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Mentor's Match: A Submissive Series Standalone Novel (BDSM Romance)

Page 6

by Tara Sue Me

  He sat up and looked at her long and hard. She forced herself not to squirm under his gaze.

  “While I’m delighted to see you have your spark back this morning,” he finally said. “I will not tolerate you insinuating that you are required to be little more than a mindless hole while in my bed. Likewise, I think Cole would feel equally offended.”

  She wasn’t even going to try to explain to him what she’d been thinking about before he called her name. How could she when she couldn’t understand it herself? Instead of thinking about last night, she was going figure out the quickest way to get Fritz out of the guesthouse.

  Belatedly, she realized this wouldn’t be a problem if they’d played at his place last night. She could simply get out of bed, put on her clothes, and leave. She eyed Fritz, but he looked perfectly happy in her bed and made no movement to suggest he was getting out soon.

  No problem. She could provide motivation. She sat up. “Do you want breakfast? I don’t have much, but I’m sure we could find something to keep you satisfied for an hour or two.”


  “How about I go make us some coffee while you get up and dressed?” Without waiting for a response, she sat up, swallowing the moan that resulted from trying to move.


  She sighed. She could conceivably act as if she didn’t hear him once, but she couldn’t count on it to work twice. Pasting a fake smile on her face, she turned to him.

  “Yes?” She asked.

  “It’s not going to work.”

  “What’s not?” Because, honestly, she had no idea what he was talking about. He crossed his arms and gave her that look. She swallowed and held her chin up higher. “How do you expect me to know what you’re talking about?”

  “If I have to spell it out, I will.” He slid out of bed, and she struggled to keep her eyes on his because he was naked and, good lord, how was she supposed to look at anything other than his splendidly naked body?

  “Are you listening to me?” He asked, and she realized she’d been staring at his cock.

  Her head shot up. “I am now.”

  “I have several things to do before I leave here, and I’m not leaving until I do them. So you can drop the rush to get me out the door.”

  “Oh,” she said. “That.”

  “I’m floored you aren’t going to argue and tell me that’s not what you were doing.”

  The corner of her mouth lifted upward in a half smile. “It hardly seemed worth the effort since you saw right through me so well the first time.”

  At that he gave a short laugh.

  Allowing herself a laugh, she asked, “What exactly is on your list of things to do before you leave?”

  He appeared completely serious when he looked at her and said, “You.”

  It was well past noon before she finally bid him goodbye and closed the door behind him. He’d been exceedingly attentive that morning. She’d experienced his aftercare in Berlin, of course, but it in no way compared to the last few hours.

  They’d made small talk at breakfast, but even though his tone was light, there was no mistaking the careful way he observed her. She knew he caught every grimace and wince she made as a result of the night before.

  She’d thought he might want to bathe her, since the shower the night before was not part of his plan. But when he took her hand and said, “Come with me,” after cleaning up after breakfast, he didn’t lead her to the bathroom. He took her into the living room and gave her what had to be the most incredible massage ever. She’d had her fair share of massages before, but his hands were beyond any she’d ever felt. It was all she could do not to beg him to come over once a week for that alone.

  They spoke a little about the night before, but nothing too in-depth. He knew from their week together in Berlin that she needed time to process the scene before discussing. And honestly, the way she felt now about the previous night? She didn’t know when she’d be prepared to process the experience.

  Anytime she thought about it, so many images and sensations filled her mind, she didn’t know what to think or feel first. Everything was so jumbled. All she knew for certain was it was incredible and it exceeded her fantasy. However, she was pretty certain she would never do it again. The only thing was, whenever she felt sad about the scene, she wasn’t sure if it was the scene itself or because she’d already accepted there would never be a repeat.


  Fritz didn’t know what to do about Kate and since he’d never not known what to do about a submissive, he was unprepared. It’d been almost a week since The Scene, as he had referred to it, and he still had no idea how she was doing.

  They saw each other every day at work, of course, but that was business and he would never even contemplate bringing up those few sacred hours last weekend, when she was his and his alone, at work, even if work was a BDSM club. Toward him, she was pleasant and friendly, but that was all.

  He needed to get her out of his mind, but didn’t know how. He thought about hitting Luke’s club where he was certain he’d find a willing submissive. But when he really gave it some thought, the idea didn’t appeal to him at all.

  Tonight, however, he had plans. Cole had called earlier in the week and explained that Sasha would be out with several of the local group’s subs and asked if Fritz would like to meet him for dinner? He agreed, hoping it would help get his mind off of Kate.

  They agreed to meet at a new trendy downtown restaurant. Fritz arrived early and, not seeing Cole, made his way over to the bar to wait. He stood by a window, watching as it rained, and feeling very fortunate that he’d made it inside before it started. In the second before he turned away, a movement caught his attention on the far side of the parking lot. It was a couple and the woman looked a lot like Kate.

  He watched as they drew nearer. “Fuck me. It is her.”

  “Who’s fucking you?” Cole asked, startling him.

  Fritz turned away from the window, not wanting Cole to see who it was. “I was wrong. It was nobody.”

