Deadly Surrender: Famiglia 3.5

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Deadly Surrender: Famiglia 3.5 Page 4

by A. J. Daniels


  I was beginning to think Brielle was just going to hole herself up in my room until Gemma left on Sunday evening. Not that I would be opposed to that idea. And apparently, neither would my cock when it begins perking up at the mental image of Bri tied to my bed for the next three days.

  “Oh my god, Bri!” Gemma squeals and jumps down from her stool to rush over and engulfs Brielle in a hug when she rounds the corner to the kitchen.

  She staggers back a step, her hand flying out to steady herself against the wall from the sheer force of Gem flinging herself at her. My sister still underestimates her strength sometimes. It’s no wonder her gym teacher tried unsuccessfully to get her to join the girls’ rugby team in high school.

  “Hey to you too,” Bri laughs wrapping her arms around my sister’s waist.

  “Stefan said you got in early this morning. That’s good timing, huh?” Gem steps back, but she’s still bouncing on the balls of her feet. Her excitement palpable.

  I have to roll my eyes and hold back a groan at my sister’s valley girl reaction. But Brielle just grins and pulls Gem into a side hug as they make their way back towards me.

  “I thought you weren’t getting in til after dinner?”

  “I thought so too, but my professor cancelled a class today which just so happened to be my last class, so I figured I’d leave earlier instead of sticking around.” Gemma beams.

  It feels good to see my sister so happy after the childhood she had growing up. Guilt begins to take root in my stomach and blossoms when I see the pure happiness radiating off of her when she looks over at her best friend. The best friend I’ve had my dick buried in for the last few days. I swallow hard and clear my throat, pushing up from the counter I was leaning on.

  “I’ll leave you two to catch up. I have work to do downstairs. How does pizza sound for dinner?”

  After they both agree pizza sounds like a great plan and make a list of all of the toppings they want and the extra sides – I swear if I didn’t know any better, I would think they were teenage boys with the amount of food they can put away between the two of them – I grab my laptop and head downstairs to my office.

  Once I’ve closed the door and pulled the string dangling over head to turn on the light, I let out the breath I wasn’t aware I was holding and trudge to the corner desk in the far side of the room. Firing up the computer, I put in the earpiece and dial.

  “De Luca,” the voice answers.

  “I’m in.”

  “Good. I’ll send you the information now,” is all he says before hanging up again.

  Seconds later my phone pings with the information Braxton needs and I set about gathering everything I can find. Things most people wouldn’t know how to find. Twenty minutes later, I fire off an encrypted email with the results and lean back in the rolling chair. Lacing my fingers behind my head.

  Information gathering wasn’t in my job description, but Braxton knew I had certain talents with gathering intel and on a sensitive job like this when Antonio and Kai were on their honeymoon, there were less than a handful of people the Don trusted. Before I shut down the computer, I hack into Club Nineveh’s security cameras and check on everything there. Nothing looks out of place and when I get a glimpse of Alessandro and Jessika sitting at the bar, I know why. Alex is a big motherfucker, bigger than me, nobody would be stupid enough to cause shit when he was there, but his wife was even scarier. Who knew something that deadly could be compacted into something that small?

  I’ve just shut down the computer when padded feet bound down the stairs and Brielle comes to a stop in front of me. I roll the chair a couple inches away from the desk and quirk a brow in question when a slow grin curls her lips.

  “Gem ran out to get wine,” she says, moving to straddle my lap, her arms wrapping around my neck.

  “Oh?” I run my nose up the curve of her neck, my hands curling around her hips to drag her closer.

  “How much time do we have?”

  “Closest liquor store is about twenty minutes away.”

  “Stefan.” She grabs hold of what little hair I have and tugs, forcing my face up to hers. “You have fifteen minutes to make me come.” Her grin turns taunting like she doubts my ability to have a quickie.

  “Baby,” I rasp, nipping at her bottom lip. “I only need ten.”

