Beecher: Wicked Throttle MC #4

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Beecher: Wicked Throttle MC #4 Page 9

by Esther E. Schmidt

  My hands skim her naked thighs as she lets them fall open, rewarding me with a clear view of her pussy. With a good grip I push her legs up to tilt her hips.

  “I’m going to need a little help here.” I reach out and grab her wrist to guide her fingers to where I need them.

  There are no more words needed as she spreads open the lips of her pussy to give me the ability to slide my tongue from ass to clit. Her taste heightens my anticipation to bury myself deep and yet I only want to focus on her pleasure within this moment.

  There’s a huge difference when you fuck or make love. A driven need to get off or prioritizing the needs of the one you want to spend the rest of your life with over your own. Forever means all the time in the world. It doesn’t cover the ‘right now, get what you can’ vibe. It’s reaching out one second after the next; knowing every minute, every hour, every day, and the next after that one is a guarantee to enjoy, and share it with the person who completes you.

  “Shaw,” Val moans and the fingers on her free hand dig into my hair, tightening to pull me close and to keep me in place.

  “That’s it, Val, give it to me,” I murmur against her slick pussy.

  I flick her clit before I cover it completely with my mouth and assault it with my tongue and suck at the same time. Her moans turn to screams bouncing off the walls. Music to my fucking ears as my dick twitches to the tune, eager to drown itself with her juices.

  This woman. She has the ability to touch my soul with one look, make it reach out with a single touch, to merge with hers keeping our hearts open to fill it with all the love our bodies can hold.

  Chapter Ten


  My hands fall away from my body and I’m gasping for my next breath. I feel his teeth graze my clit and it makes my eyes flash open and lock with his.

  “There she is,” he breathes against my pussy as he lazily licks away the remnants of my orgasm. “My irreplaceable soul mate. The one who holds the other half of me, because without you I was incomplete.”

  “Without you I wasn’t myself, only a shell of what we once were. It’s you who completes me, Shaw,” I tell him, my voice loaded with emotion.

  Shaw slowly rises and slightly turns my body so I’m now lying on my side. He straddles one leg and drapes the other one over his thick thigh after he has gotten rid of the rest of his clothes. Skin on skin has never felt this heated and when the tip of his dick nudges my entrance it lights up a chain reaction, sending electricity flowing through my body.

  Our connection has always been instant. Every touch, every breath, exquisite. Some don’t believe in love at first sight, the whole soul mate, meant to be fairytale. I didn’t either until I met Shaw.

  I place my hand on his heart and feel the beat of life underneath my palm. Our eyes hold as he slides inside me. Due to the angle he can bury himself deeper. My head falls back and a gasp falls from my lips. I don’t have time to accommodate to the intrusion when he starts to throw his hips back and forth.

  Where he savored every second a moment ago when he gave me a mind-shattering orgasm, he now seems to be on a wild hunt to capture another one, and this time for the both of us. My body was already craving the pleasure he gives me. The first orgasm only took the edge off. Hell, maybe he powered-up my body to be ready for him, who cares?

  Because this feels so good, but it’s solely due to our connection and the way our eyes lock to see the pleasure we bring out in one another.

  He hovers over me and cups the back of my neck. My hand slides up, mimicking his hold. His hips never falter—our bodies slick and heated—yet the fire between us is indestructible. Neither of us glance away or so much as close our eyes. We hold. Lock. Unite. His dick thickens and hits a spot inside me which instantly causes pleasure to surge through me. Hot jets burst free as Shaw groans above me.

  My heart is beating out of control. Shaw leans forward and takes my mouth in a lazy, lingering kiss.

  “No matter what,” he whispers against my lips. “My love will hold and grows stronger each day. No backing out, never again. I fucking promise.”

  “I’m glad we sorted that out through hot sex. What’s the next issue we’re gonna tackle? I’m ready,” I pant, earning a rumbling chuckle from his strong body plastered on top of me.

  “The zip line in the backyard, how many times have you used it?”

  The shift in topic makes my eyebrows scrunch up. “A few times when I moved in, not recently.”