  “Our table’s ready,” Cole said and Fritz followed him. There were dozens of restaurants Kate could eat at. He wasn’t going to dwell on it. Or at least try.

  Unfortunately, he discovered that he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Who was it she was with and how did they meet? Was it a date or business? He clenched his fist at the thought of her going on a date with anyone. He told himself he was being ridiculous because she was a grown woman and he had no claim on her.

  For all the good it did.

  “Small world,” Cole said across the table.

  Fritz looked up to see what he was talking about. Probably he saw someone he knew enter. The way they were seated, Cole faced the front door and Fritz faced the dining area.

  Fritz knew who had entered the second he saw Cole’s face, but it was confirmed when he muttered, “Shit, I didn’t know she was on a date.”

  Which told Fritz all he needed to know. It was her and it wasn’t business. “Kate?” He asked to confirm anyway.

  Cole nodded. “Looks like they’re being taken to a different section.”

  Which might have been a good thing if their new place hadn’t been in his direct line of sight. Though he tried his best to pretend they weren’t there, it didn’t work. He got his order out when the waiter came by, but in reality, the only surprising thing was that Cole didn’t mention it at all.

  “Do you know the guy she’s with?” Fritz nodded in their direction knowing he didn’t have to give Cole the details of who he was asking about. And likewise knowing Cole knew just about everyone.

  “Morris McKinley.” Cole pushed back from the table. “He’s one of Daniel’s senior managers.”

  A banker.

  But Fritz had learned early not to ever make assumptions. After all, Daniel was a banker and Fritz had witnessed his bullwhip skills in person. Bankers could be kinky fuckers, too. Though he wanted to know how they’d met and how this man had ever talked Kate into going out wi
th him, at the moment, he only spoke one question.

  “Is Morris like us?”

  Cole lifted the corner of his mouth in an upward sarcastic grin. “Nah, he’s nowhere near as charming and good looking as we are.”

  “Don’t fuck with me.”

  Cole smiled and leaned forward. “He’s so vanilla, he won’t do anything other than missionary position.”

  A grin broke out across Fritz’s face before he could stop it. “Damn,” he said. “That’s what she wants, though.”

  The server came by with their food and they said nothing until he was no longer within hearing distance.

  “You must excuse me for speaking for the lady,” Cole said. “But Kate doesn’t know what she wants right now.”

  Fritz lifted an eyebrow.

  “Listen,” Cole continued. “She’s only recently been out of an eight year Master/slave relationship. It doesn’t matter it was her decision to leave. That’s a whole lot of time to have spent living twenty-four, seven and then to not live it anymore.”

  Fritz could understand that. He’d never had a committed power-exchange relationship like Cole and Kate, but he’d been in the lifestyle long enough to see how that dynamic left an impact on all parties.

  “Frankly,” Cole continued. “I’d be shocked if she hadn’t announced her desire to go vanilla.”

  “I don’t know if I buy all that.” Fritz let his gaze drift to where Kate and her date were chatting. “Look at you. You didn’t go vanilla or try to be something you weren’t.”

  “My circumstances are different.”

  “You'll have to do better than that to convince me.”

  “My situation was different because I went after the woman I wanted, not the type of relationship. When I finally realized it was Sasha I couldn’t live without, I’d have done anything to keep her. It didn’t matter she wasn’t in the place to be in a twenty-four, seven dynamic. What mattered was that she was mine and I’d be anything she wanted me to be.”

  “But she had accepted she was a submissive as well as having an interest in being a slave. Not to mention, she had no problem with the fact you were first and foremost a Master. You knew you weren’t going to have to give that part of you up.”

  “True,” Cole agreed. “I was fortunate in that regard.”

  “I can’t pretend to be vanilla,” Fritz said, accepting the truth of himself.

  “Then don’t stand in her way while she figures out she can’t either.”

  “Since when did the mentee become the mentor?”

  Cole laughed and reached across the table to grab a piece of bread. “You’re not going to see me being a mentor. Not going to happen.”

  “Okay then, let me ask you this?” Fritz schooled his features so as not to give anything away. “How do you feel about me going after your ex?”

  He glanced over to their table and saw Kate nod and smile at something her date said. Damn it. That’s how quickly he could loose her, just like that.

  “Fritz,” Cole said. “Listen, I already told you I didn’t mind if you pursued her. Hell, I goaded you about it last time you were in Delaware. I knew when Kate and I were together, you had an eye on her and while I knew you wouldn’t do anything while we were together, I would never want our past to keep you from a potential future with her.”

  “Thank you,” he said with another glance her way. She was tucking a dark piece of hair behind her ear. He remembered how she’d tuck her head into his chest after a scene and how he’d dip his own head so he could smell her.

  “Having said that,” Cole said in a tone of voice that had Fritz turn back to his friend. “I am well aware that you have never collared anyone, much less had a serious relationship….”


  “And if you hurt her, I’ll kick your ass.”

  Kate wasn’t sure how many restaurants there were in Wilmington, Delaware, but she was pretty certain the universe was still trying to convince her she did not want to become vanilla. She couldn’t come up with any other reason Cole and Fritz would have to be eating at the same restaurant she was.