  Brielle squeals when I palm her ass and move to stand from the chair, bringing her up with me. I move one arm around her waist and hold her securely to me while I sweep my other over half the desk sending whatever papers and other shit crashing to the floor. Once it’s clear, I lay her down on her back. Her feet come up to rest on the edge of the desk and her legs fall open, inviting.

  I growl when I realize she’s wearing jeans and an actual shirt today instead of a thong and my dress shirt she’s been parading in all week.

  “Fucking nuisance,” I mumble, hooking my fingers in the waistband of the denim and yanking them over her hips and down her legs before pulling them free.

  Brielle giggles and any other day I would’ve taken my time worshipping her body, tickling the sensitive spots just to hear that sound again but now’s not the time Hooking my fingers in the lace of the thong, I pull and feel a satisfied smirk transform my face when the material gives way.

  “Stefan! That was my favourite pair!” Her scolding quickly turns into a moan when I drop to my knees and lick up her slit.

  Her one hand quickly finds its way back to my head and she holds me there while I trace the tip of my tongue around her clit and suck it between my lips. When her fingers tighten in my hair, I slide two fingers into her dripping pussy and curl them sending her back arching off the solid desk.

  “I swear to Christ, if you stop now I’ll cut your balls off,” she says on a groan and I chuckle remembering a couple nights ago when I did just that. Brought her to the edge with my fingers and my mouth only to stop when I felt her about to go off.

  My dick twitches at how she took control after that, working me until she found her release and leaving me with balls so blue, I swear there was no other pain like it. Fucking worth it though when I woke up in the middle of the night to her riding my cock like she owned the damn thing. Sexiest fucking thing ever. I may be the Dom at the club, but there was no doubt who was in charge that night.

  “More,” she cries. “I need more.”

  My fingers pull out and I lick up her slit once more before standing to shove down my sweatpants. I grip her hips and flip her easily onto her stomach, her feet dangling inches from touching the cold cement floor. Brielle braces her forearms on the desk and rests on them. A hiss escapes her when I slap her ass, followed closely by a low moan when I slide the head of my cock into her. I wrap her long hair around one hand and pull it back into a fist as I curl my other around her hip and slam the rest of the way home. The scream that leaves her pouty lips is like music to my fucking ears.

  “No holding back this time, baby,” I grunt close to her.

  My hand tightens on her hip and I’m sure she’ll have finger shaped bruises there tomorrow but that only makes me fuck her harder. Fuck yeah, seeing my girl with my mark on her flawless skin.

  “Stefan! Fuck! I’m gonna…” Her arms shake from having to hold herself up, but I don’t give a fuck. I want her to come so fucking hard for me. I want her to come so hard there’ll be no doubt who she fucking belongs to.

  I bite down on her shoulder as she tightens around me, drawing my own release out of me. Tiny shudders race down her body while her pussy contracts around my cock. I let go of the hold on her hair and follow her down as she collapses on her stomach on the desk. I pepper open-mouthed kisses down the back of her neck and along her shoulder and slowly pull out. Brielle doesn’t move as I go to grab something to clean her up with from the tiny half bathroom in the basement. When I come back, she’s awake but barely. Her eyes droop closed, and her breathing slowly starts to even out.

  “Come on, Princess. Let’s get you to bed.” I gently stand h
er up and then scoop her into my arms, hers automatically wind themselves around my neck and she buries her nose in the crook of my neck.

  The sun streaming through the long window in the living room momentarily blinds me before I can turn and head up the stairs, but not before I catch the silhouette of a person sitting in the kitchen.


  Gemma must have come back quicker than I thought. I knew Brielle could get loud when she was in the throes of passion but knowing that someone had overheard us makes me want to shield Bri even more. Even if that someone is my sister.

  I’ll deal with her later though. Right now, I need to get Brielle tucked in bed and hopefully by the time she wakes up Gemma and I would’ve reached an understanding. She may be Brielle’s best friend, but she was mine.



  “So,” Gem pauses to take a long sip of her wine. “How long has that been going on?”

  I ignore her question and head to the fridge to grab a beer before turning around to lean against the counter and pop off the cap. When I’ve drank half the bottle I finally look up and lock eyes with my sister.

