Suffer The Knight: Dragon's Blood M.C.

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Suffer The Knight: Dragon's Blood M.C. Page 3

by B. A. Stretke

  "He was alone, all night. He called no one and no one called him." Locke paused and thought for a moment before adding. "I noticed a computer on a desk in his living room. It was high tech current state of the art, so to speak, but he never turned it on while I was there."

  "He does data analysis for his Alpha, who happens to be the Premier Alpha. Yeah, the head man in the Western United States. Apparently, Kai and his dad left the pack in Laramie due to the lawlessness there. They then petitioned the Premier for permission to act and live on their own independent of a pack but under the auspices of the Premier." It was thought-provoking but didn’t answer his question of what kept his mind tied to the wolf.

  “Duncan will be meeting with the Premier?” Locke smiled as Jude nodded. “That should be interesting.”

  “Maybe he’ll follow up on Kai’s petition against us with a call or an e-mail. We can hope.” Jude shook his head. “I’m not in the mood to deal with the head wolf when we’ve had such a poor reputation for getting along.”

  “Wolves are too inclined to violence and greed, it’s not our fault we had to take out the trash here and in town. Clan Keith are honorable warriors as are we, nothing was done without just cause.” Locke defended.

  "I agree, I'm not implying we did anything wrong, but the Premier will probably try to make a case, it's the way with wolves." Jude had many run-ins with wolves, and rarely did they result in friendship or unity of any kind. With that said, it doubled the confusion he was experiencing regarding the feelings he was having towards Kai.

  "So, what we have so far amounts to pretty much what we already knew about the guy. He's not a part of any pack in this area; he's isolated and for all intents and purposes alone, and he has an issue with dragons." Locke summed up.

  “We know his livelihood is connected to the Premier, he has computer skills apparently if he’s doing data analysis. That’s a little more than we had.” Jude tried to sound encouraging, but Locke just side-eyed him while pouring another cup of coffee. "Also, he still has run-ins with the local wolves. Apparently, they have long memories and weren't happy when he and his dad pulled out. Nothing too terrible, mostly bullying activities and minor nuisances."

  "We got nothing, Jude," Locke said with an indulgent smile. "Admit it, we got nothing."

  Jude laughed. “Okay, I admit it, we got nothing.”


  Kai attempted to persuade the Alpha Premier to accept that the matter had been settled, and his intervention was not required. Unfortunately, the Alpha decided it was a good opportunity to meet with the dragon circle that had moved into the area. He was going to follow up on the harassment issue but acknowledged that Kai had dropped his original complaint.

  Kai contemplated mentioning the threat of a wall surrounding his property to the Alpha but decided to stay silent. To add another complaint would just make him look like a whiny little bitch. He had to take care of this problem himself without letters and petitions.

  He could kick himself for ever getting this juggernaut of complaints started in the first place. If he'd just ignored the massacre of the jackals and the destruction of his property, he would never have come face to face with his predestined mate. He may have never met Jude Adair. The thought struck him like a sharp pain in his chest, and he had to breathe shallow for a few minutes until it subsided.

  He grabbed his jacket and headed out. He wanted to walk the perimeter of his property and get an idea of what the wall would mean to his life if indeed the King decided to go ahead with it. The five acres that were given to him in restitution seemed to go in direct opposition to the threat of a wall, so he still had hope if the situation with the Premier went well.


  Following his breakfast with Locke, Jude decided to do a little light reconnaissance of his own. He headed to the border between the properties to get a feel for the area and, hopefully, the wolf who lived there. Locke found only that Kai seemed troubled but was that his usual state of being or was something current bothering him. Nothing in the file referenced his state of happiness, so it was hard to determine.

  Jude arrived at the scene of the last conflict, and although the damage had been considerable, the wilderness was already beginning to reclaim the area. New growth was evident in the ash, and in a few years, the ground would be covered with greenery. Dragon fire was purifying and aided in the rejuvenation of nature, it just took a few years.