  “We need to change that. I’m dying to see you do it naked,” the man easily supplies.

  Laughter overtakes me and tears slide from the corners of my eyes when I picture Shaw going down the zip line in all his naked glory. He lovingly cups my face and wipes the wetness away with his thumb.

  “So. Fucking. Beautiful,” he says, awe lighting up his words while his eyes shine with the love his heart holds for me.

  There’s a need bubbling up inside me to tease this man and the corner of my mouth twitches when I tell him, “Aw, you’re just telling me that because I’m underneath you, naked, and just treated your dick to a nice ride in orgasmland.”

  “True,” he chuckles but turns serious while his dick hardens. “And don’t remind me or we’re hitching a ride back to orgasmland.”

  A moan escapes me. “Ready when you are,” I tell him.

  Even if we burned off all the energy our bodies held a moment ago, we have the ability to power-up instantly. I love that about our connection. The driving need between us. A fire always shimmering underneath the surface, a flame hot enough to burn no matter how deprived of oxygen it might be.

  And as if we need to prove our connection, we lock ourselves in our room for the next two days. In and out of bed, the shower, a combination of longing and need. The only time the door of our room opens is to let food and drinks in.

  It’s been three days since I’ve stepped foot outside of the room, and I just woke up with a sore throat. The water bottles are gone from our refrigerator and I am really thirsty. This leaves me no other option but to tiptoe through the hallway as I make my way to the kitchen. Rounding the corner, I almost bump into Maci.

  “Shit, you scared the piss out of me,” Maci gasps, holding a hand to her chest.

  “Scared the piss out of you? You’re the one hiding in here being all stealth and creepy,” I scold, trying to bring my spiking heartbeat under control.

  “Right. Well, I’m thinking, okay?” Maci mutters and starts to pace.

  I stalk to the refrigerator and grab myself a bottle of water, unscrewing the top and taking a few lovely cold sips I feel sliding down my throat. When my eyes land back on Maci I know her whole restless pacing back and forth shows something is bothering her.

  The both of us have grown closer and built a friendship over time. So, I have to know what’s going on, yet I know she’s the kind of person who likes to handle everything herself.

  “Anything I can help you with?” I casually ask, taking a few more sips.

  Her eyes land on mine and before she says anything she walks to the door, glances left and right to make sure we’re alone before she strolls up to me and whispers, “I thought I was pregnant again but I think I just got my period. But it was the same when I was pregnant the last time and didn’t even know it. Tracy, on the other hand, believes she’s pregnant but she’s freaking out and doesn’t want to get a pregnancy test because then it becomes real. Crazy, right? And with the stuff going on here, you know…the whole ‘catching the bad guys connected to the two of you’ our guys won’t let us go anywhere alone. Can you imagine her asking to swing by the store and get a pregnancy test? Or, hey, me doing it for her, raising another few flags; causing questions we don’t want to answer. But we need to get some tests. And I told her I’d take care of it.”

  “Just be honest, ask them,” I tell her, not understanding the issue. Okay, I do, but in this situation it’s harmless. Besides, “I’m sure the guys would understand.”

  Maci shakes her head. “
Nuh-uh. Barlow is overly protective. And Tracy doesn’t want him to know until the stick shows the truth. Overly protective, and maybe she isn’t pregnant and it would be a huge disappointment. It’s the whole get your hopes up and all that shit, you know? We just want to be sure first and not have everyone freak out.”

  “Then take a prospect along with you. Take two if you want the whole safety in numbers. Me and Beecher are on lockdown, not you guys, right?” I let the last sip of water flow down my throat before I place the empty bottle on the counter. “Besides, maybe they have caught Pierre by now.”

  “Deeds did want a meeting with Zerox bright and early,” Maci muses. “You’re right, I can’t risk going by myself. But safety in numbers is good.” She checks her watch. “Five more minutes till the shop opens. I could ask the prospect sweeping the main room of the clubhouse to come with me and wait in the car. Easy five minutes in and out, right?”

  “Right.” I smile.

  Maci is a strong woman. She’s the president’s old lady for a reason. Her fists are deadly and so is her attitude. If anyone can look after herself, it’s her.

