveness towards him spoke volumes as to the fact we would never be a match. Sure, I found him physically attractive, and my body had reacted strangely to his energy, but I believed it was merely because it felt so strongly like Kwazeem’s. Furthermore, knowing he’d been taking turns with the Maidens did nothing to endear him to me. My lack of jealousy there as well confirmed there was no future for us. The mere thought of one of the Maidens drooling over my Kwazeem made me want to commit murder.

  My Kwazeem…

  Despite his efforts to hide his attraction, it had been plain to see on his face, reflecting my own. So many times, his fingers had twitched as he clearly fought the urge to reach out and touch me. I wished he would have given in. Then again, how would I have reacted if he had?

  You know very well how you would have reacted.

  My cheeks heated at the thought. A few passersby gave me a knowing smile, which only embarrassed me further, but this time with a tinge of humiliation. It didn’t take a genius to know they were assuming naughty thoughts involving the Praetor had crossed my mind. All of them likely believed he and I had been doing the deed since my arrival, two days ago.

  How wrong they were.

  But that did give me an idea. The Maidens and I would be practicing the Chant again in a couple of hours from now. Most of them were gossips from whom I could gather some intel, and all of them still foolishly hoped to shackle the Praetor. It had taken me a minute to realize a man of his ambition would never settle for a female that couldn’t further his status. These Maidens were too weak, having been flunked out of Obscura’s temple in their early teens for failing to achieve high enough power. As cruel as that sounded, they would always play second violin to a Vestal.

  Relieved to leave the prying eyes of the crowd behind, I entered the shelter of the temple only to find Frollo getting off the lift and marching towards me. I groaned inwardly but plastered a friendly smile on my face as I met him halfway. The same magnetic aura emanated from him. However, while my body responded with lust again, this time, I realized it wasn’t lust for him. Frollo’s aura awakened my senses and made me itch for release, but my mind was dampening the mindless frenzy I’d felt yesterday morning. Even though my nipples hardened and racy images popped into my head, they featured a male with a much different face than the Praetor’s.

  “Hello, Mera. Sorry for missing you this morning,” Frollo said, with his signature suave expression.

  Refraining from rolling my eyes, I couldn’t comprehend how the Maidens could fall for it. Worse still, I regretted my eagerness in letting him call me Mera. On his lips, it almost felt dirty.

  “No need to apologize. You’re a busy man with far too many responsibilities to also burden yourself with looking after me,” I said sympathetically. “And it’s not like your beautiful city doesn’t have plenty to keep oneself occupied.”

  “So I see. You’ve been shopping?” he asked, although his question was more of a statement as he eyed my bag meaningfully.

  My stomach dropped. Although I owed him no explanation about my comings and goings, I didn’t want Kwazeem to get in trouble over me visiting him.

  “I have,” I said evasively.

  The silence stretched, becoming slightly uncomfortable as he waited in vain for me to go into further details.

  “I hope you found all that you were looking for,” he finally said, his tone slightly clipped.

  “I have. That open market is wonderful,” I said, relieved to move the topic in a different direction. “If the temple’s chef wasn’t so amazing, I would have bought a little of everything out there. The cakes and pastries on offering in Paris are out of this world!”

  Praise for his city appeared to mollify him slightly. “They most certainly are. Wait until you see the decadent buffet that will be served at the Festival of Light,” he boasted.

  I smiled, genuinely excited. “The construction work is advancing well. I can’t wait to see the final version.”

  “Friday, in the wee hours of the morning, well before sunrise, bioluminescent plants will ornate the plaza,” Frollo said, with an excitement similar to mine. “Once they begin to glow in the day’s fading light, it will be your turn to light up the city.”

  My heart skipped a beat, torn between anxiety and anticipation. But a different thought dominated my mind.

  “Is your gardener going to take care of that?” I asked innocently, jumping on the opening he had unwittingly provided me.

  Frollo stiffened, his gaze narrowing, looking for a deceit I worked hard to dissimulate. “Yes,” he replied with a curt tone, his face losing all warmth and enthusiasm.

  “That’s amazing. It sounds like a lot of work for a single person. Then again, I visited the temple’s garden yesterday, and it’s quite stunning. I’m assuming he recovered well from whatever ailed him yesterday?”

  “My gardener is fine. You do not need to concern yourself with him,” he bit out, his voice becoming icy enough to freeze the sun.

  “Why are you so angry?” I challenged in a soft voice. “I do not mind if he or any of the staff wishes to listen in when we rehearse the Chant. It is only when I practice the dance to Vesta that I require privacy. Please, do not be mad at him over a little curiosity.”

  “My gardener is here under specific terms, and he violated them yesterday,” Frollo snapped. “He suffers a particular condition which makes him dangerous to himself and potentially to others. There’s a reason he remains out of sight and works at hours that reduce the possibility of him running into anyone. Your compassion and empathy honor you, but for his sake—and all of ours—do not seek him out. Should you cross paths with him, turn around and go the other way. Do not encourage him to further put himself at risk.”