  Both of them? Seriously?

  She’d spotted Fritz’s head the moment she turned to follow the hostess into the dining area. That blond hair of his always stuck out from the crowd. She glanced to her side where Morris was checking in with the hostess. Straightening her shoulders, she made her spine rigid, determined not to let Fritz’s presence affect her in anyway.

  Then her eyes went to the rest of the table to see who he was eating with and, of course, it was Cole. She smiled noticing that it appeared only the two of them were eating. Sasha was nowhere Kate could see and the seat next to Fritz was empty. Which meant it wasn’t a double date.

  Morris turned to her and asked if she was ready and she smiled and told him she was, and it hit her at that second she hated everything about the evening. Everything about the date felt stiff and uncomfortable. That was one thing the kink players had in their corner, after vetting and then discussing checklists and hard limits, everything else was easy to chat about.

  She let her gaze drift over to Morris. He smiled at her, but she had the feeling she’d missed something because he was looking at her funny. Had he said something or asked her a question? She didn’t think he had.

  His gaze swept the dining area. “Do you see someone you know?”

  “I thought I did, but it turned out I was wrong.” She picked up her menu. “Everything looks so good, I don’t know what I want to try. Any suggestions?”

  Five minutes later, she knew agreeing to have dinner with Morris was a horrid mistake. He was pleasant enough to look at. His neatly cut hair didn’t have a strand out of place. His features were classically handsome, but didn’t cross over into the I’m Too Hot For You Zone.

  The thing was, he was boring. All he talked about were hedge funds and how he was working so hard at the bank and how he hoped to one day have Daniel’s job.

  “I’m sure if you continue the way you are now, it’s possible.” As she spoke she had no idea if she was telling him the truth or not. Morris was still smiling, so he didn’t care if she knew what she was talking about. Her estimation of him dropped even lower.

  It wasn’t until they were halfway through their entrees he asked what she did for a living.

  “I’m an architect,” she replied and swallowed her laugh at his surprised, “You are?”

  Honestly, what did he think she did? She almost asked, but decided it was probably for the best she didn’t know. Since they’d only met because he came by the guesthouse looking for Daniel, there was no telling what he thought she did.

  “Yes,” she replied to his earlier question.

  “I’ve never known a female architect,” he said.

  “Do you know many architects?” She couldn’t help but ask. Seriously, she’d be shocked if he knew one. If he knew two architects she’d kiss him. Please. Please. Please don’t let him know any.

  “Um, no,” he said. “It doesn’t seem to be a field woman dominate in.”

  She didn’t know how to respond to that but was saved by a familiar British accent.

  “I can’t attest to her domination abilities,” Cole said, coming up behind her before moving to stand between her and Morris. “But she is a damn fine architect.” Without missing a beat, he took her hand and brought it to his lips for a quick kiss. “Hello, Kate, my dear, you look stunning tonight. How are you? Is this guy treating you well?”

  His eyes were laughing at her, and she resisted the urge to snatch her hand away. Hell, she hadn’t been around Cole while he was in a playful mood in years. She’d nearly forgotten that part of him existed.

  She played along. “I’m well, Cole, thank you. And yes, he is. Where’s your better half? I can only tolerate you when she’s around to keep you in line.”

  Fritz snorted.

  Still smiling, Cole checked his watch. “She’s out with friends, but should be home in less than an hour. So I need to get going. Just
saw you sitting here and wanted to stop by.” He pointed to Fritz. “Fritz and me, of course.”

  “Of course,” she said with a nod and glanced at him. She didn’t allow her gaze to linger on the German, but nodded and waved to Morris. “Cole Johnson, Fritz Brose, this is Morris McKinley. He works with Daniel.”

  The men shook hands, Morris looking out of place in comparison with the other two men. She told herself she didn’t want an alpha male, but sitting and looking at the three of them together, she knew who she wanted. One of the three made her heart race, her blood heat, and her body stand at high alert for the slightest touch or acknowledgment.

  And it wasn’t the man she’d be leaving with.

  “So how was the date?” Julie asked her on Sunday afternoon.

  Kate had been outside getting fresh air when Daniel and Julie had arrived home earlier. Not long after, Julie knocked on the guesthouse door and asked if she’d like to go for a walk. Since Kate had spent the majority of the weekend alone, having someone to talk with thrilled her.

  “It was a disaster.”

  “Oh no, what happened?”

  Kate told her about the stilted conversation and then about Cole and Fritz showing up. She shook her head. “It wasn’t going well before those two showed up and after it was just worse.”

  To make matters worse, when he dropped her off at the guesthouse, he didn’t even walk her to the door. But that was too humiliating to tell Julie, so she kept it to herself.

  “So what’s the plan now?” Julie asked. “Any other dates lined up?”

  “No, thank goodness. I think I'll lay low and just be single for a bit. I don’t have to have a guy to fulfill my life.”

  “Of course you don’t.”

  Julie didn’t say anything else, although, Kate got the distinct impression she wanted to say more. She glanced to her side and sure enough, Julie’s lips were pressed tightly together as if it took all her strength to keep from talking.

  “What?” Kate asked.


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