  “Can you watch my little one? She woke up half an hour ago but she dozed off when I put her in the playpen.”

  “Sure,” I tell her. “Just let me grab my hoodie from my room, I’m freaking cold. And hungry. And thirsty again too. I would like some coffee, but my stomach says more water.”

  “Should I get you a pregnancy test too?” Maci chuckles and shoots me a wink.

  I swallow hard and start to count back to when Shaw and I had sex for the first time. We didn’t use protection. Hell, we screwed like bunnies for the past few days. No. It’s just been a handful of weeks. I can’t be pregnant, right?

  Oh. Damn. Talk about being irresponsible. Though even years ago when we were together, we used to talk about wanting a big family. It’s not as if we wouldn’t welcome a pregnancy and maybe that’s why neither of us so much as had one working brain cell to question the whole safe sex, throw on a condom thing. Holy shit.

  Maci’s now doubling over with laughter. “Thank you,” she wheezes. “I needed the laugh. And I’ll get a few more tests, just in case. You know, it’s always handy to have them around. Maybe Maud or Adley need one too.”

  “Just go already,” I grumble, opening a cabinet to find a cracker.

  Maci places another bottle of water in front of me. “Crackers are on the left. Try not to let the whole morning sickness ruin your appetite. Oh, and don’t pee. I’ll be right back so you can pee on a stick.”

  “I’m not peeing on any sticks. I’m not pregnant,” I mutter.

  “Denial,” Maci says in a singsong voice.

  “Annoying,” I retort in the same singsong voice.

  Her laughter travels behind her as she leaves the kitchen, allowing me a moment of peace while my mind is reeling. I can’t be pregnant; it’s only been a handful of weeks.

  I sink down onto the chair with the bottle of water and the crackers lying before me on the table. I’m tired, even if I slept for a few solid hours. Yes, we screwed like bunnies but we did sleep. Tired, nauseous, hungry, everything is a weird combination and Maci might be right, I could be pregnant. But…it’s too soon, right?

  I’m so damn tired. Leaning forward, I place my head on my arms and close my eyes for a fleeting moment. A soft touch on my shoulder and a little shake rips me from my dreamless sleep.

  “Hey, gorgeous. Why are you sleeping here uncomfortable while you can be sleeping next to me?” Glancing up, I stare at Shaw’s face. It’s filled with love, devotion, and concern and it’s all for me.

  “I’m waiting on Maci, I must have dozed off. What time is it?”

  I glance at the clock hanging above the door and a jolt of fear hits me. “Maci, is she back yet?” I get to my feet and rush past Shaw. “I should have been watching—”

  I don’t get to finish my sentence because Zerox is standing near the playpen, cradling his sleeping daughter in his arms.

  “She was still sleeping,” he says sheepishly. “I can never pass on a moment not holding her when she’s oblivious to the world. I prefer it to the screaming at the top of her lungs mood.”

  For a moment the whole “swooning over a sweet daddy” takes over the dread I’m feeling but it resurfaces just as fast.

  “Maci went out with a prospect,” I blurt.

  Zerox’s eyes widen and he instantly passes his little girl to one of Maci’s brothers who is standing next to him.

  “How long ago?” he questions, worry evident in his voice.

  “About half an hour. She should have been back by now, right?”

  Zerox nods at my words, thinking things through. “It takes five minutes to get to the store, five minutes back. It depends what she needed to get.”

  In this moment only Maci’s safety matters and I instantly reply, “Pregnancy tests.” Zerox’s eyes widen and I realize how it sounds. “Not for her.” I lower my voice so my words only reach Zerox’s ears. “Her period started this morning, but she wasn’t completely sure because of the last pregnancy.”

  “We’re heading out,” Zerox says and heads for the door.

  “I’m coming with,” I say with determination.

  Zerox turns and shakes his head. “You two are staying here, lockdown, remember?”

  I shake my head and step closer. “We have been on lockdown for days. I shouldn’t have agreed for her to go out. I should have told her to stay here. Besides, if we take the car and all go, we’re safer with you than staying behind.”