  “I understand,” I said with pretend submission. “I am relieved he has you to look after him. No one should be alone.”

  Frollo harrumphed, looking mightily uncomfortable. “Well, I must be on my way. I’m afraid I won’t be able to enjoy your delectable company until late tomorrow evening. Hopefully, you can join me for dinner.”

  “Until tomorrow then,” I said with a smile.

  Frollo bowed his head then walked out of the temple. His two personal guards that I hadn’t noticed until now standing by the door, quietly shadowed him. Heaving a sigh, both in relief and confusion, I headed to my room to prepare for the Chant.

  Chapter 7


  Thrusting, spinning, and swiping, I repeated the combat moves the city guards regularly performed on their trai
ning ground. It saddened me that I would no longer be able to look upon them from my former loft at the top of the spire. I loved combat. Despite my misshapen form, my body felt like it had been made specifically for that. My movements flowed effortlessly as if no hump sought to restrain them.

  But today, I fought with an energy fueled by an underlying anger. Two days had gone by since Esmeralda’s first visit. Two long days since she’d asked if she could visit me again. Granted, the Vestal had not specified when or how frequently she would, but my heart ached and longed for her presence. A million horrible images of her succumbing to Frollo’s charms constantly flashed through my mind, further fueling my rage.

  I was more isolated than ever; far worse than I had anticipated.

  Even my imps felt it. They’d become my only eyes on what was happening in the rest of the world. But they needed to be extra careful during the day, not to be spotted. This was all my stupid fault, too. If only I had resisted the urge to go listen to her Chant.

  Then, she would never have visited you here.

  However, what was the point of that first visit if it were to be the last?

  In an access of rage, I swiped my staff with all my strength in three quick successions at a large tree in the clearing next to my house. Then, with a war cry, I spun on myself, to strike it again using my momentum.

  “Whatever that tree did to you, I apologize on its behalf.”

  Startled, my head jerked left to look over my shoulder at the distant voice I’d been dreaming about. My heart, already pounding from the effort, picked up another notch. Breathing heavily, I gaped at the vision of perfection that gracefully approached me with feline steps. Dressed all in white with a simple bandeau top and a flowy skirt with a thigh-high slit on the side, Esmeralda looked good enough to eat. Her cute belly button exposed above the low line of her skirt begged to be nibbled and sucked on. And that golden-brown skin made my mouth water.

  I’d been so lost in my jealous and hurt rage that I’d not felt her energy slowly seeping into me as she made her approach.

  “It did nothing,” I mumbled, feeling suddenly self-conscious to be naked but for the tight shorts I’d been wearing. “It’s just my regular training routine.”

  “You’re impressive,” Esmeralda said.

  The way her gaze briefly roamed over me hinted at more than just my combat skills. My face heated, and I glanced down at my body slick with sweat.

  “Thank you,” I said, running nervous fingers through my damp hair. “This is an unexpected surprise. Had I known such pleasant company was coming, I would have been in a less offensive accoutrement.”

  This time, Esmeralda gave me a slow, deliberate once over that had my blood boiling with need and my throat going dry.

  “Do I look offended to you?” she asked in a sultry voice, her green eyes darkening.

  I opened and closed my mouth a few times, words failing me. My imps rushing towards Esmeralda to peck her cheeks, then immediately flying off before I could chastise them, spared me from answering. She laughed as they settled on one of the lowest branches of the tree I’d been brutally venting my frustration on.

  Still smiling, Esmeralda closed the distance between us. “I hope you haven’t eaten yet,” she said, showing me a basket I hadn’t even noticed her holding. I’d been so enthralled by her beauty and at having her here with me again that nothing else had mattered. “I brought breakfast for us and a present for you.”

  My brain froze, struggling to process all she had just said. As far as I could recall, I’d never received a present. But, more importantly, we would share a meal together. This meant she would stay with me for at least thirty minutes. Could I dare hope longer even? Esmeralda raising a perfect eyebrow questioningly snapped me out of my dazed trance.

  “No, I have not,” I said, relieved that my voice came out firmer than I’d expected. “I would love to share a meal with you. But first, I should clean up.”

  “Wonderful!” Esmeralda exclaimed, her stunning eyes sparkling with joy. That did something to me that I couldn’t explain, but that I wanted more of. “Where would you like to eat? Inside your house, or a picnic on the grass?”

  I’d never had a picnic before, not in the traditional sense and in good company. I opened my mouth to choose that option, but the sight of her pristine white skirt made me hesitate.

  Catching me frowning at her skirt, Esmeralda immediately understood my dilemma. “Do not worry about my skirt. I brought a picnic blanket, just in case,” she said, puffing out her chest proudly.

  I beamed at her, feeling like a child having been handed a bag full of sweets. “Then a picnic would be great,” I said. “I know just the place, too. I often eat there, by the river. After training, I normally bathe there then eat something sitting under a pear tree near the water.”

