Awakened by the Passionate Sheik (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 2)

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Awakened by the Passionate Sheik (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 2) Page 11

by Elizabeth Lennox

She laughed. “He was lying through his teeth. I have lots of opinions and I speak them too loudly. Which is one of the reasons I haven’t been home in so many years.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She lowered her lashes, trying to hide the truth from him. “My father prefers his women to be quiet and submissive. We aren’t to utter anything other than kind pleasantries.” She looked out the window where the moon was rising over the city. “For years, I stifled my personality. But if he wanted a docile personality from his daughter, he shouldn’t have sent me away to boarding school. I met Lana and Willow there. They are strong women with strong political and social beliefs. Plus, the boarding school my father sent me to is renowned for educating women, they teach us to be strong, ambitious, and unapologetic. Hence my university education and starting my own business instead of heading home to papa and preparing myself for marriage to you.”

  He laughed, shaking his head. “I’m delighted by your ambitions, Tamara. The idea of a submissive woman makes me gag. I want you to have your own opinions. I want you to help me lead my country to be a powerhouse in the world. And I can’t do that with only half the population. I want a strong wife, someone who will challenge me, but in a diplomatic way. And I will return the favor. I might not always agree with your opinions, but I will always respect you.”

  Her heart swelled with an odd sensation. “Growing up, my father always told me that I’d marry you and be a good wife.” She leaned in and kissed his lips softly. “I thought of our betrothal as a marriage of inconvenience and vowed to avoid you for as long as possible.”

  He slid his hands along her back. “And now?”

  She kissed him again. “And now, I suspect that our relationship might be more a marriage of something else.”

  “Oh, it will still be convenient,” he teased, rolling over so that she was once again underneath him. “Perhaps we can leave off the inconvenient part though.”

  She grinned as he pressed his hips between her legs. “That’s still up for debate,” she teased.

  Chapter 8

  Over the next week, Tamara felt as if her life had turned upside down. She spent as much time as possible with Jurid, exploring the city, sharing meals with him, spending the night in his bed and in his arms, and getting to know the man instead of the public persona.

  He went running with her every morning and she loved how he could keep up with her, even pushing her harder! His workouts normally consisted of self-defense and weights, but he was no slacker in the cardio world and took every hill with zest. They had dinner together every night, although three of their nights together were more formal. One night, he was scheduled to dine with the prime minister and she hated the way that the press photographed her on his arm. But she lifted her chin and walked alongside him with as much dignity as she could muster.

  Another night, they dined with some business people who wanted to set up a resort in the southern city of his country. As soon as the meal started, Tamara disagreed with the price the men offered for the land. When they started in on the “amazing” jobs that they would bring to the southern city, she couldn’t hold her tongue.

  “Do you seriously think that the people in that region will appreciate jobs that will demean everything that they stand for?” she blurted. She didn’t dare look at Jurid.

  “Your highness, you don’t understand these things,” one of the businessmen oozed.

  She shook her head. “Do not patronize me,” she snapped. “The people in that region have a long history of fishing. The waters are pristine, and the fish the small villages are able to catch are shipped all over the world and are of the highest quality.”

  “Yes, but only a few people are able to fish. Our project will bring thousands of jobs.”

  “First of all, there are only small villages in that area. They earn a living wage and they are happy. The ‘thousands of jobs’ your resorts propose to bring into that area are low paying, demeaning jobs. Not to mention, the pollution your resorts will bring to the waters, the devastation when you bulldoze the land, which will disturb the estuaries and ecosystems. You call that progress?”

  Tamara turned to Jurid. “I won’t stay here and listen to this man talk down to me,” she told him. Standing, she placed her napkin on the chair. “Excuse me,” she snapped, not bothering to use the term “gentlemen” because she didn’t believe that they were. They were swindlers and she despised them.

  With her head held high, she stalked out of the restaurant and stepped onto the sidewalk. But before she could lift her hand to hail a cab, Jurid’s strong arm wrapped around her waist. “Have I mentioned how beautiful you are lately?” he murmured, and lowered his head to kiss her neck.

  She blinked up at him, stunned and a bit overwhelmed by her outburst. She might have just ruined a lucrative deal for him and the people of his country. She didn’t know the villagers who lived in that area. They might have been excited about the prospect of a resort coming to the town. It might have been a bunch of jobs that could have saved the area. What had she just done?! But she couldn’t sit idly by while someone tried to take advantage of people who didn’t have the power to fight big conglomerates.

  “I’m sorry Jurid. I was out of line.” She started to raise her hand to hail a cab. But before she could, one of Jurid’s guards stepped in front of her.

  “Your Highness, we have your car ready.”

  She turned and looked at Jurid, expecting to find him angry with her. Instead, he seemed…proud. Of her?

  “Why aren’t you inside?” she asked.

  “Because you told off those investors much more eloquently than I could. Thank you,” he explained and kissed the top of her head. “Now, let’s get out of danger, and into the car.”

  He put a hand to the small of her back, hurrying her over to the purring limousine where he waited until she was safely inside before he ducked in as well. “I need you to do something for me,” he said as soon as the vehicle was moving again.