  “Six months.”

  “What!” Gem shrieks pushing up from her seat, but quickly quiets down when I narrow my eyes at her. My knuckles turning white wrapped around the bottle. She slowly retakes her seat at the bar and curls a strand of brown hair behind her ear. “Were either of you going to tell me that my brother and my best friend were fuck buddies?”

  “Watch what you say about her,” I growl and instantly regret it when my sister’s eyes bulge out and then she cowers in on herself.

  I would never hit a woman, especially one I cared about so watching my sister, the girl I’ve protected with my life for twenty-two years cower away from me makes me feel like the biggest asshole.

  I blow out a harsh breath and stalk towards her, pulling her into my arms when I get within reach. Thankfully she doesn’t immediately pull away from me.

  “I’m sorry, Gem. You know I would never hurt you.”

  She sniffs, burying her nose into my chest. “I’ve never seen you get so angry.”

  I wrap my arms tighter around my sister and breathe a sigh of relief when I feel hers wrap around my waist.

  “So, you and Bri, huh?”

  Gemma pushes away from me when my chest vibrates with a growl at the mention of my girl’s name.

  “You got it bad, bro,” she says, but there’s a small smile on her lips as she looks up at me.

  “Tell me about it,” I sigh and pull out my phone to put in an online order for that pizza and wings when Gem’s stomach lets out a loud growl.

  “Do I want to know how this all came to be?”

  I shrug, slipping the device back in my pocket. I’ve never told Gemma about the club I co-own with the other three guys. Not sure I want my sister to know about that side of my life. It’s bad enough she found out about the work I do for Braxton before she left for college. There are just some things a sibling should not know.

  Gem shakes her head. “You still going to deny you’ve had a thing for her since she was sixteen?”

  I pause on my way to grab another beer and spin on my sister. “The fuck, Gem?”

  She rolls her eyes. “You two aren’t as good at keeping your feelings a secret as you think you are. She started noticing you almost the second after she hit puberty and you’ve had an eye on her since she turned sixteen.”

  Fifteen actually, but I don’t tell my sister that. We’re already walking a thin line with this conversation.

  “I’m eleven years older than both of you,” I say, like that would somehow take back everything Brielle and I have done this week.

  “And we’re not kids anymore, Stefan.”

  Crossing my arms, I lean a hip against the counter and study my sister with narrowed eyes. What exactly is her angle here? Is she telling me I’m too old for Brielle? That I’m not good enough for her friend?

  “Look,” she sighs, “Bri’s been through a lot this year already. Don’t hurt her.” She looks imploringly at me.

  “Hurting her is the last thing I want to do. I lo-”

  The creak of the stairs stops whatever words were about to leave my lips and I mentally shake my head in relief. Thank fuck. While I knew my feelings for Brielle ran deep, I was not ready to say that shit out loud let alone to my sister first. If I was going to admit that little revelation to anyone it would be the woman currently walking into the kitchen in sleep shorts and the tiniest tank top I’ve ever seen.

  It takes everything in me to not storm over to her and put my mark on her. Instead, I white knuckle the edge of the counter and drop my head trying to calm myself down. When I look up again, Gemma is holding back a giggle and Brielle is looking at me like she’s afraid I may break at any moment.

  That’s not entirely far from the truth.

  She has no idea that I know as soon as this weekend’s over she’s planning on ditching out and disappearing again. I can see it in her eyes when she looks at me, not entirely sure if she should let herself get closer to me or not. I can feel it in the way she tenses up momentarily every time I touch her but immediately relaxes again. I can see it now in the way she glances from Gemma to me and curls her bottom lip between her teeth. She’s ready to bolt at the first sign of trouble.

  Suddenly I’m glad her descent down the stairs stopped my confession about my feelings towards her. If Brielle knew how I felt there was no doubt in my mind that she would run and while I knew I would take off after her, I wanted to imprint the memory of her in my house and in my bed a little longer.