  Zerox looks over my shoulder and I know he’s silently communicating with Shaw. He doesn’t look pleased but ultimately grumbles, “Fine.”

  We all head out and Corban is behind the wheel of the SUV when we follow the bikes heading toward the store. My heart is beating rapidly in my throat and it’s making it hard to swallow. Stress is eating me alive from all the worry about Maci.

  I know she’s strong. I know there’s a prospect with her, but I also know very well it doesn’t take her half an hour to get a few pregnancy tests and drive back and forth. If she was shopping, sure. You would take more time, but only heading out to get the tests? Dammit, Maci, you’d better be okay.

  Shaw places a hand over my knee and gives a little squeeze. I place my hand over his and link our fingers, seeking his strength to pull through this.

  “I hope they didn’t take her to get revenge,” I whisper.

  “Then we’ll get her back,” Shaw replies with fierce determination.

  The SUV comes to an abrupt stop and I realize we’re in the alley behind the store. I jump out and hear Shaw curse behind me, muttering something about waiting for him, but I can’t. Avoiding the bikes parked in front of us, I can clearly see Zerox and the others running toward three bodies lying on the ground. My throat tightens at the scene in front of me when Zerox’s guttural “Noooo,” cracks through the air.

  My feet come to a staggering halt. There’s a body crumbled to the ground and I recognize him as the prospect I saw alive a mere moment ago. He’s lying in a pool of blood. His body looks as if he was stabbed so many times, he didn’t have a chance to live, even if we would have gotten here sooner.

  Zerox shoves a body away, revealing another body underneath it; Maci.

  He’s gently stroking her hair and slides his fingers down to her neck. A few breaths later Zerox bellows for an ambulance to hurry as the roaring of more bikes fills the air.

  To my surprise it’s Deeds who flashes by me and squats down next to Zerox. He leans over and checks out the body that was lying on top of Maci. He turns his attention to Maci and carefully inspects her head.

  “I’m fairly sure she killed the fucker with a kick or a punch to the throat but either she fell back and hit her head or someone hit her on the head,” Deeds says. “Dammit, they are getting desperate using knives out in the open instead of tranquilizing darts. This makes me think it was a spur of the moment decision instead of a planned kidnapping.”

nbsp; He glances around until he peers over his shoulder and quickly turns back to land his eyes on Maci.

  “Don’t look,” Deeds says in a low but harsh voice. “There is a green car parked at the end of the alley. I’m one hundred fucking percent sure Pierre is sitting in that fucking car. He must have heard or seen you guys coming and was dead set on taking her. Any reason why?”

  He’s staring right at me and I understand very clearly what he’s saying. “I consider her my best friend. Pierre knows it.”

  Shaw presses himself against my back to make sure I feel his warmth and strength behind me.

  “What’s the plan? Because that fucker needs to stop breathing,” Zerox hisses as EMTs start to rush into the alley from behind us, heading straight for Maci.

  “The plan is, you’re going to stay with your old lady while I’m going to nail that fucker. That’s why we were driving by here in the first place since we were following the guy Maci took care off. His name is linked in documents to Donald and Pierre so we know he’s one of the main players, next to Pierre, who we need to take care off. He slipped away but we tagged his car yesterday to prevent losing him, so we were able to retrace our steps,” Deeds grunts and connects his eyes with Broke and Wyatt who are standing next to us.

  “Zerox. I’m taking your bike,” Shaw says from behind me. “Pierre is right there and I need to be in on this.”

  Zerox gives a tight nod.

  Deeds rises to his feet and glances at us. “Slowly walk back and don’t glance his way, once we’re on our bikes...full fucking throttle. We’re ending this shit today.”

  I turn to follow Shaw but he growls over his shoulder, “Stay here.”

  He straddles the bike, giving me a deadly “I’m fucking serious” glare, but I couldn’t care less.

  I climb on behind him and hold tight as I tell him, “Deeds said we were ending it today, now let’s finish together what pulled us down the rabbit hole many years ago.”

  Shaw’s hand touches my thigh and gives a squeeze before his touch is gone and the bike roars to life underneath us.


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