  Naturally, the wolf saw the present state of the forest and saw it as bleak, not looking to the future, not seeing what could be possible in an area that had been purified in this way. The ground was ripe for planting if he had a mind to tend such an effort. From what Jude had ascertained, Kai was not into farming or animal husbandry, he just existed in a small cottage on the side of a mountain. His mind kept circling back to Kai's seeming desolation and loneliness, and he didn't know why.

  He'd actually pondered the possibility last night of Kai being his mate, but he would know if he was, Jude was certain of that. Even an inhibitor only had so much power, and a dragon mate cannot stay hidden even with magic. If Kai were his mate, he would be reacting stronger, and his dragon would be going out of its mind. As it were, they were both just drawn to the wolf and mystified by him. He was surprised by the fact that having Kai as a mate did not upset him. Perhaps like Rafe, he too was broadening his understanding and acceptance of the world.

  Jude scented the light aroma of wolf before he saw Kai walking towards him out of the thick woods. They both stopped and stared at one another, surprised at the meeting. Jude marveled at how good looking he found the young wolf, and his dragon was in complete agreement. He was a solid muscular man, obviously intelligent, and Jude wondered how he could be satisfied with the limited existence he endured.

  The information in Kai's file mentioned parental issues, but it didn't seem serious enough to result in isolating oneself from society. Jude's thoughts steered back to the mention in the file of problems in town with some of the other wolves. He may have to look into that further and find out if the harassment was more serious than he'd assumed from the reading.

  "Are you sizing up the area in preparation for building your wall?" Kai snapped at him and stuck his hands in his jacket pockets as he trained his hazel eyes on Jude. But Jude did not take the bait and did not answer immediately. He held his hands out to his sides, palms forward signaling that he had nothing to hide and slowly approached the skittish man.

  Jude expected Kai to once again back away, but he didn't. Kai looked at him with eyes that were now unsure, but he held his ground. It looked like he wanted to turn and leave, but he stood fast and watched Jude draw closer. He was a damn confusing man.

  "What is it about you wolf that has my dragon on edge wanting to get closer and wanting to figure you out? Are you hiding something, Kai?" Jude asked blunt and to the point tired of pretending. He noticed the way Kai's eyes shot wide as if caught, and then he quickly hid the reaction by glancing away to his left and then at the ground and then back up to stare at Jude.

  They stood there quietly, measuring one another for truth and intent, and then Kai spoke. "Against my better judgment," He began and then paused a beat before finishing his thought. "I find you very attractive. I'm not asking you to do anything about it, I'm just answering your question." He clarified and once again glanced away while drawing his shoulders up under his ears as if suddenly chilly or hiding.

  Jude took another step closer and then another until he stood directly in front of the nervous wolf. "The feeling is mutual, Kai." He said with a half-smile shocked that Kai would admit such a personal feeling to someone like him. He didn't trust Jude, and that was okay because Jude didn't trust him either. But with that said, the attraction between them was real and hell, why not indulge.

  "We're adults Kai, and there's no law against acting on your feelings with a consenting adult, and I assure you, I am consenting. Neither of us are mated, so we are free to enjoy each other if we choose." Jude reached up a
nd ran his fingertips down the side of Kai's cheek. The touch was warm and sent a soft tingling sensation up Jude's arm. That had never happened with any other lover he'd taken in the past, but it was too subtle to mean anything deeper than surface affection.

  Kai was sinking so fast into this man that his head began to spin with the surge of emotions and needs that assaulted him with the words and the touch of his mate. The statement that he found Kai attractive sent a thrill through him that had his wolf preening with anticipation. Unfortunately, there could be no follow through on this attraction. If the dragon got too close, the magical shield would not prevent him from knowing the truth.

  When Jude reached up and touched his face, Kai wanted to melt at his feet and beg him to accept him as his own. But he had made his decision to deny, and he had to stand by it. He would not be the plaything of a Dragon Knight used and tossed aside when a better deal presented itself, he would not be his father. Kai jerked his head back and took a step away but held Jude's puzzled gaze.