  I wasn’t proud of it but as soon as Stefan tucked me into his bed and left to go back downstairs, I got out and tip toed to the top of the stairs. My curiosity had gotten the better of me and I needed to know how Gemma felt about this whole thing.

  Yeah, I knew she was sitting down there when Stefan carried me up from the basement. I had looked up and over his shoulder when he turned for the stairs and I had caught her watching after us. I’m not going to lie and say my heart wasn’t racing like a nascar race at having been found out. It was actually a relief. Something had flipped inside me over the last couple days and I no longer thought about hightailing it out of here on Monday morning. What Stefan and I had going on was… nice.

  Okay, it was more than nice. And when I had heard him almost say what I think he was about to say, I knew I couldn’t eavesdrop any longer. It felt wrong after that. Plus, the selfish part of me wanted him to tell me first before he went saying it to anyone else.

  If I was planning on staying, though, I needed to come clean about why I was here in the first place. As I make my way into the kitchen, silence descends on the conversation Stefan and Gemma were in the middle of having.

  Since Gem seems to already know what’s going on between her brother and I, I don’t hesitate to seek out the warmth of his arms immediately after entering the room. It takes him a minute to get over his shock when I wrap an arm around his waist and snuggle into his side but then his arm comes down around my shoulders and pulls me in more securely. I chance a glance over at Gemma with a shy smile only to see her beaming over at us.

  “I know I should be weirded out by this,” she says waving a hand at us. “But I’m really not. You two look good together.”

  “You’re sure you’re okay with this?” I ask from the security of Stefan’s arms.

  Gem blows out a breath sending a stray stand of hair in the air. “Puhlease. It’s about time the two of you got your heads outta your asses.” She bounces out of her seat then and grabs my hands to pull me out of Stefan’s embrace. “Plus, I always wished that we had been sisters.”

  She giggles and I feel a solid arm curl around my waist and pull me back until I’m flush against his solid chest. His lips brush the curve my neck as he whispers that he’s glad Gem and I weren’t sisters and I have to agree with him. Otherwise it would make my obsession with his cock and his dominated side re
ally fucking weird.

  “Okay, enough of that.” Gemma interrupts our moment by pulling me away from Stefan again. I grin when I hear the animalistic growl leave his lips, but his sister just rolls her eyes. “I need at least a weekend with my best friend then you two can do… whatever it is the two of you do.”

  I yelp when Stefan slaps me on the ass. “Oh, trust me I will,” he says then chuckles at the sour look on his sister’s face.

  Just then the door-bell rings signaling pizza’s here but before we settle down to eat and watch chick flicks like I know Gemma’s dying to do, I need to come clean to her first. I grip her hand tighter in mine and lead her out the backdoor and the wrap small patio area. The sun is shining but there’s a chill to the air signaling that Fall is officially here. As soon as the door closed behind us, I drop Gemma’s hand and rest my palms on the railing.

  “What’s up, Buttercup?” Gem asks in her sing song voice, taking a seat on one of the deck chairs and bringing her legs up under her.

  I sigh, not entirely sure how to bring what the fact that I utterly fail at life and drop my head forward.

  “I got kicked out of school,” I say in a voice so low I’m surprised she heard me. But heard me she did when I feel her come up behind me and rest her chin on my shoulder while snaking an arm around my shoulder.

  “What happened?”

  I tell her everything, from mom and dad being at each other’s throats constantly over the last couple years to finding out my boyfriend had been cheating on me the entire time we were together and got some skank pregnant. I told her about my parents’ impending divorce and realizing that I was at school for all the wrong reasons. I never wanted to go to some fancy university or college. All my life all I’ve ever wanted to do was look after kids. I wanted to be an ECE so I could work in a day care. I could’ve easily done my ECE certification online and be working after a couple years. My parents were the ones who forced the bachelor’s degree on me, and I hated every single minute I was on campus, stuck in a classroom where the professor probably didn’t even know any of our names. I felt like just another body to fill a chair and I hated it. That’s why I came home to Toronto. I wasn’t just another body here.


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