  “What’s that?”

  He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her thoroughly. “Don’t ever change.”

  When he lifted his head, she could barely catch her breath. “What you said back in the restaurant was exactly right. It was right for my country and right for the people in that region. They need someone with your passion to speak up for them. And they need me to protect them against people like those investors who want to rape their village and natural resources in order to make a hefty profit, leaving the villagers in a circle of poverty and dependent on the resort for their income.” He kissed her again. “Thank you.”

  She sighed, the tension leaving her at his words. “Happy to help,” she replied, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  That night, he made love to her with soft, silken caresses, pulling out every gasp as he ramped their passion higher and higher. When it was all over, he pulled her into his arms, holding her close.

  It was at that moment that Tamara realized something horrible. She was in love with Jurid. The week with him had revealed so much about him. So many things that she’d assumed about him based off of her father’s way of ruling were wrong. She’d made wrong assumptions and, now that she knew the truth about him, about his generous heart, and the equitable way he used his immense power, always thinking of what was best for his people, not to mention the generous way he gave his time to her, making love with her, dining with her and talking with her, making her laugh, debating with her about the various issues close to her heart and just…being a good, wonderful man!

  How was she supposed to protect herself from that?

  She couldn’t. Tamara loved him. Passionately. Completely. She loved him and loved making love with him. She stared up at the ceiling that night, watching the shadows from the moon dance along the walls, wondering what she should do next. She’d been so adamant that she wouldn’t marry the man, even going to extreme lengths to get her picture in the tabloids dancing with other men! Nothing had worked and now she was in a very awkwar
d position.

  Sighing, she rolled over, snuggling against his heat. She smiled slightly when his strong arm pulled her closer. He might be asleep already, but he was still conscious of her, still wanted her close.

  Tomorrow she’d talk to him, tell him how she felt and that she wanted to marry him as soon as possible.

  With that plan in place, she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 9

  The ringing of her phone the following morning woke her with a start. Jerking upright, she looked around, trying to orient herself. This wasn’t her bed. Jurid’s bed. Yes, that made sense. She’d been with him all week and…

  Phone ringing. She leaned over, then grabbed the sheet. “Naked,” she whispered to herself. “Always naked in this bed.” She said it out loud, but there was a smile on her face and her body felt…glorious. She always felt amazing after a night with Jurid although…

  “Where is the man?” she muttered as she answered the phone.

  “Your man is here,” Mike teased. “Remember me? Your fabulous business partner?”

  She laughed and leaned back against the pillows. “I have vague recollections of an annoying business partner.”

  “Ah, you break my heart, missy.”

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, still laughing at their banter. It was nice to have a business partner who was also a friend. She and Mike had a good relationship. It was easy and respectful, but also fun.

  “We have multiple issues,” he told her and she could hear papers shuffling in the background. Then he read off several problems and Tamara’s smile disappeared. “Right. Okay, well…” she looked around and confirmed that Jurid wasn’t in the bedroom. Was he already down at breakfast? Usually, he woke her up with kisses…or more…before he left for the day.

  “Don’t tell me that you’re still in bed at this hour,” he teased. “You didn’t head out for a fifty mile run this morning?”

  “That was yesterday,” she laughed. “And it wasn’t fifty. Just nine.”

  “That’s disgusting,” he groaned. “No one should be that active that early. I know of many better ways to wake up in the morning than torturing one’s body with exercise.”

  “Yes, well…”

  “Don’t tell me!” he laughed. “Your hunk of a lover is…” he didn’t finish that statement and Tamara could hear Joe in the background. Mike laughed and there was a slight pause before Mike came back on the line. “Right. Well, we need to divide and conquer this morning. Lots of issues. How soon can you meet me at the office?”

  She looked at the clock and mentally calculated. “I can be there in about thirty minutes.”

  “Good. See you then.”

  Tamara ended the call, then threw the sheets back, padding quickly to the bathroom. After a shower and changing into her usual jeans and a tee shirt, she slipped into sneakers and pulled her bag over her shoulder.

  “Breakfast, Your Highness?” Mildred, Jurid’s housekeeper, asked from the hallway.

  Tamara shook her head. “I’m not hungry,” she told the kind housekeeper.

  “Here’s a thermos of coffee,” Mildred handed over a colorful fabric bag. “And I made lunch for you. Just heat it in the microwave.”

  Tamara was touched by the thoughtful gesture. “Thank you so much,” she replied, taking the bag and tucking it into her bigger messenger bag. “I appreciate that.” She lifted the thermos up in a salute and left the penthouse.

  Over the past week, she’d gotten used to having two body guards following her around and, sure enough, two men stepped into position, one in front and one behind, as she exited the beautiful house. “We’ll be driving all over the city today, gentlemen,” she warned the men. “Lots of problems and people checking out of rental units.”

  The men nodded and she grinned. They weren’t the most talkative of guards, but they were good at their jobs and she appreciated their efforts, knowing that they would step in front of a bullet to protect her.

  She smiled when she stepped out of the SUV, thanking the men for the ride to her office. As soon as she stepped in though, her smile disappeared. Mike was there, along with several other staff members who usually didn’t come in until later. “What’s going on?” she asked.