  "I won't hurt you if that is what you fear." He said with the confusion turning to concern. "I am an experienced lover and will show you nothing but pleasure and satisfaction." The word experienced sent Kai's wolf into a temper, preparing to take on any and all who dare lay claim to what is theirs. He pushed the beast down just barely, but he saw in Jude's expression that he felt it.

  "Your wolf is clearly on board with the idea." He teased and moved up into Kai's personal space. Jude was a few inches taller than him, so Kai had to look up at him, and when he did, Jude took the opportunity to drop a quick hard and heated kiss to his surprised lips. "You want me too Kai, you just admitted it. So why are you pulling away?" He finished and took a half step back, giving Kai space that he wasn't sure he wanted. Having Jude so close had been empowering and calming two things Kai hadn't felt in a while.

  “I’m not interested in getting involved with a dragon.” He knew the insult was felt because he saw the way Jude flinched just a little and shifted his gaze to the wilderness to his left as if it were suddenly very interesting. The pain he saw in Jude’s expression made Kai regret his words, but it was too late to retract them.

  Jude unexpectedly swung his gaze back to Kai and pinned him with a dark but sultry stare. "Wolf, you haven't lived until you've been bedded by a dragon." He said and reached up and took Kai's face into his hands, holding him fast and kissed him hard and exacting.

  It was a punishing kiss that spoke of his hurt, and his need and Kai responded in kind. The pain his mate felt was radiating through him and all he wanted was to give this man, this dragon everything, all of him. Kai held him as the kiss turned hungry and feverish. The feelings flooding him were terrible and tremendous, and his wolf scratched frantically at the corners of his mind demanding more.

  Before he had a chance to truly react to the assault on his senses, Jude abruptly pulled away and dropped his hands, leaving Kai trembling and unsteady. "Run away." He said with thinly veiled disgust. "It's what you do best."

  Kai knew he deserved the slight, but that didn't make it hurt any less. He held Jude's eyes for just a moment and then turned and ran. It was the coward's way out, but he couldn't stand there any longer and not fall to his knees and beg Jude for forgiveness. This was absolute madness.

  Kai was on the edge of shifting as his wolf battled with him to go back to their loving and accepting mate. The kiss invigorated him in a way that he felt suddenly excited about life. But it was an obsession like his father said, it wasn't real. If the bond was true and strong like the legend would have you believe, Kai would grab onto Jude and never let go. But his father and life had taught him that mates were a pipe dream, and the promises of love and fidelity were lies.

  He pushed again at his wolf, preventing the shift as he rushed through the woods to the solace and protection of his home. He needed to get inside and block out the power of the dragon. He would splash more cold water on his face, and then maybe he could flush out that intoxicating masculine scent from his mind.

  Every time he saw Jude, he was more and more enraptured by the man and his dragon. Kai ached to run his hands through that long dark hair and to trace those intricate tattoos with the tip of his tongue. The taste of his mate was still on his lips, and the drive to turn around was nearly crippling him as he tried to move forward. He could see his cabin, and he had to get there, he had to get away from the dragon's influence.

  Kai had never met a man like Jude Adair, so raw and wild and that kiss though meant to put him in his place had actually lit a fire that he doubted would ever be extinguished. The powerful need to have his mate was suffocating his wolf, and he hated the desolation that covered him as his wolf fought trying to take control of the situation and failed.

  He rushed up the steps and into his cabin while tearing his jacket off and tossing it on a nearby chair. He raced to the bathroom as the heat from the contact with Jude was burning through him. Without pause, he stripped and stepped into a cold shower, hoping to ease the heat and the need that was consuming him.


  Jude made his way back to the Gatehouse, slowly taking his time as he pondered his interaction with the wolf. Accepting that he'd handled that about as well as Grey on a good day. He allowed himself to get angry and offended and then took it out on Kai. He was not the crack negotiator and people handler that Duncan considered him to be. He had acted on feelings and impulse and in the end, was left empty-handed.