  “Sounds perfect!” Esmeralda said with enthusiasm. “Lead the way!”

  I suddenly felt intimidated at the thought of turning my back on her, which would put my bare hump in plain sight. Sure, she’d already kind of seen it, but it was with me in a flurry of movements. Now, she’d get an up-close view of my deformity.

  “You can go on ahead,” I said with false enthusiasm. “It’s straight ahead, down that trail. I’ll go grab a change of clothes and catch up with you.”

  Heat crept up my cheeks knowing I hadn’t fooled her in the least. But instead of calling me out on my cowardice, Esmeralda smiled gently, and nodded, playing along.

  “See you soon then,” she said, before turning around and walking down the path.

  I ran into the house and picked up a flowy black shirt and a pair of loose black pants. A part of me wished I could don one of the tight shirts I usually wore when blacksmithing as they nicely hugged the muscles of my abs and chest—which I was quite proud of. But they also outlined my hump too much. What I wouldn’t give to simply be able to slice it off. After grabbing a smart washcloth, I rushed back out of the house in a jog to catch up with my woman.

  “All set?” she asked as I adjusted my step to hers.

  “Yes,” I replied with a smile, freeing her of the picnic basket. It proved surprisingly heavy, which made me all the more curious as to its contents.

  Guessing where we were headed, my imps flew past us in a cacophony of happy chirps, doing aerial acrobatics in front of us. Esmeralda burst out laughing at their antics, making me grin in turn. In that instant, I felt happy and carefree; emotions I couldn’t recall ever experiencing before filling me.

  On instinct, my free hand reached out for hers. Panic set in when I realized, too late, what I’d done. Electric coils swirled around our joined hands for a second before fading. Esmeralda’s lips parted with a discreet gasp. Her steps faltered so briefly I wondered if I’d imagined it. Bracing for her to recoil in disgust or scold me harshly for daring to touch a Vestal without her express consent, I cast a wary look towards her. Esmeralda looked up at me, a sweet, almost shy smile blossoming on her lips. Rather than pulling out of my grasp, her hand tightened around mine.

  Despite the energy coursing between us through our connected hands, and the fierce attraction I felt for her, it wasn’t lust that dominated my current emotions; just joy in its purest form. And gratitude…

  For the first time, the trickling sound of the running river getting stronger saddened me. I didn’t want to let go of Esmeralda’s hand any time soon, if ever. With much reluctance, I released her after indicating an ideal little plateau created by a large, flat rock by the river. A tall tree with a thick trunk next to it would partially hide me from view while I bathed.

  “I’ll be swift,” I said, feeling more self-conscious than ever.

  “Take your time. I have no plans for the rest of the day,” Esmeralda said.

  My heart leaped in my chest at the underlying meaning of her words. With Frollo out of town, I effectively could keep her all to myself for an entire day. Wanting to make the most of that precious gift, I nodded and hurried to the river, walking as straight as my hump
allowed without making it too obvious.

  The weight of her stare burned holes in my back until I broke her line of sight by moving around the tree. I put down my bundle of fresh clothes, quickly discarded the ones on me, and then ran into the river. The cold water bit into my flesh and made my half-erect shaft want to curl in on itself. And yet, it failed to cool the fire in my veins. What I wouldn’t have given for Esmeralda to be right here in the water with me, her golden body pressed against mine.

  I had touched Mera, and she had welcomed it.

  That thought boggled my mind. I frantically rubbed myself with the smart washcloth, eager to get back to my woman. Even as I washed myself, the memory of her soft hand in mine was messing with my head. She’d looked happy about the bold way in which I’d just claimed it and had allowed such brazen behavior. Esmeralda genuinely seemed to enjoy my company… to like me.

  And I want her to like me even more.

  A million thoughts crossed my mind as I mentally inventoried all the things we could do, the topics we could discuss, the places around Paris that I could safely show her. But one thought kept interfering with my more rational meanderings: how could I get to touch her again?

  Making quick work of my ablutions, I hurried out of the water to the ‘safe’ side of the large tree. While in the water, the nanites of the smart washcloth had worked on removing dirt and dead skin from my body, wherever I rubbed it. Now, out of water, it absorbed all the surface moisture on me to help dry me faster. A part of me, turned on at finding myself entirely naked with only a large tree between us, wanted to prolong the exquisite torture of having her so close and so vulnerable. The other part was utterly terrified she would somehow get a glimpse and be repulsed.

  Are similar thoughts of my nakedness crossing her mind?

  That she could potentially be fantasizing about me in this compromising position had my shaft instantly reawakened. My physical response to Esmeralda shamed me. She was stunningly beautiful, and the mere sight of her made my blood turn to liquid fire. But I wanted to believe that I wasn’t so shallow. The powerful emotions that seized me in her presence couldn’t be purely driven by lust. Every other Vestal who had stayed in Our Lady of Paris, each more attractive than the other, had left me indifferent. No, some deeper feelings and a far more meaningful connection existed between us, despite the primal urges Esmeralda awakened in me.


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