  Mike glanced up at her, looking unusually frazzled. “Just a lot of issues,” he replied. “Here,” he handed her some papers.

  For the next several hours, the entire staff worked hard to resolve clogged toilets, broken down heating systems, messy apartments because several members of the cleaning crew had come down with the flu, meeting with vendors, and basically just trying to keep their heads above water. It wasn’t a normal day, but it wasn’t unheard of for craziness to happen all at the same time. Such was the nature of the business.

  It was late afternoon before they got a handle on everything. Mike grabbed another ticket called in by a renter and waved as he hurried off, leaving Tamara alone in the office to answer phone calls and rental inquiries. Normally, this was something another staff member would do, but Tamara filled in because everyone else was out working on site.

  So, it was a surprise when the doors opened and she turned with a smile of greeting, hoping that her exhaustion didn’t show.

  “Father!” she gasped, wide eyed at the sight of him entering the office. She stood up quickly, almost tripping over her chair. She hadn’t been home in years because of her father’s intimidating persona. Before then, every time she’d gone home, he’d applied pressure for her to marry Jurid.

  Even now, knowing that he was here to do exactly that, and despite the fact that she knew she was madly in love with her fiancé, her temper fired up.

  “This is where you work?” he asked…well, demanded…as he gazed at the messy desks.

  But she wasn’t going to feel bad about the way everyone’s desk looked. This was a business, not a staged show. Real people worked at these desks. And those real people were out helping her run her business. They didn’t have time to immediately file away the maintenance tickets and rental contracts. They’d get to that when there weren’t ten other crises waiting to be resolved.

  Tamara looked around, refusing to apologize. “Yes. This is my company. The company that I own with my business partner,” she replied, folding her arms over her chest. “What can I do for you, father? Do you need to rent an apartment?”

  His sneer told her what he thought about her pride and joy. Her hackles rose and she straightened her shoulders defiantly.

  “No. I definitely do not need an apartment,” he sneered, looking down his nose at her. “Explain this,” he snapped, tossing something onto her desk.

  Tamara sighed but looked down at the paper. It was a tabloid and on the front page was a picture of her dancing with some guy. She didn’t remember the man’s name, but this picture was taken a few weeks ago. It was one of many. It looked like those pictures had finally caught someone’s attention.

  “I can explain,” she whispered through tight lips.

  “I don’t think there can be any explanation for this kind of impertinence!” he roared.

  Tamara cringed. She’d always been frightened of her father when he roared like this. He was a big man and his voice was loud and terrifying.

  “Father, I know that it looks bad but…”

  “Bad?” he snapped, glaring down at her. “You look like a whore! Look at the picture! You are dancing with a man who is not your husband! You seem about to fornicate! It is obvious what you are about to do! And now the whole world knows about your shameful life!”

  “Fornicate?” she whispered, shocked by his assumptions even though that was exactly the impression she’d tried to achieve. That was before. She knew Jurid now and…and he knew that she wasn’t that woman. Tamara’s anger grew. “I did not have sex with that man. I’ve…”

  “You lie!” he yelled. As soon as he lifted his hand, Tamara knew what to expect and cringed, thinking that she should never have allowed herself to be trapped in the back corner of her off
ice like this. She knew better! Her farther liked to smack her and her mother around and she knew that trapping herself into a corner was a bad thing! But she’d been away from home for too long, living with people who weren’t cowards, who didn’t hurt people that were smaller in order to prove something to the world.

  But the smack never came. She opened her eyes and looked around, straightening when she saw Jurid. His face was thunderous and he had her father’s wrist in his hand, tightening his grip until her father’s face whitened with pain.

  “I know that you aren’t about to hit my fiancée,” Jurid said in a low, threatening voice. “Because hitting my fiancée would be considered an act of war.” That stopped Tamara’s father. The man cringed away, bowing towards Jurid even though, technically, they were equal in rank.

  But in no way was Tamara’s father an equal to Jurid. First of all, Jurid’s country was bigger, more powerful, and had a military force that could eliminate Nadir from the face of the earth. But also, Jurid was several inches taller and probably ten times more muscular than Tamara’s father. Idran el Hamid had let himself go soft. He only hit people smaller than himself. He was a bully!

  “I meant only to discipline my daughter,” Tamara’s father explained nervously. “She has shamed your family and your country with her promiscuous ways.”

  Jurid dropped Idran’s wrist, as if it disgusted him to even touch the man. “Only a coward hits a woman,” Jurid sneered. “And I know Princess Tamara very well. She is not promiscuous. She is proud and brave. She is intelligent and a brilliant businesswoman. She danced with that man and left with her friends.”

  Tamara had no idea how Jurid knew that, but it was true. She had danced that night with Mike and Joe and then gone home alone. It hadn’t even been very late because the three of them weren’t night owls. Besides, Tamara had planned a run the following morning, so she hadn’t even had alcohol.

  Jurid wasn’t finished. “You will leave this place. And if I ever hear that you’ve hit a woman, then be warned, all ties to our country will be severed.”


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