  Kai was hard to read one minute he was flirting, and the next, he was insulting and running away. Jude over stepped when he kissed him, but he didn't regret it. The kiss was amazing, and although he'd been angry, once his lips touched Kai's, all he thought about was getting that sexy wolf under him. He wanted to fuck that man in the worst way.

  The cool breeze rustled the trees and eased the burn of his skin. The proximity of Kai played havoc with Jude's body, causing a sweat and need that was unusual for casual contact. It had been a while since he'd hooked up so it could be his body, and his dragon was telling him it was time to take the edge off.

  He would go to town tonight and hit the Red Lion, one of the establishments in Laramie owned by Clan Keith. It was a bar and hang out for a variety of paranormal beings, so he should be able to scratch his itch easy enough. Then he'd be able to deal with this bigoted wolf with a clear head and not with a rising and thwarted carnal interest.

  Walking up the back steps and across the deck to the back door, he noticed Grey sitting alone, staring off into the distance. He walked over and sat down beside him. "What's on your mind, Grey?"

  Grey turned to him with a look that indicated a serious level of annoyance. "The Premier, the wolf leader, is arriving here tomorrow. Apparently, your wolf whined loud enough that his Alpha wants to speak with Duncan about the relations between our two peoples. You know for a fact that he's going to bring up the whole Fort Collins purge that Donell instigated with good cause I might add. We have never had relations with the wolves, and I don't see a need to start now."

  Jude felt a little agitation of his own at the disrespectful way Grey was referring to Kai. It was out of place, but he felt the need to defend him. “Kai tried to rescind his letter of complaint, but the Premier had already received it and has decided to go ahead with a visit to Duncan.”

  "The Premier is coming to try and bust our chops. He thinks this is the opening for him and the Council to gain a little control, and he is dead wrong." Grey emphasized the last with a lethal glance over at Jude.

  "Duncan can handle him. The Wolf Premier is no match for the Dragon King," Jude shrugged. "The Fort Collins incident happened a few years back, and if he were going to make an issue of it, he would have already. From what I understand, he restructured the pack and put a new Alpha in charge. From what I hear, the pack is now thriving, so he takes care of his people, you have to give him that much."

  Grey shook his head and leaned back in his chair. He was obviously still not convinced. "This isn't going to go well." He theorized
. "They hate us as much as we despise them. Chieftain Calum and his Second Alrick had to rescue their respective mates from the abuse of local wolves, not to mention what Donell's Fae mate had to endure at the hands of that Fort Collins Alpha. They're beasts, and they can't be trusted."

  “You’re right about one thing, Kai hates our guts. He sees dragons as having the strength and the power to take what they want, and we aren’t required to follow the rules. He hates us because we’re dragons. He believes we could take over the paranormal world. We never would because we have morals and ethics, but he doesn’t see us that way.” Jude understood Kai a little better once he voiced what he had gleaned from their two encounters and his own research.

  Grey turned to regard him fully. “He told you this?”

  "Not in so many words, but yes. He loathes dragons because we are all-powerful, and his only recourse is to hate. That's all he has to hold against us." Jude explained further as his own awareness grew.

  "We've never hurt any wolf who didn't hurt us first, and even then, death is always a last resort." Grey began to defend his beliefs.

  "I know that, but Kai and the other wolves only know that we have wiped out a fair amount of their kind in this area. I suppose we look like a major threat." Jude sat back and stared out at the trees. There on the top of the mountain amidst the subtle cloud cover, it was easy to forget that they are now a part of this world that is home to so many paranormal species.

  In their old home on the Shetland Islands, they were the majority, and few others resided within their territory or even adjacent. Back there, it was easy to stay isolated. Association with humans and other paranormals was minimal, and that lack of diversity was probably why they began to weaken and die out.

  “This is our home now Grey and we live among many. Our destiny brought Clan Keith to this land and made it possible for the Circle to relocate here in Wyoming on this marvelous mountain. If we are to thrive, we must learn to live and let live and strive to accept and get along.”


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